Forced Vaccination is Equivalent to Human Experimentation and Subject to the Nuremberg Code

Posted by: TLB Staff

Published October 19, 2013, filed under FREEDOM, GOVERNMENT,HEALTH

ninetymilesbjtcQw1rjmkoko1_500[1]By: Roger Landry (TLB)

The loss of our basic right to determine our own health care including Forced Vaccinations is coming and in many cases the precursors already exist. When We The People no longer have the right to decide what goes into our bodies and are forced to acquiesce to government mandates on such issues as Vaccinations then tyranny is no longer a possibility … it is a fact!

This article will discuss this point and the reasons so many of us choose not to vaccinate and will stand by that decision. Only the use of tyrannical force will overcome that objection.


Study after study is proving that vaccines are ineffective, may cause the very disease they are purported to prevent and in some cases may cause more harm to us than the actual disease. Peer Reviewed studies now link vaccines and psychotropic drugs to such physical and mental diseases as Cancer, SIDS, Dementia, Autism, ADHD, Behavioral Disorders and a host of other maladies we as a nation suffer on a massive scale, some of which we as a nation lead the world in.

gardasil-cartoon[1]Is it just coincidence that the rise in these diseases coincides almost perfectly with the massive drive to vaccinate the American public and put a huge portion of this population on psychotropic drugs? Is it just a coincidence that we are the most vaccinated and drugged nation on this planet? When does coincidence become fact?

Below you will find an abundance of information contained in excerpts from an article called “Boycott The American Academy Of Pediatrics” first published about two years ago. Some of the information and active links has been updated to function and to reflect current conditions. The knowledge and information contained is invaluable for those of us facing persecution and indeed legal ramifications for our steadfast and scientifically fact based beliefs! Additional information on the Nuremberg Code is also included below as well as a video on this subject …


Excerpts from: “Boycott The American Academy Of Pediatrics”

In 2000, “At an annual meeting at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a resolution called for an end to all government mandated vaccinations. The resolution passed without a single dissenting vote.” The resolution read, “Mass vaccination is equivalent to human experimentation and subject to the Nuremberg Code.” (Francis).

In 2007, Gov. Perry of Texas, lied and told families that he had the power to force children to take vaccines.


In California, AB 499 has become law (Governor Brown Signed AB 499 into Law on August 27, 2013). This bill takes away parental informed consent for a dangerous & potentially deadly vaccine.

SANE Vax Inc. discovers potential bio-hazard contaminant in MERCK’s  Gardisil HPV-4 Vaccine

Judicial Watch investigated side effects of HPV Vaccine and discovered at least 3589 adverse reactions including 213 cases of permanent disability and 16 deaths. Is HPV Vaccine Safe? Please watch this clip that includes a report from Cheryl Atkinson of CBS.


If That is not enough to convince you, see the many articles appropriate to this subject here:

Please take a moment to reflect on this quote, “Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” Bertrand Russell  The Impact of Science on Society, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1953, p. 50.

If This concerns you at all please check out

If you are still reading this and care about the future and freedom of humanity please watch this.


Here is a Hollywood Propaganda piece,” Contagion,”


“No One is Immune to Fear” Please forward this to your friends and family, especially to those that have children and those that work in the medical field. I urge everyone to call their state and federal legislators and demand a stop to mandates & demand more freedom not less. “Perfect freedom is as necessary to the health and vigor of commerce as it is to the health and vigor of citizenship.” Patrick Henry Baby DNA is being confiscated across the country without parents consent.

More & more children are being given stimulants, anti-depressants and ant-psychotics. In the last 20 or so years there has been an increase in mass murder and school shootings. The pharmaceutical industry has known about the connection to the 2D6 Gene.

10 recent massacres were committed by those under the influence of psychiatric drugs resulting in 54 dead and 105 wounded.

All the while Bush planned on screening the entire population for mental illness. starting with, “Teen Screen.”

Meanwhile: Gene specific drugs are being developed.

For, “the treatment of a large number of metabolic and infectious diseases including but not limited to cancer, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, Alzheimer’s and other neural disorders, autoimmune diseases, and all viral infections including AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), hepatitis and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).” Please help in the call protest the American Academy of Pediatrics and any and all physicians that attempt to promote the use of HPV Vaccine or any other dangerous vaccine, weather you are pro-education, pro vaccine choice or anti-vaccine, or wherever you stand. “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Ben Franklin. Stand Up For Liberty! Peace, Love & Liberty Will Prevail. (Tyranny)

Violation Of The Nuremberg Code


TLB: Parting Shot – Have we learned nothing from our experience with the eugenics programs of Nazi Germany … or has our government learned too much …

TiLTNews Network

Vaccine Apocalypse Now


Anthony Freda Art

Jack Mullen
Activist Post
“Compulsory vaccination which once had the suffrage of the nation has now hardly a serious supporter. We are ashamed to jettison the idea completely and perhaps afraid that if we did the accident of some future epidemic might put us in the wrong. We prefer to let compulsory vaccination die a natural death and are relieved that the general public is not curious enough to demand an inquest. In the meantime our attention is diverted to other and new forms of immunisations” – [A] Charles Cyril Okell, “From a Bacteriological Back-Number,”The Lancet, January 1, 1938 pp 48-49
A Vaccine Apocalypse is in progress Now in America. This is a war, started centuries ago and continues today because Americans have no education in the history of vaccines or the nature of medical tyranny.
There is a war raging against American Citizens, an attack, hidden and packaged in a religion of pretended Authority, presented and sold by an immoral and synthetic, media manufactured, culture of self-sacrifice, guilt, pacifism, denial and learned helplessness.
The phony, plastic, unnatural culture is supported by pseudo-science, monopoly capitalism, false intellectualism and a growing expression of violence against those beginning to see behind the mask of this specious malevolent deception.

Vaccination hysteria and a crescendoing push to validate, normalize and implement vaccinations for growing numbers of disease is one expression of this multi-headed serpent gathering strength via usurpation of an individual’s rights, responsibilities and sovereign authority over their property including their bodies.

A 2012 study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the San Rafael, California Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, concluded that whooping cough, pertussis, occurs more among vaccinated children than children not vaccinated for pertussis with the DtaP vaccine that replaced the DTP vaccine.[B]

The entire tainted history of vaccines has been riddled with fraud and deception. Without a working knowledge of the medical tyranny festering in America and the Western World, including the real history of vaccines, Americans cannot defend themselves in this war, which has been raging since the early 1800s.

As a matter of fact, pertussis has been on the rise since pertussis vaccinations have increased. In 2010, a mumps outbreak occurred among 1000 children in upper New Jersey and lower New York. Almost 80% of them had been vaccinated with MMR (measles, mumps & rubella) vaccine. [B]

People today, as they were in the 1800s, are fear peddled into opening their bodies to an invasion of foreign chemicals, micro-organisms and in this century even nano technology. Opening their bodies to complete unknowns, trusting corporations with histories fraught with lies while, at the same time, opening their wallets to these companies and their enforcement arms in government just to placate and immunize themselves against further intrusion into their lives.
Doing the research and reading history it can be easily seen vaccines have never worked very well. They have always been associated with promoting and expressing the disease, called shedding, a process whereby the inoculated can and does manufacture the immunizing virus internally while the immune system is shocked and responding to the direct injection of attenuated virus (or in most cases, multiple viral strains, DNA and RNA).

Throughout the 1980s, official agencies reported several outbreaks of measles occurring among children who had been vaccinated in various locations including an Illinois junior high and high school, a Massachusetts high school, a region in France, and a rural area near Helisinki, Finland.

Both USA schools had well over 90% of children vaccinated against measles – that’s the herd immunity mark for a given population. The bogus herd immunity claim serves to create more revenue while blaming parents who refuse vaccinations for endangering humanity. [B] *

According to Barbara Loe-Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the legal right for everyone to make vaccine choices.

Live attenuated viral vaccines (LAV) that use live viruses try to, in essence, fool your immune system into believing that you’ve come into contact with a real virus, thereby stimulating the antibody response that, theoretically, will protect you,” she says.

