All posts by TiLT News

The Freedom to speak honestly and from your heart is being eradicated. Truth is being skewed and creating a reality that none recognize. Criminals freed reek havoc. Law and order, the thin line between chaos and order are all on the chopping block. Your way of life is changing and not for the better. It takes ONE generation to flip any civilized society by indoctrinating your children and removing your connection to God. WHAT are you going to do about it! Spread the word.

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | China Shoves, Keenan Pushes To Put An End To UN / NWO / Ban Ki-moon’s Foolishness


Image result for Ban Ki-moon

(Ban Ki-moon’s shoes found)

Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon has hit a rough spot in his official / unofficial visit to Asia.

His intention was first and foremost to prevent Neil Keenan from pursuing and completing a project that would have destroyed the Khazarian / Zionist banking system. Subsequently, Keenan is working toward implementing a new financial system. You will discover more with regard to this in Neil Keenan’s next post.

In the event that Ban Ki-moon had achieved his goal as above, the other important task at hand was to acquire (illegal) financing from the Global Account bunkers for the upcoming warring as the NWO continues on with its worldwide assault on the Planet.

To complete his quest, Ban Ki-moon needs financial backing from one of two sources: Korea and / or China.

His initial visit was with South Korean President Park and it went so well that Ban Ki-moon was run out of the country – but not before promising President Park he would be running in the next South Korean Presidential election; and also not before President Park told him that no one, including the United Nations, the New World Order, nor Ban Ki-moon himself, would touch  the assets which belong mostly to Asian depositors.  Wow, what a way to begin a desperate quest.

He could run for the Presidency of South Korea but the question is “who will vote for him by the time the people on the planet are done with him?”

Following his ejection from South Korea, Ban Ki-moon flew quickly to China for an an unofficial visit

He arrived in China unannounced, desperately seeking a way to keep the NWO’s agenda alive.  He needed money / bunkers / warehouses of assets – and the only place he could turn was to China, with open hands.

The first clue as to how the Chinese felt about this unofficial visit (that the media also had no knowledge of) was when there was no Chinese delegation at the airport to receive him upon his  arrival.

The Korean Embassy picked him up and took him to his Hotel.  He spent most of the day at his Hotel wondering what was wrong!

Why was this taking so long?  Were they on to him?  The day played on and Ban Ki began to make phone calls in a panic, later to receive notice that Xi Jinping would see him.

He prepared himself for this pivotal private meeting.  No one would know (it is not even on his UN events calendar).

Now he could finish the assignment, get access to the bunkers with or without President Park and move forward with Agenda 30 for the New World Order. Perfect, and with a quick getaway. He must have been excited.

Upon turning up at the meeting place he found that Xi Jinping had not yet arrived to formally meet him. He had to wait. He began to sweat again. It was hotter than usual.

Finally Xi Jinping stepped into the room without notice, greeted him, sat down and asked him what the need was for this unplanned non-official meeting?

Ban Ki-moon described the urgency of the situation and how there was a desperate need for money to keep the Agenda afloat.

Without it everything will fall apart.

Now here is where everything becomes clear. China and the Golden Dragon Family are pretty much ONE…That’s right ONE.

They already have their plan for a better world, and it is not one of slaughtering people leaving only 500 Million of us on the planet.

So Xi Jinping gave five minutes or thereabouts of his time to listen again to how the Globalist Oligarchs wanted to slaughter 80% of the human population and how they couldn’t do it without help. With China being that help.

Xi Jinping said nothing before getting up and leaving the room. Ban Ki-moon was stunned. The plan was falling apart right in front of him. Still, he remains hopeful in terms of a response from Xi Jinping.

A response will not be forthcoming.  He was rebuked.

Soon after leaving the meeting Ban Ki-moon made desperate calls to Japan advising them that he is being rebuked throughout Asia and needs large amounts of money.

Little did he know that Japan would be doing the same. He then asked them for money.

Others also called the Japanse Emperor (Rockefeller) and Japanese Prime Minister demanding cooperation ‘or else’.

Tremendous pressure was applied to the Japanese, so much so that the Emperor stated on July 13, 2016 that he is going to retire:

Kathmandu Post: Japanese Emperor Akihito ‘plans to abdicate’

Neil Keenans’ business continues on even after prior interference by the US Treasury / Bush Family failed, and now still after the UN / NWO interceding also failed.

It seems that, as the saying goes: the Jig is Up – and no one is going near the bad smelling, abhorrent odor of the Globalist Oligarchs any longer.

