
Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters

Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone
January 21, 2021

On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized prolife voters who voted for Donald Trump on the abortion issue, saying their votes cause her “great grief as a Catholic” and accusing them of “being willing to sell the whole democracy down the river for that one issue.”

Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, issued the following statement in response:

“To begin with the obvious: Nancy Pelosi does not speak for the Catholic Church. She speaks as a high-level important government leader, and as a private citizen. And on the question of the equal dignity of human life in the womb, she also speaks in direct contradiction to a fundamental human right that Catholic teaching has consistently championed for 2,000 years.

“Christians have always understood that the commandment, ‘Thou shall not kill,’ applies to all life, including life in the womb. Around the end of the first century the Letter of Barnabas states: “You shall not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shall you destroy it after it is born’ (#19). One thousand, eight hundred and sixty-five years later, the Second Vatican Council affirmed: ‘Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes’ (Gaudium et spes, n. 51).

“Pope Francis continues this unbroken teaching. Addressing participants in the conference, ‘Yes to Life! – Taking Care of the Precious Gift of Life in Its Frailty’ on May 25, 2019, he condemned abortion in the strongest possible terms: ‘is it licit to eliminate a human life to solve a problem? … It is not licit. Never, never eliminate a human life … to solve a problem. Abortion is never the answer that women and families are looking for.’ And just yesterday (January 20, 2021) Archbishop Gomez, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, reiterated the declaration of the U.S. bishops that abortion is for Catholics the ‘preeminent priority.’ In doing so, he acted rightly and collaboratively in his role as USCCB President, and I am grateful to him for doing so.

“Preeminent does not mean ‘only,’ of course. There are certainly many evils we must confront and many goods we must pursue. In his inaugural speech yesterday, President Biden gave a moving call to unity and healing. He offered what I would call a ‘Litany of Compassion’ – bringing before the eyes of the nation the suffering of people across a wide spectrum of issues. In my experience, advocates for unborn children also work diligently to be of service in many of these causes as well. Speaker Pelosi has chosen this week to impugn the motives of millions of Catholics and others for choosing to make voting on the issue of abortion their priority and accuses them of ‘selling out democracy.’ This is not the language of unity and healing. She owes these voters an apology.

“I myself will not presume to know what was in the minds of Catholic voters when they voted for the Presidential candidate of their choice, no matter who their preferred candidate was. There are many issues of very grave moral consequence that Catholics must weigh in good conscience when they vote. But one thing is clear: No Catholic in good conscience can favor abortion. ‘Right to choose’ is a smokescreen for perpetuating an entire industry that profits from one of the most heinous evils imaginable. Our land is soaked with the blood of the innocent, and it must stop.

“That is why, as Catholics, we will continue to speak out on behalf of those who have no voice to speak for themselves and reach out to, comfort and support those who are suffering the scars of the abortion experience. We will do so, until our land is finally rid of this despicable evil.”

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There Are No Challenges That Cannot Be Overcome Without Stamina and a Forthright Commitment to Truth, Especially A Mans Innocence

God Bless The Flynn Family For Showing America What it truly Means To Be an American through and through

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Home Journalism Articles
A Personal Statement from General Flynn to America: Faith, Family, and Friendships
Michael T. Flynn –
November 26, 2020

By Almighty God’s grace and with the love and courage of my wife Lori, the strength and fortitude of our families, and the inspiration of our friends and every single patriot who circled me with their prayers, wisdom, and kindness, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. For the first time in more than four years and because of my fearless attorney, Sidney Powell, the Guardian Angel of American Justice, and thousands of good people with endless energy rallying together on my behalf, I breathe freedom and liberty today.

We are a nation founded by leaders who fought tyranny and oppression to ensure that all American citizens be treated fairly and equally across this land. These constitutional and God-given rights should never be denied or disguised behind false prosecution or political persecution out of fear, hate, or an opposing voice. Those who scowl at the very core of our Republic and act from vengeance or revenge against one of us, threaten the safety and security of all of us.

Never again should any family or individual be so viciously targeted, maligned, smeared, and threatened such has been the experience of my family and I. Not you and your loved ones, not me nor President Trump, our First Lady, and the Trump children. Stand with me today in renouncing this betrayal of trust that has burdened our nation and proclaim with one united voice across this land that we will never again allow the rightful power of the citizens of this country to be uprooted, undercut, usurped, or held hostage by a coup against our nation, a duly elected President or any future president of these United States.

For over three decades, it has been my honor and privilege as a Soldier and public servant to fight for the rights of American citizens and for citizens of the world. I have fought alongside the bravest men and women on distant battlefields in the midst of the fire and fury of war. In this fight for my life and liberties on the battlefield of justice and truth, my faith in God and the love and support of my wife Lori have seen me through.

Along our journey together, we have been blessed to have the trust and support of millions of Americans across our great country and around the world. These are our Digital Army of Patriots who inspired us to keep fighting, uncovered secrets we would otherwise have not known, and shared with us their thoughts, dreams, and wisdom throughout this ordeal.

Many months ago, one patriot wrote to me, “I only recently learned of you. I’ve been willfully ignorant of this world and the level of evil in it. God is moving in our lives and I know my purpose now is to raise my five patriots to love God, fight for truth, and defend the United States of America, One nation under God!” We are so deeply and sincerely appreciative for the force of light brought into our lives to battle on and we will never forget the trust placed in us to never give up the search for truth.

