Kamala Family, Slave Owners

Fake Catholic picks a fake ‘African’ American.

Biden Picked A 'Cop': Some On Left Slam Choice Of Kamala Harris For VP

August 13, 2020 


When a candidate picks a vice president, there’s usually a solid reason for landing on that person. Either they can carry a state on election day, or they fill in a gap on the presidential nominee’s resume — like in foreign policy, for example.

So Biden’s pick of Kamala Harris is proving to be quite weird, practically brain-dead, in fact. First, she’s from California — hardly a state that threatens to turn red, so no help there. And Kamala Harris has no real experience in anything significant other than screeching at and blasting and haranguing Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court hearings.

During her term in the U.S. Senate, she sponsored no bills of import, but just signed on to the usual list of Marxist claptrap. While she was in California as attorney general, in a far more friendly, Marxist environment, she was able to beat back pro-lifers and advance the cause of same-sex “marriage.”

She’s been picked by Biden because she’s a woman and he was under intense pressure from Marxists to pick a black woman, which every single person on earth understands means African American. You know — descendants of slaves, grown up in poverty, victims of “white privilege.” But Kamala checks none of those boxes — not a single one.

For starters, her father admits in an online biography that he is a descendant of Irishmen and his side of the family owned a plantation in Jamaica — one complete with slaves. Yep, slaves! You heard right. 

Kamala is a descendant of slave owners. Likewise, she has absolutely zero biological ties to the African American community. She is not descended from sharecroppers; her ancestors were not kidnapped from Africa and chained in slave-ship galleys and sold in markets. None of that applies to her. And that’s just her father’s side. Kamala is a descendant of slave owners. Likewise, she has absolutely zero biological ties to the African American community.Tweet

Her mother’s side is even less applicable to the whole question of racism aimed at blacks. Her mother’s family is from Madras, India. Mom was a cancer researcher who met and married Kamala’s father in Berkeley, California in the 1960s when they were working and studying. A few years later, her parents divorced. Mom got a nice job at a Canadian university, and Kamala went to live with her mother where she grew up in a racist-free environment in Montreal.

Kamala has, in fact, had none of the usual experience of what everyone understands as the “American Black Experience.” She’s Jamaican and Indian — at least Obama was half black; Kamala is not black, as commonly understood.  Likewise, to curry favor with non-blacks when she was attorney general of California, she pursued a vigorous anti-crime policy that massively drove up incarceration rates of young black men. 

That’s something her running mate, Joe Biden, also did when he was in the U.S. Senate — the same man who also verbally opposed desegregation in schooling. Kamala actually ripped him on stage at the party’s primary debates for being a racist.

What’s curious about all this is that a racist man who keeps insulting blacks with condescending comments and a fake African American woman (who is not of African descent, but Jamaican and Indian) will now march off on a “blacks need to vote for us because we are woke” campaign — which will prove to be one of the most hypocritical shams in the history of U.S. politics.

Likewise, a whole host of other weird questions arise from this pick. Kamala said she believed Tara Reade, the woman on Biden’s staff back in the day who accused him of sexual assault. Harris said flat out that she believes Tara Reade. So on top of accusing Biden of being a segregationist — meaning a racist, she also believes her running mate is a rapist.

Out of her own mouth she has accused Biden of being a racist and a rapist. Don’t forget those points. She’s descended from slave owners and thinks her running mate is a rapist and a racist. You can’t make this stuff up. Add on to the list that she herself is a public anti-Catholic bigot.

In 2018, at the Senate confirmation hearings for Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship, Kamala went off on him for his membership in the Knights of Colombus, specifically because the Catholic organization is opposed to abortion and same-sex “marriage.” In short, Kamala was applying a religious litmus test to a federal judgeship.

Catholics had better beware of this monstrous ticket of fake-Catholic Biden and anti-Catholic Kamala. But the Marxist media won’t tell you all that. In fact, they don’t know what truth and accuracy are. Catholics had better beware of this monstrous ticket of fake-Catholic Biden and anti-Catholic Kamala.Tweet

Anything, absolutely anything — any idea, policy or proposal they don’t like — is automatically tagged as “violent.” At the same time, they portray actual violent attacks against innocent Americans, business owners and police officers as “mostly peaceful protests.” It’s all surreal, like we’ve stepped through Alice’s looking glass. 

A spoiled, pampered girl profiting from a system built on their imagined “white privilege” in another country — whose lineage includes actual bona fide slave owners — manages to now be in the vice-presidential slot for the United States. All this victimization — it’s horrible. Poor dear. 

Neither the media nor Kamala herself can go near this third rail. She cannot admit her lineage, lest the truth come out. And if she admits it and blames it “on the past that she had nothing personally to do with,” then the whole BLM argument blows up in their collective Marxist face. Remember when Elizabeth Warren had to out and out lie about her Native American heritage to gain advancement?

How is Kamala’s story any different? She lies when she calls herself “African American,” with everything that imports in 21st-century America. And if the campaign wants to try and hide behind the line that some Jamaicans came from Africa a zillion years earlier, well, everyone in America can play that game. So everybody is both every ethnicity and no ethnicity.

The Democrats play the race card: They use identity politics to get elected. They even go so far as nominating a descendant of slave owners. So every actual black woman in the Democratic Party should be asking right about now, “What’s wrong with us, the descendants of slaves, as opposed to a descendant of slave owners?”

The Democrats do have racism high on their list of issues, just not in the way they pretend. In that way, much of the U.S. hierarchy resembles the Democrats — harping on about fake issues of social justice and the environment in order to advance worldwide Marxism. It’s going to be a heckuva remaining 80 days or so.

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