Do They Really Oppose Torture?

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Do They Really Oppose Torture?

written by ron paul

undefinedThe Senate Intelligence Committee released its long-awaited report on CIA torture of detainees and the reaction has been strong. While some still maintain that torture is justified, the emerging details of the program have left most of the country disgusted and ashamed.

Many in the current Administration blame the Bush people for this dark chapter, claiming that President Obama finally put an end to what his predecessor started.

Senator John McCain, an advocate for war and an interventionist foreign policy, has nevertheless been one of the strongest voices opposing torture. He has recalled his time as an abused prisoner of war in Vietnam to argue the importance of facing up to the recent behavior of the US government and making necessary corrections.

He said he knows from personal experience that torture does not produce good intelligence, as the victims will say whatever they believe their captors want to hear to gain some relief from their agony. Torture is morally wrong and it doesn’t work, he maintains.

I believe the Senator is sincere and that his intentions are good when it comes to the torture outlined in the report. I also believe that President Obama is sincere when he denounces the practices outlined by the Senate Committee.

But I think both President Obama and Senator McCain are being disingenuous and selective in their opposition to torture.

It is one thing to argue that people should not have their feet broken and be forced to stand cuffed to a wall, to oppose rectal force-feeding, and to condemn water-boarding a detainee 50 or 100 times. Most of us reject this kind of torture for both moral and practical reasons.

But is that the only kind of torture? Is it not torture to go to a wedding in Pakistan and watch as your family is blown up by a US drone? Is it not torture to have your village water treatment plant bombed by NATO planes seeking to overthrow Gaddafi? Is it not torture for parents of the 500,000 Iraqi children who were killed by US sanctions? Is endorsing pre-emptive war, knowing that thousands of civilians are sure to be “collateral damage,” not support for torture?

Both Senator McCain and President Obama take the moral high ground with regard to CIA torture, but both are enthusiastic supporters of past and current US military interventions that have the same effect on millions. It is one thing to oppose horrific practices that leave perhaps dozens killed or maimed. But what about practices that do the same for tens of thousands or millions?

A consistent anti-torture position would also reject sanctions, “humanitarian” interventions, regime change, and pre-emptive war. Anything less is missing the whole point.

Copyright © 2014 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
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Congress Protects Surplus M14, M1 Garands, & M1911 Pistols in CRomnibus

Congress Protects Surplus M14, M1 Garands, & M1911 Pistols in CRomnibus


Under Title VIII of the Division C (DoD Appropriations Act), as part of the Continuing Resolution (CRomnibus), Congress made it very clear that none of the funds were to be used to dispose of older-style and much beloved military rifles and handguns. Also included is a mention of small arms ammunition.  While this text has appeared in the Defense Appropriations Acts before, it is important to note that it is still there, especially in light of many in congress being strong anti-gun advocates. For the longest time civilians have been able to purchase these surplus weapons directly from the military, and it seems that Congress preserved that capability.

A quick search around Facebook or gun forums you will see a plethora of people who love the M1 Garand, M14, and M1911. There is a cult following that is very loyal and are very happy that these weapons will be preserved to either fight another day or be sold on the civilian market.

Below is the text of the provision we are talking about:

SEC. 8018. None of the funds available to the Department of Defense may be used to demilitarize or dispose of M–1 Carbines, M–1 Garand rifles, M–14 rifles, .22 caliber rifles, .30 caliber rifles, or M–1911 pistols, or to demilitarize or destroy small arms ammunition or ammunition components that are not otherwise prohibited from commercial sale under Federal law, unless the small arms ammunition or ammunition components are certified by the Secretary of the Army or designee as unserviceable, unsuitable, or unsafe for further use.

You can read the entire Continuing Resolution here: CRomnibus.

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House approves $1.1 trillion spending package |

House approves $1.1 trillion spending package | CONGRESS

House approves $1.1 trillion spending package


Who’s getting rich in Washington? Special interests in the ‘Cromnibus’
Washington Examiner
The vote was 219 to 206 and came hours before a midnight deadline. It now moves to the Senate for consideration. The House also voted to pass a two-day extension of funding to give the Senate time to debate and vote on the larger package.

The bill passed after House Democrats met privately for several hours to mull their opposition to the legislation, which stemmed mostly from a provision to roll back a Wall Street reform measure passed in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

With passage of the bill hanging in the balance, the White House jumped in, making calls to Democrats and dispatching White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough to the meeting. McDonough worked to convince Democrats that the president did all he could to get the Republicans to remove the banking provision from the legislation and that he was not aware it was in there when he agreed to the deal, Democrats in the room said.

McDonough may have convinced some members, but not House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who told Democrats just before the vote, “I’m giving you the leverage to do whatever you have to do. We have enough votes to show them never to do this again.”

The prospects for passage dimmed earlier in the day, after it first appeared bipartisan support would push the bill over the finish line.

Republicans have long known they would lose 60 or more of their most conservative flank, who are angry the bill does not block Obama’s recent directive to allow five million illegal immigrants to obtain work permits.

But they did not count on the rising anger from liberal House and Senate Democrats in opposition to the banking provision, which would allow banks to engage in potentially risky derivatives trading.

The measure then nearly failed when lawmakers voted on the legislative rule, which is needed to advance the bill.

Pelosi then announced her opposition to the bill because of the move to roll back the reform, which Democrats fought to pass while she was House speaker in 2010.

The California Democrat said Republicans pushed to include the provision in the bill because it was a must-pass measure to keep the government operating.