Meanwhile Mr. Keenan gets ready to return to Asia after 6 months of illness and injuries, most of which were visited upon him by New World Order flunkies.

Neil will finish up that which by rights, should have been completed long ago…

Group K

Bank Ki moon lied to us. His shoes were not stolen, he donated them:

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United Nations


Ban Ki-moon donated his shoes to stand in solidarity w/ people of Paris unable to join a #climatemarch today. #COP21

2:36 AM – 29 Nov 2015 · Paris, France, France

Copyright © 2016, GROUP K, Ltd.



UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon Attempts To Pull
The Wool Over Chinese /
Korean Eyes – Only To Find
There’s No Wool


Gun shop reveals how YOU can win over support for the Second Amendment!

Kit Daniels – JUNE 21, 2016 398 Comments

A Houston, Texas, gun range offering free CHL classes to members of the LGBT community was overwhelmed by the response, and the manager reveals how to win over millions of people into supporting the Second Amendment:



RELATED: Gun Range Selling Out Free Concealed Handgun Courses For LGBT


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SECRET SERVICE OFFICER SET FOR TV INTERVIEWS; BROADCAST NETWORKS BLACKLISTMON JUNE 20 2016 19:47:25 ET**Exclusive** Team Hillary is working overtime to block former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne from appearing on ANY broadcast network, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. Byrne is set to reveal what he observed inside the White House while protecting the First Family in the 1990s. ‘What I saw sickened me,’ Byrne explains. ‘I want you to hear my story.’ Byrne paints a picture of Hillary as a deranged madwoman running interference on Bill’s sexploits. The book ‘CRISIS OF CHARACTER’ is finally set for release next Monday. It has already became the top seller at AMAZON for the month of June.And now Clinton’s circle is preparing to hit back hard! POLITICO plans an early morning attack on Byrne’s credibility, sources claim, despite his having served in federal law enforcement for nearly thirty years. Meanwhile, Hillary’s campaign has won assurances that he will not be invited to spread ‘lies’ on any of the nation’s broadcast networks. ‘It’s trash for cash,’ a campaign official warned one producer. FOXNEWS ‘HANNITY’ will have the first exclusive for cable news, DRUDGE has learned. Developing…


Report: Three Syrian “Refugees” Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho

Furious residents accuse council of cover-up

Paul Joseph Watson – June 20, 2016 5983 Comments

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.


The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

However, residents have been circulating what really happened on social media, with the Creeping Sharia blog reporting that the victim was a young girl who was born premature and is “less developed for her age”.

The perpetrators were three Syrian youths aged 8, 10 and 13, with the oldest boy directing the assault.

The little girl was playing outside Fawnbrook apartment buildings when the boys put a knife to her throat and forced her inside a laundry unit. She was then stripped naked, raped and urinated on. The 13-year-old reportedly told the younger boys to urinate on her because they were incapable of ejaculating.

The victim’s grandmother found the victim and then called the girl’s mother, who called the police. The police took 2 and a half hours to arrive but were unable to take any action due to the “language barrier”.

When she arrived, the mother of the alleged rapists was only able to say “no police,” while the father reportedly congratulated his 13-year-old son. Video of the entire assault was captured on the boy’s cellphone.

A follow-up KMTV report revealed that, “the case has officially been sealed by a judge with no chance of it ever being unsealed since all parties involved are minors.”

A video of a Twin Falls council meeting shows irate residents demanding to know why council members have done nothing to address the alleged rape, as well as numerous other issues involving Syrian refugees being housed in the area, including hit and run incidents and Muslims spitting on non-Muslims.

Around 50 Syrian “refugees” are reportedly housed at the Fawnbrook site.

Council members were also grilled as to how a mosque was approved after just 24 hours, whereas a new home application would take at least 2 weeks just to process.

In every instance, the council members claim ignorance as to the severity of the situation, with one even suggesting that residents’ concerns are based on anti-Muslim prejudice and even white supremacism.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison


W.H. intentionally ignoring surveillance

Jamie White – JUNE 16, 2016 180 Comments

DHS Insider: Obama Blocking Terrorist Probes


Retired DHS officer and whistleblower Philip Haney explained why radical Islamic terrorists are falling through the cracks despite unprecedented government data-gathering.

Haney described how the Obama administration blatantly ignores the DHS intelligence-gathering efforts of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Taliban.

“We have archives of derogatory information on these organizations going back years and years,” Haney said on the Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “We’ve done our job. But the [Obama] administration deliberately and intentionally has refused to acknowledge the existence of this information.”

