Mark Levin blasts GOP Sen. Grassley for protecting anti-Trump ‘whistleblower’: ‘Act like a serious senator’ |

Grassley is just another CYA mis-Representative!  Whatever they have on him and  80% of Congress, it’s clear they have been and currently are selling America out.  If we do nothing, our children’s children will pay the cost, and most certainly they will not have what we have had the privilege of living!

However, these thieves don’t understand American Patriots at all!  We’re coming for them one way or another, at the ballot box or with pitchforks in hand at the Capitol, it makes no difference. Everything bearing fruit right now is the reason the left is becoming more unhinged with each passing day because they’re all guilty of  something.  Mostly treason.  They have no other out other than to keep screaming senselessly in hopes the chaos they create will keep our eye OFF the ball. How’s that working for them now?

Get more engaged, this is going to take a long time to eradicate and it starts where you are standing.  Be better at everything you do especially as Americans whose lives are better because of our Constitution as well as the men and women who’ve upheld it or gave the ultimate sacrifice for 243 years now. This is “a Republic, if you can keep it” said by Benjamin Franklin after leaving the Constitutional Convention of 1787, eleven years after the Revolution. They knew the ramifications of not being diligent and just.  The legacy of America that we have been born into or naturalized, is our responsibility.  As rulers of our own destiny it’s up to us to keep the Constitution “in tact” for the generations coming, and quite frankly for the sake of all humanity.  Freedom has never been free but America has been one hell of an example of it, this grand and successful experiment of real liberty. What say ye, America?

Source: Mark Levin blasts GOP Sen. Grassley for protecting anti-Trump ‘whistleblower’: ‘Act like a serious senator’ | Fox News

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, speaks on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Sept. 13, 2018. (Associated Press)

Grassley released a statement Tuesday saying the whistleblower should be protected.

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