All posts by TiLT News

The Freedom to speak honestly and from your heart is being eradicated. Truth is being skewed and creating a reality that none recognize. Criminals freed reek havoc. Law and order, the thin line between chaos and order are all on the chopping block. Your way of life is changing and not for the better. It takes ONE generation to flip any civilized society by indoctrinating your children and removing your connection to God. WHAT are you going to do about it! Spread the word.

US elections, rigged and computer codes. ELECTION FRAUD!

Heard of YANG Enterprises? Prob NOT??

July 29, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Heard of YANG Enterprises? Prob NOT??

Clinton Curtis testifies before Tallahassee dais, voter fraud is real, just ask the patriot that tries to tell you so…my favorite: YANG enterprises. hmmm, Clinton Chinese Money…connect the dots people.  THX Patriarch.


TiLTNews Network

Bridge Over Troubled Water 4 SURE!

July 26, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Bridge Over Troubled Water 4 SURE!

Paul Simon’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water” Represents the DNC/HC!

Not one to miss a possible contentious Democratic Convention, I had just tuned into the ongoing palaver/festivities at just the wrong time.Unbeknownst to me, Paul Simon, the famous singer/songwriter was about to perform his famous song, “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”.

Literally within seconds of his singing, I was taken aback by the incredible shock of hearing an iconic entertainer, straining through the opening bars of his song with an enfeebled voice shrieking out every minor, flat, and diminished note of a once mellifluous song/voice. At that moment, I realized that I was hearing an air raid siren portending the opening of a potentially discordant Democratic Convention.


I was not completely wrong.

Next, I saw Bernie’s followers boo the mention of Hillary’s name, refusing to stop until Bernie, himself, implored his devotees to settle down and “bond in unity with HC”.

The word ‘unity’ was spread so thick throughout the night that if I had not known better, I would have thought that Bernie and Hillary were conjoint twins, attached at the hip at some immaculate conception.Yet now, thanks to wikileaks, we know that Hillary and her Miami/yenta partner, Debbie Wasserman Schultz,were in collusion from the start to completely neutralize Bernie during his successful ascendancy through the Democratic presidential race.

In order to emphasize the concept of Democratic unity, mobbed-up/closeted, NJ Senator Corey Booker, strolled onto the stage and literally screamed at the top of his lungs. The words he spat out created a cacophony of meaningless sentences that simply ran onto one another, never resting to modulate his voice, or even attempting to make a unique important point.

Memo to Corey: Study and learn from the inspiring delivery of Rev. Marin Luther King. You need some work, kid.


Somewhere bracketed in between all of these patronizing vaudeville acts were two Borscht Belt comedians: Sen. Al Franken [D-Minn.] and Sarah Silverman.Both Jewish comedians played out a shtick that was neither funny nor enlightening; wherein Al [HC] and Sarah[Bernie] could find common ground because of the fact that they were —what?

Two people who supported opposing candidates?

Funny! NOT!

The rest of the variety show revolved around mythical accomplishments of the Clinton machinery, highlighting nothing more than palliative concepts like together, brotherhood,  diversity, inequality, minimum wage, etc.

I became so inured to the entreaties for “unity” because in the real sub-rosa world of political cronyism, both Bill and Hillary, belong together in a federal penitentiary cell for past, present, and future crimes committed by each one, together, and through their charitable foundation.

Now that is what I call UNITY of the criminal persuasion.

There is an old saying:

“Fire tries gold, misfortune men!”

Breaking News Bill Clinton corruption, clinton contamination, Corey Booker, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic Convention, Dems in Philly, DNC convention, feel the bern, Paul Simon

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The United States is NOT America

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

by Anna Von Reitz

The United States is NOT America

Let me repeat (and repeat and repeat)—– the United States is not America. It isn’t now and it never has been.

The United States is a separate and foreign political jurisdiction.

It is as different from an American State as Spain is different from Sweden.

Our government works from the bottom up. Theirs works from the top down.

We operate under American Common Law. They operate under Administrative Law (for handling their internal affairs) and under international law of the sea—both Maritime and Admiralty.

Our organic states— the ones with soil and trees and rocks— are named like this: kentucky, utah, nevada.

Our unincorporated States of America — the ones that have Statehood Compacts or Commonwealth Trust agreements are named like this: Texas State, Maine State, Virginia Commonwealth..

Their incorporated United States of America — the so-called “Federal States” are named like this: State of Texas, State of Maine, Commonwealth of Virginia…. These are just corporate franchises like McDonald’s or Dairy Queen in the business of providing “governmental services”.

Their “federal corporations” are storefronts operated by international banks. The now-insolvent and being liquidated UNITED STATES, INC. is owned and operated by the IMFwhich is an international banking cartel chartered in France. It’s franchises are named like this: STATE OF ALASKA, STATE OF IOWA….

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is now in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It is owned and operated by the newly revamped FEDERAL RESERVE — another international banking cartel operating under the law of the United Nations City State. It’s franchises are named like this: OHIO, NEVADA, FLORIDA…

These corporations are in the business of providing governmental services and they will sell you all the governmental services they can possibly sell you.

They employ British Subjects known as “United States Citizens” or “individual franchises” known as “citizens of the United States” to provide all these services.

Since Federal “States” are just franchises of their parent corporations they are in effect all federal entities and all subject to the internal policies of their parent corporations.

The old, now defunct United States of America, Inc. operated under the 50 Titles of the Federal Code.

The UNITED STATES, INC. did away with and repealed all sections of the Federal Code and operated under just a portion of Title 50, dealing with “war powers” no corporation actually has, and the Trading with the Enemy Act which has been misapplied to American State Nationals.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. has attempted to restart operations under the old Federal Code and update it, then was bankrupted, and its Bankruptcy Trustees have reverted to “United Nations Law” to maintain operations.

That’s why you are seeing all the talk about “UN” operations on our shores and the application of Agenda 21, etc.,

Here’s the take home message—- none of that crap has anything legitimate to do with us and our states. We are taking about foreign governmental services corporations under contract to perform those services in good faith and if they don’t do the job, we are free to hire other service providers.

Think of it like this: You hire ABC Lawn Care to take care of your yard maintenance needs. One day you notice that EFG Lawn Care trucks are parked in your driveway and people wearing different colored uniforms are mowing your grass. So what, right?

