Category Archives: US Constitution

» Greek Anti-EU Party Wins Election Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

» Greek Anti-EU Party Wins Election Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Greek people vote to throw out the banksters


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A coalition party comprised of independent politicians, including democratic socialists, left-wing populist and green left groups, in addition to Maoist, Trotskyist, eurocommunist and eurosceptic elements has won the general election in Greece.

Radical leftist are about to take control of Greece 

“It is a historic victory, we still have to see if it will be a big historic victory,” Syriza spokesman Panos Skourletis told Greece’s Mega TV.

“It sends a message against austerity and in favor of dignity and democracy.”

“Bluntly rejecting the punishing economics of austerity, Greece on Sunday appeared poised to send a warning signal to the rest of Europe as exit polls showed the left-wing, anti-austerity Syriza party with a strong lead in national elections as the party’s tough-talking, charismatic leader, Alexis Tsipras, seemed certain to become the country’s next prime minister,” The New York Times reports.

#GREECE ELECTIONS: Radical-leftist #Syriza party 35,5-39,5%, ruling center-right New Democracy 23-24% – exit polls 

The so-called “troika,” the tripartite committee led by the European Commission with the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, bailed out the Greek government in 2010 and 2012 to the tune of 240 billion euros (or $283 billion).

Austerity measures included in the bailout include wage cuts for public sector employees, cuts to monthly pensions, cuts to health and education spending, and increased taxes across the board, including a value-added tax increase.

Additionally, the Greek government promised to sell off its Hellenic Telecom to Deutsche Telekom for 400 million euros and selling stakes in various banks, utilities, ports, airports and land holdings.

The austerity measures led to widespread demonstrations in Greece, including 100,000 peaceful protesters gathering before the Greek parliament in 2011.

On Verge of Victory, Europe’s Ascendant Left Declares ‘Subservience is Over’ | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

On Verge of Victory, Europe’s Ascendant Left Declares ‘Subservience is Over’ | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Published on Friday, January 23, 2015
by Common Dreams
Joining together ahead of Greek elections, leaders of Syriza and Podemos signal their unified fight against austerity will extend beyond national borders
by Jon Queally, staff writer

Greek opposition leader and head of radical leftist Syriza party, Alexis Tsipras (L) and Spanish Podemos party Secretary General Pablo Iglesias wave to supporters following a campaign rally in central Athens January 22, 2015. Greek leftist leader Tsipras told thousands of people gathered in Athens that an end to “national humiliation” was near after opinion polls on Thursday showed his Syriza party pulling ahead three days before an election. (Photo: Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)

“History is knocking at our door,” declared Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the leftwing coalition party of Syriza in Greece, during a speech addressed to thousands of supporters in Athens on Thursday night as he stood next to his foreign compatriot Pablo Iglesias of the Spanish Podemos Party.

“The wind of democratic change is blowing in Europe.”
—Pablo Iglesias, PodemosSyriza and Podemos have become the mouthpiece of the anti-austerity movement in southern Europe while Tsipras and Iglesias have emerged as key political leaders who emerged from the grassroots, street-level protest movements which rose in opposition to the severe economic policies imposed by elite forces following the financial crisis that began in 2008. In relatively short time, both Syriza and Podemos went from being non-existent political entities to standing on the doorstep of taking power.

With national elections in Greece just days away, and Syriza’s polling numbers only improving, Alexis Tsipras announced that his party is prepared to “overthrow” the status quo and vowed to implement swift changes to undo the austerity policies—imposed at the behest of foreign creditors and attached to a bailout package offered by the European Central Bank and the IMF—that have left the Greek economy in tatters. Standing before the large crowd, Tsipras announced that by Monday, “[Greece’s] national humiliation will be over. We will finish with orders from abroad.”

Syriza’s answer to austerity, he continued, would be this: “The bailout is over. Blackmail is over. Subservience is over.”

Watch this report from Euronews:

According to reporting by the Irish Times, Tsipras “received one of his biggest cheers of the night when he said that he will press for the repayment of a forced war loan from Greece toGermany during the second World War.

Taking the podium to address the thousands gathered, Iglesias indicated the fate of the Greek and Spanish people—both crushed by unemployment and the gutting of the public sector—were intimately tied. But, Iglesias declared, “The wind of democratic change is blowing in Europe.” Less than one year since its inception, Podemos is now polling ahead of Spain’s ruling party. Though national elections in Spain could happen later this year, they have not yet been scheduled.