When you get these live viral vaccines, you shed live virus in your body fluids. Just like when you get a viral infection, you shed live virus. That’s how viral infections are transmitted.

Because viruses, unlike bacteria, need a living host… in order to multiply. What these viruses do is they try to disable the immune system and evade immune responses. [F]

The push to force these disease-causing, tainted with numerous co-toxins, vaccines on the American public is declaration of war by those seeking to downsize human populations, end the reign of sovereign states and to discredit and forever render powerless an individual’s right to privacy and controlled access to his or her body.

The vaccine mafia, supported by the thugs of medical malpractice, the factitious authority of the State and soon the end of a gun, are replaying a war they already lost long ago: Forced and defined mandatory vaccinations has been tried and then refuted in the past.

Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated. – Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. [A]

Today just like yesterday, the modern, for big profit, pharmaceutical cartels, supported by their priests and acolytes, are pushing a self-contradictory idea that vaccinated people are getting diseases anyway because they are in the company of non-vaccinated people.

Sir Duminie Corigan, M.D. when acting as one of the the committee in 1871, on the Vaccination Act [In England ], said: “An unvaccinated child is like a bag of gunpowder which might blow up the whole school, and ought not, therefore, to be admitted to a school unless he is vaccinated” – [A]

However, it was during a major outbreak of smallpox in the 1880s and 1890s that some enlightened, and apparently not bought off, officials in the City of Leicester, England, a city and unitary authority area in the East Midlands of England, after reviewing the history and data concerning vaccinations and noting increases in the number of people infected with smallpox seemed correlated with vaccination, decided to go against the church of medicine and ban vaccinations for all those in the city.
Then just as now:

Concerns over vaccine safety, effectiveness, and governmental infringement on personal liberty and freedom through compulsory vaccination stoked the fires of the anti-vaccination movement. People began to resist the government and chose to pay fines. Some even accepted imprisonment rather than allowing vaccinations for themselves of their children. The public backlash culminated in the Great Demonstration in Leicester, England in 1885.

That same year, Leicester’s government, which had pushed for vaccination through the use of fines and jail time, was replaced with a new government that was opposed to compulsory vaccination. By 1887 the vaccination coverage rates had dropped to 10 percent. [A]

The so-called Leicester method relied on quarantine of smallpox patients and disinfection of homes. The city believed this method was inexpensive and effective means to eliminate vaccinations.
According to an article in the The Times, March 24, 1885:

The last decade has witnessed an extraordinary decrease in vaccinations, but, nevertheless, the town has enjoyed an almost entire immunity from the small-pox…

The result is that in every instance the disease has been promptly and completely stamped out at paltry expense. Under such a system the Corporation have expressed their opinion that vaccination is unnecessary, as they claim to deal with disease in a more direct and much more efficacious manner. This and a widespread belief that death and disease have resulted from the operation of vaccination.

Stunningly, the success of the Leicester method was not seen in towns and cities that forced citizens to vaccinate.

Not only may well-vaccinated towns be affected with small-pox, but the most thorough vaccination of a population that is possible to imagine may be followed by and extensive outbreak of the disease. This happened in the mining and agricultural district of Mold, in Flintshire… Leicester, with population under ten of age practically unvaccinated , had a small-pox death rate 144 per million; whereas Mold, with all of the births vaccinated for eighteen years previous to the epidemic, had one of 3614 per million [A]

That’s a 32 times increase because of vaccinations.

An ongoing study out of Germany comparing disease rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children points to a pretty clear disparity between the two groups as far as illness rates are concerned.

As reported by the group Health Freedom Alliance, children who have been vaccinated according to official government schedules are up to five times more likely to contract a preventable disease than children who developed their own immune systems naturally without vaccines. [C]

Pharmaceutical cartels protected by regulatory bodies, captured and controlled by Big Pharma, are finding it more difficult and expensive to produce medicine to actually cure disease and have been moving to a cheaper and highly profitable model of vaccinating for disease. The upside also includes a not spoken about benefit – vaccinated people are likely to develop chronic life-long problems associated with immune disorders and disease caused by the compounds of vaccines. Damaged vaccine recipients become a continual source of patients supplied to the conventional medical system still treating people with disease-causing medicine, unnecessary surgery and long-term hospitalization and nursing home care for older people suffering from disease caused originally by vaccination years earlier.

As disclosed at, vaccinated children are nearly twice as likely as unvaccinated children to develop neurodermatitis, for instance, a skin disorder marked by chronic itching and scratching. Similarly, vaccinated children are about two-and-a-half times as likely, based on current data, to develop a pattern of migraine headaches compared to unvaccinated children. [C]

Children are dying from the flu shot and suffering unknown maladies from mercury and other contaminants of the flu vaccine, while the MMR vaccine has been shown to cause Autism and Autism rates are fantastically high and rising, in fact according to MIT research:

At Today’s rate, half of All U.S. Children Will Be Autistic (by 2025)  [D]

Recently Dr. William Thompson Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control publicly admitted, in August 2014, the CDC covered up data linking the MMR vaccine to Autism in 1998 — and yet nothing has been done about this ongoing tragedy that apparently will never end.
In fact, the mainstream scripted news outlets, such as FOX, CNN, MSNBC and disinformation sites like are claiming William Thompson’s revelations are a hoax – yet Doctor Andrew Wakefield had already shown a correlation between vaccines in an article published in The Lancet Medical Journal in 1998, meanwhile children are still be forced to suffer the MMR vaccine and Autism rates are still climbing. (Source)
Vaccines are a money making super-scam being foisted on humans in the name of doing good. Doing good in this case may even require the point of a gun or the threat of losing your children or long jail terms.
Vaccines themselves are an open door to your body, a direct entrance past the firewall of your skin and immune system, capable of causing or creating any imaginable malady in your body, whether at the moment of injection or, via a timed mechanism, causing long-term health problems after any number of years.
Vaccines are a pig-in-the-poke which neither you, nor your medicine man (Doctor), has any clue about contents of these liquid unknowns.

In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations. He admits that Merck drug company vaccines (Polio) had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus from 1953 – 63.

As I wrote in an article called “West Virginia: Forcing Children to become Autistic, by Law” [D]

New evidence, shown in link just below, presents even more convincing and damning revelations the CDC, FDA, NIH, Planned Parenthood and likely other United Nations cover operations are purposefully maiming and killing our children. The article entitled “Finally the Truth: Study Links Autism to Vaccines of ‘Aborted Babies’ Cells”, announces a study showing “increases in Autism rates directly linked to the introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cells from aborted babies.” The study, published in the September 2014 in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, “was designed to analyze whether or not the environment factor of fetal cells could be connected with the rise in Autism.” (Source)

The actual study is located here:
According to the study “Researchers identified three specific change points in the U.S. between 1970 and 2002 following the approval in 1979 of the MMR II and Varivax Chickenpox vaccines, which used the fetal cell line WI-38, instead of animal-based cells. The Late 1980 study by the EPA confirmed one of the change points in which the incidence of Autism rose significantly in the U.S. as well as points in other countries. Each of these points corresponds to the times that a vaccine containing DNA from aborted babies was added to the recommended vaccine schedule.”  IBID
Worse yet “Not only are the human fetal contaminated vaccines associated with autistic disorder throughout the World but also with epidemic childhood leukemia and lymphomas.” IBID
With more and more babies being aborted, the irony of rising Autism rates, rising in direct proportion to “the increasing numbers of human fetal manufactured vaccines which have been added to the US immunization guidelines”, should be interpreted as a wake up call to those thinking nature will not push back against anti-life activities.
A bigger and more primary issue in this discussion of forced, mandated, and “required to work” vaccinations is this: where comes the “Authority” to violate the body of an individual without permission, by force or threat of job loss or jail ? By what moral authority or life natural authority can costumed pretend authorities violate a person’s most intimate and private possession, his/her body?
Pretended Authority has not no authority, especially over your body and life, which must therefore include your property. It is only the people that give these authoritarians the right, via tacit consent and lack of education and concern.
Vaccines are, at the best, a last resort method in the face of some out-of-control infectious contagion, but should never be considered for normal childhood disease such as the measles and mumps and rubella (measles). Typically measles results in the death of 1 or 2 children per 1000 cases and of those deaths, most result from pneumonia not the measles. The risk of vaccine related long term damage, or Autism, now 1 out 50 children, is just not worth the risk.
Compare these death rates to the rate of Autism, now 1 in 50 or consider that hospitals kill over 700,000 per year by mistake. (Source)
Or consider that Medical Doctor Mistakes are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. (Source)
Is Autism a fair trade for pretended immunity against a disease that kills less 1 or 2 out of 1000?

