All posts by TiLT News

The Freedom to speak honestly and from your heart is being eradicated. Truth is being skewed and creating a reality that none recognize. Criminals freed reek havoc. Law and order, the thin line between chaos and order are all on the chopping block. Your way of life is changing and not for the better. It takes ONE generation to flip any civilized society by indoctrinating your children and removing your connection to God. WHAT are you going to do about it! Spread the word.

UNBELIEVABLE!! caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100,000 threshold

March 1, 2015 10:59 am EST

By Mike Adams | Natural News

A petition calling for the prohibition of laws requiring mandatory vaccines has been throttled by the White House, buried from public view and finally frozen for over 36 hours to prevent the petition from achieving 100,000 signatures, Natural News can now reveal.

The petition, which was rapidly headed toward the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger a response from the White House, was frozen mid-day Friday and has remained stuck at 56,791 signatures for over 36 hours.


The petition reads:

No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, activities, and daycare centers. This also includes adults working in the public or private sector.

The petition still allows people to sign it, and it still sends a confirmation email that claims your signature counts. But the numbers on the petition website never change, no matter how many people sign it.

Petition signatures systematically ignored

As the following screen shot shows, the petition confirmation page claims, “Your signature has been verified and counted.”

But in reality, your signature doesn’t count at all, and the signatures number on the petition page stays frozen:

Throttled to a maximum of 100 per hour before being frozen

Before the petition was frozen by the White House to prevent it from reaching 100,000 signatures, it was throttled to allow a maximum of 100 signatures per hour.

Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation has been monitoring the petition’s numbers for several days. “Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, and I were tracking the number of signatures for the petition on our Skype chat and I noted something rather strange: there were many hours when the number increasing on the petition was exactly, EXACTLY, 100,” she told Natural News.

“We realized that although it is really important in this debate to get to the 100,000 signature threshold on this petition, the system was gamed, making it harder than it should be. We knew that if we did not reach that number, the White House juggernaught would claim that only a tiny fraction of Americans were against Mandatory Adult Vaccines and would use that against us.”

“…the White House Petition Site programming is not recording signatures on a petition it disagrees with,” Dr. Laibow concludes in a breaking news warning published at her website. buried the petition to try to hide it from the public

Even before the throttling and the freezing of the petition numbers, the White House went to great lengths to bury the petition and make sure it could not be easily found by the public.

Unlike other petitions which are easily found at, the petition opposing vaccine mandates was deliberately hidden from view and could only be accessed if someone knew the direct URL.

On YouTube, this is equivalent to setting a video to “unlisted” status to prevent the public from finding it.

To help people find the petition, Rima Laibow set up a new link that directs people to the correct petition URL:

A pattern of systematic deceit by vaccine pushers

This fraudulent attempt by the White House to suppress this petition and prevent it from reaching 100,000 signatures is part of an extraordinary pattern of lying and deceit on the part of today’s medical extremists who demand all people be injected with vaccines, even against their wishes and in blatant violation of the American Medical Association’s code of ethics.

The vaccine industry, we have all observed, is willing to do anything it takes to prevent the public from learning real facts about vaccines or even achieving success with an online petition that calls for the protection of medical choice for mothers and their children.

USA Today, the same publication that ran an article authored by a mentally deranged vaccine fanatic who called for the arrest and imprisonment of “anti-vaxxers,” recently conducted an online survey that asked Americans whether they support the arrest and imprisonment of people who rejected vaccines. The results of that survey reveal that 92% of Americans support vaccine choice and reject government coercion for forced vaccinations.

Jail parents who opt out: 2%
It’s a choice: 92%
Fine parents who opt out: 5%
Inform parents vs. jail: 2%

Only 2% support government coercion against parents who choose to avoid toxic vaccines. Public support for laws prohibiting forced vaccination policies is remarkably high; far higher than public support for President Obama himself.

So in an attempt to destroy the perception that the public strongly opposes the government coercion of medical choice (also called “medical fascism”), the White House has now gone to extraordinary lengths to suppress the online petition that calls for fundamental human rights and medical choice.

