The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Obama Has No Middle East Strategy? Good!

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Obama Has No Middle East Strategy? Good!.

Obama Has No Middle East Strategy? Good!

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Last week President Obama admitted that his administration has not worked out a strategy on how to deal with the emergence of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as a dominant force in the Middle East. However, as ISIS continues its march through Syria and Iraq, many in the US administration believe it is, in the words of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, a threat “beyond anything we have ever seen.”
Predictably, the neocons attacked the president’s speech. They believe the solution to any problem is more bombs and troops on the ground, so they cannot understand the president’s hesitation.
Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Buck McKeon made it clear that fighting ISIS is going to cost a lot more money and will bring US forces back to Iraq for the third time. The post-Iraq, post-Afghanistan peace dividend disintegrates. 

Mr. McKeon said last week:

ISIS is an urgent threat and a minimalist approach, that depends solely on FY15 funding or pinprick strikes that leave fragile forces in Iraq and Syria to do the hard fighting, is insufficient to protect our interests and guarantee our safety in time.

What does this mean in practice? If the neocons have their way, the Federal Reserve will “print” more money to finance another massive US intervention in the Middle East. In reality this means further devaluation of the US dollar, which is a tax on all Americans that will hit the poorest hardest. 

A new US military incursion will not end ISIS; it will provide them with the recruiting tool they most crave, while draining the US treasury. Just what Osama bin Laden wanted!
McKeon and the other hawks act as if they had only recently become aware of the ISIS. Or if they noticed it, they pretend US policy had nothing to do with its rise. 
McKeon also said last week, “ISIS threat was allowed to build and fester over a period of time.”
In fact, US regime change policy in Syria was directly responsible for the rise of ISIS over these past three years. As journalist Eric Margolis observed recently, the emergence of ISIS is the “mother of all blowback.” The neocons who want us to get tougher on ISIS, including a US attack on Syria, are the same ones who not long ago demanded that we support groups like ISIS to overthrow the Assad government in Syria. US-trained and funded “moderates” from the Free Syrian Army joined the Islamist militias including ISIS, taking US weapons and training with them.
Three years of supporting any force that might overthrow the secular government of President Assad has produced a new monster in the Middle East that neocons insist the US must slay.
Why can’t they just admit they were wrong? Why can’t the interventionists just admit that their support for regime change in Syria was a terrible and tragic mistake? 
If ISIS is as big a threat as they claim, why can’t they simply ask Assad to help out? Assad has never threatened the United States; ISIS has. Assad has been fighting ISIS and similar Islamist extremist groups for three years.
Why does the US government insist on aligning with theocracies in the Middle East? If there is anything that contradicts the US Constitution and American values it is a theocratic government. I do not believe that a majority in the Middle East wants to live under such a system, so why do we keep pushing it on them? Is that what they call promoting democracy?
A lack of strategy is a glimmer of hope. Perhaps the president will finally stop listening to the neocons and interventionists whose recommendations have gotten us into this mess in the first place! Here’s a strategy: just come home.

Leading Researchers Who Oppose Legal Pot Are Paid by Painkiller Manufacturers |

Leading Researchers Who Oppose Legal Pot Are Paid by Painkiller Manufacturers |

Now why would companies that make opioids want to line the pockets of marijuana prohibitionist

Mixing your drugs. Photo via

Let’s face it, many of us would need a little extra incentive to spend our careers standing on the wrong side of history. And a whole bunch of leading researchers who are frequently cited by supporters of marijuana prohibition look to be no different, according to a report by investigative journalist Lee Fang: They’re paid by companies that manufacture painkillers.

The academics on Fang’s list include:

*Dr. Herbert Kleber, director of the Substance Abuse Division of Columbia University’s Department of Psychiatry. Widely quoted and published by mainstream media, and cited by the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Psychiatric Association to justify anti-pot positions, Kleber has served as a paid consultant for Purdue Pharma, Reckitt Benckiser and Alkermes—the manufacturers of OxyContin, Nurofen and Zohydro, respectively.

 *Dr. A. Eden Evins, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and board member of SAM—the anti-legalization organization fronted by Patrick Kennedy and Kevin Sabet. Fang notes a disclosure by the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry that Evin, another widely quoted figure, has been a ”consultant for Pfizer and DLA Piper and has received grant/research support from Envivo, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer.” Pfizer owns a company that manufactures opioids and is aiming to establish Remoxy as a competitor to OxyContin.

*Dr. Mark L. Kraus, a board member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. In 2012 Kraus submitted testimony against a medical marijuana law in Connecticut. He has been on the scientific advisory panels of pharma companies including Pfizer and Reckitt Benckiser.

A study released this week showed that in the 13 states which passed laws to permit medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010, deaths attributed to opioid overdose (of which there are 16,000 nationally per year) fell 25%. And growing evidence points to the efficacy of marijuana (which has never caused a single overdose death) as an “exit drug,” or substitute for more dangerous substances.

