Category Archives: Land of the Free | Perspective

Ferguson and the False Promise of ”Revolution”;


Build, don’t burn. Collaborate, don’t complain. Don’t simply “resist” the system, replace it altogether.
Tony Cartalucci
Activist Post
When faced on the battlefield with a numerically superior enemy, one must attempt to divide his enemy into smaller, more easily dispatched opponents – or even more ideally, divide them against one another, and have them defeat each other without ever drawing your sword. For Wall Street’s 0.1%, divide and conquer is a way of life.
Divide and Conquer
Never in human history has there been a more effective way for tyrants to rule over large groups of people who, should they ever learn to cooperate, would easily throw off such tyranny.
At the conclusion of the Anglo-Zulu War, the British despoiled Zululand, divided it into 14 separate chiefdoms, each led by a proxy obedient to the British Empire. The British ensured that these 14 chiefdoms harbored animosities toward one another and fostered petty infighting between them to ensure British interests would never again be challenged by a unified Zulu threat. Before the British, the Romans would employ similar tactics across Germania and Gaul.

Image: Zululand lies in flaming ruins, its legendary army decimated, but the British were not about to take any chances of allowing them to unite and resit again. They divided the defeated nation into 14 chiefdoms each headed by leaders harboring dislike for the others ensuring perpetual infighting and a divided, weakened Zululand never again to rise and challenge British subjugation.

In this way, the British Empire and the Romans managed to not only decimate their enemies, but by keeping them perpetually infighting, divided, and at war with one another, manged to keep them subservient to imperial rule for generations.
But one would be mistaken to believe that imperialism is only waged abroad. Imperialism is as much about manipulating, controlling, and perpetuating subservience at home as it is projecting hegemony abroad. For the imperialist, all of humanity represents a sea of potential usurpers. The systematic division, weakening, and subjugation of various social groups along political, religious, class, or racial lines has proven an ageless solution for the elite.
One remembers the infamous use of Christians as a scapegoat for the corruption of Roman Emperor Nero, deflecting public anger away from the ruling elite and unto others among the plebeians.
This is a game that has continued throughout the centuries and continues on to this very day. While racial, religious, and political divisions are aspects of human nature, they are viciously exploited by the ruling elite to divide and destroy any capacity of the general public to organize, resist, or compete with established sociopolitical and economic monopolies.
Ferguson – Playing America Like a Fiddle

Before protests began breaking out in Ferguson, Missouri, and even after the first of the protests in August, many across America’s polarized “left/right” paradigm began to find a common ground, shocked at the level of militarization the police had undergone and the heavy-handed response they exercised amid protests. Even among the generally pro-police and military “right,” there was concern over what was finally recognized as a growing and quite menacing “police state” in America.
Politicians, the corporate media, and security agencies set off to work, dividing America’s public down very predictable lines. Convenient “revelations” that the police were connected with the ultra-racist Ku Klux Klan, coupled with growing choruses across the right to circle the wagons in support of the militarized police attempted to place those who converged on this common ground back into their assigned places on the “right” and “left” of America’s ultimately Wall Street-controlled political order.
Regardless of its success, attempts to intentionally provoke violence, confusion, and division on both sides is an attempt by the establishment to keep people divided and weak while maintaining their position of primacy over the country and the expansive “international order” it imposes globally. It was this establishment, in fact, that intentionally militarized the police, intentionally cultivates both institutional racism as well as sociopolitical and economic rot in America’s inner cities, creating breeding grounds of violence and crime. So busy is America managing the predictable conflict amongst themselves, they have neither the time nor the energy to recognize their true tormentors.
In reality, the police and protesters and those across America and around the world “picking sides” have more in common with one another than the government and corporate-financier interests that reign in Washington and on Wall Street.
Get Off the Hamster Wheel
One cannot accomplish anything by burning down one’s own community, killing one another, or complaining and protesting endlessly. Real revolution is not taking to the streets and destroying a political order, it is creating a new order that displaces the old.
The American Revolution, for instance, occurred after the colonies established their own economic system, as well as their own militias, political networks, and infrastructure. The violence broke out only after the British tried to reassert themselves amid the steady process of being displaced. By the time shots were being fired, the real revolution had already occurred – the subsequent war was to defend its success.
Today, the establishment constitutes unchecked, unwarranted power and influence held by the corporate-financier elite – an establishment we are in fact paying into daily every time we patronize their businesses, use their services, associate with their institutions, and pay in attention and time to their propaganda and political agenda we ourselves should be setting and executing. Ironically many of both the police and protesters clashing in Ferguson on opposite sides of the “conflict” have homes full of Wall Street’s goods, and subscriptions to many of their services.
Indeed, Walmart ends up filling our homes with most of the consumer products we depend on in America. A handful of agricultural giants feed us. A handful of pharmaceutical giants medicate us. A handful of energy monopolies light our homes and fuel our vehicles. You could fill a single sheet of paper with the names of corporate-financier interests that rule over nearly every aspect of our lives.
Such monopolies exist because they have extinguished competitors. Ensuring that competition remains extinguished means creating a society that is incapable of producing individuals or paradigms capable of challenging their established order. This includes sabotaging the education system, creating a socioeconomic system that encourages unsustainable dependence rather than self-sufficiency and independence, and rigging rules, regulations, and laws against any potential upstarts.
The notion of Ferguson protesters demanding justice from a system created of injustice, upon injustice, is as absurd as trying to squeeze apple juice from a lemon. It is the definition of fantastical futility.