This pattern of deceit and coercion is far larger than the White House alone. It includes:

• The CDC’s deliberate burying of scientific data linking vaccines to autism (as confessed by the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson).

• The mainstream media’s blatantly one-sided media coverage of vaccines, where no scientific questions about vaccines are ever allowed to be aired, and any doctor who asks an intelligent question about vaccine ingredients, vaccine safety or vaccination schedules is verbally assaulted with the derogatory, intellectually-bigoted label of “ANTI-SCIENCE!”

• The ongoing delusion of “mercury denialism” where even the Associated Press publishes articles that falsely claim mercury has been “phased out” of all vaccines even though the CDC confirms mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum are still used in vaccines.

• The Disneyland measles hoax, where the CDC knows full well that the viral strain of measles found in MMR vaccines is different from the strain of measles that has spread among children. The genetics don’t match, which means the MMR vaccine would have done little or nothing to stop the outbreak in the first place.

• The complete suppression of true stories of vaccine-damaged children who have suffered severe neurological harm, painful skin disorders, comas and even death due to vaccines. See horrifying photos here of just some of the children who are being medically mutilated by the very same vaccines that government authorities tell us are “safe.”

• The widespread refusal of the FDA to acknowledge the truth that it does not test vaccines for safety or efficacy and instead relies entirely on Big Pharma’s own self-funded studies to “prove” vaccines work. But those studies have been faked, say the industry’s own scientists, who describe how animal antibodies were used to spike human blood samples in order to defraud the FDA and keep selling vaccines that do not work.

• The publication of a medical extremism article in USA Today which openly called for the government to arrest and imprison so-called “anti-vaxxers.” This article, like nearly all articles on vaccines that appear in the mainstream media, was written by a mentally ill vaccine fanatic with a bizarre desire to incarcerate informed vaccine skeptics who raise intelligent, rational questions about vaccine safety and immunization scheduling. USA Today has no problem giving a platform to mentally ill vaccine fanatics as long as they keep calling for more vaccines.

TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition and watch how your vote doesn’t count at the White House

Want to sign the petition and see the petition fraud for yourself?

Click here to sign the petition and notice how the number of signatures doesn’t budge even after you sign it.

Or, possibly, will reactivate the petition after being caught red-handed and exposed by this story, but they will still throttle the petition to make sure it never quite reaches the 100,000 threshold.

This petition fraud, of course, perfectly mirrors every fraudulent tactic of the vaccine industry which is utterly incapable of any behavior at all that resembles ethics or honesty. Every layer of the vaccine fraud now being perpetrated upon the American public is steeped in deceit, fabrication and fraud.

Sources for this article include:……………………

This article originally appeared on Natural News.

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Shocking! Torture & Murder in America’s Black Sites Revealed


Published on Feb 28, 2015

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs is in Chicago at the recently uncovered black site where citizens have been illegally detained, tortured and even killed. Protestors descend on the site to fight back against the horror taking place inside this building. A human rights worker reveals unbelievable Guantanamo style tactics being used on prisoners in Chicago, it’s a safe bet however that these sites & actions are taking place all over the country.
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Vaccine Propoganda Exposed


Published on Feb 28, 2015

Infowars News Director Rob Dew examines two pieces of propaganda meant to scare people into rolling up their sleeves for vaccines. Neither report offers facts just scare tactics, this is so you will let your critical thinking drop and get in line like a slave. Don’t bother questioning the establishment, they have no reason to lie, they love you.

Exposed: The Hidden Truth Behind America’s Black Sites

Infowars investigates the Chicago PD’s secret, CIA-style black site used to unlawfully detain, torture and harass citizens

by | February 28, 2015

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs touches down in Chicago to investigate the secret domestic torture facility being used to illegally detain, beat and even kill US citizens.

As soon as Infowars arrives, they are immediately swarmed by police, told to leave public property and bizarrely threatened by an undercover officer.

Check out the rest of Infowars’ Chicago ‘black site’ coverage below.