So long as you know who is who and what is going on and the price for the services remains rational, you don’t care who mows your grass. They can wear purple polka-dotted uniforms for all you care.

The problem has been (and continues to be) that some of the former service providers have overstepped their boundaries and made grossly fraudulent claims against us all and against our states of the Union.

They have claimed that we are all “United States Citizens” or “citizens of the United States”—- British Subjects. Essentially, they have claimed that we are all or virtually all their employees and/or that we have chosen to “enfranchise” ourselves as “persons” owned and operated by their parent corporation: slaves in other words.

FDR acting as CEO of the United States of America, Inc.set up millions of foreign situs trusts named after us and then claimed that all those “foreign vessels in commerce” were sureties backing the debts of the already bankrupt United States of America, Inc. —– which was just another foreign-owned governmental services corporation operated by the “Federal Reserve System”. This was the Great Fraud, but the roots of it stretched back to the Civil War and other acts of fraud that occurred then, and the tentacles of it have stretched forward to today.

The IMF has run the UNITED STATES, INC. into the ground and they are now claiming that all “UNITED STATES CITIZENS” are sureties backing its debts. This foreign “PERSON” is a Cestui Que Vie Trust operated out of Puerto Rico under your given name — FIRST MIDDLE LAST.
There are all sorts of other spin offs — contract trusts and performance trusts built off this central scam, so that this “THING” is technically now called a U.S. BANKRUPT CITIZENSHIP ORGANIZATION. On the basis of these false claims the Trustees of this bankruptcy are coming after “UNITED STATES CITIZENS” and their assets.

Meantime, the “Federal Reserve” has folded the old Federal Reserve System and rebooted a new organization, the FEDERAL RESERVE, operated under United Nations auspices, and set up a similar racket. They have named franchises after your given name using just your middle initial: FIRST MI LAST. These entities are bankrupt, too, and in Chapter 11 Reorganization.
Their bankruptcy Trustees are coming after all these “CITIZENS” too. These THINGS are construed to be Public Transmitting Utilities, so they are technically known as a US BANKRUPT PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY ORGANIZATION.

It’s time to cut the cake, America. Whose little girl are you?

Citizen = servant of government.

National = those the government serves.

You get to choose your political status, but you have to take action against the fraud. You have to object to it, or it is assumed that you agreed to all this crappola.

We have objected to it in behalf of all American State Nationals. We are beating our dish on the floor in front of the Pope, the international courts, the Queen, and getting the word out about this outrageous swindle worldwide. We are demanding a systemic remedy that does not involve nuclear war or mass panic in the streets, but which equally does not allow for continued false claims and criminality.

We are proposing a housecleaning that has been owed for 150 years.

1. Declare a formal, permanent, and final peaceful resolution and Treaty of Peace ending the War of Secession, affirming the Armistice of April 1865, and confirming a lasting peace in all jurisdictions air, land, and sea controlled by the actual States of America and the United States, respectively.

2. Enroll all the Western States which have been promised statehood as actual states and members of the Union created by the Articles of Confederation 1781.

3. A national plebiscite in which all the pros and cons of various political statuses are fully disclosed and people are allowed to freely choose their political status as fully informed adults.

Meantime— and soon—- we will publish a proven step-by-step individual remedy process that you can follow to overturn these false presumptions and return to your native birthright estate as an American State National—-one by one by one if necessary.

And now, repeat after me…. the United States is not America…..the United States is not America…..the United States is not America…


See this article and over 300 others on Anna’s website

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

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It’s Time America Got Some Answers About Huma Abedin

Updated: 8:00 AM ET June 14, 2016

By Roger Stone

Chic gal pal? Mild mannered politician’s wife? Harmless clotheshorse? Saudi plant? Innocent aide? Handler?

Huma Abedin is Vice Chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. But Huma is more, much more than that. She is the person closest to the most powerful woman in American politics and perhaps the next President. Huma has been described variously as Hillary’s “body woman,” a sort of glorified go-to personal maid, gentle confidant, and by others as an Islamic spy. She may be all of these things, because as we shall see, Huma Abedin has an interesting and complex career history.

Abedin was deeply involved with the establishment of Hillary’s private email server, which was used for all of her work as Secretary of State. Now, since we know Hillary had hundreds of classified or top-secret documents on her vulnerable server (despite her early lies saying she did not), any faith in Huma’s judgment — at the very least — has been demolished. You will soon ask yourself, “how did this woman get a security clearance?”

She was born Huma Mahmood Abedin in 1976 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her father, Syed Zainul Abedin, was Indian and born in New Delhi. In the early 1970s, he was affiliated with the Muslim Students Association at Western Michigan University. The Muslim Students Association or MSA was started in 1963 by Saudi Arabia’s biggest charity, the Muslim World League, a group formed and funded by the Kingdom to spread Islam throughout the world.

Her mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, was born in Pakistan. Saleha received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1977.

Two years after Huma was born, the family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and with the patronage of Abdullah Omar Naseef of the Muslim World League, founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs with offices in Saudi Arabia and London, England. In the 1980’s Syed Abedin was a counselor of the Muslim World League. After his death in 1993, his wife Saleha took over and serves as director of the IMMA (Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs) and as the editor of that organization’s academic magazine, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. More recently she still edits the Journal and is also a part of the administration of Dar Al-Hekma Women’s College.

Naseef’s connections to the entire Abedin family are significant — and, for reasons you’ll see in a moment, very troubling. As Vanity Fair wrote, during “his early years as the patron of the Abedins’ journal, Nasseef was the secretary-general of the Muslim World League” and gives more shocking details about the Abedins:

It turns out the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is an Abedin family business. Huma was an assistant editor there between 1996 and 2008. Her brother, Hassan, 45, is a book-review editor at the Journal and was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, where Nasseef is chairman of the board of trustees. Huma’s sister, Heba, 26, is an assistant editor at the Journal.

That’s what all the fuss is about. Since 1962, the Muslim World League has been funded by the Saudi government to the tune of more than $1.3 billion.

Naseef, the Muslim World League, and the government of Pakistan created the Rabita Trust in 1988. Naseef was a sponsor and financial supporter of Syed Abedin’s IMMA.