A sampling of voices taken from the crowd in Athens reveal that those supporting what Podemos and Syriza represent are ecstatic for the hope the parties are now offering.

“I am voting for Tsipras because even my parents, after 40 years of work, don’t have money to pay for heating,” Maria Labridou, a 55-year-old teacher at the rally, told Reuters. “He is our only hope, the only way out.”

Speaking with the Irish Times, a retiree named Babis, said, “We want change not only in Greece, but across Europe. The change will start from here, and then go through Spain,Portugal and Ireland. There has to be social justice.”

A continental view was not absent among the politicians on the stage either as Leonard Cohen’s famous protest song, ‘First We Take Manhattan,’ played from the loudspeakers and Iglesias at one point declared, “Then we take Berlin!”

Ahead of the Greek election on Sunday, the latest polling in the country shows Syriza has built on its previous lead over the ruling New Democracy party, now led by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

As Helena Smith reports for the Guardian on Friday:

Barely four weeks after the failure of parliament to elect a president, triggering the ballot, Greece’s fate now lies in the hands of 9.8 million voters. All the polls show, with growing conviction, that victory will go to Syriza. A poll released by GPO for Mega TV late on Thursday gave the far leftists a six-percentage-point lead over Samaras’s center-right New Democracy, the dominant force in a coalition government that has held power since June 2012. A week earlier, GPO had the lead at four percentage points. […]

Analysts maintain that Syriza’s ability to attain an outright majority will be difficult. With pressure mounting from the EU and IMF to “respect” the commitments made as the price of aid, speculation has been rife that the party might prefer to enter a coalition government that would enable it to forge ahead with the structural reforms and budget cuts demanded in exchange for the biggest financial assistance program in global history.

But Tsipras put paid to that. The leftists, who have never held office in the near 200 years of the Modern Greek state – and who, after a bloody civil war, were hounded and imprisoned for decades – wanted to win an absolute majority that would allow them to govern unimpeded, he insisted.

“We are asking for a clear mandate, crystal clear, undiluted, indisputable,” he told the crowd. “The time of the left has come.”

Dr Eleni Panagiotarea, a research fellow at Greece’s leading thinktank Eliamep, said Syriza was on a roll.

“It’s now all about making a clean break with the past. The party has picked up on the fatigue that people feel with the country. It has become a voice for the disgruntled middle class, unemployed, socially vulnerable, all those who want change.”

Though Prime Minister Samaras has tried to counter the rise of Syriza by telling Greek voters that its leftwing policies will lead the nation to ruin, experts and economists argue that it has been the austerity policies imposed across Europe, though most severely imposed in nations like Greece and Spain, that have been the clearest culprits of economic ruin.

As Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy research, wrote earlier this week:

Greece continues to face a dismal future under the current European program, with more than 18 percent unemployment even in 2017. This is according to IMF projections, which have been consistently over-optimistic in the past. Mass unemployment will also be the norm for the eurozone, with more than 10 percent unemployment in 2017, even if it the eurozone authorities’ program is “successful.” Not to mention all the other sacrifices in living standards, including cuts in health care spending, public pensions, minimum wages and government services.

This prolonged punishment and regressive social engineering from the European authorities is only possible because the electorate has had little or no influence over the most important economic policy-making. The Greeks are trying to win some of that back; hence the intimidation from on high.

And Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, in a recent column, called the commitment to austerity by European elites—namely the IMF, the ECB, the European Commission, and the powerful German government—a very cruel form of “economic madness” that betrays sound reasoning.

Stiglitz wrote, “If Europe does not change its ways – if it does not reform the Eurozone and repeal austerity – a popular backlash will become inevitable.” Whatever happens in the Greek elections, he concluded, “this economic madness cannot continue forever. Democracy will not permit it. But how much more pain will Europe have to endure before reason is restored?”
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What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand? – The Prepper Journal

What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand? – The Prepper Journal.

What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand?

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The UN’s Arms Trade Treaty which covers everything from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships – will enter into force on 24 December 2014, Christmas Eve. This treaty has not been ratified by our Congress but has the support of our Secretary of State, John Kerry who signed it and our President, who without expressly mentioning the treaty, said in a speech at the UN in September that all nations “must meet our responsibility to observe and enforce international norms.” The problem with that statement and this treaty is that we the people aren’t in control of what those ‘international norms’ are and as we have seen time and time again, those international norms might be detrimental to our country.