The DTP (diptheria, tetanus, pertussis) vaccine has had a very high infant mortality rate, which is why it was replaced with the DtaP vaccine for pertussis. Though not as often, brain inflammation still occurs from the DtaP vaccine, which is not so effective for preventing pertussis after all. [B]

Is it worth damaging your child’s brain or risking infant mortality for a vaccine that has no evidence of even conveying immunity?
Forced or “Required” MMR vaccines are just avarice and greed and psychopathic adherence to a global eugenics, and genocidal, plan to drastically reduce world population.
By the time a child is 18 months old he or she will have received on average:

  • Up to 4 doses of the Hepatitis B Vaccine
  • 3 doses of the rotavirus vaccine
  • 4 doses of the DTaP
  • 4 doses of the Hib vaccine
  • 4 doses of the pneumococcal vaccine
  • 3 doses of the polio vaccine
  • up to 2 doses of the flu vaccine
  • 2 doses of the hepatitis A vaccine
  • 1 MMR shot
  • 1 chickenpox shot


Edward Jenner (1796-1839) “discovered” that cowpox vaccine would supposedly innoculate persons against the eighteenth century scourge of smallpox. In fact, smallpox was already on the wane, and some authorities believe it would have vanished by the end of the century, due to a number of contributing factors. After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke in which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemic became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 1948, despite the fact that it was one of the most widely heralded “contribution” which that country had made to modern medicine. This action came after many years of compulsory vaccination, during which period those who refused to submit to its dangers were hurried off to jail.[E] page 136-137

[A] Dissolving Illusions Suzanne Humphries, MD
[B] :
[E] Murder By Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America, Eustace Mullins
Jack Mullen has been a businessman for more than 25 years, owning 3 radio stations, several technology based companies and a resource development company

TiLTNews Network

British Court Throws Out Conviction of Autism/Vaccine MD: Andrew Wakefield’s Co-Author Completely Exonerated

February 13, 2015

Autism Action Network

In a stunning reversal, world renowned pediatric gastroenterologist Prof. John Walker-Smith won his appeal against the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council regulatory board that had ruled against both him and Andrew Wakefield for their roles in the 1998 Lancet MMR paper, which raised questions about a link to autism. The complete victory means that Walker-Smith has been returned to the status of a fully licensed physician in the UK, although he had already retired in 2001 — six years before the GMC trial even began.

Justice John Mitting ruled on the appeal by Walker-Smith, saying that the GMC “panel’s determination cannot stand. I therefore quash it.” He said that its conclusions were based on “inadequate and superficial reasoning and, in a number of instances, a wrong conclusion.” The verdict restores Walker-Smith’s name to the medical register and his reputation to the medical community. This conclusion is not surprising, as the GMC trial had no actual complainants, no harm came to the children who were studied, and parents supported Walker-Smith and Wakefield through the trial, reporting that their children had medically benefited from the treatment they received at the Royal Free Hospital.

While John Walker-Smith received funding to appeal the GMC decision from his insurance carrier, his co-author Andrew Wakefield did not — and was therefore unable to mount an appeal in the high court. This year, however, Dr. Wakefield, who now conducts his research in the US, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Brian Deer, Fiona Godlee and the British Medical Journal for falsely accusing him of “fraud.” The suit is currently underway in Texas, where Wakefield now lives. The ruling today bodes well for Dr. Wakefield’s suit against Deer, on whose reporting the entire GMC hearing was based.

In 1998 the Lancet published a case series on twelve children receiving treatment for bowel dysfunction at the Royal Free Hospital in London. The paper called for further study of a possible association between bowel disease and developmental delay, including cases of autism. It also noted that eight of the children’s gastrointestinal and autistic symptoms began shortly after they received the MMR vaccination. The verdict today raises questions about whether or not the Lancet should have retracted the paper after the GMC decision, as the reasons for its retraction have now been contradicted by the judge’s decision.

The thirteen original co-authors of the 1998 Lancet case series were members of the Royal Free’s Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group. In 2004, under pressure from the British medical establishment, ten of the co-authors signed a letter retracting an interpretation of the paper that it proved that vaccines caused autism, which the paper never actually claimed in the first place. John Walker-Smith, Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Simon Murch were subsequently brought up on misconduct charges before the GMC. The proceedings resulted in Walker-Smith and Wakefield being found guilty and being “struck off” the medical register, while Dr. Murch retained his status as a physician. Wakefield was then vilified by corporate media and by bloggers eager to repeat scandal and engage in industry protectionism, rather than investigate the complicated facts of the story.

Today, almost 14 years after the paper was published, the high court determined that John Walker-Smith was innocent of the wrongdoing alleged by the GMC. Judge Mitting reported that the GMC, “on the basis of sensible instructions, does not invite me to remit it to a fresh Fitness to Practice panel for redetermination. The end result is that the finding of serious professional misconduct and the sanction of erasure are both quashed.”

British parents from the group CryShame, which includes parents of the Lancet 12, issued a statement saying that they “welcome with immense relief the end of the eight year ordeal of Prof John Walker-Smith and the quashing of all substantive charges against him in the High Court, and wish him their heartfelt congratulations at finally clearing his name.”

“Though justice has finally prevailed for Prof. Walker-Smith, the damage done to him and his colleagues has been incalculable,” said Mark Blaxill, chairman of the Canary Party. “The UK government must investigate the corruption in the GMC, which has severely damaged the reputations of good, honest doctors. Most of all, it’s outrageous that Dr. Andrew Wakefield has been vilified by government officials, vaccine manufacturers and physician organizations, and that the media has accepted these unfounded accusations uncritically.”

“It’s time that we started treating responsible parents as reliable witnesses to serious adverse reactions to medical procedures such as vaccination,” said Jennifer Larson, president of the Canary Party. “The work that Walker-Smith and his colleagues at the Royal Free Hospital did with the Lancet 12 was medically necessary and above reproach. No patient complained, and the charges against the Royal Free team came only from a freelance journalist writing for a Rupert Murdoch newspaper. Meanwhile, the findings reported in the Lancet paper have been replicated in numerous scientific publications and reported by thousands of parents all over the world.”

“It is quite obvious to me that James Murdoch, Brian Deer and GlaxoSmithKline orchestrated the smear attack on Dr. Andrew Wakefield,” said Ginger Taylor, executive director of the Canary Party. “A judge has now ruled that the GMC hearings were a farce. Parents are waiting for journalists to find their spine and start some honest reporting on the character assassination of doctors that is blocking medical treatments for vaccine injured children, and the role that GSK and Merck may be playing to protect their profits on the MMR vaccine. The Canary Party honors and stands by doctors of integrity like Prof. Walker-Smith, who continue to fight and defend their hard-won reputations for going the extra mile to investigate and improve the chronic, difficult-to-treat cases that now permeate our society.”

Source: Autism Action Network

Vaccine Epidemic
How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children
by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland J.D.

FREE Shipping Available!

– See more at:

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Go to Prison for Sharing Files? That’s What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal

Noncommercial activities could get people convicted of a crime

Go to Prison for Sharing Files? That's What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal

Image Credits: timpearcelosgatos, Flickr


The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP) poses massive threats to users in a dizzying number of ways. It will force other TPP signatories to accept theUnited States’ excessive copyright terms of a minimum of life of the author plus 70 years, while locking the US to the same lengths so it will be harder to shorten them in the future. It contains extremeDRM anti-circumvention provisions that will make it a crime to tinker with, hack, re-sell, preserve, and otherwise control any number of digital files and devices that you own. The TPP will encourage ISPs to monitor and police their users, likely leading to more censorship measures such as the blockage and filtering of content online in the name of copyright enforcement. And in the most recent leak of the TPP’s Intellectual Property chapter, we found an even more alarming provision on trade secretsthat could be used to crackdown on journalists and whistleblowers who report on corporate wrongdoing.