Reporters Harassed at Secret Torture Site in Chicago:


Police Caught Issuing Illegal Orders:


Reporters Harassed For Exposing Domestic Torture Site:


The Economist 2015 Cover is Filled With Cryptic Symbols and Dire Predictions

Jan 8th, 2015 | Category: Featured, Vigilant Reports

The magazine The Economist published an issue named “The World in 2015″. On the cover are odd images :  A mushroom cloud, the Federal Reserve in a game called “Panic” and much more.


I wouldn’t normally dedicate an entire article analyzing the cover of a publication, but this isn’t any publication. It is The Economist and it is directly related to the world elite. It is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, attended several times to the Bilderberg Conference – the secretive meeting where the world’s most powerful figures from the world of politics, finance business and media discuss global policies. The outcome of those meetings is totally secret. It is therefore safe to say that the people at The Economist know things that most people don’t. For this reason, its “2015 prediction” cover is rather puzzling.

The bleak and sinister cover features political figures, fictional characters and pop culture icons that will surely make the news in 2015. However, most importantly, it also includes several drawings that are extremely symbolic and allude to important elements of the elite’s Agenda. Here’s the cover :


(You can view a larger version of the cover here).

At first glance, we see political figures like Obama and Putin, references to the Rugby cup and the new Spider-Man movie. But a closer look reveals a plethora of disturbing elements. Here are some of them.

Two-Faced Globe


One side of the globe gazes stoically towards the West while the other side appears irate. Does this represent a confrontation between the East and the West? The cover features a few other symbols referring to the “rise of the East”. What’s more unsettling is that, immediately under that angry globe, are pictured a mushroom cloud (the kind that happens after a nuclear bomb goes off) and a spy satellite launching into space.

High tech surveillance and nuclear warfare. The Economist is not very optimistic.

High tech surveillance and nuclear warfare. The Economist is not very optimistic.

The Color of the Faces

Take a closer look at the faces of the personalities featured on the cover. Some of them are in full color while others are in black and white. Why is that?


Among those in black in white are Putin, Merkel, Obama, Hilary Clinton and David Cameron. Among those in color are David Blaine, a young person holding a “Singapore” banner (Singapore is the host of the 2015 SEA games) and a random guy wearing virtual reality equipment. A quick compilation of this data reveals that those in black and white appear to be part of the elite (including the ISIS guy who probably works for them) and those in color are “outsiders”. Is this how the elite perceives the world?

Pied Piper


The presence of the Pied Piper on this 2015-themed cover is downright unsettling. The Pied Piper of Hamelin is a German legend about a man who used his magical flute to lure away the children of the city of Hamelin, never to be seen again.

The Pied Piper leads the children out of Hamelin. Illustration by Kate Greenaway for Robert Browning's "The Pied Piper of Hamelin"

The Pied Piper leads the children out of Hamelin. Illustration from Robert Browning’s “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”

This folkloric figure dating from the Middle-Ages is said to represent either massive death by plague or catastrophe, or a movement of massive immigration. It also perfectly represents today’s youth being “lured” and mystified by the “music” of mass media. Conveniently enough, there’s a small boy right under the Piper’s flute.

Clueless Boy


Right under the Pied Piper we see a young boy with dumbfounded look on his face. He is watching a game called “Panic”. The words “Federal Reserve” and “Chi” (which probably stands for China) are on top while the words “Green light!” and “sis!” (which probably stands for “Isis!” or “Crisis!”) are at the bottom. The little boy watches as this twisted game of Plinko unfolds the same way the clueless masses watch powerlessly while various events unfold on mass media. As the name of the game states, the ultimate goal is to cause Panic around the world as crises are almost randomly generated by those who control the game. And that’s on a magazine cover owned by the Rothschilds.



In front of Putin is a small aircraft on which is written Crop-O-Dust. This refers to the concept of crop dusting which is “the process of spraying crops with powdered insecticides or fungicides from an aircraft.” Right under the helicopter is a kid … eating something. Unsettling.