Instead of demanding justice, jobs, education, healthcare, food, and other necessities and desires from a system with no intention of ever empowering the people – a system that in order to continue perpetuating itself must by necessity never truly empower the people – we must begin working together locally to empower ourselves.
Power stems from infrastructure and institutions – and locally this can be accomplished in innumerable ways. Already farmers’ markets, organic cooperatives, makerspaces, churches, community centers, community gardens, and charities along with innovative small businesses leveraging technology to do locally what once required global spanning industry to accomplish, all constitute the seeds of this shifting paradigm. For communities unlucky enough not to have one of these above institutions, or a lack of them, instead of baying for blood in the streets, burning down buildings, or clashing with police, build them.
The alternative media itself is proof of what power people have when they stop depending on others, stop demanding others to do their jobs properly, and instead take up the responsibility themselves. Expanding this paradigm shift to other aspects of our daily lives, from agriculture to energy, to education, will be key to true and enduring change.
Ferguson teaches us that real change in the mind of many is still far off. America isn’t on the edge of revolution. A hamster wheel endlessly spinning has no “edge.” Those picking sides and bickering over the events in Ferguson are playing into an elementary strategy of divide and conquer. We are divided, Wall Street has conquered.
At the end of it all, Wall Street comes out even stronger. Because in the smoking remnants of our communities after all is said and done, we have even less with which to build an alternative to the system we live trapped within. Divided, we have half the people we should be joining together with, collaborating and building together with, to build the world we want to live in tomorrow.
Build, don’t burn. Collaborate, don’t complain. Don’t simply “resist” the system, replace it altogether.
Tony Cartalucci’s articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at Land Destroyer Report, Alternative Thai News Network and LocalOrg.

Ferguson and the False Promise of “Revolution”
Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:18:00 GMT

The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide: Self-Reliance Strategies for a Dangerous World


Order Here

Activist Post
Help isn’t coming!
We live in a world where most people would rather outsource their survival to some random government agency instead of taking the tough, but necessary steps to ensure their own health and safety. But when disaster strikes, the reality of the situation is you’re on your own. Help isn’t coming.
If you think anyone in the government cares what happens to you, you’re wrong!
In The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide: Self-Reliance Strategies for a Dangerous World, Robert Richardson, author and founder of, seeks to empower people to take control of their lives, their security, and their personal preparedness. Richardson says, “We live in a world full of dependents; people who have either lost the will, or were never taught what it really takes to be self-reliant.”
Richardson, who has been an emergency preparedness consultant and writer for over a decade, says he wrote the book to help empower people to take control of their lives, and to get people ready for the chaos that he sees coming.