Here, we’d like to explore yet another set of rules in TPP that will chill users’ rights. Those are the criminal enforcement provisions, which based upon the latest leak from May 2014 is still a contested and unresolved issue. It’s about whether users could be jailed or hit with debilitating fines over allegations of copyright infringement.

Dangerously Low Threshold of Criminality

The US is pushing for a dangerously broad definition of a criminal violation of copyright, where even noncommercial activities could get people convicted of a crime. The leak also shows that Canada has opposed this definition. Canada supports language in which criminal remedies would only apply to cases where someone infringed explicitly for commercial purposes.

This distinction is crucial. Commercial infringement, where an infringer sells unauthorized copies of content for financial gain, is and should be a crime. But that’s not what the US is pushing for—it’s trying to get language passed in TPP that would make a criminal out of anyone who simply shares or otherwise makes available copyrighted works on a “commercial scale.”

As anyone who has ever had a meme go viral knows, it is very easy to distribute content on a commercial scale online, even without it being a money-making operation. That means fans who distribute subtitles to foreign movies or anime, or archivists and librarians who preserve and upload old books, videos, games, or music, could go to jail or face huge fines for their work. Someone who makes a remix film and puts it online could be under threat. Such a broad definition is ripe for abuse, and we’ve seen such abuse happen many times before.

Fair use, and other copyright exceptions and limitations frameworks like fair dealing, have been under constant attack by rightsholder groups who try to undermine and chip away at our rights as users to do things with copyrighted content. Given this reality, these criminal enforcement rules could go further to intimidate and discourage users from exercising their rights to use and share content for purposes such as parody, education, and access for the disabled.

Penalties That Must be “Sufficiently High”

The penalties themselves could be enough to intimidate and punish users in a way that is grossly disproportionate to the crime. Based upon the leak, which showed no opposition in key sections, it seems TPP negotiators have already agreed to more vague provisions that would oblige countries to enact prison sentences and monetary fines that are “sufficiently high” to deter people from infringing again. Here is the text:

penalties that include sentences of imprisonment as well as monetary fines sufficiently high to provide a deterrent to future acts of infringement, consistently with the level of penalties applied for crimes of a corresponding gravity;

Already in many countries, criminal punishments for copyright grossly outweigh penalties for acts that are comparatively more harmful to others. So the question as to what crimes copyright infringement corresponds to in “gravity” is obscure. What’s more alarming is that countries without existing criminal penalties or whose penalties are not “sufficiently high” to satisfy the US government, may be forced to enact harsher rules. The US Trade Representative (USTR) could use the certification process, at the behest of rightsholder groups, to arm-twist nations into passing more severe penalties, even after the TPP is signed and ratified. The USTR has had a long history of pressuring other nations into enacting extreme IP policies, so it would not be out of the realm of possibility.

Property Seizure and Asset Forfeiture

The TPP’s copyright provisions even require countries to enable judges to unilaterally order the seizure, destruction, or forfeiture of anything that can be “traceable to infringing activity”, has been used in the “creation of pirated copyright goods”, or is “documentary evidence relevant to the alleged offense”. Under such obligations, law enforcement could become ever more empowered to seize laptops, servers, or even domain names.

Domain name seizure in the name of copyright enforcement is not new to us in the US, nor to peoplerunning websites from abroad. But these provisions open the door to the passage of ever more oppressive measures to enable governments to get an order from a judge to seize websites and devices. The provision also says that the government can act even without a formal complaint from the copyright holder. So in places where the government chooses to use the force of copyright to censor its critics, this could be even more disastrous.

Criminalization of Getting Around DRM

We’ve continued to raise this issue, but it’s always worth mentioning—the TPP exports the United States’ criminal laws on digital rights management, or DRM. The TPP could lead to policies where users will be charged with crimes for circumventing, or sharing knowledge or tools on how to circumvent DRM for financial gain as long as they have “reasonable ground to know” that it’s illegal to do so. Chile, however, opposes this vague language because it could lead to criminal penalties for innocent users.

The most recent leak of the Intellectual Property chapter revealed new exceptions that would let public interest organizations—such as libraries and educational institutions—get around DRM to access copyrighted content for uses protected by fair use or fair dealing, or content that may simply be in the public domain. But even if it’s legal, it would be difficult for them to get around DRM since they may not be equipped with the knowledge to do it on their own. If someone else tries to do a public service for them by creating these tools for legally-protected purposes, they could still be put in jail or face huge fines.


Like the various other digital copyright enforcement provisions in TPP, the criminal enforcement language loosely reflects the United States’ DMCA but is abstracted enough that the US can pressure other nations to enact rules that are much worse for users. It’s therefore far from comforting when the White House claims that the TPP’s copyright rules would not “change US law”—we’re still exporting bad rules to other nations, while binding ourselves to obligations that may prevent US lawmakers from reforming it for the better. These rules were passed in the US through cycles of corrupt policy laundering. Now, the TPP is the latest step in this trend of increasingly draconian copyright rules passing through opaque, corporate-captured processes.

These excessive criminal copyright rules are what we get when Big Content has access to powerful, secretive rule-making institutions. We get rules that would send users to prison, force them to pay debilitating fines, or have their property seized or destroyed in the name of copyright enforcement. This is yet another reason why we need to stop the TPP—to put an end to this seemingly endless progression towards ever more chilling copyright restrictions and enforcement.

If you’re in the US, please call on your representatives to oppose Fast Track for TPP and other undemocratic trade deals with harmful digital policies.

Go to Prison for Sharing Files? That’s What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal
Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:17:18 GMT

TiLTNews Network

Comedy Central Show Chides Infowars With Clone Website

Segment features main character browsing ‘Conspiracy Wars’ site with crazy headline


An episode of the Comedy Central show Broad City depicted one of its main characters visiting a clone of the Infowars website entitled ‘Conspiracy Wars’ which featured the kooky headline, “Michael Jackson Lives in a Richard Branson Space Condo’.

The episode which featured the thinly veiled Infowars reference aired on Wednesday night. The design of the clone website seen in the clip is virtually an exact replica of

The plot of the show revolves around two scatterbrained Jewish feminist women living in New York. The character seen viewing the Infowars clone website is Ilana Wexler, who is described as, “a twenty-two-year-old slacker and marijuana enthusiast who is often oblivious to (or apathetic to) how others react to her often wacky antics.”

According to the author of the video above, the use of the Infowars clone website in the show is part of the ongoing demonization campaign against Infowars and Alex Jones being deployed across both entertainment and news media.

“Apparently, the mainstream media believes it’s just not enough to demonize and lie about Infowars in the news alone, the attacks must also cross over into entertainment, where the audience lets their guard down and are more susceptible to the conditioning,” states Adam Green, adding that, “the producers of the show went out of their way to create a fake website to condition their audience.”

By associating the crazy headline with the Infowars replica, the producers of the show intended to brainwash their viewers into confusing the real Infowars with fake news websites and tabloid media, according to Green.

A more positive reading of the issue would be that Infowars has seeped so far into the cultural zeitgeist of America that directors and script writers are now throwing in Alex Jones and Infowars references as a recognition of how much impact we have had. Or maybe Broad City just wanted us to draw attention to their show, and if that’s case it’s mission accomplished.

Although in the case of Broad City the connotation is undoubtedly negative, both Alex Jones and Infowars have featured in a plethora of popular entertainment releases, including numerous video games.

It also emerged this week that left-wing activist Peter Young, an expert in media manipulation, crafted an entire campaign to target Infowars in order to draw attention to his troubles with the TSA.

“The specific end-goal was The Alex Jones Show,” Young told the New York Observer. “While culturally considered fringe, he has a larger platform than most websites and TV shows.”