Sitting right under the crop-o-dust, this kid is eating a heavily processed package of noodles. Is he ingesting the poison that was spread by the aircraft?



A panda bear wearing a China-flag Speedo while flexing its muscles is a rather clear way of portraying the fact that China is gaining power. Next to it is a sumo wrestler holding a big battery on which the polarities (+ and -) are clearly indicated. Are they alluding to a switch in polarity in world power from the West to the East?



Emerging from behind Obama’s leg is a ghost reading a magazine entitled “Holiday”. Why is this ghost, which represents a dead person, planning a vacation? Does it represent the fact that the masses will be so impoverished that the only time they’ll be on a holiday is when they’re dead? Does it relate to the countless people who died while traveling in the past months? Creepy.



Standing in front of everything else, gazing right into our souls is a turtle with emphasis lines around its shell. What does it represent? Will turtles make a huge comeback in 2015? Probably not.

An angry tortoise is the symbol of the Fabian Society, an extremely powerful organization that has been working for over a century towards to formation of a single world government.

when i strike i strike hard.jpg

The motto of the Fabian Society is “When I strike, I strike hard”.

The philosophy behind Fabian socialism is basically the blueprint of what we call today the New World Order.

The Fabian Society is a very old group originating in England in 1884, with the purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. They get their name from the Roman general Fabius, who used carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory. “Fabian Socialism” uses incremental change over a long period of time to slowly transform a state as opposed to using violent revolution for change. It is essentially socialism by stealth. Their original emblem was a shield with a wolf in sheep’s clothing holding a flag with the letters F.S. Today the international symbol of the Fabian Society is a turtle, with the motto below: “When I strike, I strike hard.”
– The Fabian Society, The Weather Eye

The Fabian Society used to openly advocate a scientifically planned society and supported eugenics by way of sterilization. Its original logo was a wolf in sheep’s clothing … But I guess that was not the best way to conceal the wolf from the masses.

The original logo of the Fabian Society was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The original logo of the Fabian Society.

Bringing forth a global system through small incremental changes is exactly what the world elite is currently doing. This is probably why there’s an angry tortoise on the cover of this Bilderberg-connected publication – standing in front of the chaos behind it.

11.3 and 11.5


The lower right side of the cover features some more cryptic symbols. There’s a pile of dirt on the ground and two arrows on which are inscribed 11.5 and 11.3. Are those dates to remember? Why are they next to a pile of dirt? If you look up these figures as coordinates, they point to somewhere in Nigeria. Displaying numbers that can only be truly understood by “those in the know” is one of the occult elite’s favorite hobbies.

Standing in front of the dirt is Alice in Wonderland looking upwards towards the Cheshire Cat.


This iconic cat is known for disappearing entirely, leaving only visible its creepy grin. We therefore see another allusion to a world of fantasy, illusion and deceit as perceived by Alice – a representative of the masses. Along with the somewhat unnecessary inclusion of David Blaine – a magician – the cover mixes real world events with illusions.

Other notable symbols on this cover include a piggy bank flying from James Cameron’s pockets;  A model wearing an Alexander McQueen creation (the elite’s favorite designer who died in strange circumstances) and an Asian officer wearing a facemask to protect him from a deadly disease.

2015 seems great, doesn’t it?

In Conclusion

The Economist is not a random newspaper that publishes quirky 2015 predictions to sell a few additional copies. It is directly connected to those who shape global policies and who make sure that they are applied. The publication is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor regularly attends Bilderberg meetings. In other words, The Economist is connected to those who have the means and the power to make “predictions” a reality.

The 2015-themed cover basically reflects the overall Agenda of the elite and is peppered with cryptic symbols that appear to be included for “those in the know”. And the masses, like Alice watching the Cheshire Cat disappear, will focus on illusions while the wolf in sheep’s clothing will strike … and strike hard.

Oregon Senator Mandating Vaccines Gets A Dose of Her Own Hypocrisy

Oregon Senator Mandating Vaccines Gets A Dose of Her Own Hypocrisy
Why do we tolerate hypocritical, medical tyrants like her?