All of which makes the academics’ often-unmentioned financial links awkward, to say the least.

Secret Internal Document Urging Closure of California Nuclear Plant Revealed | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Secret Internal Document Urging Closure of California Nuclear Plant Revealed | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community.

Secret Internal Document Urging Closure of California Nuclear Plant Revealed

Former plant inspector first raised concerns about seismic safety in 2010

Diablo Canyon Power Plant. (Photo: Wikimedia)

In a report written last year but not made public until Monday, a former federal inspector expresses uncertainty over whether California’s last operating nuclear plant, Diablo Canyon, could withstand strong shaking from nearby earthquake faults.

In a 42-page document (pdf) filed in July of 2013, Dr. Michael Peck, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s former senior resident inspector at Diablo Canyon, calls for the plant to be shut down “pending demonstration that…safety functions can be met at the higher seismic stress levels.”

Observers criticized the NRC’s withholding of the report. Though Peck asked that his dissent—known as a Differing Professional Opinion, written in response to the NRC’s decision to let the plant’s twin reactors keep running despite the failure of both plant operator Pacific Gas & Electric Co and the NRC to conduct a rigorous safety analysis and take action to address newly identified seismic risks—be made public, the NRC has not released it; the organization Friends of the Earth posted the document on its website Monday. Also, despite the agency’s requirement that Differing Professional Opinions are to be ruled on within 120 days of filing, the NRC has not ruled on Peck’s opinion. Peck says he first raised concerns about the plant’s safety in 2010.

“We find it completely disgraceful that the NRC hid these concerns for all these years.”
—Jane Swanson, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace

In response to the revelations, which the Associated Press reported Monday, California’s Senate Environment and Public Works Committee announced it would hold hearings into how the NRC has handled Peck’s recommendation.

Diablo Canyon is located on the central California coast, near San Luis Obispo, in close proximity to faults that seismic studies show could trigger an earthquake stronger than the reactors and internal equipment were built to withstand, according to Friends of the Earth.

“Inspector Peck is the canary in the coal mine, warning us of a possible catastrophe at Diablo Canyon before it’s too late,” Damon Moglen, senior strategic adviser at Friends of the Earth, said in a statement. “We agree with him that Diablo Canyon is vulnerable to earthquakes and must be shut down immediately. Rather than the NRC keeping this a secret, there must be a thorough investigation with public hearings to determine whether these reactors can operate safely.”

The AP reports:

The NRC, which oversees the nation’s commercial nuclear power industry, and Diablo Canyon owner Pacific Gas and Electric Co., say the nearly three-decade-old reactors, which produce enough electricity for more than 3 million people annually, are safe and that the facility complies with its operating license, including earthquake safety standards.

PG&E spokesman Blair Jones said the NRC has exhaustively analyzed earthquake threats for Diablo Canyon and demonstrated that it “is seismically safe.” Jones said in an email that the core issue involving earthquake ground motions was resolved in the late 1970s with seismic retrofitting of the plant.

But Peck’s analysis calls specific attention to major fault lines located near the facility, including the recently discovered Shoreline fault less than 700 feet away, which could produce significant shaking during an earthquake—more than was accounted for in the design of important plant equipment. The NRC must take “new seismic information” into account, Peck says, before affirming the plant’s safety.

Coming on the heels of this weekend’s earthquake in northern California, the Diablo report and the circumstances of its release are particularly worrisome.

“We find it completely disgraceful that the NRC hid these concerns for all these years,” Jane Swanson, spokeswoman for the anti-nuclear group San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, told the San Luis Obispo Tribune. On its Facebook page, the group declared: “Until PG&E can PROVE that the emergency backup systems will function in an earthquake, the facility needs to STOP OPERATING.”