Just a month after the 9/11 jihadist attack left thousands dead and brought down the World Trade Center, President George W. Bush’s Executive Order designated the Rabita Trust as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity and the Treasury Department froze its assets on October 12, 2001.

Naseef founded the Rabita Trust and remains involved with it to this day. A Treasury Department press release issued when Rabita Trust’s assets were frozen indicated that Rabita Trust is headed by Wa’el Hamza Jalaidan, one of the founders of al-Qaida with bin Laden. He was the logistics chief of bin Laden’s organization and fought on bin Laden’s side in Afghanistan. Jalaidan himself was branded a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity by the United States Treasury Department, and his assets have been frozen, as well.

But the connections between the Abedin’s Saudi benefactor, the Muslim World League, and al-Qaeda don’t end there.

In 1984, foreign mujahidin fighters were streaming in from all over the world to an office in Peshawar, Pakistan known as Maktab al-Khidamat or MAK.

MAK had been created by two Muslims to recruit and raise money: a radical cleric named Abdullah Azzam and Azzam’s protege, the infamous leader behind 9/11, the Saudi Arabian named Osama bin Laden. Before and after his creation of MAK, Azzam subsisted on money provided by the Muslim World League:

Azzam, now determined to move to Pakistan, obtained a teaching position at the newly established International Islamic University of Islamabad, whose foreign faculty were paid directly by the Muslim World League. Thus, from his arrival in Pakistan in December 1981 until his permanent move to Peshawar in 1986, the leader of the Arab Afghans subsisted on a Muslim World League salary.

Donations to MAK came from a number of “Islamic charities” such as the Saudi Red Crescent, as well as some Saudi Arabian princes and mosques.

The office that bin Laden and the other MAK founders were based out of 1984 in Peshawar was the office of the Muslim World League and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim World League was also a principal funder of MAK, bringing in Saudi funds that would eventually go to jihad against the West.

The head of the Muslim World League when their offices in Pakistan were used by Bin Laden, Zawahiri and Azzam in 1984 was none other than the Abedin’s benefactor, Abdullah Omar Naseef.

Naseef’s Rabita Trust, a subsidiary of the Muslim World League, is also connected to a U.S.-based group, called the SAAR Network, through two officers — Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef and Abdullah al-Obaid. The SAAR Network was the focus of a March 2002 raid led by United States authorities for the network’s alleged ties to al Qaeda.

This brings us back to Huma Abedin. She lived in Saudi Arabia until she was 17, while her family worked closely with Naseef. Back in the U.S., she studied at George Washington University. Two years later she, along with Monica Lewinsky, became interns at the White House under Bill and Hillary Clinton. Monica served as Bill’s intern – until their sexual relationship got out of hand and onto her blue dress – and Huma served as Hillary’s intern. In 1998, as the Lewinsky sex scandal was raging, she along with other staff girls formed a sort of shield around the humiliated First Lady.

While she worked at the White House, Abedin was an editor at the family business—the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.

When Clinton ran for the Senate in 2000, Huma moved up the ladder to become her aide and personal adviser.

When the towers fell in 2001, Hillary Clinton was the Senator from New York. When the assets of the Rabita Trust were frozen and the group declared a terror funder, there was no point where Sen. Clinton’s assistant Huma Abedin stepped forward to shed light on her family’s benefactor Abdullah Omar Naseef, the Muslim World League, or the Rabita Trust.

Sen. Clinton and Huma Abedin betrayed every New Yorker and every America with their silence.

Also worth noting: from April 2005 to March 2006, Huma was paid a total of $27,999.92, yet on September 18, 2006, she bought an apartment in Washington D.C. costing $649,000.

The question here is, on an annual salary of no more than $28,000, where did the money come from? We’ve caught of the greatest spies due to their spending well beyond their salaries.

At the least, what to make of someone who has lived for 17 years in Saudi Arabia, with parents who have close, long-standing ties with people connected to terrorist organizations, and then comes to the U.S. and within two years gets a job as the First Lady’s assistant?

By 2008, she was Hillary’s traveling chief of staff and was always at Hillary’s side. In 2009, she was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At this time, Huma had her name removed from the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs masthead.

In 2010, Huma married Congressman Anthony Weiner. In 2011, her husband was caught sexting — sending pictures of his erection to several women. He resigned from Congress that same year.

Huma’s luck seemed to know no end when Hillary Clinton personally signed off on a controversial deal in 2012 that allowed Huma to simultaneously work for the State Department and a private New York firm with deep ties to the Clinton family foundation. Mrs. Clinton personally signed a title change form that approved of the transition from being her Deputy Chief of Staff, to an SGE (special government employee), the equivalent of a contractor with special privileges. This allowed Huma to work for both the State department and for the Teneo Group. Some of you might remember the Teneo Group as a top consulting firm run by Bill Clinton gatekeeper Doug Band. Bill Clinton was also on the payroll of Teneo. From June 2012 to February 2013, she held four jobs. She was Hillary’s State Department aide, a consultant at Teneo Group, she worked and was paid a salary at the Clinton Foundation, and she worked as Hillary’s private personal assistant. Huma was triple-dipping.

There were several issues being investigated both internally by the State Department and Sen. Charles Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee for conflicts of interest and embezzlement. She filed inaccurate time sheets overpaying herself $10,000. Mr. Grassley has also questioned whether the deal with Abedin really met the requirements for a special government employee status. One of those requirements is that someone’s work as a contractor be different enough from the original job to warrant giving the person contractor status. Documents acquired by the Washington Times show that she told State officials that she planned to do the same kind of work as an SGE that she did as Deputy Chief of Staff.

She became part of Hillary’s transition team in 2013, helping her to return to private life. She continued her work at the Clinton Foundation and set up her own consulting firm, Zain Endeavors LLC.

On October 16, 2015, Abedin testified in a closed session before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, in a session that was expected to focus on the 2012 Benghazi attack during which Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. She said, “I came here today to be as helpful as I could be to the committee. I wanted to honor the service of those lost and injured in the Benghazi attacks,” adding she was “honored” to work for Clinton at State and “proud” of her service there. Representative Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican panel member, said Abedin frequently answered questions with responses of “‘I don’t remember’ and ‘I don’t recollect.’”