Oregon Senator Mandating Vaccines Gets A Dose of Her Own Hypocrisy

Image Credits: danielpaquet, Flickr

by David Knight | | February 27, 2015

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When State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, author of a bill to destroy informed consent and mandate vaccines, was confronted about medical choices she made against the advice and warnings of her physician and the pharmaceutical company, she became indignant.

Oregon Senator Mandating Vaccines Gets A Dose of Her Own Hypocrisy
Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:16:48 GMT

Fewer Than Half Of Americans Believe Obama Loves The Country

Only 45 percent think the President is as patriotic as other Americans

Fewer Than Half Of Americans Believe Obama Loves The CountryImage Credits: Pete Souza / Wiki 

by Steve Watson | | February 26, 2015

hile the creepy #ILOVEOBAMA continues to trend on Twitter, fewer than half of American adults, 47 percent, say they believe that the president loves his country.

According to a survey conducted by Huffington Post/YouGov and released this week, a whopping 35 percent of Americans, more than one in three, believe that Obama doesn’t love the United States, while 17 percent said they weren’t sure.

The poll was conducted in the wake of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani telling a gathering in Manhattan that “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”

The poll also found that a similar number, only 45 percent, said they think Obama is as patriotic as most other Americans.

When divided along political beliefs, a distinct difference emerges, with 85 percent of Democrats saying they have no cause to question Obama’s patriotism, and only 11 percent of Republicans offering the same opinion.

Twenty percent of both Republicans and independents said they were not sure if Obama loves America, compared with just 9 percent of Democrats.

The poll also asked respondents whether they personally loved the country. Ninety percent of Americans over the age of 45 said they DO love America, however, younger Americans are not so sure.

“Only 71 percent of under-30s also say that they love America. Fifteen percent of under-30s say that they do not love America, while 14 percent aren’t sure,” YouGov reports.

Naturally, Twitter has the last say on the matter with a new hashtag, #ObamaLovesAmerica:

View image on Twitter—————————————————————-

Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

Full Circle: The First Anti-Government Protest In Greece Turns Ugly

No intervention by riot police although squads were standing near by

by Associated Press | February 26, 2015

Athens: first anti-gov’t protest by far-left ANTARSYA turns ugly

The first anti-government rally in Athens turned ugly as anti-authoritarian protesters started to smash the windows of a pastry shop and two jewelry shops and put two vehicles and several garbage bins on fire.

via @MakisSinodinos


According to latest information, there was no intervention by riot police although squads were standing near by.

Earlier KTG wrote:

The first anti-government protest has been launched in Athens on Thursday afternoon. A month after the left-wing/nationalist SYRIZA-Independent Greeks coalition took office, a week after the Eurogroup agreement in Brussels.

With anti-EU banners and red party flags, members of  Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow (ANTARSYA) took to the streets in downtown Athens to protest the extension of continuation of loan agreements and Varoufakis’ Reform List with “austerity measures.”

picture via @MakisSinodinos

ANTARSYA calls for defaulting on Greece’s debt, and nationalization without compensation of major industries, banning of lay-offs, the disarmament of the police, full political and social rights for immigrants.

Although ANTARSYA is not successful in parliamentary elections it does manage to  win seats in municipalities since 2010. In January elections, ANTARSYA received 39,411 votes (0.64% of the overall vote).

For tomorrow, Friday, the Greek Communist party KKE has called for a anti-government protest against austerity and the loan agreements. According to KKE, Varoufakis’ Reforms list contains “all the measures adopted by the capital,  the governments and the EU against the workers.”

In Greek Parliament KKE holds 15 seats.

KKE is against the €uro, the European Union, and against everything and everyone in general. It vehemently rejected any offer form SYRIZa for coalition government. It is the party of eternal opposition.

PS I f you ask me, when Nea Dimokratia and PASOK and Potami will launch anti-government protests all I can tell you: not for the time being.

Soros, Ford shovel $196 million to ‘net neutrality’ groups, staff to White House


BY PAUL BEDARD | FEBRUARY 25, 2015 | 2:22 PM

Photo - MRC Business has a project dedicated to following liberal philanthropist George Soros.