Maryland Sheriff to Feds: Try and Take Our Guns, and You’ll Get a Civil War

Maryland Sheriff to Feds: Try and Take Our Guns, and You’ll Get a Civil War

ZLewisEarly last year, as Americans feared that the federal government would enact unconstitutional anti-gun measures via executive edict, support for the Constitution came from some unlikely places. Even in Oregon, a Democrat stronghold in elections, Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller flat-out declared that he and his office would refuse to enforce any such unconstitutional federal laws or regulations.
Mueller wrote,
“We are Americans. We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws.”
Mueller later stated,
“We’re restricted and prohibited from enforcing all types of federal laws, including immigration laws. It would be unreasonable for anyone to think that I would enforce a federal firearms law.”
Since then, anti-gun crusaders have slowed down amidst fierce push-back from patriots. Still, patriotic law enforcers are willing to speak out.
Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis, a sheriff in the state of Maryland, recently reminded the citizens of his county that he will not violate the Constitution and warned the federal government that any attempt to disarm Americans will result in an all-out Civil War.
“I made a vow and a commitment,” Lewis said. “As long as I am sheriff of this county, I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of the right to bear arms.”
Sheriff Lewis is mindful of keeping firearms out of the hands of dangerous felons, but also explained, “[W]e do not need to strip law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. That I get upset over. I really do.”
Sheriff Lewis also added a stern warning to the federal government about what will happen if they try to disarm the law-abiding populace:
“I can tell you this,” Lewis said, “if they attempt to do that, it will be an all-out civil war. No question about it.”
It’s encouraging to see that even as federal lawmakers and supposed federal law enforcers forget their duty to preserve liberty on behalf of the American people, rampant tyranny is bound to be checked by local authorities and the will of a fierce American population that is armed and unwilling to acquiesce to tyrants.
(Video courtesy of
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Hillary Clinton is Just Plain Wrong on GMOs

Here are a couple more articles for your education on why we don’t want this evil- anti-American-wolf in sheep’s clothing-Traitor, seen anywhere but in a noose! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI

Hillary Clinton is Just Plain Wrong on GMOs.

Hillary Clinton is Just Plain Wrong on GMOs

  • By Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins 
    Organic Consumers Association, August 28, 2014 

For related articles and more information, please visit OCA’s Millions Against Monsanto pageand our Environment and Climate Resource Center page.
Related Article:

In her June 25 keynote address to the BIO International Convention in San Diego, Calif., Hillary Clinton voiced strong support for genetic engineering and genetically engineered crops. She earned a standing ovation that day by stating that the biotech industry suffers from a public perception problem and that it just needs “a better vocabulary” in order to persuade GMO skeptics who don’t understand “the facts” about genetic engineering.

And then Hillary proceeded to get the facts wrong.

Why does it matter what Hillary, who holds no public office and has not (yet) declared her candidacy for president, says or believes about genetic engineering and genetically modified crops and foods?

It doesn’t—unless she throws her hat in the ring for the Democratic nomination. And then it matters not just what her position is on GMOs, not just how deep her financial ties to the biotech industry run, not just how much she distorts the facts about the “promise” of biotech crops.

It matters, deeply, to more than 90 percent of Americans, what her position is on laws requiring mandatory labeling of GMOs in food and food products.

If elected, will Hillary support consumers’ right to know? Or will she support the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act, a bill introduced in Congress earlier this year, which if passed, will preempt state GMO labeling laws?

Hillary has been coy about announcing her candidacy. But when it comes to clarifying her position on GMO labeling laws, she’s been dead silent.

As she soon heads to Iowa—the testing ground for presidential candidates—Hillary’s presidential aspirations will no doubt become more clear. If she runs, as the pundits predict, it will be up to the GMO labeling movement to demand that she take a stand on GMO labeling laws.

Meanwhile, here’s why Hillary’s speech to the BIO convention was just plain wrong. 

Wrong on the science of genetic engineering 

Hillary brought the BIO convention-goers to their feet with her call for “a better vocabulary” to win over consumers.

No wonder. After all, that’s the line Monsanto has been feeding the public ever since the public became wise to the lies and false promises of an industry known for its reckless disregard for public health. It’s part of an aggressive, widespread public relations campaign to sugar-coat the facts about genetically engineered foods and the toxic chemicals required to produce them.

As scientists release studies, each one more alar
ming than the next, revealing the devastating health and environmental hazards of the herbicides required to grow GMO crops—toxic chemicals such as glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, and Dow’s 2,4-D —consumers are connecting the dots between the rise of chronic illness and the unleashing of toxins into the environment (and onto our food).

No amount of “better vocabulary” will be able to counter the science behind the impact of toxic herbicides and pesticides on soil, on the environment, on human health.

But here’s where Hillary’s call for a “better vocabulary” really ran off the rails. Coverage of the convention included a video in which Hillary wrongly equated the age-old practice of seed hybridization with modern genetic engineering, in order to make the case that genetic engineering has been around since the beginning of farming.

Hillary would do well to go back to her science books. Here are the facts, as understood by every biologist. Seed hybridization occurs when the seeds of two compatible parent plants, within the same species, are crossed, either in a controlled environment or in nature. That process is in no way equivalent to genetic engineering, a process that requires human intervention, and consists of changing the genetic code of one organism by inserting into it the DNA from a completely different plant or animal.

Genetic engineering is an unnatural process that can take place only in a laboratory, aided by a human. 

Wrong on genetic engineering and drought

In the same video from the June 25 conference, Hillary perpetuates industry claims that as global warming leads to more droughts, GMO crops will feed the world. She does this by focusing on GE drought-resistant seeds—as if engineering seeds for drought-resistance were a major focus on the biotech industry.

