Bannon: Americans Have Become Steerage Because Too Many Fellow Citizens Have Accepted Being In Steerage | Video | RealClearPolitics

Bannon: Americans Have Become Steerage Because Too Many Fellow Citizens Have Accepted Being In Steerage
Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date April 4, 2024

Steve Bannon delivers a monologue on the American spirit and Americans being treated like steerage in a monologue on Thursday’s edition of his ‘War Room’ podcast.

BANNON: This is all to break. Because you know why? The cussedness and honorness, the American working man and woman of every ethnicity, color, religion, race, you pick it. It’s got a certain chip — you should — this is what being an American is about. You’ve got a grit, you’ve got a determination, you’ve got a chip on your shoulder. You’re honoring the cussedness, this is what made this country. You think it would have taken us out of this wilderness and build the greatest civilization in mankind’s history? The most productive, the most powerful, the most free, created more wealth, sent people to the Moon, did every major invention. Do you think that would have happened if they didn’t have an attitude? If they didn’t have swagger?

This is what the globalists and the administrative state are trying to break. They are trying to make you like Europe. They are trying to break you to become passive. And for those of you that have fallen into it, hey, that’s okay, but there are enough that have not and have said we’re not going to allow this happen to the greatest country that has been bequeathed to us. You think the other 13 or 14 generations did this for their own good? No, they sacrificed. They delayed, every generation, except for this, these globalists. And this is the fight we’re going to have and this is the victory we’re going to have in November…

Stern is going to be on here in a moment. I have Tiffany Justice after that to talk about what it takes at the deck-play levels. And they don’t sit there and embrace you say “Isn’t it wonderful that you showed up and you have an attitude and you want to use your agency to say screw you and you’re not going to destroy my country and you’re particularly not going to destroy my community and you’re not going to destroy the citizen of the country.” Do you think they’ll embrace you? Hell no, they don’t embrace you! You’re their pests. You’re a pest.

The American citizen should have a premiere deal. We should be premium class, right, not steerage. You’re steerage. And you’re steerage because too many of your fellow citizens have accepted being in steerage. And too many leaders of this country and warrior-poet Speaker Johnson is the epitome of the gutless worm that has gotten us into this situation. “Oh we fought like warrior-poets and I got $2 billion off the IRS.” It’s disgusting and revolting. Bro, you approved all of this. You approved all of this. Biden did it but you approved it.

Source: Bannon: Americans Have Become Steerage Because Too Many Fellow Citizens Have Accepted Being In Steerage | Video | RealClearPolitics