“This is ransom, this is blackmail,” Pelosi said on the House floor.”You don’t get a bill unless Wall Street gets taxpayer coverage.”

Democrats were also angered by language lifting the cap on some campaign donations, which they say will allow the wealthy to wield more influence on elections.

Republicans argued that the deal was negotiated ahead of time with Democrats in both chambers, and they should therefore not oppose it.

“It was agreed to in a bipartisan, bicameral basis,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said.

The same language was also passed by the House earlier this year, and it received the backing of dozens of Democrats, many of them members of the House Appropriations Committee.

It was the Democratic appropriators, in the end, who helped provide the votes to pass the bill.

Democrats also feared the alternative. Republicans said if the bill failed, they would have brought to the floor a three-month temporary funding bill, or continuing resolution, that would have expired next year, when Republicans control both chambers. Democrats would then have had no leverage at all in the funding fight.

“A CR would be the worst possible thing that could happen,” Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif., told his fellow Democrats just before the final vote. “Hold your nose, and make this a better world.”


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December 11th, 2014


Thousands To Openly Violate New Gun Law!

This is huge. Washington State’s new anti-gun law will be openly violated by thousands of citizens at the State Capitol in Olympia. The lineup of speakers indicates a fever pitch participation by national voices, including Sheriff Mack, Ammon Bundy and Mike Vanderboegh. The event organizer states the following:

We will rally at the capital, openly exchange guns, unveil and plan to break apart the legislation and violate i594 in every possible way. Because ALL law that violates the Constitution is not law, it is VOID!”

Check out this exciting announcement as sent to me by Oath Keepers Board of Directors member and North Oregon coordinator Jeff Ford. And be sure to enjoy the video by Gavin Seim at bottom of this article :


Elias Alias, editor

Stewart Rhodes has asked all Oath Keepers that can make it to Olympia, WA at the State Capitol building on December 13, 2014 at 11:00 AM to attend and protest the i594 gun control initiative that was voted for in State of Washington.
Oath Keepers will have a table set up at the rally but if any of the Washington members in the area can get there at 9:00 am to set up a table please contact Jeff Ford at: or by phone at 714-478-1386 (please leave a message if no answer).  I will be bringing a banner and an Oath Keepers flag as well as brochures and other materials. We might also possibly be able to have a meet and greet after the rally somewhere in or near Olympia but not sure exactly when or where yet because I don’t know the area that well and it’s a long drive back to central Oregon. Please look for another email if we come up with a location and time for the meet and greet and/or visit the table at the rally for more information if you can make it there.
  • Date: 12/13/14
  • Time: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Location: WA State Capital, Gateway Park. 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW Olympia, WA

Featured Patriot Speakers:

  • Mike Vanderboegh (web).
  • Sheriff Richard Mack (web).
  • Cope Reynolds (web).
  • Ammon Bundy (web).
  • Rep Elizabeth Scott (web)
  • Anthony Bosworth (web)
  • Kit Lange Carroll (web)
  • Gavin Seim (web)
  • PLUS: Other regional patriots.
  • We will have a local Oath Keepers representative speaking there as well.
Hope to see everyone there that can make it to Olympia, WA on Saturday.

For Liberty and best regards,
Jeff Ford
Northern Oregon Coordinator; National Board of Directors for Oath Keepers
714-478-1386 (please leave a message if no answer)

More info about the rally below which was copied from a Facebook event by the organizers of the event:

Event Website/Flyer:
FB Page:
Question & Answer:


Organizer/Media: Gavin Seim,

From the Organizers of the event: We’re not waiting for politicians, judges or lawyers. Our birthright is NOT to be touched. We call on our Sheriffs, local representatives and legislators to stand with us and uphold their oaths.

The Constitution is the supreme law and our God given rights are NOT open for negotiation. We choose to uphold the law as peacefully and principled as possible, but it will be upheld.

We will buy and sell guns from whom we please, we will not submit to background checks, we will not give up our rights, WE WILL NOT Comply.

We will rally at the capital, openly exchange guns, unveil and plan to break apart the legislation and violate i594 in every possible way. Because ALL law that violates the Constitution is not law, it is VOID!
This is being organized by the Gavin Seim for Liberty and Anthony Bosworth For Sheriff and many great volunteers from across the State. Please show up.


Placing billboards outside of military bases to remind service members of their oath


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  1. 1

    Cal Says: 

    I am planning on coming. They are asking that all who support the US Constitution, our legitimate government, and (my words) not the traitors to the USA and her people come and sign this. One day this too will hang in the people’s house – after we fumigate it and prosecute the debris found within it and within Washington DC.

    Declaration of Affirmation. December 13th 2014.

    We The People hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, each endowed by their Creator with natural, irrevocable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, Property and the defense thereof. As such, we re-affirm these birthrights for us and our posterity, refusing any and all attempts from those who would infringe upon them.

    We declare that the right of self-defense is natural. As the framers affirmed and sealed with blood, so we affirm that our right to keep and bear arms is granted by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe and may not be restricted in any fashion.

    We the masters of a government by the consent of the governed, armed and ready, declare to our legislators and fellow citizens that no act of government, nor vote of the public carries any authority to remove, dilute or hinder any of the people’s rights. Not today. Not ever. We will no longer allow our rights to be altered, touched or approached. We stand and we call upon all creation to stand with us. We call on all officers and representatives to uphold their oath and refuse unlawful actions. We call for peace and principle, but we will not back down and we will no longer tolerate those who trample our absolute and indisputable rights. We pledge our blood. We will not comply.