MRC Business has a project dedicated to following liberal philanthropist George Soros.

Liberal philanthropist George Soros and the Ford Foundation have lavished groups supporting the administration’s “net neutrality” agenda, donating $196 million and landing proponents on the White House staff, according to a new report.

And now, as the Federal Communications Commission nears approving a type of government control over the Internet, the groups are poised to declare victory in the years-long fight, according to the report from MRC Business, an arm of the conservative media watchdog, the Media Research Center.

RELATED: GOP retreats on bill to block unprecedented ‘net neutrality’ regulations

“The Ford Foundation, which claims to be the second-largest private foundation in the U.S., and Open Society Foundations, founded by far-left billionaire George Soros, have given more than $196 million to pro-net neutrality groups between 2000 and 2013,” said the report, authored by Media Research Center’s Joseph Rossell, and provided to Secrets.

“These left-wing groups not only impacted the public debate and funded top liberal think tanks from the Center for American Progress to Free Press. They also have direct ties to the White House and regulatory agencies. At least five individuals from these groups have ascended to key positions at the White House and FCC,” said the report which included funding details to pro-net neutrality advocates.

RELATED: Inside Obama’s net fix

It quoted critic Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment, saying, “The biggest money in this debate is from the liberal foundations that lavish millions on self-styled grassroots groups pushing for more and more regulation and federal control.”

Groups funded by Soros and Ford include the Center for American Progress, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Media Matters for America. They received a total of $54,226,097 from the Ford and Open Society Foundations.

Both Ford and Open Society support the initiative.

RELATED: 4 major questions in the net neutrality debate

Some of those supported by the two groups’ funding have also worked the White House, notably John Podesta, former Center for American Progress head and now expected to run Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

MRC Business regularly follows the spending and activity of Soros, and even has an initiative to keep an eye on his advocacy called the Soros Project.

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner’s “Washington Secrets” columnist, can be contacted at

UK Study Says Fluoridation Makes You Fat, Stupid & Depressed

You’ll be surprised at the fluoride concentrations that are correlated with disease and loss of IQ points…



Unlike the US, the UK doesn’t have universal fluoridation. This has allowed an epidemiological study comparing health effects, with the result being that those drinking fluoridated water are more likely to suffer from thyroid disorders leading to obesity and depression.

UK Study Says Fluoridation Makes You Fat, Stupid & Depressed
Mikael Thalen
Thu, 26 Feb 2015 00:12:39 GMT

Top international banks face US probe for alleged precious metals market fix

Published time: February 24, 2015 17:05

Edited time: February 25, 2015 00:27

Reuters / Arnd Wiegmann

The US Department of Justice is in the early stages of an investigation into at least 10 international banks—including JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Barclays—over alleged manipulation of the precious metals market.

HSBC included in its annual report, published Monday, that the antitrust division of the Justice Department asked the bank to submit documents related to an investigation into the price setting ofgold, silver, platinum and palladium.

The report added that the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) subpoenaed HSBC Bank USA for information on its precious metals trading. The bank said it was cooperating with American officials.

According to reports, the other banks involved in the investigation include Bank of Nova Scotia, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Societe Generale, Standard Bank and UBS.

The banks have yet to comment, although HSBC confirmed the investigation was “at an early stage.” Barclays will have to reveal if they are involved when it releases its annual report next week, accordingto The Independent newspaper.

READ MORE: Goldman Sachs, HSBC, BASF sued in first US metals price manipulation case

Investors and jewelers in the US have already sued a handful of top financial firms for an alleged eight-year manipulation of platinum and palladium prices. Those accused include units of Goldman Sachs Group (the world’s biggest global investment bank), HSBC Holdings (Europe’s largest bank by market value), the metals unit of the world’s largest chemical company, BASF and Standard Bank Group from South Africa — the world’s largest producer of platinum and second largest producer of palladium after Russia.