There is no doubt that she and Hillary have an extremely close relationship. She has been loyal and faithful to Hillary for twenty years. “I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would be Huma.” So spoke Hillary in 2010. She even visited with Huma’s mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia in 2011, telling her that Huma’s position was “very important and sensitive.” Saleha is reportedly an outspoken advocate for genital mutilation for girls in the Islamic world.

So how has the media dealt with Huma Abedin? In short, they haven’t. The family’s critics have been attacked and labeled as conspiracy theorists.

One exception to this was the February 2016 issue of Vanity Fair. Author William D Cohen’s story, titled “Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem?” tackled some of the issues I have gone over in this piece. It was well written, informative, and controversial. The backlash was immediate.

Media Matters for America, Hillary Clinton’s private propaganda machine, went into overdrive, putting out a response to Cohen’s article that attacked his credibility and just about every fact he had raised in his piece. According to Lee Stranahan writing in Breitbart, the Media Matters article was filled with false information and smears to protect the Clinton campaign.

This isn’t some minor aide. Huma Abedin has been at Clinton’s side for decades, and it’s time America got some answers.

Listen to Roger Stone discuss Abedin and Clinton on Breitbart News Daily, airing weekdays from 6 AM to 9 AM EST on SiriusXM Patriot 125:

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TiLTNews Network

Bill Clinton and the Selling of US Security

Updated: 8:00 AM ET July 8, 2016

For the Clinton crime family, selling out US national security is a family business

This may be the greatest scandal in 50 years of American history.

It makes Watergate look like a jay walking charge. It makes the Iran Contra affair look like a small time operation. This is what House Republicans should have Impeached Bill Clinton for instead of lying about a White House Intern giving him head in the Oval Office. It’s called treason.


Bill Clinton is at the center of the greatest foreign policy deceit ever perpetrated on the American people. He used the power of his office to allow the selling and delivery of high tech missile defense components to governments of countries that are listed as threats to this country and the stability of the world. Russia was one of the benefactors of deals Clinton made without proper authorization from Congress. Ignoring CIA and Pentagon reports that showed how Russia was continuing a major and secretive modernization program for its strategic nuclear missile systems, Clinton allocated over $1 billion to “help” the Soviets “dismantle” their nuclear weapons. In 1995 the General Accounting Office (GAO) wrote that Moscow refuses to permit American audits of the $1.25 billion disarmament aid. This is an important issue because it allowed the Russians to use American taxpayer’s money to build new offensive nuclear weapons that directly threaten the United States.

Under U.S. law, no money could be spent in Russia until the Clinton administration certified that Moscow is not engaged in any military modernization program that exceeds legitimate defense requirements. The Clinton administration along with U.S. Air Force General Eugene Habiger, the commander of U.S. Nuclear forces signed off on the Russian aid package after returning from an exploratory trip to Russia to investigate construction of a huge secret underground base in the Ural mountains. True, the base is as big as the entire area of Washington D.C. and is defensive in purpose. In addition to the base, the Russians built two cities to house the more than 30,000 workers involved in the project. By 1996 authorities had barred defense attaches from going into the facility.

Known as Yamantau Mountain (translates to ‘evil mountain’), the facility is being constructed to offer a safe place to retaliate in the event of an American nuclear attack. To me, this represents a direct conflict of interest. Clinton gives the Russians over one billion dollars to help them take down their nuclear weapons but instead they use that money to build a huge bunker where they can wage nuclear war on the U.S.

Not only that, the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces issued a statement suggesting that nuclear missiles can be secretly deployed at the base as part of what is being called the “dead-hand doomsday system” where nuclear missiles can still be fired automatically by a command program. This means even after Russian leadership is destroyed, and no one is there to push the ‘button’, missiles will be fired automatically against the perpetrators allowing for complete destruction on a world wide scale. By April 1996, reports confirmed the automatic nuclear attack system listing it as being in the final stages of operation.

It’s more than a coincidence that 1996 saw a massive Russian military build up including major improvements to the Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic nuclear bombers as well as the long range cruise missiles they carry. Money had also made it possible to design and construct a new class of nuclear submarines called “the Borei-class strategic missile boat.” At least part of Russia’s miraculous financial bonanza is the direct result of United States money. As usual, all the public knows is that the U.S. is helping Russia to “dismantle” some of its nuclear programs.

Bill Clinton wants Americans to know that he has worked very hard to show that Russia and the United States are together in making the world a safer place. In a speech to Moscow University students, he said; “Look what our partnership has already produced. We reversed the dangerous build up of nuclear weapons. We’re two years ahead of schedule in cutting nuclear arsenals under START 1 ( Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty). START 2, which still awaits ratification in the Duma, will reduce our nuclear forces by two-thirds from Cold War levels. President Yeltsin and I already have agreed on a framework for START 3 to cut our nuclear arsenal even further.”

Clinton also announced that the two super powers agreed to share warning information on worldwide launches of ballistic missiles and space launchers. Clinton referred to an agreement by which Russia and America would no longer target each others missiles. Yet in a secret CIA report to Congress, “detargeting” is purely symbolic and does nothing to affect the targeting of strategic nuclear missiles. Placing nuclear missiles in a non target status is like putting your DVD player on pause. When you’re ready to launch, just hit the retarget button and bombs away. What’s more, there is no way of verifying if Russian missiles are in detargeted mode or not.

President Clinton went to great lengths to satisfy political debts. Of this there is no doubt. As Governor of Arkansas he saw to it that cash donors to his political campaign were given special consideration and awarded with lucrative contracts, and that same pattern stayed with him throughout his entire political career and beyond.

In 1998, CIA Director George Tenet testified that the radical Muslim regime in Iran was getting a great deal of technical assistance and materials from Russia. The year before he had testified that along with Russia, North Korea was providing technology to Iran and that it wouldn’t be more than a year before Iran would have their own medium range nuclear missiles. In 1999 Tenet once again told the Senate that the flow of missile technology had not stopped and in the last six months Russian expertise and material was flowing to Iran’s missile construction allowing them to develop more sophisticated weapons and longer range missiles. Before sanctions could be brought against various Russian companies, Iran conducted the first test flight of its new medium-range missile. This act of aggression clearly showed that Iran was now capable of destroying any threat in the Middle East as well as most of Central Europe with chemical and biological weapons.