Many preppers and 2nd Amendment proponents believe that the Arms Trade Treaty will first lead to registration of all firearms and when that happens, historically the next step is confiscation through some means. Technically, no treaty can be put into action in the United States unless it has been ratified by a 2/3 majority of the senate. This fact is what most people cite when they are trying to refute any legitimate concerns about the UN Arms Trade Treaty or any other treaty’s potential effect on our country. This sounds well and good and serves to placate some, but for this fail-safe to have any weight you would first need to have a government that followed the letter of the constitution and additionally, that government would need to follow the wishes of the citizens they are representing.

Our government has proven time and time again that following the constitution is simply not something they feel they have to do when it stands in their way. For example, the senate has never voted on the Kyoto Protocol but that hasn’t stopped the EPA from enacting rules complying with the main goals of that treaty. Coal plants are being shut down left and right while the US and China recently agreed to let China keep growing their output of carbon emissions (with coal power plants) until 2030. There are many examples of policies that are enacted that fall well outside the bounds of Constitutional limits on power but that doesn’t stop our representatives does it? On any issue there is more brainpower spent on finding ways around the Constitution than actually following it with the seeming goal of every single facet of law being finally decided by the Supreme Court. It’s as if in our society, the rules we decided long ago to set for ourselves are only as good as the interpretations of people today and if every single thing can be challenged (and in some cases changed), we don’t really have a Constitution at all. What we have is a framework for legal arguments that only establishes a baseline which can be over ruled completely by a simple majority of ideology on the bench.

 mass grave of victims Choeung Ek Memorial - The site of a former orchard and mass grave of victims of the Khmer Rouge - killed between 1975 and 1979 -

As for a government that listens to their constituents, that long gone relic of thought is promised by every single person running for office. “I feel your pain” The truth of the matter is that in this day and age, every politician is a benefactor of the same special interests. There are no democrat and republican sides whenever both are receiving money from the same companies. The elected politicians, by overwhelming majority do not care what you say or want because they don’t answer to you. Their actions directly contradict election results, polls and public outcry. The 2014 mid-term elections recently held should have sent a very strong signal to the leadership of both parties that the country wasn’t on-board with the policies of the current administration and the direction of affairs with the Congress, however; Obamacare and Amnesty both remain intact without so much as a whimper from our newly elected majority who promised for years to repeal it as soon as they were ‘in power’. To add insult to injury, the Republicans just released a 1 trillion budget proposal just over 24 hours before a procedural vote on it knowing that nobody would have time to read it. Same tricks but a different face is behind the podium. Why should we expect anything different from what we have been seeing?

Do you really feel that there is anything ‘your party’ is going to do to stop elements of this treaty from being implemented if it is in their best interests?

What’s so wrong with simply registering all guns?

What’s the harm in simply registering you say? It makes sense that government would want to know who has guns, so they can ensure that bad people don’t have them. You can’t argue with that logic can you? Well yes I can try. Registration will only be done by law-abiding people. The criminals they will try to get you to believe this registration would stop would never turn themselves or their guns in. If that were true, why wouldn’t criminals be lining up a police offices every day because we do have laws already, don’t we? How is this not obvious to everyone? I maintain that it is obvious to the people who are pushing for any restriction and by that I am referring to registration,  of our 2ndamendment rights.

Do guns kill people? Yes they do, but deaths by guns are a small fraction of the total deaths in the US each year. If you want to know who really kills people you have to look at governments historically.

Turkish official teasing starved Armenian children by showing bread during the Armenian Genocide, 1915

Yes, you read that right. Governments are responsible for more deaths of their citizens in the 20thcentury than any other unnatural cause. It is called Democide and is been documented by R. J. Rummel, formerly of the University of Hawaii Political Science Department. He writes:

Most probably near 170,000,000 people have been murdered in cold-blood by governments, well over three-quarters by absolutist regimes. The most such killing was done by the Soviet Union (near 62,000,000 people), the communist government of China is second (near 35,000,000), followed by Nazi Germany(almost 21,000,000), and Nationalist China (some 10,000,000). Lesser megamurderers include WWII Japan, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, WWI Turkey, communist Vietnam, post-WWII Poland, Pakistan, and communist Yugoslavia. The most intense democide was carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, where they killed over 30 percent of their subjects in less than four years.