The United States is now over 17 trillion dollars in debt, with all signs pointing towards an economic crisis even worse that what we experienced in 2008. In a nation of 317 Million people, over 109 million of them now live in a household that receives some sort of government welfare.

Richardson warns that the country as at a tipping point.

I think we’re at a point where there’s no longer a way to dig ourselves out of the mess that’s been created by decades of criminal politicians. While most remain willfully ignorant of what’s really going on, the reality of the situation is this country is heading towards not only an economic collapse, but a collapse of society as well.

From an out of control government that cares more about public perception than they do in fixing actual problems, to a checked out public that would rather stand in line for the newest iPhone than take even a single action to help protect themselves from disasters, we are living in an age where self-reliance and preparedness has taken a backseat to just about everything.
The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide is a wakeup to anyone who hasn’t prepared.
This is not another wilderness survival manual, or some government pamphlet on 72-hour survival kits; the book is a step-by-step guide to surviving real-life 21st century threats. From surviving natural disasters, man-made disasters and disease outbreaks, to step-by-step instructions for surviving urban disasters, crime, violence, social unrest and terrorist attacks, readers will learn the self-reliance strategies they need to survive just about any crisis or threat. When disaster hits, do you really want to count on some government agency to protect you and your family?
The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide: Self-Reliance Strategies for a Dangerous World is now available, at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart and other major booksellers.

The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide: Self-Reliance Strategies for a Dangerous World
Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:41:00 GMT

School Expels Child Over Vaccine That Even the Doctor Refuses to Give


Lily Dane
Activist Post

An 8-year-old Long Island girl has been kicked out of school, and the reason is outrageous.
Ceili McNicholas was told not to return to Long Island’s Laddie A. Decker Sound Beach School after her mother Jamie refused to let her receive the T-Dap booster, which protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.
The decision to skip the booster wasn’t solely Jamie’s idea – her daughter’s pediatrician won’t administer the shot because it is labeled for children ages 10 and over. Ceili is only 8.
“If we give that T-Dap vaccination between 7 and 10, we are using it off label. And it’s not licensed for usage.. So if we can’t use it, then we are the ones going to be held liable,” Long Island pediatrician Dr. Mary Renna told CBS New York.

Jamie said Ceili is among a small percentage of children who got all their vaccinations for pertussis, also known as whooping cough, under the age of 4. The state recently changed their immunization regulations, and now they are requiring a booster shot for those kids.
“I got a call from the school in September saying she needed another vaccine in order to be compliant with this new regulation,” Jamie said.
Doctors interviewed by CBS pointed out a conflict between government agencies: The FDA approves the T-Dap booster for ages 10 and over, but the state follows CDC guidelines, which recommends the booster for ages 7 through 10.

Jamie received a letter from the school that said Ceili would not be allowed to return until she had the booster. Monday, November 17, was her deadline.
“We put her on the bus as usual,” Jamie said. But Ceili was then told her mom would have to pick her up, CBS reported.
“The assistant principal took me to the parking lot and took me to the car,” Ceili said.
The school district said it has no choice and is only enforcing regulations set by the state:

In a statement, the Miller Place School District said “We appreciate the family’s frustration. The Miller Place School District is required and obligated to follow all of the rules and regulations of the State of New York on all matters including children’s health.

Questions and concerns about this issue should be raised with the New York State Department of Education and the Suffolk County Department of Health.”

So, the school district said it is following state education guidelines. The New York State Education Department said it is following the guidelines of state health officials. And … the state Health Department said its decisions are based on CDC recommendations.
Is anyone else confused?
And should we really trust the CDC, anyway?
Jamie said she isn’t giving in:

The only way that she will be back in school before age 10 is if the state makes an exception for my daughter and the other kids that are faced with the same situation, because I’m not getting her that shot.

The manufacturer put a guideline on things for a reason. I don’t feel that because there is no vaccine available, just giving them the ones for the older kids — it’s not the answer.

