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CNN Mocked Trump Voters and Sparked This Twitter User to Deliver a Blistering Response to the Liberal Elite

Matt Vespa |  @mvespa1 | Posted: Jan 28, 2020 2:35 AM

CNN Mocked Trump Voters and Sparked This Twitter User to Deliver a Blistering Response to the Liberal Elite

Julio covered this and all its awfulness. CNN once again mocked Trump voters, but with a more vicious tone. It occurred over the weekend. Saturday saw Don Lemon and his guests denigrating Trump voters as illiterate country bumpkins because as of now, with the Democrats’ impeachment push about to die, the economy booming, and a 2020 Democratic field that just looks incapable of beating the president—what else can liberal America do? This is all they have. It’s pathetic. It’s maddening. It’s why the media is so hated, and rightfully so:

A segment on “CNN Tonight with Don Lemon” is drawing heavy criticism after guests Wajahat Ali and Rick Wilson spent some time mocking President Trump and his supporters as Americans who can’t read, write, or read a map.

Wilson began the parade of insults on Saturday when he said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “knows deep in his heart that Donald Trump couldn’t find a Ukraine on a map if you had the letter U and an actual crane. He knows this is an administration defined by the ignorance of the world. That’s part of him playing to their base.”

Describing Trump’s base as a “credulous, boomer rube” demographic, Wilson then used a southern accent to state: “‘Donald Trump’s a smart one and y’all elitists are dumb.'”

Host Don Lemon burst into laughter as Wilson mocked the voters.

“‘You elitists with your geography, maps, spelling,'” Ali joined in. “‘Yeah, your reading. Your geography. Knowing other countries. Sipping your latte.'”

And all this exchange did was create new Trump voters.  It’s one of the many notes a Twitter user, Gracie, Chief Fun Officer, noted, and she was clearly irate over this segment. 

Dear @TheRickWilson,
I’m neither a Boomer nor an ignoramus. I’m an excellent speller and I aced geography. I am college educated and sit in the C-suite. I don’t talk like I just walked off the set of Hee Haw. I personally dislike Donald Trump. You know what I dislike even more? https://t.co/oStMqmIF0t— Gracie, Chief Fun Officer ? (@nomorenightowl) January 28, 2020

Arrogant, elitist assholes like you, that’s what I dislike most, Rick. You know what? The more you & your pals go on TV & make fun of the everyday average American who supports Donald Trump, the more you get people who voted for your joke of a candidate in 16 to vote Trump in 20.— Gracie, Chief Fun Officer ? (@nomorenightowl) January 28, 2020

Every day you turn more and more folks who hate Trump into his future voters. The people who wouldn’t vote for him in 2016 and were planning on doing the same in 2020 are done with your shit.— Gracie, Chief Fun Officer ? (@nomorenightowl) January 28, 2020

Every day you turn more and more folks who hate Trump into his future voters. The people who wouldn’t vote for him in 2016 and were planning on doing the same in 2020 are done with your shit.— Gracie, Chief Fun Officer ? (@nomorenightowl) January 28, 2020

Keep going on CNN and making an ass of yourself. It’ll make Donald Trump’s reelection all the much sweeter for those of us who you look down on.— Gracie, Chief Fun Officer ? (@nomorenightowl) January 28, 2020

“Every day you turn more and more folks who hate Trump into his future voters. The people who wouldn’t vote for him in 2016 and were planning on doing the same in 2020 are done with your sh*t,” she wrote. 

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“Keep going on CNN and making an ass of yourself. It’ll make Donald Trump’s reelection all the much sweeter for those of us who you look down on,” she added.  She also said that she’s college-educated, aced her geography class, and is not really a fan of Trump, but this nonsense the condescending elitism inherent in liberal America, is what she despises even more.