The best predictor of this killing is regime power. The more arbitrary power a regime has, the less democratic it is, and the more likely it will kill its subjects or foreigners. The conclusion is that power kills, absolute power kills absolutely.

But we live in a democracy in the United States and we elect our representatives. We have a rule of law and nothing like the atrocities you mention above would ever happen here. Really? I certainly hope not and so it is with much interest that I have and will be keeping track of what goes on after December 24th and into the future on this topic.

But Mr. Rummel’s statement has weight in historical precedence and is alarming when looked at from the context of where we are as a country today. One could argue that our regime has an increasingly disturbing amount of ‘arbitrary power’. That is power that they have assumed that is outside of the Constitution and the really fun part is they keep giving themselves more of it every day. Some of this power was enacted by law of course, but it is power nonetheless and it never decreases, it only becomes more vast. From the Patriot Act, to NSA Spying, to treaties with foreign nations, harassment of political parties, to illegal searches, illegal detainment without cause, tokilling people without a trial and just yesterday they passed a bill which grants the government and law enforcement “unlimited access to the communications of every American”. How much power is that?

What does this mean to preppers?

Our second amendment was written expressly to give we the people a means to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. This wasn’t about ‘letting us have’ weapons for hunting or shooting clay pigeons. The second amendment says that our right to bear arms ‘shall not be infringed’. It doesn’t say what type of arms meaning that you can assume they only meant musket loaders. It was intentionally open and only spoke to our rights, not the specifics of the weapons.

The Supreme Court even stated in the Heller decision that the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects an individual’s right to own firearms for traditionally lawful purposes, such asself-defense within the home. Even with that they left some ambiguity by allowing certain restrictions to gun ownership. This argument over who can have guns and what limits authority should put on gun ownership is not going away even with this ruling and it seems that challenges to the amendment could happen one day in that ongoing process we have called the courts. I can see that on the horizon again as new actions are taken in an effort to limit the ability American’s have of defending themselves because that is what it is all about. The UN and other anti-gun voices do not believe you have a right to self-defense. So you have to ask yourself why a bunch of representatives from countries that do not recognize the fundamental right to possess weapons are so keen to take ours. They prefer to give that power solely to the State which takes me back to Democide.

Following the public announcement of the establishment of the Lodz ghetto on February 8, 1940, Jews were expelled from all other parts of the city and moved into the ghetto area. 164,000 Jews were imprisoned in the ghetto when the Germans sealed it off on April 30, 1940.

Why would we willingly give away our rights to self-defense when time after time it has been shown to be the ones we have the most to fear from are the very ones telling us we don’t need guns?

I have written before about the phrase “From my cold dead hands” and I haven’t changed my opinion. I do not say that phrase lightly, but I wonder if there will be a decision we face in our future that could have far-reaching impacts on the security of our lives. Each of us should carefully consider the larger picture of events that are happening in our world. We may not get the disaster you are expecting, that would necessitate throwing on our bug out bags and living under a tarp. We may face a different enemy who will come to us with a message of “common sense reforms” and wrap this all in a promise of “keeping everyone safe”. Take that with a grain of salt and remember the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag Archipelago. Gulag was his literary-historical record of the vast system of prisons and labor camps that came into being shortly after theBolsheviks seized power in Russia in 1917 and underwent an enormous expansion during the rule of Stalin from 1924 to 1953. It is a fascinating read and warning to those who can see the echos of history in our country and around the world today.

“During an arrest, you think since you are not guilty, how can they arrest you? Why should you run away? And how can you resist right then? After all, you’ll only make your situation worse; you will make it more difficult for them to sort out the mistake.

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family?

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?

The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We did not love freedom enough. Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.”

For what it’s worth, I do not believe that we will most likely see bands of armed soldiers rounding up whole cities as they did during the Soviet Union days Solzhenitsyn lived through. I do think we will need to make a choice and I think we should be guarded even more so about how far we let things slip away from us. The arbitrary power that keeps building, if left unchecked would be the same as not resisting in Solzhenitsyn’s days. If you don’t put up a fight, you might not like what happens to you.