Jamie has begun to homeschool Ceili and has started an online petition to get her daughter back into school. She said her daughter misses school and her teacher.
“It breaks your heart,” Jamie said. “But do I sacrifice her health, possibly, just to get her into that building?”
Surely there are other students who attend Ceili’s school who are not vaccinated. New York allows two vaccination exemptions:

Section 2164 of the Public Health Law permits the following two exemptions to this mandatory immunization requirement:

(1) If the parent objects to the immunization because the parent holds genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the requirement that the child be immunized; or

(2) If a New York State licensed physician certifies that such immunization may be detrimental to the child’s health.

Here are the state’s guidelines for medical exemptions:

If you are seeking a medical exemption, you must provide a letter from a New York State licensed physician certifying that one or more of the required immunizations are detrimental to your child’s health. The letter should specify which immunizations may be harmful to your child and for how long the immunization(s) would be detrimental. Your school will forward documentation in support of a medical exemption to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for review.

Perhaps it is time for the parents of impacted children to start exploring those options, or opt to homeschool like Jamie.
Lily Dane is a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple, where this first appeared. Her goal is to help people to “Wake the Flock Up!”

School Expels Child Over Vaccine That Even the Doctor Refuses to Give
Fri, 28 Nov 2014 16:05:00 GMT

Ron Paul Attacks Sheldon Adelson for Cronyism

Ron Paul. Photo by David Carlyon, Wikipedia Commons

Ron Paul. Photo by David Carlyon, Wikipedia Commons

1, Opinion, Technology

Ron Paul: Internet Gambling Ban: A Winner For Sheldon Adelson, A Losing Bet For The Rest Of Us – OpEd

November 17, 2014 Ron Paul Leave a comment

By Ron Paul

Most Americans, regardless of ideology, oppose “crony capitalism” or “cronyism.” Cronyism is where politicians write laws aimed at helping their favored business beneficiaries. Despite public opposition to cronyism, politicians still seek to use the legislative process to help special interests.

For example, Congress may soon vote on legislation outlawing Internet gambling. It is an open secret, at least inside the Beltway, that this legislation is being considered as a favor to billionaire casino owner, Sheldon Adelson. Mr. Adelson, who is perhaps best known for using his enormous wealth to advance a pro-war foreign policy, is now using his political influence to turn his online competitors into criminals.

Supporters of an Internet gambling ban publicly deny they are motivated by a desire to curry favor with a wealthy donor. Instead, they give a number of high-minded reasons for wanting to ban this activity. Some claim that legalizing online gambling will enrich criminals and even terrorists! But criminalizing online casinos will not eliminate the demand for online casinos. Instead, passage of this legislation will likely guarantee that the online gambling market is controlled by criminals. Thus, it is those who support outlawing online gambling who may be aiding criminals and terrorists.

A federal online gambling ban would overturn laws in three states that allow online gambling. It would also end the ongoing debate over legalizing online gambling in many other states. Yet some have claimed that Congress must pass this law in order to protect states rights! Their argument is that citizens of states that ban Internet gambling may easily get around those laws by accessing online casinos operating in states where online gambling is legalized.

Even if the argument had merit that allowing states to legalize online gambling undermines laws in other states, it would not justify federal legislation on the issue. Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government given any authority to regulate activities such as online gambling. Arguing that “states rights” justifies creating new federal crimes turns the Tenth Amendment, which was intended to limit federal power, on its head.

Many supporters of an Internet gambling ban sincerely believe that gambling is an immoral and destructive activity that should be outlawed. However, the proposed legislation is not at all about the morality of gambling. It is about whether Americans who do gamble should have the choice to do so online, or be forced to visit brick-and-mortar casinos.

Even if there was some moral distinction between gambling online or in a physical casino, prohibiting behavior that does not involve force or fraud has no place in a free society. It is no more appropriate for gambling opponents to use force to stop people from playing poker online than it would be for me to use force to stop people from reading pro-war, neocon writers.

Giving government new powers over the Internet to prevent online gambling will inevitably threaten all of our liberties. Government bureaucrats will use this new authority to expand their surveillance of the Internet activities of Americans who have no interest in gambling, just as they used the new powers granted by the PATRIOT Act to justify mass surveillance.