In no uncertain terms, Clinton had helped Russia modernize her weapons systems to the tune of billions of dollars, while at the same time and behind our backs, Russia continued a secret campaign to weaponize Iran. Clinton, for all his attempts at marginalizing the seriousness of Russia’s nuclear weapons programs had failed to properly assess the Russian threat.

That Russia was involved in nuclear proliferation to our enemies was a national security failure of monstrous proportions. That a United States President would willfully and knowingly sell, trade, or supply nuclear weapons technology to our oldest adversary is one of the greatest crimes committed against the people he is sworn to protect. It gets worse. Clinton was aware that Russia had been supplying highly sensitive technology and materials to our enemy, the Iranians.

In a closed door meeting held at the Kremlin, in May of 1998, White House National Security Adviser Samuel Berger told Russian Security Council Secretary Andrei Kokoshin: “One and a half years after President Yeltsin told President Clinton that ballistic missile technology transfers to Iran would stop, it still continues… Now time is running out; the stakes are great… Unless this problem is solved we see a potential trainwreck in our relations.” Why was it up to Yeltsin to end the transfers? Why was Clinton allowing Russia to give defense secrets to Iran? Did Clinton have something to gain from allowing this? The answer can be found in a shocking conversation. On March 13, 1996, Clinton and Yeltsin met in Egypt. The minutes of this meeting were recorded in a classified document called “a memorandum of conversation.”

The document was obtained by Bill Gertz of the Washington Times and discloses President Yeltsin saying to Clinton that because of his global stature he should “support Russia and that means supporting Yeltsin.” Clinton responds by raising an issue: Russia’s refusal to allow imports of American chicken. At the time Russia was importing about 40% of America’s chickens. The major supplier of chickens in the U.S. comes from Tyson Foods of Arkansas. Owner Don Tyson, just so happens to be one of Bill Clinton’s biggest financial donors. The Russian ban on chicken imports was not without reason: the U.S. had been flooding Russia with poor quality chicken. With the ban in effect, Tyson’s profits were suffering and he needed Clinton to do something about it. Clinton, according to the classified document, assured Yeltsin that the situation was being handled. Yeltsin agreed to resume imports for continued support from Clinton. Within one week, the chicken dispute was settled and Tyson was back in business.

It was less than 50 years ago that two American citizens were tried, convicted and executed for passing information about the atomic bomb to the Russians. Their names were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. A co-conspirator, Harry Gold was sentenced to 15 years for being the courier. They were convicted under Section 2 of the Espionage Act of 1917, 50 U.S. Code 32 (now 18 U.S. Code 794) which prohibits transmitting or attempting to transmit to a foreign government information “relating to the national defense.” In my opinion, Bill Clinton violated the same statute and should suffer the same consequences.


In 1996 President Bill Clinton, at a fund raising dinner in New York City said this: “There are no more nuclear missiles pointed at any children in the United States. I’m proud of that.” But by 1998, the CIA’s National Intelligence Daily stated that “thirteen of China’s 18 long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles are targeted on the United States.” How could such a discrepancy occur? When did Clinton know and what did he do to prevent this dangerous situation? These are valid questions and in light of Clinton’s involvement in Russia’s nuclear weapons advancements, I shudder to think that this too was a result of Clinton’s business dealings.

CNN reported how China has been stealing our most sensitive nuclear secrets in an article dated May 25, 1999 and posted on their website. The article was called: China stole U.S. nuke secrets to ‘fulfill international agenda.’ The article reveals that China has been stealing the most sensitive nuclear secrets for several decades and despite high-level knowledge of the thefts, security at U.S. nuclear labs still “does not meet even minimal standards.” The CNN article goes on to state that President Clinton had known since 1995 and yet little was done about it. In April 1998 Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) disclosed detailed information that U.S. aerospace companies had helped China improve its strategic nuclear missiles as part of a major ICBM modernization effort. The named companies were listed as Loral Space & Communications Ltd., Hughes Electronics, and Motorola as supplying the Chinese with space launch technology which China used to improve its nuclear missiles.

Congressman Rohrabacher went on to say: “There is ample evidence that American technology was transferred to this hostile potential enemy of the United States… (providing) the Communist Chinese the guidance needed to upgrade and perfect highly sophisticated weapons systems, increasing the reliability and capability of Communist Chinese rockets… This has given, what anyone has to admit is at least a potential enemy of the United States, a better ability to deliver nuclear warheads to our country, to American cities, to incinerate millions of our people.” Was there a connection between Bill Clinton and any of the three corporations named as supplying China with materials that improved the lethality of their missiles? I’m glad I asked that question.

The chairman of Loral Space &Communications was a heavy financial donor to Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party in general. His name is Bernard Schwartz and in a six year period between 1992 and 1998 he donated over $1.1 million to Clinton and the party. To show his appreciation, President Clinton allowed Schwartz to travel to China with U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Clinton loosened export controls which enabled Schwartz to purchase Chinese booster rockets for use in launching Loral’s satellites. The relaxing of controls was a two way street and gave the Chinese an avenue with which to import hi tech materials from Loral and other U.S. corporations that dealt in sophisticated electronics.

Hughes Electronics was also named in Rohrabacher’s report. Its CEO, C. Michael Armstrong lobbied Clinton to relax the export controls of sensitive technology. An internal White House memo dated December 8, 1993 and originating from the National Security Council, detailed how Armstrong pressured the administration into easing the trade restrictions with China. Armstrong had threatened to launch a major publicity campaign against the administrations sanctions if the controls were not relaxed. In 1996, a Chinese rocket (missile) carrying a $200 million Loral satellite exploded on its launch pad. Loral and Hughes put together a team of scientists to investigate the problem. The problem(s) were identified and the information was given to the Chinese consortium Great Wall Industry, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Corporation. Armed with the information supplied by Hughes and Loral, the Chinese were able to upgrade their nuclear ICBM’s.

