Sarah Palin: Don’t Vote for ANYONE Who Ignores the Constitution [READ]

Sarah Palin: Don’t Vote for ANYONE Who Ignores the Constitution [READ]

“We wholeheartedly agree with Palin in this instance, the American people need to vote out of office any member of Congress that ignores their duty under the Constitution to provide a check and balance to the out-of-control President, or else our country is lost.”
Sarah Palin Joins Senate Candidate Joe Miller At Campaign Rally In Anchorage
Something must be done soon to address the humanitarian crisis developing along our southern border, as President Obama’s lax enforcement of immigration policies has resulted in a flood of illegal immigrants coming across the border, many of them unaccompanied children.
Texas has stepped up and announced a “border surge” to shut down the border by themselves, since the feds won’t do it, and several militia groups are mobilizingto give them assistance.
Sarah Palin has been all over this issue, telling Congress they have no guts for not stopping Obama from allowing this, and saying Obama is “un-American” for giving better treatment to illegal immigrants than to our nation’s veterans.
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Palin continues in a Facebook post with a warning to the American people to look closely at their elected representatives in Congress, and to vote out anyone that continues to ignore the Constitution.

Hang on to your hat, because here’s the issue: Barack Obama has orchestrated this newest “crisis” in order to overload the system with the intention of “fixing” the problems his own policies create – by fiat, and that infamous phone and pen; screw the rule of law. He’s warned you by proudly claiming his executive orders can bypass the peoples’representatives and obviously ignore the will of the people.
This exploitation of foreigners’ children is an inhumane ploy to enticefamilies to break laws by literally shoving kids across one of Obama’s infamous and irrelevant lines, with assurance that parents, aunties, step-uncles and third cousins twice removed will get to cut in line too – that sacred line that previously led law abiding, hardworking immigrants to build this great nation. Barack Obama will keep phoningin and penning the message that he will NOT secure borders, so, hey, extended undocumented relatives, you’re free to join the kids being used and abused to snag that golden ticket. Obama surely knows a nation is not a nation without borders, while we must surely know this is the “fundamental transformation of America” that he promised and some of us warned about.
Congress and American voters, how long will you let Team Obama get away with this? The recent avalanche of devastating crises caused by a president believing he is above the law has set the most dangerous precedent a once-free people can imagine. To encourage and reward lawlessness by refusing to enforce the will of the people as proven by laws passed by our political representatives is the signature of a tyrant. In this case, Obama’s refusal to enforce immigration laws and his blatant suggestion that his chosen illegal activity will be rewarded are proof of his tyrannical tactics. The recent numerous manipulated “crises” have the media pinging and ponging trying to keep up with what is the scandal of the day, which one overshadows another, and how will they distract next, and who’s on first?! Purposeful decisions causing these crises are meant to overload the system, justify abuse of executive power to “fix” it all, and ultimately tighten control of the people.
So, how much more will you take, Congress and We the People? I sense not enough guts in D.C. to file impeachment charges against Team Obama for their countless documented illegalities, so the way to stop this is at the ballot box. To fundamentally restore America to her destined exceptionalism you must get involved and then get to that box. Use YOUR phone and pen to support conservative candidates who will fight for what is right: Constitutionally protected freedom, respected military, free markets to create jobs, and secured borders to protect jobs! We need your help to do this; it takes more than a village to fortify the homeland. ANYONE associated with support for Obama’s deceptive ploys that would stoop to using and abusing innocent children must be voted out of office. ANYONE who has shined the boot that Obama’s put on the neck of our economy and security must be held accountable by those with the legal power to do so – Congress. And then We the People hold Congress accountable. Do not vote for any politician who has gone wobbly on their commitment to respect the will of the people and to fight to defend our Constitution. This wishy-washy status quo has got to go.

As usual, Sarah Palin is right.  Members of Congress need to remember their oath of office, which is to uphold and defend the Constitution.  The American people need to hold their feet to the fire, reminding them of their oath and duty.
President Obama has ignored, disregarded, and outright violated the Constitution on so many different occasions, that it is getting difficult to remember them all.  Congress’ responsibility is to keep the Executive in check, and the Constitution provides them with ways to do so.
We wholeheartedly agree with Palin in this instance, the American people need to vote out of office any member of Congress that ignores their duty under the Constitution to provide a check and balance to the out-of-control President, or else our country is lost.

Related posts:

  1. Sarah Palin: If Congress Had “Guts”, They’d Impeach Obama
  2. Sarah Palin: The Way Obama Treats Vets is “Un-American”
  3. Sarah Palin: If Obama Defaults, It’s an “Impeachable Offense” (Video)

Sarah Palin: Don’t Vote for ANYONE Who Ignores the Constitution [READ]
Ben Marquis
Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:35:34 GMT

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