Given that Infowars is now being chided by shows on Comedy Central, which is owned by media giant Viacom, maybe we’re not so fringe after all.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

Comedy Central Show Chides Infowars With Clone Website
Fri, 13 Feb 2015 12:28:00 GMT

TiLTNews Network

The “Catastrophic Shutdown Of America’s Supply Chain” Begins: Stunning Photos Of West Coast Port Congestion

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2015 11:20 –0500

One week ago, when previewing what may be the first lockout of the West Coast Ports since 2002, we cited the Retail Industry Leaders Association who, realizing that failure to reach an agreement between the dockworker union and their bosses, the Pacific Maritime Association representing port management would lead to devastating consequences for the US retail industry, had several very damning soundbites:

  • “a work slowdown during contract negotiations over the past seven months has already created logistic nightmares for American exporters, manufacturers and retailers dependent on an efficient supply chain. A complete shutdown would be catastrophic, with hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk if America’s supply chain grinds to a halt.
  • “A west coast port shutdown would be an economic disaster.”
  • “A shutdown would not only impact the hundreds of thousands of jobs working directly in America’s transportation supply chain, but the reality is the entire economy would be impacted as exports sit on docks and imports sit in the harbor waiting for manufacturers to build products and retailers to stock shelves.”

And the punchline: “The slowdown is already making life difficult, but a shutdown could derail the economy completely.

Just so readers have a sense of what is at stake, this is what the average dockworker makes: $147,000 a year in salary, plus $35,000 a year in employer-paid health care and an annual pension of $80,000 (according to an association press release). It is the overtime compensation to the total shown here, which grosses to over a quarter of a million dollars, that dockworkers are negotiating to raise or else the key US supply-chains gets it.

Incidentally, the demands of the dockworker union and their leverage is precisely the reason for the dramatic discrepancy we showed in the following chart:

In any case, as of last night, the choking of the US supply-chain has officially begin, when as the LA Times reported last night, “West Coast ports — including the nation’s busiest in Los Angeles and Long Beach — will partially shut down for four days as shipping companies plan to dramatically slash dock work amid an increasingly contentious labor dispute.”


Terminal operators and shipping lines said that they would stop the unloading of ships Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, because they don’t want to pay overtime to workers who, they allege, have deliberately slowed operations to the point of causing a massive bottleneck. Thursday is Lincoln’s Birthday and Monday is Presidents Day, which are holidays for the workers.

Slowing down work “amounts to a strike with pay, and we will reduce the extent to which we pay premium rates for such a strike,” said Wade Gates, spokesman for the Pacific Maritime Assn., the employer group representing the shipping companies. The local union in Los Angeles and Long Beach has denied using slowdown tactics.

Accoring to the LA Times, it is not clear if the partial shutdown foreshadows a total closure of the ports. Fears of a lockout of dockworkers, who have been without a contract since July, have risen in the last week and the two sides haven’t held talks since Friday. SF Gate was far more clear on what the dockworker action means: West Coast ports to shut down 4 days amid labor dispute.”

Work delays and stoppages over the past three months have caused mounting problems for Bay Area importers and small-business owners, who say they are losing money as trucks line up daily outside the Port of Oakland waiting for container ships anchored in San Francisco Bay to unload.

The shutting down of port operations is ironic because it’ll make the situation worse, said union officials who claimed the association canceled a negotiating session Wednesday and has not been available since last Friday.

“This is an effort by the employers to put economic pressure on our members and to gain leverage in contract talks,” said Robert McEllrath, president of the longshore and warehouse union. “The union is standing by ready to negotiate, as we have been for the past several days.”

Regardless of who is at fault for the (partial) shut down, one can’t blame dockworkers for doing what Greece is actively doing at the same time in its own negotiations with Europe: maximizing its leverage. Because as Bank of America showed yesterday, in a piece dedicated precisely to this topic, nothing short of 3.5% of marginal US GDP is at steak, which translated into CAGR terms, means that the fate of America’s estimated 3% growth in 2015 is suddenly in the hands of a few thousand port workers, and with that, whether or not the US has a recession.

Some more thoughts from BofA:

Could port activity grind to a halt?

Due to continued unsuccessful contract negotiations between West Coast port employers (Pacific Maritime Association) and workers (International Longshore and Warehouse Union), there is a growing risk of a shutdown/lockout at West Coast docks, possibly within days. This past weekend, ports temporarily halted operations, adding to uncertainty. In our view, although a port strike/lockout could weigh on operations and profitability in some industries, the economic fallout of a one-week strike is likely to be limited to a loss of $0.8-1.8bn, representing a 0.1-0.2% hit to annualized GDP growth in 1Q15.

Size matters

Since the fall, a notable disruption in activity at the ports has materialized, and the risk is the current delays could spiral into full-blown gridlock, or that employers could lock out workers. West Coast ports are an important component of US trade. As cited by our Transportation Analyst Ken Hoexter, the value of total traffic at West Coast ports (waterborne, air and land) accounts for 12% of GDP. However, drilling down specifically to goods arriving/departing by water vessels (and hence, impacted by the labor dispute) reveals a much smaller share, only 3.5% of GDP or roughly $600bn, as of 2014.

Gauging the economy-wide risk during a shutdown

The economic fallout of a port shutdown is challenging to measure and depends heavily on the technique of analysis. Economic impact studies of West Coast  port shutdowns have yielded loss estimates as high as $2bn per day. However, analysis by Peter Hall of the University of Waterloo and by the US Congressional Budget Office criticized such techniques as they fail to account for the ability for firms to substitute to alternative transportation routes, resulting in inflated loss estimates. Instead, according to research published by the CBO in 2006, the fallout is likely much lower, roughly $65mn to $150mn per day if Los Angeles and Long Beach ports were to shut down for a week in 2004. To get a sense of what the risks are in today, we gross that figure up to account for higher trade volumes, and include all West Coast ports. Our back of the envelope calculation suggests the daily loss to GDP would be $150-350mn per day, or $0.8-1.8bn per week. That would represent 0.1-0.2% hit to annualized 1Q15 GDP growth.

Learning from the past: short-term pain is likely

If history is any guide, a temporary port shutdown would acutely hurt the trade sector in the short term, but would not threaten to derail the recovery. In 2002, port workers at 29 West Coast ports were locked out for roughly 10 days in October, before President Bush invoked the Taft-Hartley Act to reopen the ports.

What could go wrong?

We highlight two key scenarios that may lead to greater downside risk relative to our base case:

  • A protracted disruption could trigger non-linear (accelerating) economic costs as temporary contingency measures run their course, resulting in worsening supply chain disruptions. President Obama could intervene by invoking the Taft-Hartley Act as was done in 2002, but it is not clear if or how quickly the White House would be willing to step into a labor dispute this time around.

There is uncertainty regarding the capacity of alternative transportation routes. Extensive use of air freight and Canadian/Eastern ports may lead to capacity constraints at those sites, limiting the ability of industry to successfully substitute to alternative supply chains for an extended period.

So the bottom line is that nobody really knows what will happen if the “partial” stoppage becomes a permanent one, as dockworkers try lever their influence on the US economy (which according to financial comedy TV is so strong, it should have no problem to meet their demands, right?), but it is safe to say that the final outcome will be somewhere between the “catastrophic” devastation for the economy which the retail industry predicts, and anywhere up to a 3.5% hit to the GDP, which in turn means an economic recession, if only temporary.

One thing, however, about which there is no doubt at all, is the unprecedented congestion that has slammed the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach harbor: that is very much real, as can be seen on the series of photos below courtesy of Mike Kelley. From his blog:

As anyone who follows my work knows, I’m fascinated by industry and infrastructure. For the past few weeks, a labor dispute has been unfolding at the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. After flying over the area while coming in to land at LAX, I saw all of these giant container ships anchored offshore and instantly knew that I had to photograph it.

The next day I called my pilot and said ‘when is the soonest we can go up?!’ Less than 24 hours later we were in the air. It was one of the most exciting experiences I’ve had doing aerial photography – being that far out at sea, with the huge swells underneath you, and these massive, massive container ships everywhere was like living a scene out of Walter Mitty’s life.

Cargo ships have been backed up for weeks on end at the ports of LA and Long Beach amid a labor dispute.

The size of these ships blows the mind; many of them are over a thousand feet long.