Why did President Clinton allow this? Well it was determined that the Chinese were secretly funneling large donations to the Clinton campaign. Federal investigators found that China Aerospace Corporation had given $300,000 to Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung for Clinton’s election. In 1993, it was discoverer that China was selling missile technology to Pakistan. Under tremendous pressure from Congress, Clinton banned U.S. space industry from using Chinese rockets to launch their satellites. The ban didn’t last long and in October 1994, Clinton lifted the ban. Despite reports that China had continued to sell nuclear technology to Pakistan and missiles to Iran, Clinton signed waivers for four U.S. satellites to be launched by Chinese rockets. Clinton did this over strong objections from the State and Defense Departments. Johnny Chung and Loral’s Schwartz donated another $100,000 each to Clinton. The fact that Clinton personally issued the waivers to allow shipments of U.S. technology that greatly improved the accuracy and reliability of Communist China’s missiles is grounds for impeachment, regardless of whether or not there was any quid pro quo for those decisions.

President Bill Clinton did more to damage U.S. national security than anyone else in American history. He is a traitor to our interests and he is guilty of espionage. He should have been arrested, impeached and convicted. The question is, how did this story escape mass media attention?

I would like to credit these sources from which I have acquired information.

Stone books



CLINTON CASH: AmazonBarnes &

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Its Not Over Yet!

July 16, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Its Not Over Yet!

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Announced on July 16, 2016 that an Attempted Military Coup Against Him and His Regime is Over!

Not really!

As many of you readers may recall, I have repeatedly talked about the inevitability of a military coup against the increasingly dictatorial Erdogan over the past few years. I have been monitoring the progression of Erdogan’s increasing submission to fundamentalist Islam as a rationale for usurping more power in a country that had been secular since the time of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk [1920’s].

I was also talking from personal experience.

For years, I had been visiting Bodrum [seashore], Istanbul, and Ankara for one reason or another. Over that period of time, I have witnessed Erdogan becoming a tyrant, suppressing religious freedoms in concert with massive arrests of legitimate opponents. Some were journalists,others were senior military officers, and some ordinary citizens who simply opposed him or expressed civil discontent. Often, I would watch in amazement as his police force would round up innocent Turkish students on a random basis.

The Erdogan I got to know was not always that way. When he was the Mayor of Istanbul, an incredibly bustling city, he was effective at maintaining services and running a complex city. Yet, he decided to climb up the greasy pole of  national Turkish politics—in itself, an inherently dangerous pursuit.In that process, he neutralized any potential opponents who could stay in the way of his ascendancy; including army generals and his once most trusted ally, Imam Fetullah Gulen.


In contrast to Erdogan, Gulen, a mystical Sufi Muslim, advocated for complete religious freedom and a democratic constitution. Gulen had to flee to America, there he created a large movement espousing his philosophy from his 26 acre retreat in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. There, he was able to create over 1000 schools in 100 countries based on his belief that science, education, and different religions should be integrated into one organization.

In turn, Erdogan viewed Gulen’s philosophy as  a direct threat to his increasing despotism. Recently, Erdogan spent years trying to eliminate any elements of Gulen’s advocates in the Turkish judiciary, military, and media. Erdogan’s second initiative was to support ISIS fighters who would eventually attempt to destabilize Iraq and Syria through weapons, ammunition and monies that Erdogan provided for big bucks.

Erdogan has, like most tyrants, accumulated a major fortune through the highly skilled use of political patronage and massive amounts of corruption in the construction business.The military coup that occurred on July 15, 2016 was broadcast world-wide over censored media. In part, it was successful, in part it failed.

Unlike the military coups in Thailand and Egypt which occurred without much blood shed, the Turkish coup inflicted over 200-300  dead soldiers/civilians. Yet,the real war was on social media which Erdogan had to utilize despite his having banned it in the past as a nefarious instrument for anti-Erdogan messages.

Using twitter, Erdogan pled with his followers in Istanbul to flood the streets with anti-coup protestors.These protestors came out in force and impeded the ongoing military coup.The media controls the message.

From Erdogan’s perspective this military coup is over. Yet, from my experience in such matters, I would caution Erdogan that he is at best optimistic, if not self-delusional.

Contrary to the paid experts in the media, military coups are not configured as one single episode which either succeeds or fails. Usually, military coups have an extended life span which goes in spurts and can be they either ‘soft’ or ‘kinetic’.

During the Nixon Administration,many senior officials took time to transfer power from a disabled POTUS to the more capable hands of the DCI, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Defense. In one other case, Secretary of Defense, Bob Gates [former DCI] warned the US military not to even consider a military coup, despite the fact that his civilian handlers: Bush/Cheney, had just killed 3000 plus Americans on 9/11.


Unbeknownst to Gates, he had been placed in his position because there had been another soft coup which had eliminated the nefarious former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, who had been proven to be completely incompetent when he had initiated an Iraq War without having an competent strategy for the post war occupation.

As a result of the Turkish kinetic coup, Erdogan will be on alert 24/7 trying to make certain that no one will usurp his powers. His paranoia and state of wariness will increase exponentially to the point where he literally cannot, nor will not trust anyone, especially his closest friends.His subsequent actions may well appear erratic and vengeful.

There is a saying on the wall of one of the U.S. intelligence agencies which reads as follows:

“Paranoids really do have enemies!”

Ataturk had warned that the Turkish Armies’ loyalty should never be beholden to any civilians; furthermore, by Turkish law, their army must step up to guard the integrity of the constitution and the republic.

Americans: think about following that precept as our country exits a POTUS admin contrived by a maelstrom of false flags and racial divisiveness.


Former Democratic President Harry Truman said the following:
“I don’t give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it is hell!”

Breaking News Bodrum, CIA coup, Erdogan dictator, fundamental Islam, ISIS, Istanbul, radical islam, Turkey military

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NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | China Shoves, Keenan Pushes To Put An End To UN / NWO / Ban Ki-moon’s Foolishness


Image result for Ban Ki-moon

(Ban Ki-moon’s shoes found)

Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon has hit a rough spot in his official / unofficial visit to Asia.

His intention was first and foremost to prevent Neil Keenan from pursuing and completing a project that would have destroyed the Khazarian / Zionist banking system. Subsequently, Keenan is working toward implementing a new financial system. You will discover more with regard to this in Neil Keenan’s next post.

In the event that Ban Ki-moon had achieved his goal as above, the other important task at hand was to acquire (illegal) financing from the Global Account bunkers for the upcoming warring as the NWO continues on with its worldwide assault on the Planet.