    “It is the nature of a right that it is – and must be – absolute. If there are codicils, appendices, restrictions, however, and buts, then it is a privilege, granted and controlled by others”. Unknown (I wish I knew who to give credit for this!)

    Molon Labe!
    Be Safe All and may God Bless You.

    If there were never intended to be action to defend the Constitution from those who are domestically attempting to destroy its power and authority, why would each Oath require it of those who take the Oaths?

    Politicians, like all public servants, take an oath to serve, defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States. They don’t pledge allegiance to a political party, and ideology or and a specific group or individual.

    28 C.F.R. Section 0.85 Terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”.

    The Supreme Court of the United States, 1866: “The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government. Such a doctrine leads directly to anarchy or despotism.”

    James Madison, the Father of the US Constitution: “Because if . . . [An Unalienable Natural Right of Free Men] . . . be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: It is limited with regard to the coordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires, not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained: but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the greater Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The people who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are Slaves”

    We are NOT slaves.

    James Madison, the Father of the US Constitution: “… the equal right of every citizen … is held by the same tenure with all our other rights. If we recur to its origin, it is equally the gift of nature; if we weigh its importance, it cannot be less dear to us; if we consult the “Declaration of those rights which pertain to the good people of Virginia, as the basis and foundation of Government,” it is enumerated with equal solemnity, or rather studied emphasis.

    Either then, we must say, that the Will of the Legislature is the only measure of their authority; and that in the plenitude of this authority, they may sweep away all our fundamental rights; or, that they are bound to leave this particular right untouched and sacred: Either we must say, that they may controul the freedom of the press, may abolish the Trial by Jury, may swallow up the Executive and Judiciary Powers of the State; nay that they may despoil us of our very right of suffrage, and erect themselves into an independent and hereditary Assembly or, we must say, that they have no authority to enact into the law the Bill under consideration.

    We the Subscribers say, that the General Assembly of this Commonwealth have no such authority: And that no effort may be omitted on our part against so dangerous an usurpation, we oppose to it, this remonstrance; earnestly praying, as we are in duty bound, that the Supreme Lawgiver of the Universe, by illuminating those to whom it is addressed, may on the one hand, turn their Councils from every act which would affront his holy prerogative, or violate the trust committed to them: and on the other, guide them into every measure which may be worthy of his blessing, may redound to their own praise, and may establish more firmly the liberties, the prosperity and the happiness of the Commonwealth.” (End Quote)

  2. 2

    Chip Murray Says: 

    Support your local sheriff because…

TiLTNews Network

Ron Paul Classic: Taxpayers Should Not Pay for “Terrorism” Insurance – Campaign for Liberty

Ron Paul Classic: Taxpayers Should Not Pay for “Terrorism” Insurance – Campaign for Liberty.

Ron Paul Classic: Taxpayers Should Not Pay for “Terrorism” Insurance

“There is nothing more permanent than a ‘temporary’ government program.”

Milton Friedman

Today, the House of Representatives will once again prove Friedman correct when it considers S. 2244, legislation reauthorizing the federal “terrorism risk insurance” program.

As the title suggests, the program provides “government” (e.g. taxpayer) guarantees to insurance companies to help the companies pay for any claims stemming from a future terrorist attack. Originally passed in the same post-9/11 hysteria that gave us the PATRIOT Act, the drafters of the this legislation said it would be a “temporary” program that was needed to give the insurance industry time to develop new ways of providing insurance against terrorist attacks. Yet here we are thirteen years later and Congress is about to extend the program for another six years.

The vote is later today, so Campaign for Liberty members can still call their Representatives and ask they oppose renewing this “temporary” program.

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul predicted that the terrorism insurance program would not be temporary. Dr. Paul reprinted his initial objections to the program in his official dissenting views on the 2007 legislation reauthorizing the terrorism insurance program, available here and below:


Six years ago, when the Congress considered the bill creating the terrorism insurance program, I urged my colleagues to reject it. One of the reasons I opposed the bill was my concern that, contrary to the claims of the bill’s supporters, terrorism insurance would not be allowed to sunset. As I said then:

The drafters of H.R. 3210 claim that this creates a `temporary’ government program. However, Mr. Speaker, what happens in three years if industry lobbyists come to Capitol Hill to explain that there is still a need for this program because of the continuing threat of terrorist attacks. Does anyone seriously believe that Congress will refuse to reauthorize this `temporary’ insurance program or provide some other form of taxpayer help to the insurance industry? I would like to remind my colleagues that the federal budget is full of expenditures for long-lasting programs that were originally intended to be `temporary.’

I am disappointed to be proven correct. I am also skeptical that, having renewed the program twice, this time for fifteen years, Congress will ever allow it to expire.

As Congress considers extending this program, I renew my opposition to it for substantially the same reasons I stated six years ago. However, I do have a suggestion on how to improve the program. Since one claimed problem with allowing the private market to provide terrorism insurance is the difficulty of quantifying the risk of an attack, the taxpayers’ liability under the terrorism reinsurance program should be reduced for an attack occurring when the country is under orange or red alert. After all, because the point of the alert system is to let Americans know when there is an increased likelihood of an attack it is reasonable to expect insurance companies to demand that their clients take extra precautionary measures during periods of high alert. Reducing taxpayer subsidies will provide an incentive to ensure private parties take every possible precaution to minimize the potential damage from possible terrorists attack.