We photographed them from anywhere between 200 and 5,500 feet, and even at this height the enormous size was something else entirely.

The haze and setting sun created an ethereal mood to all of the pictures

Cargoes from around the world are backed up right now

I’ve never seen ANYTHING like this, even rush hour at the 405 doesn’t look so bad.

Colorful and massive, this ship is over 1000 feet from end to end.

From this angle, the scale and size of the city and ships becomes quickly apparent

* * *

Finally keep in mind that to many economists, or at least those who realize that the US economy is in a far worse shape than what official government data represents, an “exogenous” event like a West Coast port strike, just like a “Polar Vortex” is precisely what the doctor ordered. After all, what better scapegoat for the lack of growth than a few thousand dockworkers who are merely leveraging capitalism as much as they can… even if it means shutting down key US economic supply-chains in the process.

h/t @Theonlyexpert

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The Food Babe: Enemy of Chemicals

How one woman mobilized an army against food additives, GMOs, and all else not “natural”


Lauren Giordano/The Atlantic

“Cereals here in the United States contain a packaging ingredient called—God, I’m paranoid.” The natural-food advocate Vani Hari paused, laughing, looking at a man standing a few feet from our table in a Union Square coffee shop. He was huddled over his phone, just waiting for his coffee—or so it seemed. She lowered her voice, continuing, barely audible: “… called BHT.”

Hari looked in my blank eyes. I asked, “In the plastic bags?”

She nodded as if I’d just been let in on the secret to end all secrets. “And in the U.K., they can’t use it,” Hari, who is better known through her blogging, speaking, and TV appearances as “The Food Babe,” continued. “The purpose of it is to leach into the cereal, so it keeps it fresh. And, how many millions of kids are eating this every single day?”

“Why did the U.K. take it out?” I asked.

“They don’t allow it,” Hari said.

“They must have a reason.”

“There are studies that suggest it’s linked to cancer, tumors,” she said. “It’s an endocrine-disrupting chemical.”

Such is the gist of many of the food-additive campaigns that Hari has undertaken: A chemical in the U.S. food supply is not allowed in other countries, so why is it being used here? Petition the food companies to take it out. Over the past three years, Hari has rapidly become one of the most popular voices on nutrition in mainstream media. She has lived the American dream: monetizing a lifestyle blog and quitting her job to write about what she’s eating and why.

Hari is now working on developing a TV show, and her first book, released yesterday, is bound to lead bestseller lists. The title, a mouthful, leaves little to the imagination: The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins in Your Food and Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy in Just 21 Days! It is more than just another ultra-simple diet plan, or a compendium of claims intended to provoke, devoid of nuance, though it is also those things. (“Could an apple be more fattening than a hot fudge sundae? Quite possibly, especially if you consider the exposure and accumulation of pesticides over time in the body.”)

The book also offers the origin story of The Food Babe—how she left her job as a financial consultant and, despite no training in human metabolism, toxicology, or environmental science, became an unintentionally influential figure in public health. The book does little to address that she has also drawn the ire of many scientists who believe her claims are inaccurate or even dangerous. But Vani Hari did not intend to attract attention on the scale that she has. Her crusade began simply enough, with her own health issues, and the recovery that ensued after she discovered an all-natural approach to life. “Everything I had been putting in my body,” she writes in the book, “was either made from something out of a chemical factory, sprayed with chemicals, or genetically modified to make companies richer and me sicker.”

Hari’s secrecy when we met in New York was not because the story of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) was a particularly hot one. The additive has been widely used in cereal packaging for many years. BHT has to be listed as an ingredient on food labels, and some consumer-protection advocates like the Environmental Working Group have advised people to avoid it when possible. BHT is not a listed carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, but at high levels of exposure, rats have been found to develop lung and liver tumors, as well as problems with motor skills. These issues have not proven themselves to be relevant to humans, so the Food and Drug Administration classifies the chemical “Generally Recognized as Safe.”

Rather, Hari had explained that her secrecy was because, five days after we met, she was going to launch a campaign imploring her legion of followers (dubbed “The Food Babe Army”) to demand that General Mills and Kellogg’s stop usingBHT. She made me swear that I wouldn’t break the news in advance. I swore. And five days later, Hari posted a petition on her widely read blog, and pushed it to her 900,000-plus Facebook followers. Within a few hours, the petition had garnered more than 17,000 signatures. By the end of the day, last Thursday, Hari had published a press release saying that General Mills and Kellogg’s had announced that they were going to phase out BHT.

“There is just no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever.”

She called it “a giant victory for the Food Babe Army.” (General Mills’ brand manager said the company was “already well down the path of removing [BHT],” and that the petition played no role in that.) In either case, this is far from the first victory to Hari’s name. Since 2012, she has been leading campaigns demanding that food manufacturers remove ingredients that concern her, however remote the odds of serious danger. In March 2013, shesuccessfully implored Kraft to remove one of the chemical dyes that gave its macaroni and cheese that classic yellow-orange glow—because, Hari writes in the book, “at least one study” suggested a correlation between the chemical (yellow 5) and hyperactive behavior. Before that, her blogging and advocacy led to changes by Chipotle and Chick-fil-A, among others.

“I never gave permission for my body to be used as a toxic-waste dump or a science experiment,” Hari writes in the book, blaming the food industry for said use. “You’d think our Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would protect us from all of this, wouldn’t you? Hell, no. They’re part of the problem.” Her stance on food additives is an absolute one: “There is just no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever.”

Toxicologists the world over dispute that with the fundamental adage “The dose makes the poison.” Any substance is toxic at high enough quantities. Even something as banal as carbon dioxide can asphyxiate a person. And, similarly, almost anything is benign at low enough quantities. These are things that Hari knows but gives little due, sticking instead to the messages that are most visceral. She escalates the concerns raised by possible associations to concrete, actionable fear. Chapter One, titled “You’ve Been Duped,” sums up the most divisive elements of her ideology:

Every bite of food that passes through our lips, and every glass of water we drink, are potential sources of toxic chemicals, including pesticide residue, preservatives, artificial flavors and colorings, addicting sugars and fats, genetically modified organisms, and more. These toxins can travel to, and settle into, all the organs of your body, particularly the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs—and do great damage. Scientists are now blaming chemical-ridden food for the dramatic rise in obesity, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, infertility, dementia, mental illness, and more.

Most of the scientists who have spoken on Hari’s work, though, are less than supportive of that sweeping message. Rather, her work has drawn ardent criticism, primarily from a vocal contingent of academic researchers and doctors, who accuse her, in no uncertain terms, of fear-mongering and profiteering. They say that she invokes science when it is convenient, as in the passage above, but demonizes it when it is not—as in her blanket case against any and all genetically modified food. Last month, NPR ran a critique of Hari’s work, quoting several of her outspoken detractors. Science writer Kavin Senapathy, for one, captured the concerns of many in saying that Hari “exploits the scientific ignorance of her followers.” Others, including neurologist Steven Novella, have said that she is to food what Jenny McCarthy is to vaccines.

“The Web is cluttered with people who really have no idea what they are talking about giving advice as if it were authoritative,” Novella wrote in a blog post. “Often that advice is colored by either an ideological or commercial interest. The Food Babe is now the poster child for this phenomenon.” NPR also quoted oncologist David Gorski, who has called Hari “a seemingly-never-ending font of misinformation and fear-mongering about food ingredients, particularly any ingredient with a scary, ‘chemically’-sounding name.”

The deferential language of careful science, unfortunately, lends itself to little influence on the emotion-laden Internet.

In recent months the attacks have escalated, and Hari has mobilized her army for war. Her response to many detractors is a simple and effective charge of corruption: Those who criticize her work are doing so because of ties to the food industry. Rebutting the NPR article, Hari addressed her followers with an impassioned response, opening with a quote she attributes to Mahatma Gandhi: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” (If the Gandhi invocation feels a little self-aggrandizing, compare it to the book’s forward, in which 10-Day Detox Diet author Mark Hyman likens Hari’s work to that of Martin Luther King, Jr.) That was followed by more than 5,000 words ofresponses to her critics, including some humility—”I’ll admit it. My microwave blog post was not my most impressive piece of work”—all the while imploring her army to stand by her side in these trying times.

