YouTube Deletes Testimony of Doctors Refuting COVID-19 Hysteria From Senator’s Page – Big League Politics

Source: YouTube Deletes Testimony of Doctors Refuting COVID-19 Hysteria From Senator’s Page – Big League Politics

YouTube Deletes Testimony of Doctors Refuting COVID-19 Hysteria From Senator’s Page
By Shane Trejo January 30, 2021

Google has come to Robinhood’s aid after hundreds of thousands flocked to the Google Play Store to leave one-star reviews of the stock trading app. The Big Tech giant has deleted at least 100,000 of these reviews.

According to a 2018 blog post, “ratings and reviews meant to manipulate an app’s average rating or top reviews” violate Google’s policies. It also mentions that they launched a system which “combines human intelligence with machine learning to detect and enforce policy violations in ratings and reviews.”

“A team of engineers and analysts closely monitor and study suspicious activities in Play’s ratings and reviews, and improve the model’s precision and recall on a regular basis,” the post reads.

The inundation of one-star reviews caused Robinhood’s average rating to go from nearly five stars to one star. But now with at least 100,000 of those reviews deleted, its average rating has jumped back up to a four-star average.

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On Thursday Robinhood decided to halt trading on stocks like GameStop, AMC, and Nokia. Not only was their app flooded with negative reviews in response, they’re also facing at least two lawsuits, one of which is a class action suit filed in the state of New York. The suits accuse Robinhood of depriving consumers and manipulating the market.

Robinhood was far from the only trading platform to temporarily freeze investment in GameStop, AMC, and others. These stocks have been at the center of a massive run-up over the past few days. Investors at Reddit’s WallStreetBets community noticed that certain hedge funds were shorting GameStop—that is, betting on their stock value to continue decreasing—so they rallied users to buy a bunch of GameStop stock and significantly drive up its value. Hedge funds doubled down and accelerated their shorting of GameStop, but by then the news of GameStop’s rally had spread like wildfire and untold numbers of people began buying its stock as well. The rally is said to have collectively cost hedge funds and other professional investors billions of dollars.

YouTube has deleted footage of Senate hearings held by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) from his own channel on the platform in which doctors gave opposing views to the mandated globalist consensus on COVID-19

Johnson made the announcement in a Twitter post about the egregious censorship conducted by the Google-owned video hosting service:

Apparently, the “doctors” at Google know more about practicing medicine than heroic doctors who have the courage and compassion to actually treat COVID patients and save lives.

— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) January 28, 2021

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YouTube is claiming that the videos violated their terms of service, which strictly forbid free and open discussion on COVID-19 that isn’t approved by Big Pharma and the corporate-dominated medical industry.

“YouTube doesn’t allow claims that contradicts local health authorities medical information about COVID-19, to include guidance on treatment, prevention or transmission guidance,” YouTube stated.

Sen. Johnson’s communications director, Ben Voelkel, told Breitbart News that YouTube is not enforcing their policies fairly. He believes Google is just targeting conservatives as a power play against their political enemies.

“Bottom line, it’s an example of big tech singling out conservative voices to silence them. For proof, the same testimony is still up on Bloomberg News’ youtube page,” Voelkel said.

“Also, this comes just a couple days after the NIH said there was insufficient evidence to recommend against the use of ivermectin to combat covid-19,” he added.

Big League Politics has reported on YouTube’s strict censorship of all viewpoints countering COVID-19 mass hysteria since the inception of the scamdemic:

Dr. Scott Atlas, who has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most credible advisor on COVID-19 policy, is being censored by YouTube.

Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, has spoken out consistently against the mass hysteria surrounding COVID-19. YouTube recently censored a Hoover video in which he was speaking about the lies peddled by the medical establishment during the pandemic.

“They put in a lockdown… They did not calculate at all the harms of the lockdown, the consequences of the lockdown. They did a stop COVID 19 at all costs. They used hypothetical projection models that were so egregiously wrong, far, far off. Yet they keep citing those models,” Atlas said while appearing on Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson. The video is still available on the Hoover Institute website.

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