W.H. intentionally ignoring surveillance

Jamie White – JUNE 16, 2016 180 Comments

DHS Insider: Obama Blocking Terrorist Probes


Retired DHS officer and whistleblower Philip Haney explained why radical Islamic terrorists are falling through the cracks despite unprecedented government data-gathering.

Haney described how the Obama administration blatantly ignores the DHS intelligence-gathering efforts of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Taliban.

“We have archives of derogatory information on these organizations going back years and years,” Haney said on the Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “We’ve done our job. But the [Obama] administration deliberately and intentionally has refused to acknowledge the existence of this information.”

“Follow the trail, find the nest – that’s counterterrorism in a nutshell.”

“We’re being told by the administration ‘there is no nest. Don’t even look for it because it doesn’t exist,’” he added. “That’s about as absurd as it would be to go around stomping on ants one at a time while pretending there is no nest.”

“So I would encourage us to reevaluate the way we approach this problem and recognize that it’s not just individuals, it’s also a network, and that those networks exist here in the United States that have been built up for at least three generations of immigrants primarily, and that we’re not immune to the forces of Sharia law and influence of Islamic life. We have to come to terms with this. And then compare it to the Constitution and stand up for it courageously when they are not compatible.”

He also expanded on the dangers of Sharia law and its worldwide implementation:

The global Islamic movement is not going to tell us ‘Thank you for allowing us to make this much progress, now we’ll stop.’ Every step forward they take, they reinforce their position and look for a tactical opportunity to make another move forward. We see it everywhere in the world, and North America is not immune from this force of gravity. Based on numbers there have been more than 28,000 Islamic jihadist attacks in the world since 9/11. That averages out to about one an hour. So, they’re happening like lightning strikes all over the world continuously. Again, America is not immune. Until the day comes that we’re able to honestly and courageously stand up and have a discussion about the nature of Sharia law and how it is compatible with the U.S. Constitution, then we’re not going to have the wherewithal we need to recover ourselves and really stand up for the principles that this country was founded on.


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