Illustrating the depth of what Hari endures, the post also includes images of some of the most hateful vitriol she has received from various dark corners of social media, complete with threats of rape and entreaties to kill herself.

“I’m getting attacked every day with a death threat,” she told me. When it first started, the criticism and negativity dissuaded her in her work. Now, she explained, it fuels her. It is becoming part of her identity as a crusader. She implores her followers to join the battle, to resist the influence of the food-industry-fueled opposition.

Lauren Giordano

Hari is a paragon of opportunism in that way, turning criticism in her favor, incorporating it as part of her outsider identity. Her critics are part of an establishment trying to suppress the truths she holds, the truths they don’t want you to hear. This week, Hari braced her fans on Facebook for the release of her book: “The ‪#‎FoodBabeWay‬ is hitting stores everywhere on Tuesday and I’m scared to death. The Food Industry is not going to be happy, they are going to fight back with their detractors leaving dishonest reviews and try to take me down any chance they get. … ” The post generated more than 9,000 likes. In the same way, she opens the book by turning her lack of scientific training into a point in her favor: The establishment is the problem, and she is its antithesis. She is at once the victim and the hero.

“What’s really concerning to me is that the majority of the medical establishment, including registered dietitians, have some sort of industry tie,” she told me. “It’s entrenched. Sometimes it takes an outsider to see the corruption. And to talk about it in a way that people understand.”

I asked her about that positioning, as the relatable underdog-outsider going against the medically trained elitists. “It wasn’t intentional,” she said. “This just isn’t stuff that you have to be a doctor or scientist to understand, and the fact that they’re telling you that, there’s a problem with that. That you have to be a food scientist in order to understand what these chemicals do in your body. Not really.”

Nutrition and human metabolism are among the most complex and consequential disciplines in the health sciences, but sentiment like Hari’s is not at all rare, evidenced by the many celebrities who feel qualified to write their own weight-loss books. They sell well, at least in part because people who are not scientists tend to be better at using evocative language and less married to conservative “may be related to”-type caveats; the scientific establishment that guardedly posits potential correlations, and ends every statement with “more studies are needed.” The deferential language of careful science, unfortunately, lends itself to little influence on the emotion-laden mainstream Internet.

Back in 2011, a public-health program at the University of California, Berkeleyadvised consumers about the cereal-bag chemical: “The nutritional benefits of, say, a whole­ grain cereal with the additives outweigh any risk. But because [BHT’s] health effects are still unclear, limit how much you consume.” Alas, the staid article did not lead to the removal of these chemicals from the food supply. That’s where one needs a Food Babe.

Hari is also part of an ongoing, escalating challenge to the identities of academics as gatekeepers of knowledge. The role of celebrity in giving public-health advice is not unique to the Internet era; Jane Fonda was the fitness expert of a VHS generation. But the idea of a lone consultant becoming, in three short years, more influential than entire university departments of Ph.D.s, is indicative of a new level of potential for celebrity in health messaging.

“And that’s the problem that we have: too many moderate people.”

“I wanted the hashtag to be #CerealKiller, but people talked me out of that,” Hari said, laughing but not unserious. I told her, as a writer who not-infrequently covers food and nutrition, that I worry about making people freak out when they shouldn’t. Toxic contamination of the food supply is an incendiary topic, and telling people they’ve been poisoning themselves or their kids (however innocently) can be a serious burden.

“And that’s the problem that we have: too many moderate people,” she said. “We need someone demanding change.”

NPR posited that its readers cannot simply ignore Hari, because her reach is growing. She wrote an op-ed about her success, and the widespread misuse of the term natural, for The New York Times. Hari is on track to become the next Dr. Oz-level health-media personality. She has already been a guest on the embattled doctor’s daytime-television extravaganza, during the macaroni-and-cheese crusades. By the end of the campaign, the petition to remove yellow 5 had almost 250,000 signatures. She’s clearly speaking to people in a way that resonates. Analytically-minded people, her scientist critics among them, often with big health ideas of their own, might do well to understand why and how these messages work. Or, as Hari phrases it, as a challenge: “People chastise me for being too simplistic, but it’s like, okay, how are you getting through to people?”

TiLTNews Network

‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Word Search Puzzles Given to Middle School Students

Terms include “bondage,” “handcuffs,” “leather cuffs” and “spanking”

‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Word Search Puzzles Given to Middle School Students

Image Credits: KDKA-TV


A Pennsylvania school district is under fire after middle school children were given “Fifty Shades of Grey” themed word search puzzles.

Based on the popular erotic romance novel and upcoming film, the puzzle includes such sexual terms as “bondage,” “handcuffs,” “leather cuffs” and “spanking.”

According to numerous news outlets, the issue became known after parents approached educators at a Tuesday evening school board meeting.

School officials with the Monessen School District reportedly began an investigation into the matter the day prior, asserting that no solid information had been gathered as of Wednesday.

Infowars reached out to district officials and was unable to learn any additional information regarding who provided the worksheets to students.

A parent speaking with CBS Pittsburgh stated that several administrators including the school’s principal refused to answer questions when an audio recording device was present.

Other Pennsylvania parents took to social media to voice their concern over what they saw as a lack of oversight.

“This is what you get when our society no longer has any kind of moral compass,” one parent said.

“So not Ok for children of any age,” another said. “Bad taste whoever passed them out to kids.”

Although unconfirmed, one parent stated that the district was already aware of the responsible teacher but has thus far refused to release a name.

Regardless, many parents feel the situation represents the continued sexualization of young school children.

Parents of a middle school student in California were outraged last June when a sex-ed teacher asked their daughter “how far she would go” sexually during an in-class assignment.

The father of a female middle school student was equally upset several months earlier when his daughter discovered a school poster that listed graphic sexual acts. The school claimed the poster was simply part of a health and science curriculum.

As if middle school wasn’t early enough, Chicago public school administrators demanded that allkindergarten children receive mandatory sex-ed courses in 2013. Similarly, feminist groups attempted toforce classes on kindergartners in California as well.

TiLTNews Network

Churches & Organizations Promoting Liberation Theology

Churches & Organizations Promoting Liberation Theology

Posted by Charleston Voice


A vast network of Roman Catholic and Protestant church organizations devoted to the spread of Marxism-Leninism under the guise of LiberationTheology has been developed in the past 25 years.

At the highest level of Catholic Church organization are Marxist sympathizers Bryan Heir and Thomas Quigley. Father Heir was given the Letelier Award by the radical leftist Institute for Policy Studies. (Orlando Letelier was a known Chilean communist, openly admired by Heir.) Quigley is active in a number of pro-communist organizations, including the Council for Hemispheric Affairs, the Washington Office for Latin America, and the Religious Task Force on Central America.
The main instrument for the communist use of the Church is the network of Justice and Peace Commissions. These organizations exist at all levels of the Catholic Church. Local commissions are formed by individual parishioners, whose activities typically include letter writing in support of leftist causes and support for boycotts.
This official set of church organizations is supplemented by many other groups, including the Maryknoll and Jesuit orders and Pax Christi.
Pax Christi is a frankly political group that involves bishops, priests, and lay people. Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, head of the U.S. chapter of Pax Christi, for example, was known to be a Sandinista sympathizer and a personal supporter of Maryknoll priest Miguel D’Escoto, an avowed communist.
At the local level, the organizations are too many to list. Worthy of special note, however, is the Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC) in the diocese of San Antonio, Texas, which maintains an active liberationist program.
Active throughout the hemisphere, but especially in Texas, the MACC has its fingers in a number of progressive pies. They advocate opening U.S. borders to uncontrolled immigration, harbor illegal aliens, organize farm labor strikes, and establish Basic Christian Communities to promote Liberation Theology among Hispanics.
In the Washington, DC area, many groups are active in promoting Liberation Theology, including: The Center of Concern, a Jesuit front; The Quixote Center; Network, the official lobbying group of leftist nuns; The Christic Institute; and The Jesuit Mission Center.
The National Council of Churches (NCC) and a number of its member organizations also promote Liberation Theology. Consider these:

