The Occult Series and What You Should Know

The Vatican and UN working for the same one-world government and religion under a one-world leader
The Vatican and UN working for the same one-world government and religion under a one-world leader
The End Game of Our Enemy Satan – TiLt

The next few weeks I’ll be exposing the largest occult organization and all it’s machinations of subversion, whose sole intent is a spiritual One World Order, One World Religion and One World Leader or AntiChrist. There have been countless books and commentary written on this subject since the early 1800’s and the “United Nations” was founded for the sole pupose of driving there narrative as the only one to submit to that ultimately severs your connection with Almighty God leading to your eternal damnation. My only suggestion to any one reading this is that they stand fast with God, stay in His Word, read your Bible, rebuke Satan at all levels and do what God taught us to do: Watch, Fight and Pray! Jesus saved us from damnation when He died for ALL OUR SINS on the cross. He preached that as long as we follow that narrow path laid out in the Bible, God’s word, only then can we hope to achieve that glorious reunification with our Father in Heaven, only then can we succeed in capturing the promise of eternal happiness with our Father God. Our path is clear but we are clearly not out of the woods yet. Stay the course fellow humans. Stay healthy in mind, body and spirit because we are being called upon, right now, by Almight God to believe in Him and only Him or suffer the eternal consequences.

One of my favorite Authors is someone who goes by the pen name of Lioness of Judah Ministry. I keep their feed on the front page of this website as it has always been a bare bone of truths and opinions based in facts. Subscribe – it may change your attitude and give you much more clarity into your world.

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.

Source: The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.

The Corona End Game

Source: The Corona End Game  – by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Most folks have read or know about the beginning of the Federal Reserve. How in the dark of night during a Christmas holiday in the early 1920’s, a group of very rich outliers decided to remove the United States Treasury as the sole controller of our money to now be controlled by non-elected overlords who print our money for a fee. In 1971 once we were taken off the gold standard the fix was in to deconstruct The Republic of these United States. Get the book, it’s quite thrilling and necessary to understand where we are as a country right now.

The Creature From Jekyll Island | G. Edward Griffin

Column content
Key moments in this video
The Federal Reserve System Does Not Need To Be Audited It Needs To Be Abolished
Creation of the Federal Reserve System
The Creature from Jekyll Island
Jekyll Island Is a Real Island
Nelson Aldrich
Paul Warburg
The Federal Reserve System
Mandrake Mechanism
How Can Congress Spend More Money than Its Income in Taxes
The Aldrich Bill
Who Owns the Federal Reserve System
Reverse the Trend of What Is Called Private Capital Formation
Operation Bailout
Column content

more to come…