It’s not, of course. Drought-resistant seeds and crops make up a miniscule portion of the GMO crop market. Close to 98 percent of GE crops are corn, soy, alfalfa, canola and sugar beets, used to make biofuels, animal feed and processed food products, such as high fructose corn syrup. These crops are engineered to produce their own Bt toxins in every cell or else to withstand massive doses of herbicides, such as Monsanto’s Roundup, which are sold to farmers as companions to their GMO seeds. They have nothing to do with drought-resistance.

In fact, attempts to engineer seeds to thrive during droughts are still in the experimental stages and so far have largely failed.According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, Monsanto’s DroughtGard, the only drought-resistant crop approved so far by the USDA, produces “only modest results, and only under moderate drought conditions.”

Yet to hear Hillary tell it, genetic engineering is all about saving farmers by providing them with magic seeds that thrive without water. 

Wrong on genetic engineering and global warming

Toward the end of her video interview, Hillary switched gears to talk about climate change. She endorsed the Obama climate plan and called out the media for giving too much attention to climate-change skeptics.

Hillary believes we must address global warming. Good news. 

But there’s just one problem.

A growing chorus of scientists warn that we cannot successfully address global warming unless we acknowledge the huge role that industrial agriculture, with its GMO mono-crop culture and massive use of chemicals, plays in cooking the planet. 

If we’re truly serious about averting a global warming disaster, reducing carbon emissions isn’t enough. We have to acknowledge, and harness, potential of organic, regenerative agriculture to reverse global warming by sequestering carbon.

According to groups like the Rodale Institute, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and theAlliance for Food Sovereignty, a transition to sustainable, regenerative agriculture—not genetic engineering—is not only the only way we will feed the world, but absolutely e
ssential if we want to slow global warming.

Hillary is just plain wrong if she thinks we can solve global warming while simultaneously promoting GMO agriculture, here in the U.S. and abroad. That’s why the Organic Consumers Association has launched a petition asking her to rethink her support for biotech, and commit to supporting a transition to a sustainable, organic food and farming system.

As consumers grow more knowledgeable about the link between food produced using toxic chemicals and the declining health of the U.S. population, they are looking more closely at those politicians who side with, and take money from, the biotech industry. Clinton’s ties to the biotech industry date back to the 1970s, when she was a partner in the Rose Law Firm which represented Monsanto.
A recent ABC News poll revealed that 52 percent of Americans believe food containing GMOs are unsafe, while 13 percent are “unsure.” 

On mandatory GMO labeling laws, Americans are clear: 93 percent want labels.

Hillary, where do you stand?

Katherine Paul is associate director of the Organic Consumers Association

Ronnie Cummins is the international director of the Organic Consumers Association and its Mexico affiliate Via Organica.


Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border – Judicial Watch

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border – Judicial Watch.

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border

AUGUST 29, 2014

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.  Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.
Specifically, the government sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.
Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source.  “It’s coming very soon,” according to another high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, JW’s sources say. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.
The disturbing inside intelligence comes on the heels of news reports revealing that U.S. intelligence has picked up increased chatter among Islamist terror networks approaching the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. While these terrorists reportedly plan their attack just outside the U.S., President Obama admits that “we don’t have a strategy yet” to combat ISIS. “I don’t want to put the cart before the horse,” the commander-in-chief said this week during a White House press briefing. “I think what I’ve seen in some of the news reports suggest that folks are getting a little further ahead of what we’re at than what we currently are.”
The administration has also covered up, or at the very least downplayed, a serious epidemic of crime along the Mexican border even as heavily armed drug cartels have taken over portions of the region. Judicial Watch has reported that the U.S. Border Patrol actually ordered officers to avoid the most crime-infested stretches because they’re “too dangerous” and patrolling them could result in an “international incident” of cross border shooting. In the meantime, who could forget the famous words of Obama’s first Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano; the southern border is “as secure as it has ever been.”

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Independent Living Bullion – Secret Buyer of us debt emerges to fill feds shoes

Independent Living Bullion.

Secret Buyer of U.S. Debt Emerges to Fill Fed’s Shoes

Reported strength in the U.S. economy is boosting the dollar and putting a damper on precious metals at this moment. Increasing geopolitical turmoil around the world has not, as of yet, driven enough buying demand for gold and silver to offset selling related to the brighter economic outlook.

The FOMC minutes released last week confirmed the Fed bond purchase program, which has run nearly continuously for the past 6 years, will end in the fall. Meanwhile, they’ve suggested increasing the key Fed funds rate within a few months thereafter.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen and crew have not made a credible case that the housing and stock markets won’t suffer a large setback when rates go up significantly. But investors aren’t asking.

How Long Can the Fed Have It Both Ways?

Fed officials began tapering late last year. Nine months later, the flow of freshly printed cash flooding into the markets to buy Treasuries and mortgage securities has dwindled from more than $80 billion per month to a “mere” $25 billion.