The proposed ban on Internet gambling is a blatantly unconstitutional infringement on our liberties that will likely expand the surveillance state. Worst of all, it is all being done for the benefit of one powerful billionaire. Anyone who thinks banning online gambling will not diminish our freedoms while enriching criminals is making a losing bet.

Published by RonPaul Institute.

Ron Paul

Ron Paul

Ronald Ernest “Ron” Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American physician, author, and politician who served as the U.S. Representative for Texas’s 14th congressional district, which includes Galveston. He was a three-time candidate for President of the United States, as a Libertarian in 1988 and as a Republican in 2008 and 2012.

Source: Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

Ron Paul Attacks Sheldon Adelson for Cronyism
Joshua Cook
Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:50:05 GMT

Missouri Lt. Governor: Obama Ordered National Guard to Stand Down in Ferguson –

Missouri Lt. Governor: Obama Ordered National Guard to Stand Down in Ferguson –.

Missouri Lt. Governor: Obama Ordered National Guard to Stand Down in Ferguson

Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder makes stunning claim

Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder

National Guard and police failed to protect businesses targeted by rioters during last night’s chaos, leading to charges that the Obama administration issued a stand down order.

Earlier this morning, Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder made the stunning claim, telling Fox News, “Is the reason that the National Guard was not in there because the Obama Administration and the Holder Justice Department leaned on you to keep them out? I cannot imagine any other reason why the governor who mobilized the National Guard would not have them in there to stop this.”

His comments followed Ferguson Mayor James Knowles’ complaint that his request for National Guard assistance was repeatedly ignored by Democrat Governor Jay Nixon last night.

Watch the video above to see Kinder and Knowles’ remarks.

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With Everyone Focused on Ferguson, Obama Quietly Passing 3,400 New Regulations Before Thanksgiving


Melissa Melton
Activist Post
Although the government and mainstream media perfectly timed the Ferguson grand jury decision to go off right after President Obama passed executive amnesty (which, magically, no one in the mainstream media is talking about anymore), it also works out well for the White House that this event transpired right before the upcoming holiday.
Why, you might ask?
Because the Obama administration has prepared, for the fifth time now, to oh-so-quietly release 3,415 brand spanking new regulations right before Thanksgiving while everyone just so happens to be totally distracted and focusing on the orchestrated civil disorder going on in Ferguson.
Via The Daily Caller:

The federal Unified Agenda is the Obama administration’s regulatory road map, and it lays out thousands of regulations being finalized in the coming months. Under President Barack Obama, there has been a tradition of releasing the agenda late on Friday — and right before a major holiday.
“It’s become an unfortunate tradition of this administration and others to drop these regulatory agendas late on a Friday and right before a holiday,” Matt Shudtz, executive director of the Center for Progressive Reform, told The Hill newspaper.

The White House’s regulatory agenda for spring 2014 was released on the eve of the Memorial Day weekend, when millions of people set out on weekend getaways or family vacations.
“It’s unfortunate because it’s an update on protections for Americans of all stripes,” Shudtz told the Hill. “It lays out the administration’s plan and it deserves more attention.”

Nice, right?
Apparently, this release comes new and improved with even more regulations than last time, and it even comes complete with the added bonus of having 189 rules which come with a nice fat price tag of $100 million.
It’s funny… Once upon a time, throwing out an amount like a hundred million would’ve made some people’s eyeballs literally pop out of their heads. I can use the word literally in a figurative sense now without being incorrect, because apparently we live in such an Idiocracy society that the official definition of the word “literally” has been updated to include “used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.”
… I’m not even kidding.


Anyway, who knows what evil will be lurking in those 3,415 new regulations. No, really. Who knows? Hardly anyone knows, because these regs will be slipped in under cover of concocted protests in Ferguson, a plate full of turkey and stuffing, and a football game.
Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple, where this first appeared, and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

With Everyone Focused on Ferguson, Obama Quietly Passing 3,400 New Regulations Before Thanksgiving
Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:28:00 GMT