To complete his quest, Ban Ki-moon needs financial backing from one of two sources: Korea and / or China.

His initial visit was with South Korean President Park and it went so well that Ban Ki-moon was run out of the country – but not before promising President Park he would be running in the next South Korean Presidential election; and also not before President Park told him that no one, including the United Nations, the New World Order, nor Ban Ki-moon himself, would touch  the assets which belong mostly to Asian depositors.  Wow, what a way to begin a desperate quest.

He could run for the Presidency of South Korea but the question is “who will vote for him by the time the people on the planet are done with him?”

Following his ejection from South Korea, Ban Ki-moon flew quickly to China for an an unofficial visit

He arrived in China unannounced, desperately seeking a way to keep the NWO’s agenda alive.  He needed money / bunkers / warehouses of assets – and the only place he could turn was to China, with open hands.

The first clue as to how the Chinese felt about this unofficial visit (that the media also had no knowledge of) was when there was no Chinese delegation at the airport to receive him upon his  arrival.

The Korean Embassy picked him up and took him to his Hotel.  He spent most of the day at his Hotel wondering what was wrong!

Why was this taking so long?  Were they on to him?  The day played on and Ban Ki began to make phone calls in a panic, later to receive notice that Xi Jinping would see him.

He prepared himself for this pivotal private meeting.  No one would know (it is not even on his UN events calendar).

Now he could finish the assignment, get access to the bunkers with or without President Park and move forward with Agenda 30 for the New World Order. Perfect, and with a quick getaway. He must have been excited.

Upon turning up at the meeting place he found that Xi Jinping had not yet arrived to formally meet him. He had to wait. He began to sweat again. It was hotter than usual.

Finally Xi Jinping stepped into the room without notice, greeted him, sat down and asked him what the need was for this unplanned non-official meeting?

Ban Ki-moon described the urgency of the situation and how there was a desperate need for money to keep the Agenda afloat.

Without it everything will fall apart.

Now here is where everything becomes clear. China and the Golden Dragon Family are pretty much ONE…That’s right ONE.

They already have their plan for a better world, and it is not one of slaughtering people leaving only 500 Million of us on the planet.

So Xi Jinping gave five minutes or thereabouts of his time to listen again to how the Globalist Oligarchs wanted to slaughter 80% of the human population and how they couldn’t do it without help. With China being that help.

Xi Jinping said nothing before getting up and leaving the room. Ban Ki-moon was stunned. The plan was falling apart right in front of him. Still, he remains hopeful in terms of a response from Xi Jinping.

A response will not be forthcoming.  He was rebuked.

Soon after leaving the meeting Ban Ki-moon made desperate calls to Japan advising them that he is being rebuked throughout Asia and needs large amounts of money.

Little did he know that Japan would be doing the same. He then asked them for money.

Others also called the Japanse Emperor (Rockefeller) and Japanese Prime Minister demanding cooperation ‘or else’.

Tremendous pressure was applied to the Japanese, so much so that the Emperor stated on July 13, 2016 that he is going to retire:

Kathmandu Post: Japanese Emperor Akihito ‘plans to abdicate’

Neil Keenans’ business continues on even after prior interference by the US Treasury / Bush Family failed, and now still after the UN / NWO interceding also failed.

It seems that, as the saying goes: the Jig is Up – and no one is going near the bad smelling, abhorrent odor of the Globalist Oligarchs any longer.

Meanwhile Mr. Keenan gets ready to return to Asia after 6 months of illness and injuries, most of which were visited upon him by New World Order flunkies.

Neil will finish up that which by rights, should have been completed long ago…

Group K

Bank Ki moon lied to us. His shoes were not stolen, he donated them:

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View image on Twitter


United Nations


Ban Ki-moon donated his shoes to stand in solidarity w/ people of Paris unable to join a #climatemarch today. #COP21

2:36 AM – 29 Nov 2015 · Paris, France, France

Copyright © 2016, GROUP K, Ltd.



UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon Attempts To Pull
The Wool Over Chinese /
Korean Eyes – Only To Find
There’s No Wool

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Gun shop reveals how YOU can win over support for the Second Amendment!

Kit Daniels – JUNE 21, 2016 398 Comments

A Houston, Texas, gun range offering free CHL classes to members of the LGBT community was overwhelmed by the response, and the manager reveals how to win over millions of people into supporting the Second Amendment:



RELATED: Gun Range Selling Out Free Concealed Handgun Courses For LGBT


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SECRET SERVICE OFFICER SET FOR TV INTERVIEWS; BROADCAST NETWORKS BLACKLISTMON JUNE 20 2016 19:47:25 ET**Exclusive** Team Hillary is working overtime to block former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne from appearing on ANY broadcast network, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. Byrne is set to reveal what he observed inside the White House while protecting the First Family in the 1990s. ‘What I saw sickened me,’ Byrne explains. ‘I want you to hear my story.’ Byrne paints a picture of Hillary as a deranged madwoman running interference on Bill’s sexploits. The book ‘CRISIS OF CHARACTER’ is finally set for release next Monday. It has already became the top seller at AMAZON for the month of June.And now Clinton’s circle is preparing to hit back hard! POLITICO plans an early morning attack on Byrne’s credibility, sources claim, despite his having served in federal law enforcement for nearly thirty years. Meanwhile, Hillary’s campaign has won assurances that he will not be invited to spread ‘lies’ on any of the nation’s broadcast networks. ‘It’s trash for cash,’ a campaign official warned one producer. FOXNEWS ‘HANNITY’ will have the first exclusive for cable news, DRUDGE has learned. Developing…


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Report: Three Syrian “Refugees” Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho

Furious residents accuse council of cover-up

Paul Joseph Watson – June 20, 2016 5983 Comments

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.


The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

However, residents have been circulating what really happened on social media, with the Creeping Sharia blog reporting that the victim was a young girl who was born premature and is “less developed for her age”.

The perpetrators were three Syrian youths aged 8, 10 and 13, with the oldest boy directing the assault.

The little girl was playing outside Fawnbrook apartment buildings when the boys put a knife to her throat and forced her inside a laundry unit. She was then stripped naked, raped and urinated on. The 13-year-old reportedly told the younger boys to urinate on her because they were incapable of ejaculating.