“Follow the trail, find the nest – that’s counterterrorism in a nutshell.”

“We’re being told by the administration ‘there is no nest. Don’t even look for it because it doesn’t exist,’” he added. “That’s about as absurd as it would be to go around stomping on ants one at a time while pretending there is no nest.”

“So I would encourage us to reevaluate the way we approach this problem and recognize that it’s not just individuals, it’s also a network, and that those networks exist here in the United States that have been built up for at least three generations of immigrants primarily, and that we’re not immune to the forces of Sharia law and influence of Islamic life. We have to come to terms with this. And then compare it to the Constitution and stand up for it courageously when they are not compatible.”

He also expanded on the dangers of Sharia law and its worldwide implementation:

The global Islamic movement is not going to tell us ‘Thank you for allowing us to make this much progress, now we’ll stop.’ Every step forward they take, they reinforce their position and look for a tactical opportunity to make another move forward. We see it everywhere in the world, and North America is not immune from this force of gravity. Based on numbers there have been more than 28,000 Islamic jihadist attacks in the world since 9/11. That averages out to about one an hour. So, they’re happening like lightning strikes all over the world continuously. Again, America is not immune. Until the day comes that we’re able to honestly and courageously stand up and have a discussion about the nature of Sharia law and how it is compatible with the U.S. Constitution, then we’re not going to have the wherewithal we need to recover ourselves and really stand up for the principles that this country was founded on.


12 JUN , 2016 


From the UK Daily Mail:

The suspected Islamic extremist who killed about 50 people after taking party-goers hostage inside a gay club in Orlando has been identified.

Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter, who was wielding an assault rifle and a handgun, as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida.

The gunman, who was born to Afghan parents, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he opened fire on the dance floor inside Pulse in the early hours of this morning.

At least 50 people were killed and 53 others were injured in the shooting in the deadliest mass shooting in US history. . . .

On Friday singer Christina Grimmie’s was murdered in a gun-free zone in Orlando. Early this morning, at least 50 people were fatally shot at an Orlando night club — also a gun-free zone.  In both cases the media has yet to report that these attacks occurred where general citizens couldn’t defend themselves.

Since at least 1950, only slightly over 1 percent of mass public shootings have occurred where general citizens have been able to defend themselves. Police are extremely important in stopping crime, but even if they had been present at the time of the nightclub shooting, they may have had a very difficult time stopping the attack. Attackers will generally shoot first at any uniformed guards or officers who are present (the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last year illustrates that point).  Alternatively, they will move on to another place without uniformed officers.

In this particular case the police only arrived on the scene after the attack occurred. That illustrates another point: it is simply impossible for the police to protect all possible targets.

It is hard to ignore how these mass public shooters consciously pick targets where they know victims won’t be able to defend themselves (here, here, and here).

Florida’s law on where people can carry guns is very clear:

From the relevant statute (790.06):

(12)(a) A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon or firearm into: . . .
12. Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose;

CCW in Bars

Among the recent states that allow permitted concealed handguns in places that get more than 50 percent of their revenue from alcohol are:Georgia (2014), Louisiana (2014), North Dakota (2015), North Carolina(2014), Ohio (2011), South Carolina (2014), and Tennessee (2009).  Besides Florida, other states that prohibit them are: Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska,New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.    However, some states such as California issue so few permits that they might as well be banning be banning them in bars.  There is no evidence of problems despite people being able to carry in states that allow people to carry in bars.  Despite the many millions of permit holders in these states, no examples are offered of drunk patrons with permits causing trouble.

Many of the states that allow one to carry a gun in a bar still prohibit you to consume alcohol.  Here are some other state laws: Alaska, Idaho, Michigan(allows you to open carry if you have a concealed handgun permit), and Montana (allows you to openly carry a gun into a bar), and Oregon.

People are allowed to carry in restaurants that don’t get more than 50% of their revenue from alcohol in all the states (again, Montana only allows you to do so as open carry with a permit).  Again, there is no evidence of problems despite people being able to carry in places that serve alcohol across the entire country.

Media discussions today on assault weapons, background checks, but not relevant to the case here.  But the easiest thing for these reporters to check and know for sure, that this was another attack in a gun free zone, is never mentioned once anywhere in the media.  Hillary Clinton and President Obama both used the attack to call for more gun control.  But there is no explanation on how any of Clinton’s proposals would accomplish this:

“We need to keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals,” Clinton said. “This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets.” . . .