We say “What part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand” as a way of challenging anyone who believes that guns and firearms only belong in the hands of the military or police. It is an in-your-face type of confrontation that we employ to convey the frustration and absurdity of the issue in our minds. Perhaps that message should be one that we ask ourselves? Maybe we are the ones who need to remember “Shall Not Be Infringed” more so than the people who want to excuse away that right. Maybe the lessons of history and the rights we have shouldn’t be used as an argument with people who will never be persuaded. Perhaps, the message is one we need to take to heart and live out to the expectations of those brave men who recorded this phrase for us. We are the only ones who need to remember this right and by that same token, we are the only ones who can lose it willingly.

The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the British Crown and the Vatican Rule the World

There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.
Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.
This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’
The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.

The City is referred to as the wealthiest square mile on earth and is presided over by a Lord Mayor who is appointed annually.
When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests permission to enter this private, sovereign state. She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the Mayor.
Her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniforms.
In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.
The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth.
As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).

Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown.
The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court.
They are: the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar.
The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple.
The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America.
To have the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to establish the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally as the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled with a capital letter ‘S,’ denotes a legal entity of the Crown.
At least five Templar Bar Attorneys under solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This means that both parties were agents of the Crown.
There is no lawful effect when a party signs as both the first and second parties. The Declaration was simply an internal memo circulating among private members of the Crown.
Most Americans believe that they own their own land, but they have merely purchased real estate by contract. Upon fulfillment of the contract, control of the land is transferred by Warranty Deed.
The Warranty Deed is only a ‘color of title.’ Color of Title is a semblance or appearance of title, but not title in fact or in law. The Warranty Deed cannot stand against the Land Patent.
The Crown was granted Land Patents in North America by the King of England. Colonials rebelled at the usurious Crown taxes, and thus the Declaration of Independence was created to pacify the populace.
Another ruse used to hoodwink natural persons is by enfranchisement. Those cards in your wallet bearing your name spelled in all capital letters means that you have been enfranchised and have the status of a corporation.

A ‘juristic personality’ has been created, and you have entered into multi-variant agreements that place you in an equity relationship with the Crown.
These invisible contracts include, birth certificates, citizenship records, employment agreements, driver’s licenses and bank accounts. It is perhaps helpful to note here that contracts do not now, nor have they ever had to be stated in writing in order to be enforceable by American judges. If it is written down, it is merely a written statement of the contract.
Tax protestors and (the coming) draft resistors trying to renounce the parts of these contracts that they now disagree with will not profit by resorting to tort law (fairness) arguments as justification. Judges will reject these lines of defense as they have no bearing on contract law jurisprudence. Tort law governs grievances where no contract law is in effect.
These private agreements/contracts that bind us will always overrule the broad general clauses of the Constitution and Bill of Rights (the Constitution being essentially a renamed enactment of English common law). The Bill of Rights is viewed by the Crown as a ‘bill of benefits,’ conferred on us by them in anticipation of reciprocity (taxes).
Protestors and resistors will also lose their cases by boasting of citizenship status. Citizenship is another equity agreement that we have with the Crown. And this is the very juristic contract that Federal judges will use to incarcerate them. In the words of former Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, “Equity is brutal, but we are merely enforcing agreements.”
“The balance of Title 42, section 1981 of the Civil Rights Code states,” citizens shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind”
What we view as citizenship, the Crown views as a juristic enrichment instrumentality. It also should be borne in mind that even cursory circulation or commercial use of Federal Reserve Notes effects an attachment of liability for the payment of the Crown’s debt to the FED. This is measured by your taxable income.
And to facilitate future asset-stripping, the end of the 14th amendment includes a state of debt hypothecation of the United States, wherein all enfranchised persons (that’s you) can be held personally liable for the Crown’s debt.
The Crown views our participation in these contracts of commercial equity as being voluntary and that any gain accrued is taxable, as the gain wouldn’t have been possible were in not for the Crown.
They view the system of interstate banks as their own property. Any profit or gain experienced by anyone with a bank account (or loan, mortgage or credit card) carries with it – as an operation of law – the identical same full force and effect as if the Crown had created the gain.
Bank accounts fall outside the umbrella of Fourth Amendment protection because a commercial contract is in effect and the Bill of Rights cannot be held to interfere with the execution of commercial contracts. The Crown also views bank account records as their own private property, pursuant to the bank contract that each of us signed and that none of us ever read.
The rare individual who actually reads the bank contract will find that they agreed to be bound by Title 26 and under section 7202 agreed not to disseminate any fraudulent tax advice. This written contract with the Crown also acknowledges that bank notes are taxable instruments of commerce.
When we initially opened a bank account, another juristic personality was created. It is this personality (income and assets) that IRS agents are excising back to the Crown through taxation.
A lot of ink is being spilled currently over Social Security.