Since my fundamental objections to the program remain the same as six years ago, I am attaching my statement regarding H.R. 3210, which created the terrorist insurance program in the 107th Congress:

Mr. Speaker, no one doubts that the government has a role to play in compensating American citizens who are victimized by terrorist attacks. However, Congress should not lose sight of fundamental economic and constitutional principles when considering how best to provide the victims of terrorist attacks just compensation. I am afraid that H.R. 3210, the Terrorism Risk Protection Act, violates several of those principles and therefore passage of this bill is not in the best interests of the American people.

Under H.R. 3210, taxpayers are responsible for paying 90% of the costs of a terrorist incident when the total cost of that incident exceeds a certain threshold. While insurance companies technically are responsible under the bill for paying back monies received from the Treasury, the administrator of this program may defer repayment of the majority of the subsidy in order to `avoid the likely insolvency of the commercial insurer,’ or avoid `unreasonable economic disruption and market instability.’ This language may cause administrators to defer indefinitely the repayment of the loans, thus causing taxpayers to permanently bear the loss. This scenario is especially likely when one considers that `avoid . . . likely insolvency, unreasonable economic disruption, and market instability’ are highly subjective standards, and that any administrator who attempts to enforce a strict repayment schedule likely will come under heavy political pressure to be more `flexible’ in collecting debts owed to the taxpayers.

The drafters of H.R. 3210 claim that this creates a `temporary’ government program. However, Mr. Speaker, what happens in three years if industry lobbyists come to Capitol Hill to explain that there is still a need for this program because of the continuing threat of terrorist attacks. Does anyone seriously believe that Congress will refuse to reauthorize this `temporary’ insurance program or provide some other form of taxpayer help to the insurance industry? I would like to remind my colleagues that the federal budget is full of expenditures for long-lasting programs that were originally intended to be `temporary.’

H.R. 3210 compounds the danger to taxpayers because of what economists call the `moral hazard’ problem. A moral hazard is created when individuals have the costs incurred from a risky action subsidized by a third party. In such a case individuals may engage in unnecessary risks or fail to take steps to minimize their risks. After all, if a third party will bear the costs of negative consequences of risky behavior, why should individuals invest their resources in avoiding or minimizing risk?

While no one can plan for terrorist attacks, individuals and businesses can take steps to enhance security. For example, I think we would all agree that industrial plants in the United States enjoy reasonably good security. They are protected not by the local police, but by owners putting up barbed wire fences, hiring guards with guns, and requiring identification cards to enter. One reason private firms put these security measures in place is because insurance companies provide them with incentives, in the form of lower premiums, to adopt security measures. H.R. 3210 contains no incentives for this private activity. The bill does not even recognize the important role insurance plays in providing incentives to minimize risks. By removing an incentive for private parties to avoid or at least mitigate the damage from a future terrorist attack, the government inadvertently increases the damage that will be inflicted by future attacks!

Instead of forcing taxpayers to subsidize the costs of terrorism insurance, Congress should consider creating a tax credit or deduction for premiums paid for terrorism insurance, as well as a deduction for claims and other costs borne by the insurance industry connected with offering terrorism insurance. A tax credit approach reduces government’s control over the insurance market. Furthermore, since a tax credit approach encourages people to devote more of their own resources to terrorism insurance, the moral hazard problems associated with federally funded insurance is avoided.

The version of H.R. 3210 passed by the Financial Services committee took a good first step in this direction by repealing the tax penalty which prevents insurance companies from properly reserving funds for human-created catastrophes. I am disappointed that this sensible provision was removed from the final bill. Instead, H.R. 3210 instructs the Treasury Department to study the benefits of allowing insurers to establish tax-free reserves to cover losses from terrorist events. The perceived need to study the wisdom of cutting taxes while expanding the federal government without hesitation demonstrates much that is wrong with Washington.

In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 3210 may reduce the risk to insurance companies from future losses, but it increases the costs incurred by an American taxpayer. More significantly, by ignoring the moral hazard problem this bill may have the unintended consequence of increasing the losses suffered in any future terrorist attacks. Therefore, passage of this bill is not in the long-term interests of the American people.


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The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia.

Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia


For over a year, the United States has played out a scenario designed to (1) reassert US control over Europe by blocking EU trade with Russia, (2) bankrupt Russia, and (3) get rid of Vladimir Putin and replace him with an American puppet, like the late drunk, Boris Yeltsin.

The past few days have made crystal clear the perfidy of the economic side of this US war against Russia.

It all began at the important high-level international meeting on Ukraine’s future held in Yalta in September 2013, where a major topic was the shale gas revolution which the United States hoped to use to weaken Russia. Former US energy secretary Bill Richardson was there to make the pitch, applauded by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Washington hoped to use its fracking techniques to provide substitute sources for natural gas, driving Russia out of the market. This amounts to selling Europe a pig in a poke.

But this trick could not be accomplished by relying on the sacrosanct “market”, since fracking is more costly than Russian gas extraction. A major crisis was necessary in order to distort the market by political pressures. By the February 22 coup d’état, engineered by Victoria Nuland, the United States effectively took control of Ukraine, putting in power its agent “Yats” (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) who favors joining NATO. This direct threat to Russia’s naval base in Crimea led to the referendum which peacefully returned the historically Russian peninsula to Russia. But the US-led chorus condemned the orderly return of Crimea as “Russian military aggression”. This defensive move is trumpeted by NATO as proof of Putin’s intention to invade Russia’s European neighbors for no reason at all.

Meanwhile, the United States’ economic invasion has gone largely unnoticed.