Until recently, gold, silver, platinum and palladium prices were set by a century-old process where a small number of banks would meet for daily or twice-daily conferences. That process was overhauled last year with the help of the London Bullion Market Association. Now, an electronic, auction-based system serves as a regulatory structure for market prices.

READ MORE: Banking breeds cheating for financial gain – Swiss researchers

The DOJ’s precious metals probe has surfaced in the midst of other global banking investigations into the rigging of other financial benchmarks.

The Swiss regulator FINMA included its metals-rigging investigation into a November settlement with UBS Group over currency-rate manipulation, saying there was a “clear attempt to manipulate fixes in the precious metal market” by UBS.

Read moreBanks fined record $4.3 bn for corrupting integrity of currency trading

The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is also looking into banks’ possible fixing of precious metal prices as it works through its foreign exchange manipulation probe, though wider probes by FINMA, FCA and Germany’s BaFin have stalled, according to The Independent. The latter two each have already said that there was no rigging of gold price-setting, according to Bloomberg.

Top banks — including JP Morgan, UBS, Citigroup, Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC and Bank of America — were accused last year of tampering with currency interbank rates on the largely unregulated $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange market. Bankers allegedly worked together and sent secret signals to manipulate the important currency benchmarks to boost bank profits. The banks settled with the CFTC in November for more than $4 billion.

In addition, many of the same mega-banks — including JPMorgan Chase, Barclays, Credit Suisse and at least 10 other of world’s biggest international lenders — were sued in 2013 by US regulator FDIC for causing millions of dollars in losses at credit unions by allegedly rigging the Libor benchmark rate.

The Fall of Too Big To Fail

The Fall of Too Big To Fail

McDonald’s, Monsanto now in steep financial declines.

The Fall of Too Big To Fail

Image Credits: Luther Blissett / Flickr


In a series of headlines that would pass as virtually unbelievable several years ago, mainstream economists are sounding the alarm over the financial decline of both fast food giant McDonald’s and biotech juggernaut Monsanto.

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 16:33:32 GMT

Obama-Nominated Judge: New Illegal Immigrants Must Be Released


9:55 AM 02/23/2015Two men are taken into custody by the U.S. Border Patrol near Falfurrias, Texas March 29, 2013. Brooks County has become an epicentre for illegal immigrant deaths in Texas. In 2012, sheriff

NEIL MUNRO White House Correspondent

A federal judge has ordered the federal government to grant U.S. civil rights to illegals who are caught at the border, and to release all migrants except for those who may endanger Americans.

The migrants “may have legitimate claims to asylum … [and] their presence here may become permanent … [so] that they are entitled to the protection of the Due Process Clause, especially when it comes to deprivations of liberty,” said the judge, who was nominated by President Barack Obama.

Under current rules, border-crossers who are released are also allowed to compete against Americans for jobs, and to attend U.S. schools and to receive welfare, until their cases are decided by immigration judges.

But immigration courts are already so clogged with asylum-seekers that many cases aren’t decided for several years. The slow process gives migrants many opportunities to find other legal avenues to become citizens, and full access to U.S anti-poverty programs for themselves, their parents and their children.

Unless reversed, the decision opens a huge hole in U.S. border security, and likely will dramatically increase illegal immigration and competition for jobs, partly because immigration enforcement has already been greatly reduced by President Barack Obama.

The judge’s decision was released late Friday, but political pushback is growing.

“If liberal federal judges and the president are determined to trash the rule of law in this manner, we are on the verge of a full-blown constitutional crisis,” said Jonathan Tobin, an editor of Commentary magazine, which generally favors large-scale immigration.

“As much as there is reason to grant many illegals a path to legality if not citizenship, without first securing the border, such proposals ought to be off the table,” he wrote in a short article titled “Immigration and the End of the Rule of Law.”

The decision comes amid a partisan standoff over the 2015 budget for theDepartment of Homeland Security.

Obama and his political allies are insisting the agency be allowed to implement his November amnesty plan, even though a court ruled Feb. 16 that Obama’s plan violated federal law. Unless the Democrats stop their filibuster of the 2015 agency budget, they will force a partial shutdown of the agency by Feb. 28.