Possession of a Social Security Number is known in the Crown’s lex as ‘conclusive evidence’ of our having accepted federal commercial benefits. This is another example of an equity relationship with the Crown.
Presenting one’s Social Security Number to an employer seals our status as taxpayers, and gives rise to liability for a reciprocal quid pro quo payment of taxes to the Crown.
Through the Social Security Number we are accepting future retirement endowment benefits. Social Security is a strange animal. If you die, your spouse gets nothing, but rather, what would have gone to you is divided (forfeited) among other premium payers who haven’t died yet.
But the Crown views failure to reciprocate in any of these equity attachments as an act of defilement and will proceed against us with all due prejudice.
For a person to escape the tentacles of the Crown octopus, a thoroughgoing study of American jurisprudence is required. One would have to be deemed a ‘stranger to the public trust,’ forfeit all enfranchisement benefits and close all bank accounts, among other things.
Citizenship would have to be made null and forfeit and the status of ‘denizen’ enacted. If there are any persons extant who have passed through this fire, I would certainly appreciate hearing from them.
The United States of America is a corporation, ruled by the British Crown and the Vatican

The USA is, and always has been, a huge corporation ruled from abroad. Its initial name was the Virginia Company and it is owned by the British Crown and the Vatican, who receive their yearly share of the profits.
The US presidents are appointed CEO’s (they are not elected by us!), and their allegiance is to the “board of directors,” not to the American citizens. We are seen as employees of the company and voting is designed as a distraction meant to offer us the illusion that we have a say in all this.
“In 1606 [King] James set up the Virginia Company which was granted Royal authority to begin settlements in the province of Virginia, named after Elizabeth I, who had been popularly called the Virgin Queen. The Union Jack first flew on American soil at Jamestown in Virginia as a permanent fixture in the spring of 1607…
“The early members of the Virginia Company were aristocrats who supported the Church of England and the Royalist cause. They included Lord Southampton, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Montgomery, the Earl of Salisbury, the Earl of Northampton, and Sir Francis Bacon…
“As chancellor of England, Bacon was able to persuade the king to issue the charters which enabled the new colonies to proliferate in the new world…
“The Virginia Company members who actually settled in America included several members of the Bacon family, and friends of his who were initiates of the Rosy Cross.” — Michael Howard – Occult Conspiracy (quoted by Michael Tsarion)
I understand from contacts in America that it is through organizations like the London Metal Exchange that profits from the Virginia Company (United States of America) are channeled back to London.”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;
The House of Burgesses was formed in Jamestown in 1619. It was the first representative legislative body in the American Colonies. The House passed measures designed to help the company prosper. But a serious Indian uprising in Jamestown in 1622 caused the adventurers to lose what little interest they had left. In 1623, King James decided that the company was being managed poorly. He took over the association in 1624 and dissolved the company.” — World Book Encyclopedia;
“Its shareholders were Londoners, and it was distinguished from the Plymouth Company, which was chartered at the same time and composed largely of men from Plymouth.
“In 1619 the company established continental America’s first true legislature, the General Assembly, which was organized bicamerally. It consisted of the governor and his council, named by the company in England, and the House of Burgesses, made up of two burgesses from each of the four boroughs and seven plantations.
“…The court ruled against the Virginia Company, which was then dissolved, with the result that Virginia was transformed into a royal colony.”– Encyclopedia Britannica;
This means that all the rights which applied to the owners of the Virginia Company to the gold, silver, minerals and duties, mined and paid in America, still apply to the British families who own the United States of America and the lands of the united states of America.
“Those same percentages have been paid since ‘independence’ and are still being paid by the American people via their federal officials who are, in fact, officials of the Virginia Company – yes, including the President.
“…But here’s yet another twist. Who owns the assets apparently owned by the Virginia Company? Answer: the Vatican.”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;
After the original 13 (again!) American colonies won their ‘independence’ and an ‘independent’ country was formed after 1783, the Virginia Company simply changed its name to… the United States of America.
“You see there are two USAs, or rather a USA and a usA. The united states of America with a lower case ‘u’ and ‘s’ are the lands of the various states. These lands, as we have seen, are still owned by the British Crown as the head of the old Virginia Company, although there is something to add about this in a moment.
“Then there is the United States of America, capital ‘U’ and ‘S’, which is the 68 square miles of land west of the Potomac River on which is built the federal capital, Washington DC and the District of Columbia. It also includes the US protectorates of Guam and Puerto Rico.
“The United States of America is not a country, it is a corporation owned by the same Brotherhood reptilian bloodlines who owned the Virginia Company, because the USA is the Virginia Company!”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;
In 1604, a group of leading politicians, businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and bankers, met in Greenwich, then in the English county of Kent, and formed a corporation called the Virginia Company in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans, mostly British at first, into the North American continent.
“Its main stockholder was the reptilian, King James I, and the original charter for the company was completed by April 10th 1606. This and later updates to the charter established the following:
“…The Virginia Company comprised of two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New England Company…The ‘Pilgrims’ of American historical myth were, in fact, members of the second Virginia Company branch called the New England Company. The Pilgrim Society is still a major elite grouping within the Illuminati..
“The Virginia Company owned most of the land of what we now call the USA, and any lands up to 900 miles offshore. This included Bermuda and most of what is now known as the Caribbean Islands.
“The Virginia Company (the British Crown and the bloodline families) had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of the ore of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures.
“These rights, the charters detailed, were to be passed on to all heirs of the owners of the Virginia Company and therefore continue to apply… forever!
“The controlling members of the Virginia Company who were to enjoy these rights became known as the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London.
“After the first 21 years from the formation of the Virginia Company, all ‘duties, imposts, and excises’ paid on trading activities in the colonies had to be paid directly to the British Crown through the Crown treasurer…
“The lands of the Virginia Company were granted to the colonies under a Deed of Trust (on lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land…
“The monarch, through his Council for the Colonies, insisted that members of the colonies impose the Christian religion on all the people, including the Native Americans…
“The criminal courts on the lands of the Virginia Company were to be operated under Admiralty Law, the law of the sea, and the civil courts under common law, the law of the land… Now, get this. All of the above still applies today!”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;
The United States Inc.