The victim’s grandmother found the victim and then called the girl’s mother, who called the police. The police took 2 and a half hours to arrive but were unable to take any action due to the “language barrier”.

When she arrived, the mother of the alleged rapists was only able to say “no police,” while the father reportedly congratulated his 13-year-old son. Video of the entire assault was captured on the boy’s cellphone.

A follow-up KMTV report revealed that, “the case has officially been sealed by a judge with no chance of it ever being unsealed since all parties involved are minors.”

A video of a Twin Falls council meeting shows irate residents demanding to know why council members have done nothing to address the alleged rape, as well as numerous other issues involving Syrian refugees being housed in the area, including hit and run incidents and Muslims spitting on non-Muslims.

Around 50 Syrian “refugees” are reportedly housed at the Fawnbrook site.

Council members were also grilled as to how a mosque was approved after just 24 hours, whereas a new home application would take at least 2 weeks just to process.

In every instance, the council members claim ignorance as to the severity of the situation, with one even suggesting that residents’ concerns are based on anti-Muslim prejudice and even white supremacism.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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W.H. intentionally ignoring surveillance

Jamie White – JUNE 16, 2016 180 Comments

DHS Insider: Obama Blocking Terrorist Probes


Retired DHS officer and whistleblower Philip Haney explained why radical Islamic terrorists are falling through the cracks despite unprecedented government data-gathering.

Haney described how the Obama administration blatantly ignores the DHS intelligence-gathering efforts of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Taliban.

“We have archives of derogatory information on these organizations going back years and years,” Haney said on the Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “We’ve done our job. But the [Obama] administration deliberately and intentionally has refused to acknowledge the existence of this information.”

“Follow the trail, find the nest – that’s counterterrorism in a nutshell.”

“We’re being told by the administration ‘there is no nest. Don’t even look for it because it doesn’t exist,’” he added. “That’s about as absurd as it would be to go around stomping on ants one at a time while pretending there is no nest.”

“So I would encourage us to reevaluate the way we approach this problem and recognize that it’s not just individuals, it’s also a network, and that those networks exist here in the United States that have been built up for at least three generations of immigrants primarily, and that we’re not immune to the forces of Sharia law and influence of Islamic life. We have to come to terms with this. And then compare it to the Constitution and stand up for it courageously when they are not compatible.”

He also expanded on the dangers of Sharia law and its worldwide implementation:

The global Islamic movement is not going to tell us ‘Thank you for allowing us to make this much progress, now we’ll stop.’ Every step forward they take, they reinforce their position and look for a tactical opportunity to make another move forward. We see it everywhere in the world, and North America is not immune from this force of gravity. Based on numbers there have been more than 28,000 Islamic jihadist attacks in the world since 9/11. That averages out to about one an hour. So, they’re happening like lightning strikes all over the world continuously. Again, America is not immune. Until the day comes that we’re able to honestly and courageously stand up and have a discussion about the nature of Sharia law and how it is compatible with the U.S. Constitution, then we’re not going to have the wherewithal we need to recover ourselves and really stand up for the principles that this country was founded on.

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12 JUN , 2016 


From the UK Daily Mail:

The suspected Islamic extremist who killed about 50 people after taking party-goers hostage inside a gay club in Orlando has been identified.

Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter, who was wielding an assault rifle and a handgun, as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida.

The gunman, who was born to Afghan parents, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he opened fire on the dance floor inside Pulse in the early hours of this morning.

At least 50 people were killed and 53 others were injured in the shooting in the deadliest mass shooting in US history. . . .

On Friday singer Christina Grimmie’s was murdered in a gun-free zone in Orlando. Early this morning, at least 50 people were fatally shot at an Orlando night club — also a gun-free zone.  In both cases the media has yet to report that these attacks occurred where general citizens couldn’t defend themselves.

Since at least 1950, only slightly over 1 percent of mass public shootings have occurred where general citizens have been able to defend themselves. Police are extremely important in stopping crime, but even if they had been present at the time of the nightclub shooting, they may have had a very difficult time stopping the attack. Attackers will generally shoot first at any uniformed guards or officers who are present (the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last year illustrates that point).  Alternatively, they will move on to another place without uniformed officers.

In this particular case the police only arrived on the scene after the attack occurred. That illustrates another point: it is simply impossible for the police to protect all possible targets.

It is hard to ignore how these mass public shooters consciously pick targets where they know victims won’t be able to defend themselves (here, here, and here).

Florida’s law on where people can carry guns is very clear:

From the relevant statute (790.06):

(12)(a) A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon or firearm into: . . .
12. Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose;

CCW in Bars

Among the recent states that allow permitted concealed handguns in places that get more than 50 percent of their revenue from alcohol are:Georgia (2014), Louisiana (2014), North Dakota (2015), North Carolina(2014), Ohio (2011), South Carolina (2014), and Tennessee (2009).  Besides Florida, other states that prohibit them are: Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska,New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.    However, some states such as California issue so few permits that they might as well be banning be banning them in bars.  There is no evidence of problems despite people being able to carry in states that allow people to carry in bars.  Despite the many millions of permit holders in these states, no examples are offered of drunk patrons with permits causing trouble.

Many of the states that allow one to carry a gun in a bar still prohibit you to consume alcohol.  Here are some other state laws: Alaska, Idaho, Michigan(allows you to open carry if you have a concealed handgun permit), and Montana (allows you to openly carry a gun into a bar), and Oregon.

People are allowed to carry in restaurants that don’t get more than 50% of their revenue from alcohol in all the states (again, Montana only allows you to do so as open carry with a permit).  Again, there is no evidence of problems despite people being able to carry in places that serve alcohol across the entire country.

Media discussions today on assault weapons, background checks, but not relevant to the case here.  But the easiest thing for these reporters to check and know for sure, that this was another attack in a gun free zone, is never mentioned once anywhere in the media.  Hillary Clinton and President Obama both used the attack to call for more gun control.  But there is no explanation on how any of Clinton’s proposals would accomplish this:

“We need to keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals,” Clinton said. “This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets.” . . .

The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has many errors on state laws regarding where one can carry.  This article in the New York Times was wrong about many state laws at the time that it was written.

gun free zones

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