Ukraine has some of the largest shale gas reserves in Europe. Like other Europeans, Ukrainians had demonstrated against the harmful environmental results of fracking on their lands, but unlike some other countries, Ukraine has no restrictive legislation. Chevron is already getting involved.

As of last May, R. Hunter Biden, son of the US Vice President, is on the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. The young Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and contribute to its “international expansion.”

Ukraine has rich soil as well as shale oil reserves. The US agribusiness giant Cargill is particularly active in Ukraine, investing in grain elevators, animal feed, a major egg producer, and agribusiness firm, UkrLandFarming, as well as the Black Sea port at Novorossiysk. The very active US-Ukraine Business Council includes executives of Monsanto, John Deere, agriculture equipment-maker CNH Industrial, DuPont Pioneer, Eli Lilly & Company. Monsanto plans to build a $140 million “non-GMO corn seed plant in Ukraine,” evidently targeting the GMO-shy European market. It was in her speech at a Chevron-sponsored meeting of the US-Ukraine Business Council a year ago that Victoria Nuland mentioned the five billion dollars spent by the US in the last twenty years to win over Ukraine.

On December 2, President Poroshenko swore in three foreigners as cabinet ministers: an American, a Lithuanian and a Georgian. He granted them Ukrainian citizenship a few minutes before the ceremony.

US born Natalie Jaresko is Ukraine’s new Finance Minister. With a Ukrainian family background and degrees from Harvard and DePaul universities, Jaresko went from the State Department to Kiev when Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union, in order to head the economic department of the newly opened US embassy. Three years later she left the US Embassy to head the US government-financed Western NIS Enterprise Fund. In 2004 she established her own equity fund. As a supporter of the 2004 Orange Revolution, she served on “Orange” victor President Viktor Yushchenko’s Foreign Investors Advisory Council.

Lithuanian investment banker Aivaras Abromavicius is the new Economy Minister, putting government economic policy clearly under US influence, or rather control.

The new Health Minister, Aleksandr Kvitashvili from Georgia, is US-educated and does not speak Ukrainian. He had served as health minister in his native Georgia, when US puppet Mikheil Saakashvili was President.

The US grip on Ukraine’s economy is now complete. The stage is set to begin fracking, perhaps transforming Hunter Biden into Ukraine’s newest oligarch.

Nobody is mentioning this, but the controversial trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine, whose postponement set off the Maidan protests leading to the US-steered February 22 coup d’état, removes trade barriers, allowing free entry into EU countries of agricultural exports produced in Ukraine by US corporations. The Ukrainian government is deeply in debt, but that will not prevent American corporations from making huge profits in that low-wage, regulation-free and fertile country. European grain producers, such as France, may find themselves severely damaged by the cheap competition.

The Russophobic Kiev government’s assault on Southeastern Ukraine is killing the country’s industrial sector, whose markets were in Russia. But to Kiev’s rulers from Western Ukraine, that does not matter. The death of old industry can help keep wages low and profits high.

Just as Americans decisively took control of the Ukrainian economy, Putin announced cancellation of the South Stream gas pipeline project. The deal was signed in 2007 between Gazprom and the Italian petrochemical company ENI, in order to ensure Russian gas deliveries to the Balkans, Austria and Italy by bypassing Ukraine, whose unreliability as a transit country had been demonstrated by repeated failure to pay bills or syphoning of gas intended for Europe for its own use. The German Wintershall and the French EDF also invested in South Stream.

In recent months, US representatives began to put pressure on the European countries involved to back out of the deal. South Stream was a potential life-saver for Serbia, still impoverished by the results of NATO bombing and fire-sale giveaways of its privatized industries to foreign buyers. Aside from much-needed jobs and energy security, Serbia was in line to earn 500 million euros in annual transit fees. Belgrade resisted warnings that Serbia must go along with EU foreign policy against Russia in order to retain its status as candidate to join the E.U.

The weak link was Bulgaria, earmarked for similar benefits as the landing point of the pipeline. US Ambassador to Sofia Marcie Ries started warning Bulgarian businessmen that they could suffer from doing business with Russian companies under sanctions. The retiring president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso from Portugal, who used to be a “Maoist” back when “Maoism” was the cover for opposition to Soviet-backed liberation movements in Portugal’s African colonies, threatened Bulgaria with EU proceedings for irregularities in South Stream contracts. This refers to EU rules against allowing the same company to produce and transfer gas. In short, the EU was attempting to apply its own rules retroactively to a contract signed with a non-EU country before the rules were adopted.

Finally, John McCain flew into Sofia to browbeat the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Plamen Oresharski, to pull out of the deal, leaving South Stream out in the Black Sea without a point of entry onto the Balkan mainland.

This is all very funny considering that a favorite current US war propaganda theme against Russia is that Gazprom is a nefarious political weapon used by Putin to “coerce” and “bully” Europe.

The only evidence is that Russia has repeatedly called on Ukraine to pay its long-overdo gas bills. In vain.

Cancellation of South Stream amounts to a belated blow to Serbia from NATO. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic bewailed the loss of South Stream, noting that: “We are paying the price of a conflict between big powers”.

Italian partners to the deal are also very unhappy at the big losses. But EU officials and media are, as usual, blaming it all on Putin.

Perhaps, when you are repeatedly insulted and made to feel unwelcome, you go away. Putin took his gas pipeline project to Turkey and immediately sold it to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. This looks like a good deal for Russia, and for Turkey, but the whole affair remains ominous.