The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has many errors on state laws regarding where one can carry.  This article in the New York Times was wrong about many state laws at the time that it was written.

gun free zones

Hillary Clinton Appointee to the DNC Platform Committee: “I really don’t personally think that anyone should have a gun” – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center


Source: Hillary Clinton Appointee to the DNC Platform Committee: “I really don’t personally think that anyone should have a gun” – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center

In Defense of Humanity

June 24, 2011

By AL Whitney © copyround 2011 (revised January, 2015)
Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged.

Here are some of the reasons why humanity is amazing and wondrous and can never be replaced by The Corporation’s robots (machines) or any other bizarre ‘pseudo-form’ of Post-Human. [See Aaron Frantz’s documentary The Age of Transitions.]

1) Humans have an infinite capacity for love throughout their entire lives. The ‘love list’ can be quite long: parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends, pets, nature, music, poetry, and art et cetera et cetera. It is our unlimited ability to love that saves us and brings us back to life when we’ve suffered a severe loss. [See Love is Just a Series of Actions.] Since the globalists, like the Rockefellers and their corporations (who are funding Transhumanism) love money and power above all else, they have no clue what an infinite capacity for love is or even looks like.

2) Humans (who haven’t been severely damaged) can easily empathize with others, including plants and animals. This ability to empathize is the basis of The Golden Rule and has been recognized by nearly all religions.  Kindness grew out our ability to empathize and even the ‘rules of etiquette’ were written as a way to make people feel valued and respected.

3) Humans are amazingly creative. We are continually inventing music, art, literature, and even advanced technology. In fact, humans are so creative it is very difficult to hold us back. There are literally millions of websites, blogs and facebook pages on the internet today; each one representing human creativity. This was a problem for the robber barons at the beginning of the industrial revolution, as Scott Noble’s documentary Human Resources so brilliantly explains.  They have put a lot of time and money into transforming humans into ‘human resources’. But new ideas, including ones for free energy, are being invented all the time despite the fact the would-be global energy controllers keep suppressing them.

4) Humans can express extraordinary beauty with both their voices and their bodies. These qualities have been with us for millennia. Both song and dance ‘bubble’ out of so many humans from within their spirit (soul), it is obvious they are innate qualities in our species. They are many times a direct expression of joy that comes from deep within our hearts.  Have you ever watched a small child do a ‘happy dance’? It is obviously innate.

5) Humans are funny. Humor can just bubble up from our spirit (soul) and come out of our mouths in seconds. When humans gather together, laughter always accompanies us, even when it seems inappropriate. We can’t help it, it is a part of who we are.


6) Humans are both fascinating and dear due to our uniqueness, our inconsistencies, our idiosyncrasies, and our relative unpredictability. It fact, it is impossible to predict when human inconsistencies will surface. People can claim to dislike all things in a category, but there will almost always be an exception. And, how many times have we said: “I knew I shouldn’t have done it, but I did it anyway.” How many times have we all missed the forest for the trees? How many times have we changed our minds? No matter how hard the ‘controllers’ try to depict humanity as the ‘masses’, we are all unique, both spiritually and physically.

7) Humans are capable of self-sacrifice . . . in fact we do it all of the time. Mother’s give up sleep to tend to their children, fathers work at jobs they hate to put a roof over their family’s heads, people take in their elderly parents who can no longer care for themselves, firefighters risk their lives to save people in burning buildings, solders fight and risk death to protect their ‘countries’ [who, at the moment are not worth these soldier’s sacrifices], people with very little give money to aid others in need, and the list goes on and on.

8) Humans never stop learning, whether we want to or not. Each and every day we are exposed to new information and expand our knowledge, even if only in small ways. This process never stops as we all have an infinite ability to learn.

9) Humans have wisdom and common sense which grows exponentially over the course of our lives.  Here is some evidence of extraordinary wisdom by Nicholas Gordon, author of the Poems for Free website:

Wisdom is Based in Human Nature

  • The principles of wisdom are not only discernible by reason but engraved upon the heart. This is because wisdom is part of human nature, which has evolved over millennia and is in all people the same.
  • One may ask, then, why all are not wise. The answer is that all are wise to varying degrees, just as all are to varying degrees intelligent, dexterous, creative, curious, and so on.
  • Wisdom guides our behavior so as to enable the species to survive. It does this in two ways. First, since society is the principal means of human survival, wisdom enables us to live with one another in relative peace. Second, since reason and will offer us uniquely the alternative of suicide, wisdom enables us to attain happiness and survive despair.
  • If experience were food, wisdom would be taste, enabling us to distinguish good from bad. And although all are endowed with taste, the education of taste enables one to make subtler distinctions and finer judgments.
  • Similarly with wisdom: the principles are inborn, but their application is much enhanced by upbringing, schooling, reading, conversation, the cultivation of good habits, and the emulation of the wise.
  • We are born with a taste for beauty and goodness, finding in them our deepest and most lasting pleasure. This is our gift as humans, though because of varying endowment and education we enjoy this gift to varying degrees.