  • Church World Service actively contributes funds to leftist governments with which the NCC sympathizes.
  • Domestic Hunger Network spends more money supporting leftwing political activism than feeding the needy.
  • Agricultural Missions Program supports local indigenous movements that tend toward total liberation of rural people – spiritual, economic, and political.
  • Cluster on Unity and Relationships fosters ecumenical merging of church groups with differing doctrines, all in the context of Liberation Theology.
  • Cluster on Church Life and Witness (Divison on Church and Society) is an outreach to increase the acceptance of Liberation Theology propaganda in public discussion, media communications, and educational curriculum.
  • Cluster on Church and Society promotes a broad, leftist agenda on issues including poverty, racism, sexism, civil liberties, ecology, and welfare.
  • Cluster on International Ministries works with overseas religious groups to promote socialist policies there and undermine anti-communist governments combatting terrorism.
  • The Clergy and Laity Concerned, formed by the NCC in 1965, is closely allied to the communist World Peace Council and was active in the assault on South Africa.
  • Another group, the American Friends Service Committee, formed by 14 socialist Quakers in 1917, has been infiltrated and used by communists to promote their domestic and foreign policy objectives – including the promotion of liberationist activities worldwide.
  • The Riverside Church Disarmament Program (RCDP), run by activists in the leadership of the Marxist Institute for Policy Studies, is a propaganda organization active in the spread of liberationism. RCDP also is closely allied to the communist World Peace Council.

Additional promotion of Liberation Theology is conducted by major Protestant denominations, most notably Methodist, Episcopal, and Presbyterian, as well as by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

—-Father Enrique Rueda
and Bill McIlhany

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Labels: Christianity, COHA, CPUSA, Customs & Border Patrol, Immigration, Internal Subversion, IPS, Marxism, Religion


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Another Banker Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide

“This is at least the 40th banker who has died under unusual circumstances over the past 13 months.”

SM Gibson
Activist Post
A JPMorgan Chase & Co. employee and his wife were discovered dead in their home on Friday in an apparent murder-suicide.
Iran Pars Tabacchi, who went by Denise, was found dead on February 6th from strangulation and a single stab wound to the chest. Iran’s husband, 27-year-old Michael Tabacchi died of a self-inflicted stab wound to the chest, according to authorities.
New Jersey officials believe that Michael murdered his wife around 11pm Friday night before killing himself. No motive has been determined at this time.
Officials are not aware of the couple having any financial or marital issues.
An undisclosed text message was sent to Michael’s father from the banker’s cell phone that evening. The text prompted him to drive to his son’s quaint suburban home where he discovered the slain bodies along with a kitchen knife in the floor. There was no note left behind.

Michael worked for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. in Manhattan since 2009. He served as a Global Custody Product Manager since October 2013. Prior to this position, he was employed as an Operations Analyst by the banking giant.
The couple, who were married in 2013, had a 15-month-old son together. The child was found in the home unharmed.
Another New Jersey resident, Julian Knott, who was the executive director of JPMorgan’s Global Network Operations Center was found dead in an apparent murder-suicide last July.
This is at least the 40th banker who has died under unusual circumstances over the past 13 months.
S.M. Gibson writes for, where this first appeared. Tune-in to the Anti-Media Radio Show Monday-Friday @ 11pm EST; 8pm PST.


Another Banker Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide
Wed, 11 Feb 2015 13:37:00 GMT

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90% Of Big Pharma Spent More On Marketing Than Research In 2013 Alone

90% Of Big Pharma Spent More On Marketing Than Research In 2013 Alone

Oftentimes more than double the spending

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Anthony Gucciardi


Surely Big Pharma corporations are spending their cash on research ‘for the cure’ and finding ways to implement life-saving ingredients into their next formula, right? As it turns out, 9 out of 10 Big Pharma companies actually spent more on their sales and marketing than their research and development.

In the infographic below, checkout the 2013 spending habits of the top 10 Big Pharma corporations:

big-pharma-spendingClick the image for a larger version.

When we put this spending into perspective, it’s much easier to see how Big Pharma pushes drugs on the public that are absolutely riddled with side effects and still somehow manages to make a massive profit. Even standard pharmaceuticals come with a long list of over 70 side effects, with some clocking in at side effect counts that reach beyond 500.

So how do they do it? Quite simply, they spend billions marketing their pharmaceuticals with smiling models and nature-filled backdrops.

About Anthony Gucciardi:
Anthony GucciardiGoogle Plus ProfileAnthony is the Founding Director of NaturalSociety, whose writings on the subject of health and wellness have reached tens of millions of readers worldwide. A proponent of an organic lifestyle, the growth of alternative news, and a dedication to aiding various non-profit organizations, NaturalSociety was Anthony’s next step in what he calls “highlighting what you won’t be hearing about on the major news networks.” Anthony has appeared on both grassroots and established platforms alike, including routine appearances on Drudge Report, Daily Mail, RT, The Blaze, Infowars, Michael Savage’s Savage Nation, Coast to Coast AM, and many others.

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    Video of the Day – John Oliver on Pharma Company “Marketing to Doctors”

    70% of Americans take at least one prescription medication

    Video of the Day – John Oliver on Pharma Company “Marketing to Doctors”


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    John Oliver is simply brilliant. Not only does he have an uncanny ability to mix humor with serious social issues, but his videos can be so powerful they impact public policy at the national level.

    Although the reforms to civil asset forfeiture announced by Eric Holder are entirely inadequate, it seems clear that his incredible video on the issue (highlighted in the post: “Common People Do Not Carry This Much U.S. Currency…” – This is How Police Justify Stealing American Citizens’ Money) played a role in influencing the national debate.

    His latest video might be his best one yet. I haven’t watched anything this good in a while.

    We learn many key statistics. From the disturbing fact that 70% of Americans take at least one prescription medication, to a marketing speech for Advair in which the speaker looks and sounds like a televangelist, to revelations that the Department of Justice filed a civil fraud lawsuit against Novartis for taking out doctors to Hooters in exchange for prescribing its drugs.

    Watch the entire thing. Genius.


    For related articles, see:

    How Doctors Prescribing Meds Based on Drug Company Payoffs is Further Evidence of Systemic Failure

    Fraud Alert: FDA Allowed Drugs with Fraudulent Testing to Remain on the Market

    Deaths from Prescription Drugs Now Exceed Those Related to Cocaine and Heroin Combined

    How a $1 Bag of Salt Water Becomes a $546 Bill at Hospitals

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    CNBC Anchors Stunned: ‘There is No Economic Recovery’

    Investor launches into breathless rant about REAL financial situation


    Investor Steve Ricchiuto stunned CNBC hosts when he launched into a breathless rant about how there is no real economic recovery and that the Federal Reserve’s forecasts are pie in the sky.


    Ricchiuto, Managing Director of Mizuho Securities USA, left anchors Simon Hobbs and Sara Eisen scrambling for words as he reeled off a barrage of factors as to why there is no acceleration in economic activity.

    The highlights;

    “There is no acceleration in underlying economic activity.”

    “There’s this wrong concept that I keep on hearing about in the financial press about the acceleration in economic growth… It isn’t happening!”

    “We had a horrible retail sales number, we had a horrible durable goods number, we’re likely to have a very disappointing retail sales number coming forward, this month we have a strong payroll number we say everything’s great – it’s not great….it’s been the same thing for the last five years,there’s no improvement in the economy!”

    “After a string of dismal data on durable goods, retail spending, and inventories, we get a good jobs number and everyone saying the economy’s good – it’s not good!”

    “And we can keep on going,” Ricchiuto responded when Hobbs interrupted him.

    According to Zero Hedge, the clip was also edited to remove host Eisen’s glib response to Ricchiuto’s sobering reality check on the real economic figures.

    “But the key is that’s not what The Fed is telling us,” she stated.

    So according to the financial “experts” at CNBC, actual economic numbers are less important than placing blind faith what the Federal Reserve claims is happening in its press releases.

    Is it really any surprise that CNBC is hemorrhaging viewers because of a lack of transparency and a complete failure to question the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy?

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    Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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