Russian oil as a means of coercion? If Putin could use Gazprom to get Erdogan to change his policy on Syria, and drop his determination to overthrow Bachar al Assad, in order to defeat the Islamic State fanatics, that would be an excellent outcome. But so far, there is no sign of such a development.

The switch from the Balkans to Turkey deepens the gulf between Russia and Western Europe, which in the long run is harmful to both. But it also sharpens the economic inequality between Northern and Southern Europe. Germany still gets gas deliveries from Russia, notably from Gerhard Schroeder’s co-project with Putin, Nord Stream. But Southern European countries, already in deep crisis caused largely by the euro, are left out in the cold. This turn of events might contribute to the political revolt that is growing in those countries.

As voices were being raised in Italy complaining that anti-Russian sanctions were hurting Europe but leaving the United States unscathed, Europeans could take comfort in kind words from the Nobel Peace Prize winner in the White House, who praised the European Union for doing the right thing, even though it is “tough on the European economy”.

In a speech to leading CEOs on December 3, Obama said the sanctions were intended to change Putin’s “mindset”, but didn’t think this would succeed. He is waiting for “the politics inside Russia” to “catch up with what’s happening in the economy, which is why we are going to continue to maintain that pressure.” This was another way of saying that stealing Russia’s natural gas market, forcing Europe to enact sanctions, and getting Washington’s bigoted stooges in Saudi Arabia to bring down petroleum prices by flooding the market, are all intended to make the Russian people blame Putin enough to get rid of him. Regime change, in short.

On December 4, the US House of Representatives officially exposed the US motive behind this mess by adopting what must surely be the worst piece of legislation ever adopted: Resolution 758. The Resolution is a compendium of all the lies floated against Vladimir Putin and Russia over the past year. Never perhaps have so many lies been crammed into a single official document of that length. And yet, this war propaganda was endorsed by a vote of 411 to 10. If, despite this call for war between two nuclear powers, there are still historians in the future, they must judge this resolution as proof of the total failure of the intelligence, honesty and sense of responsibility of the political system that Washington is trying to force on the entire world

Ron Paul has written an excellent analysis of this shameful document.

Whatever one may think of Paul’s domestic policies, on international affairs he stands out as a lone – very lone – voice of reason. (Yes, there was Dennis Kucinich too, but they got rid of him by gerrymandering his district off the map.)

After a long list of “Whereas” lies, insults and threats, we get the crass commercial side of this dangerous campaign. The House calls on European countries to “reduce the ability of the Russian Federation to use its supply of energy as a means of applying political and economic pressure on other countries, including by promoting increased natural gas and other energy exports from the United States and other countries” and “urges the President to expedite the United States Department of Energy’s approval of liquefied natural gas exports to Ukraine and other European countries”.

The Congress is ready to risk and even promote nuclear war, but when it comes to the “bottom line”, it is a matter of stealing Russia’s natural gas market by what so far is a bluff: shale gas obtained by US fracking.

Worse Than Cold War

The neocons who manipulate America’s clueless politicians have not got us into a new Cold War. It is much worse. The long rivalry with the Soviet Union was “Cold” because of MAD, Mutual Assured Destruction. Both Washington and Moscow were perfectly aware that “Hot” war meant nuclear exchanges that would destroy everybody.

This time around, the United States thinks it already “won” the Cold War and seems to be drunk with self-confidence that it can win again. It is upgrading its nuclear weapons force and building a “nuclear shield” on Russia’s border whose only purpose can be to give the United States a first strike capacity – the ability to knock out any Russian retaliation against a US nuclear attack. This cannot work, but it weakens deterrence.

The danger of outright war between the two nuclear powers is actually much greater than during the Cold War. We are now in a sort of Frozen War, because nothing the Russians say or do can have any effect. The neocons who manufacture US policy behind the scenes have invented a totally fictional story about Russian “aggression” which the President of the United States, the mass media and now the Congress have accepted and endorsed. Russian leaders have responded with honesty, truth and common sense, remaining calm despite the invective thrown at them. It has done no good whatsoever. The positions are frozen. When reason fails, force follows. Sooner or later.
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» Why Conservatives Should Oppose Torture Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!


Becoming evil to defeat evil is un-American


The Senate Intelligence Committee’s release of the CIA torture report Tuesday has caused a divide among Americans.

The debate, currently between all ends of the political spectrum, consists of those who vehemently oppose torture, those who support it, and those who base their decisions on political dogma.

According to many mainline conservatives, torture is a necessary tool in the global war on terror – a tool which has and will prevent another terror attack on American soil.

Setting aside preconceived notions, facts surrounding the morality and effectiveness of torture should easily move conservatives to reexamine their viewpoint.

To put things lightly, becoming evil to defeat evil doesn’t work.

The first conservative icon to decry torture was also the first American president – George Washington.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

During the struggle for independence, Washington defied calls to treat captured British soldiers inhumanely despite some of his men being tortured to death while in the British Monarchy’s custody.

“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country,” Washington said in 1775.

Washington’s goal was to found a Republic that valued the rule of law and rejected tactics used by authoritarian empires. America’s first president understood the danger in violating another human’s rights in the name of protecting one’s own.

“While we are contending for our own liberty, we should be very cautious of violating the rights of conscience in others, ever considering that God alone is the judge of the hearts of men, and to Him only in this case are they answerable,” Washington said the same year.

Moving forward to the modern era, a man considered by conservatives to be one of the country’s strongest ever leaders was also steadfast in his opposition to torture. So much so that he even gave his full support theUnited Nations Convention against Torture.