By October, Fed bond purchases using newly created money appear likely to end altogether. (But Fed officials have not suggested they would sell the trillions of dollars in bonds they now hold.) Interest rate hikes could be coming next year.

Partly in reaction to this shift in Fed policy, the dollar has strengthened, and the precious metals markets have struggled to move up.

But some market movements are difficult to explain. Record equity market valuations and lower Treasury yields don’t make a lot of sense if the flow of newly printed Fed cash is coming to an end.

Markets are famous for being irrational. There are plenty of examples of counterintuitive moves persisting for some time. But we don’t think investors should expect the current dichotomy to last forever.

The strength in the market for U.S. Treasuries is perhaps the most bizarre. Prior to tapering, the Fed bought more than 80% of all new issuance. Some rightly wonder how the central bank could now prevent bond yields from rising as needed to attract replacement buyers.

Perhaps all is not quite as it appears.

About the time the Fed implemented the first round of tapering late last year, a mysterious new buyer suddenly appeared on the Belgian-based Euroclear clearinghouse. This buyer filled the enormous demand void left by the Fed. The surge in holdings is attributed to Belgium itself in the reports, but don’t be misled. The tiny nation is simply where Euroclear is based, and the real buyer remains a well-guarded secret.

The secret buyer of U.S. government debt may well be the European Central Bank in cooperation with the Fed. It is also quite possible our privately held and unaccountable central bank is working with some other proxy. The market-manipulators at the Fed can certainly create the illusion of buyers clamoring to buy Treasuries at epic low yields — even if they can’t have it in reality. The Fed is all about psychological manipulation.

“How I Healed Myself From Cancer – Naturally” | Healthy Holistic Living

“How I Healed Myself From Cancer – Naturally”

The sober look on the doctor’s face relays the dreadful news even before the words, “I’m sorry, but you have Cancer” ever leave his mouth. And to be hit with such a blow is everyone’s worst fear, as the modern-day disease is estimated to affect 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 2 men.

With statistics like these, it is now almost impossible to escape this fearsome illness, and outlook is not optimistic if being treated via western medicine. Media sources may site that chemotherapy has a high success rate, but investigative health activists have uncovered that statistically, such treatment kills more people than those diagnosed with Cancer in the first place.

For reasons such as these and a strong intuition, Tom Arguello knew the conventional route to treat his diagnosed testis cancer was not for him. And because of this, he found strength to seek alternative form of treatment and heal himself through dietary and lifestyle change. Read for yourself his extraordinary journey, and become inspired by the positive attitude he adopted while dealing with and learning from his bout with Cancer.

Disclaimer: In no way is Tom’s first-hand account meant to treat or diagnose any disease. Instead, the information offered is to share one man’s experience of overcoming Cancer holistically so others may become better educated on alternative forms of treatment to heal from such a debilitating disease.

“I thank God that I got cancer.