In 1970 a wise and intelligent Mom, Dorothy Law Nolte, created a relatively simple list of instructions for child rearing – which if followed would enhance the development of all of our children’s natural and innate qualities: Children Learn What They Live. Of course the global-controllers would hate for this to catch on; as Ms Nolte’s instructions would help return humankind to their natural state of creativity and empowerment.

10) Humans are capable of random acts of kindness and perform them daily. Many of these acts are done quite casually and get very little recognition. However, they can actually help transform someone’s ‘bad day’ into a good one. They are generally unpredictable and always welcome. In fact, random acts of kindness can actually undermine the controller’s game plans, which are built on computerized behavior models and their “game theory”. [See Part One of the BBC Documentary The Trap, title “F*** You Buddy”.] These models are built on human selfishness, which they can predict, not individual human generosity which they cannot.

11) Human DNA and genes are brilliantly designed to adapt to Earth’s environment. This info was discovered during recent genome studies. Our genetic adaptation is linked to our belief systems. Unlike other species the survival of the ‘fittest’ does not mean the physically strongest. Our beliefs are far more complex than other species and far more important for our survival. [See microbiologist Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief.]

12) Humans are a part of an amazing biocommunication network that links them to other life forms on Earth.This phenomena was discovered by Cleve Backster in 1967. While his discoveries got very little recognition from academia and the media, they were astounding and based on solid science. Humans have the ability to communicate across the universal network some call the aether without wires, or any type of machine assistance.  The hundred monkey syndrome applies to humans as well.

Quotes from Human DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies, by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, Russian DNA Discoveries

” . . . Human DNA is a biological internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.”

“Hypercommunication in the new millennium means something quite different: Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind. Fifty percent of today’s children will be problem children as soon as the go to school. The system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today’s children is so strong that that they refuse this adjustment and giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most diverse ways.”


Only the dimwitted or severely damaged cannot recognize that the  attributes, qualities and capabilities of homo sapiens with Free Will cannot be replaced or duplicated by machines (robots).  If the global-controllers (war mongers) had gotten out of our  way – and ceased with their ‘social engineering’, Psywars and exploitation – can you imagine the fabulous and peaceful world we would have created?

Since “Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! And humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind.” we need to accept and understand that we can create the future we all want. We can do it by collective positive imaging. Let’s image families and their progeny – in perpetuity – enjoying Earth’s healthy meadows, forests, ocean beaches and mountains!


Final comment

I intentionally left God out of this discussion because he/she/it (the universe)  is defined quite differently by humans across the globe.  And even those that don’t quite ‘get’ God, should be able to recognize how truly amazing and wondrous humans are capable of being! Sadly many religions still teach the idea of ‘original sin’ that was inserted into the bible by Emperor Constantine and his buddies of the Nicean Council. Original sin = toxic (unwarranted) guilt. It is much easier to manipulate humans who feel ashamed and inadequate than to manipulate those who know they are both biologically and spiritually amazing – truly wondrous!

Katie Couric Spent almost 4 hours interviewing John Lott on film for her new Gun-Control Movie But Didn’t include Any of Lott’s Interview in the Movie – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center

Post by John Lott: After over two hours of pre-interviews with Kristin Lazure, a Producer at Atlas Films, I was asked to travel to New York City to do an interview with Katie Couric for her new movie.  As Kristin put it on July 14, 2015: “we are still very much interested in interviewing you to give the film …

Source: Katie Couric Spent almost 4 hours interviewing John Lott on film for her new Gun-Control Movie But Didn’t include Any of Lott’s Interview in the Movie – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center

Missouri looks set to be the 12th state allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center

Missouri’s state legislature has overwhelmingly passed a Constitutional carry bill.  While the governor will veto the legislation, the legislative votes have been so overwhelming that it very likely that the veto will be overridden.  Today (May 13, 2016) the bill passed the Republican-led Senate on a 24-8 party-line vote.  Previously the bill had passed the state House by an …

Source: Missouri looks set to be the 12th state allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center