England, Canada, Australia and many other countries are led politically by “Prime Ministers” to the Queen. In fact she is the official head of 123 commonwealth countries. America, Russia, and other countries, however, have a “President” and “Vice-President.”
Usually corporations have Presidents and Vice-Presidents. What does this mean? The US Presidents rule from the “White House.” The Russian Presidents also rule from the White House. The Jesuits, a large force behind the Illuminati, have their own White House as well. England is ruled from “Whitehall.”
“The United States government is being ruled from the ‘White House,’ the government of England is being ruled from what is called ‘Whitehall,’ and Whitehall, like our White House, is the symbol of power because the hall is like the Masonic hall, the lodge hall, the union hall.”  — Jordan Maxwell – Matrix of Power;

“For those who think America controls the roost it would do well to consider that the Queen of England is still the official head of Commonwealth (123 countries) and the official monarch of Australia and Canada along with the United Kingdom… add to that the fact that all Bush Sr. got for his two terms as president of USA is a mere knighthood of the British Empire.” — Prash Trivedi;
The original 13 colonies were actually called companies. Military units are also called companies. We sing patriotic songs like “the Star-Spangled Banner” but a banner is a corporate advertisement, not a flag.
You surrender with a white flag, no colors. When you get mad you show your true colors. If you just won independence in a bloody revolution with Britain would you choose the same three colors for your new US flag?
Why does “every heart ring true for the red, white, and blue?” What about the gold-fringed flag used by the military, hung at all courts, schools, and government buildings?  It all has to do with the British Maritime Admiralty Law of Flags.

Barack Obama is the current CEO of the USA Corporation and

the gold-fringed flags in the background stand for “ruled from abroad.”