It was two weeks before my 37th birthday that I (reluctantly) went to see a Urologist about an “abnormality” in one of my testicles. I first noticed it 9 months prior and like a typical male, I shrugged it off as a non-issue. As the weeks and months progressed, I noticed the size of the testicle increase and change in texture. It was now unusually firm. I had spent countless hours trolling every medical website in a desperate attempt to self-diagnose. As I searched every possible outcome, one was a constant and distinct possibility: cancer.
I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Its a great city and a fantastic place to raise a family, but it has also been consistently ranked in the top 10 of the nation’s “fattest cities”. I used to fit into this paradigm perfectly, eating an unhealthy diet of Mexican food, fast food and binge drinking soda. At my heaviest, I weighed in at close to 220 lbs. I’m 5’7…you do the math. Did I know it was wrong at the time? Absolutely! Did I care? Maybe a little, but I was young. I was invincible. I had all the time in the world… or so I thought. What I failed to realize at the time is a little thing called consequence.
So there I sat nervously in the waiting room, desperately trying to convince myself that what I had was normal, probably some sort of infection that would go away with antibiotics. Upon a physical inspection, I began to come to the realization that things would not go my way. I could see it on the Dr’s face. He immediately sent me across the hall for an ultrasound. Still, I held the faintest hope that it could be something else, but soon that hope would be gone as well. The Doctor reviewed my ultrasound and immediately ordered a CT scan, blood-work and scheduled me for surgery. “Cancel your business trip”, he said. Wow. It was 5:00pm on a Friday afternoon. I was the very last patient in the office, and I just got the Cancer bomb dropped in my lap. Not the ideal way to start the weekend. I had now reached the lowest point of my life. I felt lost. I felt hopeless. I felt numb.  I felt like a victim.
After my surgery, I went back to see the Doctor to go over the results of my pathology report. I was diagnosed with stage IB Seminoma Testicular Cancer. Still caught relatively early, but there were complications. The cancer had spread to the epididymis and there was “Vascular Invasion”, meaning a greater likelihood that the cancer would spread to other parts of the body. As he reviewed survival rates and treatment options with me, I felt uncomfortable with his “One size fits all” approach. The fact that all of this information was coming from some sort of medical reference on his laptop did nothing to put me at ease. I felt like a statistic and not a person. The next week, I went to see an Oncologist who reviewed my prognosis and then urged me to undergo a few rounds of chemotherapy so I could “Sleep good at night”. During this conversation, he also encouraged me to eat McDonald’s after chemotherapy if that sounded good to me. That was a huge red flag! So here I was, caught in the brutal grips of the thriving cancer industry and modern Western medicine. What choice did I have? This is what you have to do. There are no other options, right?
After speaking to my wife, I decided to go ahead with the chemotherapy. I was first sent to talk to a financial counselor who urged me to get as many chemotherapy sessions in as I possibly could before the new year, before my insurance deductibles reset and I would have to pay out of pocket. How could SHE know how many rounds of chemo I would need? She wasn’t a doctor! My next stop was back to the area of the office where they administered the chemo for an education class. The nurse proceeded to tell me every possible thing that could go wrong (loss of hair, loss of appetite, loss of feeling in fingertips, etc.) , and that I would most likely end up in the emergency room multiple times because chemotherapy lowers your white blood cell count, leaving your immunity shot. (Shields are down, Captain!) This was a classic case of the side effects being worse than the symptoms! I quickly decided against chemotherapy.
Tom’s Green Juice. Credit: Tom Arguello
So there I was, all alone. I had turned my back on conventional treatment. So how would I heal myself to ensure that the cancer was gone for good?It was at this point that I delved into research. For the next few weeks, I lived, ate and breathed anything and everything related to alternative cancer treatments. What I found was a treasure trove of information. Countless testimonies of people being healed of late-stage cancers by nutrition and other natural herbs and oils. I’ve always been something of a risk taker in life, and the thought of “sticking it to the man” appealed to me greatly. More importantly, during all this research I noticed that the cancer rates in this country had spiked to epidemic levels. Every day on social media sites, my news feed was inundated with people either getting cancer or knowing someone who had cancer. I knew at that point that I wanted to use my story to help people. I decided to forgo traditional cancer treatments and pursue natural cures because God forbid, if any of my friends or family ever got cancer, I wanted to be able to help them through it.  More importantly, I wanted to show my kids that I could overcome adversity and do it my way.(Just like Ol’ blue eyes!)
So here’s how I did it: A raw food diet.
Every morning starts out with a glass of Kombucha. (Fermented tea with natural probiotics for digestive health because all disease starts in the gut). An hour later, I juiced copious amounts of organic vegetables and fruits. I typically drink anywhere from 20-48 ounces throughout the day. What kinds of fruit and vegetables do Ijuice? Lots of green, leafy vegetables like Kale and spinach. I also juice beets, carrots, celery, cucumber, parsley and Swiss Chard. I like to mix it up every day. I also drink alkaline water throughout the day. Raising your internal PH is vital because cancers thrive in an acidic environment so by increasing your internal PH, it makes it really hard for cancer to live in your body. Consuming organic vegetable and fruit juice also help to raise your PH level a great deal. Next, I take supplements. Tumeric and Garlic has been proven to be effective cancer fighters. I also take Moringa, which is also fantastic and loaded with key vitamins and minerals. 
Now lets talk snacks. (One of my favorite subjects) I typically eat lots of raw nuts: Walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, etc. I used to eat organic yogurt, but I realized that dairy can promote cancer so I cut that out as well. I have also dramatically reduced the amount of meat I consume. I have completely cut out red meat and only consume Atlantic, wild caught fish and some chicken. Exercise is also a crucial element of healing. As I recovered from surgery I began to take long walks outside. The fresh air and vitamin D in the sunlight are not only great for the soul, but they definitely do a body good. I also began doing muscle and strength training at my local gym.
Since my initial diagnosis I have had multiple clean blood tests that show that I no longer have cancer. I don’t like to use the word “remission” because that implies that it could come back.  I am here to tell you that cancer CAN be beat naturally through a complete transformation of the mind, body and spirit! You truly have to change your life to overcome it. This means getting off processed foods and GMO’s.  As a society, we often choose to take the easy way out. To me, chemotherapy seemed like taking the easy way out. I realized that surgery and chemo doesn’t really cure anything. You could cut off a tumor and have it grow back. What really needs to be addressed is the root cause of the problem: diet and lifestyle. The only cure for cancer is a lifelong dedication to clean eating and to health and wellness.
My life is forever changed for the better as a result of cancer. My family has also benefited a great deal from my lifestyle change. We have planted a large organic garden that we use for food and juicing. I also have a strong desire to give back and help people. I am now in the process of starting a non-profit organization that will provide real, organic food to people who either don’t have the access to, or the means to obtain it.
So yes, I thank God that I got cancer because it gave me the cosmic wake up call that I so desperately needed. I have transformed my life and now I’m in great shape and for the first time in my life I FEEL HEALTHY!