Similar to Washington’s viewpoint, Ronald Reagan opposed all forms of torture in all circumstances no matter how dire.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

“No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture,” the convention states. “An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture”

Reagan aide Paul Bremer expanded on the President’s belief in 1987, arguing that even the most heinous of international terrorists deserved to be tried in accordance with the rule of law.

“A major element of our strategy has been to delegitimize terrorists, to get society to see them for what they are – criminals – and to use democracy’s most potent tool, the rule of law, against them,” Bremer said.

Torture opponents have long recognized the slippery slope that is “enhanced interrogation.” Although the media has mainly focused on waterboarding, which itself has produced convulsions and vomiting as suspects and non-suspects are subjected to “near drownings,” the most vile of torture techniques are the direct result of the departure from original conservative values.

In 2003, pictures taken at the Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq were released for the world to see. Unabated torture of Iraqi prisoners by military police eventually led to the darkest of techniques – the rape of woman and children.

Former Army Major General Antonio Taguba, an investigator into the Abu Ghraib scandal, spoke with The Telegraph in 2009 to report on what the media had ignored for the nearly five years.

“At least one picture shows an American soldier apparently raping a female prisoner while another is said to show a male translator raping a male detainee,” the article states. “Further photographs are said to depict sexual assaults on prisoners with objects including a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube.”

“Among the graphic statements, which were later released under US freedom of information laws, is that of Kasim Mehaddi Hilas in which he says: ‘I saw [name of a translator] ******* a kid, his age would be about 15 to 18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn’t covered and I saw [name] who was wearing the military uniform, putting his **** in the little kid’s ***…. and the female soldier was taking pictures.’”

Not only is there no excuse for such deplorable and anti-human behavior, such acts, which were already known among many Iraqis, have put U.S. troops at extreme risk.

“I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo,” military veteran Matthew Alexander wrote in the Washington Post. “It’s no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse.”

“The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me – unless you don’t count American soldiers as Americans.”

Not only does torture put our soldiers at risk, but it also produces false intelligence, as anyone under such conditions will say anything to end the abuse.

“I don’t know how you could say we’re safer and more secure. If you torture somebody, they’ll tell you anything,” Major General Thomas Romig said in 2007. “I don’t know anybody that is good at interrogation, has done it a lot, that will say that that’s an effective means of getting information… It has not made it safer for our soldiers when they’re captured.”

One of the main points from the Senate’s report was the fact that torture did not provide legitimate intelligence, exposing movies such as “Zero Dark Thirty” to be nothing more than propaganda pieces.

With the U.S. government currently arming, training and supporting admitted jihadists all across Syria, can it really be claimed that torture is being used to keep us safe?

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Infowars billboards mysteriously appear on America’s interstates

Image Credits: Todd B. / E-mail, Reader submitted

An Infowars supporter has put up multiple Infowars billboards across America, but no one knows the person’s identity.

The billboards were strategically placed on major U.S. interstates, such as the billboard in Jackson, Miss., on Interstate 55 and the billboard in Little Rock, Ark., on Interstate 40, a major route which runs almost entirely across the continental U.S.

Travelers have also reported seeing the billboards in Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Florida.

“The one is Florida was a LED screen one on the highway between Panama City Beach and Pensacola,” an forum member reported.

If you’re the one putting up the billboards, please contact us so we can thank you personally.

Also, please e-mail us additional Infowars billboard sightings or tweet out a photo with the hashtag #Infowars.

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Obama Launches ‘Profanity-Laced’ Tirades Against Press…

Obama Launches ‘Profanity-Laced’ Tirades Against Press… via DuckDuckGo for Android

Ann Compton on Obama: He Launches ‘Profanity-Laced’ Tirades Against Press

By Scott Whitlock | December 8, 2014 | 12:42 PM EST
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According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama launches into “profanity-laced” tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. In a C-SPAN interview, Compton also derided the President for leading “the most opaque” administration of “any I have covered.”

The journalist, who retired in August after a 40-year career, revealed to C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb: “I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals.” [MP3 audio here.]

She explained, “And I don’t find him apologetic. But I find him willing to stand up to the press and look them in the eye, even though it was off the record and just give us hell.”

After Lamb wondered if the President had a point, she chided, “We cover what we are allowed to cover. And when policy decisions and presidents are inaccessible and don’t take questions from the press on a regular basis, I think they reap what they sow.”

Despite Obama’s apparent rage against the press, he hasn’t had much to complain about. The Media Research Center documented how journalists covered-up his failures and scandals.

Earlier in the hour-long C-SPAN interview, which aired on Sunday night, but was recorded in October, Compton slammed the “opaque” administration:

ANN COMPTON: Before I walked out the door on September 10, I was a strong voice for complaining that this particular administration has been more opaque than any I have covered about what the President does in the Oval Office everyday. He is far less accessible on photo-ops with meetings. Even some meetings on the record, meeting in the Roosevelt room with financial leaders from, from Wall Street or on issues with environmental groups, or with issues with environmental groups, with public opinion leaders, I think most presidents have been far more forthcoming than the second Obama term, in terms of what the President is doing every day and we almost never get photo-ops.

She added that it’s fine for the White House to take its own photographs, but “those same elements should not be blocked from the White House press corps.”

Interestingly, on Compton’s last day in August, the President called on her for a final question. She chose to ask about the police shooting in Ferguson, not the concerns she expressed to C-SPAN.

