Top Stories – Despite Massive Assault by TV Pundits, Most Americans Like EPA, FDA, VA, Education Dept….and Federal Workers – AllGov – News

Top Stories – Despite Massive Assault by TV Pundits, Most Americans Like EPA, FDA, VA, Education Dept….and Federal Workers – AllGov – News.

This is the sorry truth about Americans. They really are drinking the Kool-Aid. We have a long road ahead of us to wake them up to the reality that less government equals more liberties, a better economy and true sovereign living. Unfortunately we will either have to wait for the sheeple to wake up or farm them out to a country that can use dumbed down slaves. Your choice patriots.  

Sen. Paul Introduces Constitutional Amendment Rand Paul | United States Senator

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Rand Paul last week introduced S.J. Res. 25, a Constitutional amendment that would hold government officials to the same standard as the American people. The amendment states that \”Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress.\” The amendment also contains two provisions that apply that same principle to the Executive Branch and Judicial Branch of the federal government. The amendment text can be found below:

via Sen. Paul Introduces Constitutional Amendment Rand Paul | United States Senator.