More importantly, my wife and I have made our ongoing health and wellness a family affair and our first priority. One of the most rewarding things about my entire ordeal is witnessing the transformation in our children. They no longer crave or ask for junk food! They love gardening and living a healthy lifestyle, and that is possibly the greatest gift I could ever give them.”

Tom’s story is shared to example that holistic healing from fearsome modern-day diseases – like Cancer – is possible. And individuals need not wait until they receive a crippling diagnosis, as their power to prevent and even reverse such illnesses lie predominantly in their dietary and lifestyle choices.

For anything to become manifest, it must have a cause or a source. Holistic, natural modalities work with every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit to clear any underlying reason which has resulted in illness; this is where Western medicine lacks. But if one becomes inspired enough to take action today, they need not worry about modern day diseases crippling their health tomorrow.

Interested in supporting Tom’s Non-Profit, The Green Health Project? Support his campaign to help others become educated on natural healing here.

Written by: Amanda Froelich

 Source: True Activist

If You Haven’t Listened To It Yet Here It Is: Irish Senator Gives An Eye Opening Speech On Gaza | Collective-Evolution

If You Haven’t Listened To It Yet Here It Is: Irish Senator Gives An Eye Opening Speech On Gaza | Collective-Evolution.

Senator David Norris is an Irish academic, senator and civil rights activist. He’s been credited with a number of successes, including overthrowing the anti-homosexuality law in 1988 after a fourteen-year campaign.

A video of him has popped up on the world wide web and seems to be getting lots of attention. In it, he condemns Israel for their actions in Gaza, expressing how he feels they are defying the world and using the Holocaust to justify what they are doing.

The issue here is one that we must all critically examine, what your mainstream media networks present to you is probably not going to help you understand what is really happening. Bottom line, the human being that is pulling the trigger and pressing that button, is the one that must stop. War cannot happen without the brainwashing of those who are sought after in order to participate in it. It’s the human being alone that must have a change of heart, a shift in consciousness in order for anything to change.


More Information

In the video above, Norris says this:

“Israel is afraid of Palestinian unity, that’s what all this is about. It has nothing to do with the murder of Israeli children, the Israelis knew that Hamas had nothing to do with it before this war started. With regards to Hamas, Israel created Hamas in order to split Fatah, so they’re responsible for Fatah, and I have that confirmed in the highest level in the foreign ministry in Jerusalem some years ago.” – David Norris

“Fatah” referes to Yasser Arafat’s party, which formed the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which was considered a terrorist organization by Israel.

Hamas, the Islamist organization who we constantly see mentioned on the mainstream media as a group that are raining rockets on Israel, were created by Israel, as mentioned by Senator Norris, you can learn a bit more about that HERE.  There are also Wikileaks documents showing that Israel was interested in enabling Hamas activity in order to weaken the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Documents from the 1980′s show that Israel enabled Hamas to act in the first intifada in order to enable it to strengthen, and to create a splitting of the Palestinian nation.

“Many in the West Bank believe that Israel actively supports Hamas, in its effort to split the Palestinian nation and weaken the Intifada. Shop owners in Jerusalem and Nablus claim that while PLO members are security distributing leaflets for fear of the Israeli security forces, Hamas distributes its leaflets openly.”(source)(source)

This was also written on the document by the American government.

“In spite of the man arrests, only a small number of Hamas leaders have been arrested. We believe not only does Israel turn a blind eye on Hamas activity, but even supports it.” (source)

All Is Not Known In The Happenings of War 

As  stated earlier, the human being that is pulling the trigger and pressing that button, is the one that must stop. War cannot happen without the brainwashing of those who are sought after in order to participate in it. This video is to help others gain a better understanding of what’s happening, as it’s important to examine a large amount of information on both sides.

War is full of economic and political agendas, there are those who thrive off of war and have vested interests in keeping it going. There are those who  thrive of off the planet fighting over who is at fault and what is really going on. At the same time, it’s not very difficult to see that we are constantly lied to about major global happenings, 9/11 was a great example. Today, many people have become aware that Al-Qaeda was a creation of the CIA, another great example out of many. Think about that for a moment, the CIA created the group responsible for terrorism against the United States, doesn’t make much sense does it?

Bottom line, it doesn’t matter, this is ridiculous and it’s hard to imagine that killing other people is seen as a solution to any problem.