I am forever grateful to my legal team of warriors – a team that came into our lives during the most difficult time. Ms. Sidney Powell entered the Flynn family’s lives like an Angel sent from heaven with the fighting spirit of David, ready to slay Goliath—and she did.

Each member (of our small defense team), assembled by Sidney, fulfilled unique and difficult roles with a warrior’s spirit. Mr. Jesse Binnall, a brilliant leader, and polished legal street fighter possessed an expert grasp of the law and a common-sense approach to discovering the truth. Ms. Molly McCann, who is an intense scholar with a superb mastery of the law, a true warrior, and someone of great faith. Molly spent tireless hours researching, reading, and writing all the while helping her Mother’s fight with cancer. Mr. David Warrington’s steady hand and advice on navigating the minefields of the Washington, D.C. legal circuit were always on the mark. Lindsay McKasson and Abigail (Abbie) Frye are two determined legal professionals who were relentless in piecing together a million-piece puzzle allowing our team to find the truth.

A special thank you goes to my warrior sister Barbara, who took on managing my legal defense fund and between her and my youngest sibling and brother, Joe, did countless interviews to help raise necessary and important funds to fight this fight. And finally, my sister Clare Eckert and her daughter (my God-Daughter and niece), Alicia Kutzer, rounded out our team. My oldest sister Clare is a tough but superb legal and business professional and Alicia is a remarkable lawyer. Without a doubt, we could not have won this fight without their counsel, exceptional research and writing abilities, as well as their unwavering love.

I can never thank them all enough for taking on this monumental challenge to win. Because of them, my eyes are brighter and my heart is filled with love for my sons, their wives, my grandchildren, and for all members of our extended family of Flynns and Andrades and so many, many others who kept me going and gave me strength through their prayers and messages of hope for the future.

Together, we have overcome this enormous hurdle. Now we will get back up on our feet, dust ourselves off, and not fear what lies ahead. We may be tested again with false accusations and untruths and hatred for our beliefs and for raising our voices but we cannot be deterred and we cannot stop.

Time does not always heal all wounds, but discovering the truth has a funny way of shaping the scars.

To all Americans, what we choose to do in this life should never be stopped by fear. Instead, we need to embrace the uncertainty and accept the risk that comes with sacrifice and then work to overcome the sheer magnitude of life’s challenges, especially during this crucible of our nation’s history. Our very survival as a nation is at stake.

The Flynns will never stop being the fighters that our parents, Charlie and Helen, taught us to be. Through generations of military in our past, and with many of us still serving our nation in one capacity or another, we will “rise up” to the next set of challenges together and defend our families, our homes, our honor, and our nation.

Even today, perhaps more than ever before, America requires tried, true, and tested patriots to ensure the future of our children and grandchildren. And in the end, there is only ONE who is the judge of our ultimate destiny.

God Bless America.

Michael T. Flynn


Joe diGenova Responds to the Trump Impeachment Hearings – YouTube

Full Speech: Donald Trump Press Conference in West Palm Beach, FL (3-5-16); A Populist Movement Never Seen Before; Donald Trump Has Awoken The Beast

Americans need to understand the enormity of this movement and the man leading it.  This is the biggest populist movement the corrupt political system has seen in well over 100 years here in the Republic of these United States of America.  The usurpers of the American political system and creators of the now perverted political system, along with its minions, are running ‘hysterically’ scared.  They are using every last dime of their ill gotten gains to try and silence the voice of the people by smearing, discrediting and silencing Trump!  Why?  Because Donald Trump has flat out, challenged the global elite – ‘INTERNATIONALLY’  – in their “scheduled” attempt to fulfill the final death blows to all sovereignty across this planet and replacing it with a one world governance!!  This is complete #CultureAssassination.

TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty); forced migration by way of intervention based on lies to the American people; the economy, jobs and the sucking sound you hear as that and your income continues to disappear; this along with the overall rape and pillage of America from corporate interests; to degenerate radicals; to the indoctrination of your children to turn on you.  Donald Trump thought America was still worth fighting for and is quite possibly our last chance to stop the total loss of a once great nation and its children.  He is a man of the people because he is angry about the exact same things Americans are angry about, but who simply do not have a voice locally, let alone from D.C.  He is pushing all the right buttons because he – like the rest of us  -knows we are getting the shaft! 

YES WORLD: Donald Trump has finally awoken the beast.  Americans ARE sick of Washington D.C. corrupt politics and it took ONE man to brilliantly awaken and give Americans a real voice right smack dab in the middle of a presidential election!  One man who had enough guts, along with the support of ALL those who know, love and are personally backing him, Donald J. Trump a self made business man and an American icon, stepped into the arena to speak on behalf of America simply because he loves this country and saw we are in danger of losing everything beloved about America!  But when he did he also took on the world against America and the enemy IS within. If you think that does not take a tremendous amount of courage you are clueless.  This man deserves 100% of our support and prayers.  Tell your friends.  America is at a crossroads and we have a chance to profoundly change things for the better of America,  for the better of America’s children and quite frankly for a much better future for humanity. 

Do not let the global elites win!  Do not let the sovereignty of this nation slip away.  If you are a true patriot of America, you must vote for Donald J. Trump.  There is no other candidate who is for America more.  ALL of the other candidates are bought by corporations owned by the global elite.  The two party system is a joke and we all know it!  Especially when you see the likes of the Republican party eating their own and supporting Hillary Clinton because they simply can’t support someone who represents the people because he cannot be controlled to change laws, regulations and make back room deals in their favor! 




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#AmericansUnite #AmericansForTrump #StopDivision #PresidentTrump