(H/T to Heritage’s Mike Gonzalez for first noticing Compton’s comments and tweeting about them.)

A partial transcript of the October 30 segment is below:


38:05 in:

ANN COMPTON: Before I walked out the door on September 10, I was a strong voice for complaining that this particular administration has been more opaque than any I have covered about what the President does in the Oval Office everyday. He is far less accessible on photo-ops with meetings. Even some meetings on the record, meeting in the Roosevelt room with financial leaders from, from Wall Street or on issues with environmental groups, or with issues with environmental groups, with public opinion leaders, I think most presidents have been far more forthcoming than the second Obama term, in terms of what the President is doing every day and we almost never get photo-ops.

I think I went through a time of three or four months where I was never in the Oval Office once on my pool day. Part of this may be that the President feels a little bit on the ropes. His job approval rating is down to 40 percent consistently for the last couple of years since his reelection. He also has his own tools. He is the first president with his own journalistic tools. They’ve all had photographers. He has his own videographers. He has a newscast on Friday mornings on It is anchored by his former deputy, now press secretary, Josh Earnest. I think it is fine if the President of the United States wants to present his own version of what he did all week. Most of it is behind the scenes shots of him with Supreme Court justices and leaders coming in from Wall Street. It is fine that he puts it on the internet and that everybody can see it. Those same elements should not be blocked from the White House press corps.

54 minutes in

[Recounting her experiences dealing with presidents.]

COMPTON: Every president is a human being as well as a president. And I’m often asked for favorite moments. Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait. George Herbert Walker Bush goes to Camp David and convenes his war cabinet, comes back tot he White House. He stops in front of my camera and says, the Arab world is united against Saddam Hussein. I blurt out, “Mr. President, Arab leaders like King Hussein have flown to Baghdad and embraced him. President Bush barked at me and said, “I can read. What’s your question?” The next day, before  before he sends American troops to the war, he writes me a letter, saying, he was not pleased with his answers to me. below his signature, GB, is initials, he drew a happy face wearing a frown. Imagine the president of the United States taking a moment in history like that to apologize to the press.


LAMB: So, off of that experience, how many other presidents were that aware of what they said to you and how many just did not pay attention at all and you had no personal reaction from them?

COMPTON: I think most presidents realize – had a personal connection. I don’t think they ever — we were ever in a confrontation-type moment where they felt the need to apologize. I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals. Another where he took us to task for not understanding the limits he has with foreign policy and the way he’s dealing with the Middle East and Iraq, and Afghanistan. And I don’t find him apologetic. But I find him willing to stand up to the press and look them in the eye, even though it was off the record and just give us hell.

LAMB: Does he have a point?

COMPTON: From his point of view, he may. But we cover what we are allowed to cover. And when policy decisions and presidents are inaccessible and don’t take questions from the press on a regular basis, I think they get — they reap what they sow.

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Senate Torture Report Condemns C.I.A. Interrogation Program

Senate Torture Report Condemns C.I.A. Interrogation Program

A satellite image of a prison in Afghanistan known as the Salt Pit. The C.I.A. said the prison never used waterboarding, but the Senate Intelligence Committee obtained a photograph of a waterboard there surrounded by buckets of water.
DECEMBER 9, 2014

WASHINGTON — A scathing report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday found that the Central Intelligence Agency routinely misled the White House and Congress about the information it obtained from the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects, and that its methods were more brutal than the C.I.A. acknowledged either to Bush administration officials or to the public.

The long-delayed report, which took five years to produce and is based on more than six million internal agency documents, is a sweeping indictment of the C.I.A.’s operation and oversight of a program carried out by agency officials and contractors in secret prisons around the world in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It also provides a macabre accounting of some of the grisliest techniques that the C.I.A. used to torture and imprison terrorism suspects.

Detainees were deprived of sleep for as long as a week, and were sometimes told that they would be killed while in American custody. With the approval of the C.I.A.’s medical staff, some C.I.A. prisoners were subjected to medically unnecessary “rectal feeding” or “rectal hydration” — a technique that the C.I.A.’s chief of interrogations described as a way to exert “total control over the detainee.” C.I.A. medical staff members described the waterboarding of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks, as a “series of near drownings.”

The report also suggests that more prisoners were subjected to waterboarding than the three the C.I.A. has acknowledged in the past. The committee obtained a photograph of a waterboard surrounded by buckets of water at the prison in Afghanistan commonly known as the Salt Pit — a facility where the C.I.A. had claimed that waterboarding was never used. One clandestine officer described the prison as a “dungeon,” and another said that some prisoners there “literally looked like a dog that had been kenneled.”

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URGENT: Call Congress Immediately!

Campaign for Liberty

Campaign for Liberty has been working hard to fight the “Restoration of America’s Wire Act,” S. 2159/H.R. 4103, which would override state sovereignty, void current law in several states, and give the federal government more control over the Internet by banning Internet gambling.

Now, inside sources tell us a final decision on whether or not to add this bill to the “Omnibus” spending package could be made within the next few hours.

Even if you’ve never gambled and never plan to, this fight is about stopping more government trampling of Americans’ liberties and more shredding of the Constitution.

And combining this controversial bill into the Omnibus is just not right.

So please call your U.S. senators and your U.S. representative right away at (202) 224-3121.

Demand the “Restoration of America’s Wire Act” (S. 2159/H.R. 4103) not be added to any Omnibus or any other legislation that may come out of lame duck.

Thank you in advance for contacting your representatives on this critical issue.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

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