Bergdahl swap – Obama used illegal means say US investigators

Bergdahl swap – Obama used illegal means say US investigators | shaunynews

Bergdahl is being investigated for allegedly leaving his unit in Afghanistan before his capture
The Pentagon violated the law when it swapped a soldier held in captivity for five years in Afghanistan for five Taliban detainees without giving politicians sufficient notice, US investigators have found. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said that President Barack Obama’s administration violated a law, which bars defence officials from using federal funds to transfer any Guantanamo detainees without giving key committees in Congress at least 30 days’ notice. The Department of Defence used $988,400 of its wartime funding for the transfer that freed Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. The GAO also said on Thursday that the department had spent money that was not “expressly appropriated for the purpose”. With a 2014 law, Obama gained some flexibility in transferring prisoners from the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
But he was still required to notify Congress 30 days in advance. The GAO said members of congress were advised by telephone of the decision to make the swap on May 31, the day it took place, and June 1, and received written notice on June 2, the AFP news agency reported. At the time, Republicans, and even some of Obama’s Democratic allies, fumed over what they considered a bad and dangerous deal. The White House and Pentagon defended the transfer, arguing that protecting US lives was the executive branch’s constitutional obligation. They cited Bergdahl’s rapidly deteriorating health and security to justify quick action and keeping Congress in the dark until the last minute. “We believe it was lawfully done and lawfully conducted and this was a judgment shared with the Justice Department,” Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby told CNN after the GAO released its findings.
Qatar-brokered deal
US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has said the deal brokered by Qatar represented the “last, best opportunity” to ensure Bergdahl’s freedom. Bergdahl disappeared from his post at a base in eastern Afghanistan in June 2009. To get him back, five senior Taliban leaders were released from Guantanamo and sent to Qatar, where they are due to remain for one year. The soldier has returned to duty by working a desk job at Fort Sam Houston in Texas.  On Wednesday, his lawyer said Bergdahl wanted to leave the military and return to civilian life, the Reuters news agency reported. “It is time for Sergeant Bergdahl to just become plain old Bowe Bergdahl and move on with his life,” Eugene Fidell said. He remains under investigation for leaving his unit in Afghanistan, and a US Army investigator began formal questioning of the former prisoner of war on August 6.

Holocaust survivors pen open letter condemning Israel’s Gaza war — RT News

Holocaust survivors pen open letter condemning Israel’s Gaza war

Published time: August 24, 2014 17:26

Palestinians look at the remains of a commercial center, which witnesses said was hit by an Israeli air strike on Saturday, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

Palestinians look at the remains of a commercial center, which witnesses said was hit by an Israeli air strike on Saturday, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)


Over 300 survivors and descendants of the Holocaust have published an open letter condemning what they call Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza.
The letter slamming the “massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine” was signed by 327 descendants and survivors of the Nazi genocide and placed by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network as an advertisement in the New York Times.
1The letter also condemns politicians and opinion writers who have, the signatories say, openly called for the “genocide of Palestinians” in what they say is an “extreme, racist dehumanization of Palestinians in Israeli society.”
The survivors point to the death of more than 2,100 Palestinians in Israel’s campaign, many of whom are children and the bombing of UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. On the Israeli side, 68 people have been killed, mainly soldiers.
The letter concludes by calling the Gaza campaign “genocide of Palestinian people” and demands an end to the Israeli blockade of the tiny strip of land.

Hollywood against Hamas

The letter was published just moments after 190 influential people in Hollywood put their names on a statement condemning the actions of Hamas, saying the organization “cannot be allowed to rain rockets on Israeli cities”.

A general view of the rubble of a residential tower, which witnesses said was destroyed in an Israeli air strike, is seen in Gaza City August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Mohammed Salem)

A general view of the rubble of a residential tower, which witnesses said was destroyed in an Israeli air strike, is seen in Gaza City August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Mohammed Salem)

It was published by the Creative Community for Peace, which was founded in 2011 and aims to bring together “prominent members of the entertainment industry to counter the cultural boycott against Israel and promote an accurate image of the Jewish state.”
The list included actors Minnie Driver, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, although the vast majority of actors did not put their names to the statement.
The statement referred to Article 7 of Hamas’ charter which says, “There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!” which they say reflects Hamas’ true nature.
However, the statement is also headlined “Commitment to justice and peace”.
Hamas cannot be allowed to “hold its own people hostage. Hospitals are for healing, not for hiding weapons. Schools are for learning, not for launching missiles. Children are our hope not our human shields,” it reads.
Israel tightened its blockade of Gaza in 2007 after Hamas, which rejects Israel’s right to exist, took control of the territory, having won elections the year before and ousted political rivals Fatah.
Tel-Aviv’s operation Protective Edge which started in early July was triggered by rocket attacks by the military wing of Hamas on Israeli. Hamas has been shelling Israel’s south with barrage of rockets, some of which made it as far as the capital’s metropolitan area.
Since then, over 17,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged beyond repair in the Gaza Strip, making around 100,000 Palestinians homeless, since the war began on July 8, according to UN estimates.
Egypt called on Israel and the Palestinians on Saturday to halt hostilities and resume peace talks, but both sides kept up attacks.