The Democrats’ amnesty is so lawless that the GOP should change the Senate’s filibuster rules to allow the GOP majority to defund Obama’s November amnesty, columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote Feb. 19.

The judge’s decision requires border officers to go through a lengthy legal process if they want to keep a border-crosser in jail while a judge decides if the illegal is repatriated or put on a path to citizenship. “Such detention harms putative class members in myriad ways, and as various mental health experts have testified, it is particularly harmful to minor children,” the judge declared.

The government “maintains that one particular individual may be civilly detained for the sake of sending a message of deterrence to other Central American individuals who may be considering immigration,” the judge wrote.  But the government’s “ current policy of considering deterrence is likely unlawful… [and] causes irreparable harm to mothers and children seeking asylum,” he wrote.

The anti-jailing decision increases the already huge incentive for millions of foreigners to fly, sail, walk or drive across the U.S. border, and then claim asylum from foreign criminal gangs, political oppression or domestic abuse. In March 2013, Gallup reported that at least 138 million foreigners want to migrate into the United States.

The decision was issued late Friday, Feb. 20, by Judge James Boasberg of D.C.-based Federal District Court for the District of Columbia. Boasberg was nominated by Obama, and was confirmed in 2011.

Obama is likely to appeal the decision, partly because it reduces his ability to manage the inflow of migrants.

Obama favors high levels of immigration but he knows the public is overwhelmingly opposed to greater immigration.

The American public — including most Latino voters — is strongly opposed to lax border controls.

The immigration issue has dominated federal politics since 2013, when Obama’s allies in the Senate tried to push through a bill that would have increased immigration and given an amnesty to all 12 million illegal immigrants now living in the United States.

Since then, Obama has lost the battle for public opinion, lost the congressional debate over immigration, lost his Senate majority, and in February lost the first round of a lawsuit that is trying to block his November amnesty for 5 million illegal immigrants.

But Obama has used his power over the immigration agencies to minimize enforcement of immigration laws. Since 2009, Obama’s senior deputies have repeatedly instructed his immigration agencies to reduce enforcement of immigration laws. For example, since 2009, his aides have given work-permits and temporary residency to 4.7 million migrants, including illegal immigrants, tourists, guest-workers and students.

That 4.7 million is in addition to the annual inflow of 1 million legal immigrants. Roughly 4 million American youths enter the workforce each year.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal datahighlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

In 2014, 130,000 Central American asylum-seeking adults, youths and children crossed the border. Under Obama’s rules, a large percentage were immediately allowed to get work permits plus access to welfare programs and free schooling, ad were allowed to ask judges for permanent residency.

American’s hostile reaction to the inflow that killed Obama’s top second-term legislative priority — passage of a comprehensive immigration reform law that would have sharply increased legal immigration.

The public’s hostility also contributed to the Democrats’ crushing defeat in the November Senate elections, when the GOP gained nine seats and won a strong 54 vote-majority in the Senate.

Three-parent babies could risk the future of the human race, warn 55 Italian MPs


Three-parent babies could risk the future of the human race, warn 55 Italian MPs

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons


THREE-PARENT babies could risk the future of the human race by “modifying genetic heritage in an irreversible way”, warned 55 Italian MPs.

The group of Italian politicians have called on the House of Lords to reject a law to allow so-called three-parent babies – stating the notion “cannot possibly be contained within the confines of the UnitedKingdom”.

The stern warning comes after MPs in Britain voted overwhelmingly in favour of the controversial technique of mitochondrial donation – which would allow children to be conceived with genetic material from a trio of individuals.

In a strongly worded letter to The Times, the Italian Mps wrote that the legalisation of such a technique “could have uncontrollable and unforeseeable consequences, affecting future generations and modifying genetic heritage in an irreversible way, inevitably affecting the human species as a whole”.

Full story here.

Three-parent babies could risk the future of the human race, warn 55 Italian MPs
Sun, 22 Feb 2015 14:31:49 GMT