Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation Hearing and Why this Nation is in a State of Stagnated Shock!

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Do we still hold America dear?
September 4, 2018 by Tami Terusa
It has never become more clear than it has today that the blue wave turned ripple has just washed ashore and will be gracefully forgotten through the sands of time.  For a nation, this will be considered an embarrassing moment in history, a time perhaps when we weren’t displaying our best behavior.
So it stands that this is a time for serious reflection, revolting and reforming a nation that has lost its way.  An era of this nations’ people who are now desperately trying to define the meaning of being American, of being a Constitutional Republic and what it now holds for their legacy. There is a re-birthing happening in this great nation, an eruption of dissonance that we are embroiled in.  And all the while the world watches, waits and holds their breath in hopes we end up on the side of righteousness for all humanity.  What is it going to be America?
Are we a nation of laws, a nation with a purpose of seeking truth at every level?  A beacon of justice for all?  When did we become so complacent?  When did our nation start eating itself so repulsively?  Is this a real divide or a concocted hologram of an agenda meant to tear us under?  Regardless, we are here.
The left, the Democrats, the obstructionists, are the ship of fools, the jesters in court, the blatant idiocy meant for what – we are not sure of.  It then appears that this is the given reason you must vote a straight Republican ticket come November even if you do not like the candidate.  The Republicans are not much better because 90% of those representing us are more concerned about their kickbacks and pocketbooks than they are about us, their constituents.  So there’s the barrel over our heads.  Thank God for the few who still have a commitment to truth, justice AND the American way.  However, this will be the most important midterm election in our history as a nation to date because of our current environment.  So get out the vote!!!  Tell your neighbors, friends, relatives, you don’t have to talk politics, just say “vote!”
It is time for the governed to start governing!  Use that God given gift of voice before it’s silenced forever, before your children have no clue what liberty is even in definition.  Because liberty and freedom may become completely foreign to them, a dream, a hope of some world that used to exist that may come again one day.  Do not fail their future! This is, still, the greatest country on the planet, bar none!
Call your representatives everyday!  Stay in the know or at least try to.  Search for truth, even if it’s through the overwhelming data shoved down our throats daily, fact or fiction.  Don’t believe headings of emails or articles, do the research, follow the sources and consider opinions just that.
Do not lose liberty, do not lose the right to be!  America still remains the last bastion of hope for true freedom and we are teetering.  We must unite like our forefathers before us who banded together in hopes they could create a better legacy, a sustaining legacy for future Americans. Do not throw it away, dismiss it or do nothing!  This is a time to either stand for something or be bowled over. A time to gather as the people who hold the light for the rest of the planet, a light to a better future devoid of subjugation for all humanity, a better more vibrant human species.  Together we can and will be victorious!
Just another American opinion

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