“This is also known as British Maritime (military) Law and this is why the American flag always has a gold fringe when displayed in the courts of the United States. You find the same in government buildings and federally funded schools.
“The gold fringe is a legal symbol indicating that the court is sitting under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code – military and merchant law not common or constitutional law, under the Admiralty Law of Flags, the flag displayed gives notice of the law under which the ship (in this case the court) is regulated.
“Anyone entering that ship (court) accepts by doing so that they are submitting to the law indicated by that flag. Judges refuse to replace the flag with one without a fringe when asked by defendants who know the score because that changes the law under which the court is sitting.
“If you appear in a court with a gold fringed flag your constitutional rights are suspended and you are being tried under British Maritime (military /merchant) Law.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;
International Maritime Admiralty law, the law of the high seas, began in Sumeria, was perfected in Rome and continues to this day. Jordan Maxwell has explained that the way we trade commerce today is modeled after the Masons’/Templar Knights’ 1,000 year old system.
Notice how regardless of whether you send a product by air, water, or land – you “ship” it. The ship pulls into its “berth” and ties to the “dock.”  The Captain has to provide the port authorities with a “certificate of manifest” declaring the products he has brought.
Through a legal loophole the royals have created, US citizens are considered property of the queen under British Maritime law. Since we are born of our mother’s water, from her “birth canal,” we are thereby a maritime product, a “shipped” commodity. Our mothers were delivering a product under maritime law and that’s why we are born in a “delivery room.”
That’s why the “doc” signs your “berth” certificate, your “certificate of manifest.” You’re kept in the Maternity “Ward.” Why a ward? No other hospital areas are called wards. Prisons have wards and wardens.
The United States Corporation came about just after the civil war. The Act of 1871 was passed by congress creating a separate form of government for DC, essentially turning it into a corporation.
It was decided that employees would be called “citizens.”  So when you say in court or on paper, that you are a citizen of the United States, you are not a free American, but an employee of US Inc.
When you get a fine, a ticket, a bill, or get sued, you must sign in all capital letters. When you die your Masonic tombstone by law will have all capital letters to show their employee has died.
The entity that is your name in all caps is your maritime admiralty product code. Upper and lower case legally represents you, your body.
“The Uniform Commercial Code was approved by the American Bar Association, which is a franchise, a subordinate branch, of the British legal system and its hierarchy based in London’s Temple Bar (named after the Illuminati Knights Templar secret society).
As I have been writing for many years, the power that controls America is based in Britain and Europe because that is where the power is located that owns the United States Corporation. By the way, if you think it is strange that a court on dry land could be administered under Maritime Law, look at US Code, Title 18 B 7.
It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations: (1) the high seas; (2) any American ship; (3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state.
In other words, mainland America. All this is founded on Roman law because the Illuminati have been playing this same game throughout the centuries wherever they have gone. The major politicians know that this is how things are and so do the government administrators, judges, lawyers and insider ‘journalists’.
Those who realize what is happening and ask the court for the name of the true creditor or recipients of the fines imposed by the ‘legal system’ are always refused this information by the judge.
The true creditors in such cases, and the ultimate recipient of the fines, are the bankers to which the corporation ‘country’ is bankrupt.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;
Lawyers or “barristers” have to take the Bar Association “bar” exam just as alcoholics go to the “bar,” sugar-junkies eat candy “bars,” and gamblers hope to get 3 “bars” on the slot machine. These all derive from the Templar’s turn of the 13th century “Temple Bar” in England.
Originally the Temple Bar was literally just a bar or chain between two posts next to the Temple law courts.  This soon became a huge stone gate and there were eventually eight of these gates built so the elites could restrict / control trade within the city of London.
They were taken down during 19th century, but then each stone was numbered and kept in storage until 2004 when they just re-built the Temple Bar in London.
“The United States corporation was created behind the screen of a ‘Federal Government’ when, after the manufactured ‘victory’ in the American War of ‘Independence’, the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London with the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since.
In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the ‘former’ colonies, simply changed its name to the United States and other related pseudonyms.
These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and ‘Feds’. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia and the current president of the corporation is a man called George W. Bush.
He is not the president of the people or the country as they are led to believe, that’s just the smokescreen. This means that Bush launched a ‘war on terrorism’ on behalf of a private corporation to further the goals of that corporation.
It had nothing to do with’ America’ or ‘Americans’ because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation that owns the United States military and everything else that comes under the term ‘federal’.
This includes the Federal Reserve, the ‘central bank’ of the United States, which is, in reality, a private bank owned by controlling stockholders (and controllers of the US Corporation) that are not even American. This is the bank from which the United States Corporation borrows ‘money’.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;
The Greater British Empire Map

The Shocking Truth About Your Birth Certificate
“If you notice on the bottom of your birth certificate it says Department of Commerce.  It is a property of the Department of Commerce because you are nothing more than a piece of commercial material.  That’s why if you’re out of work you don’t go to the unemployment office, you go to the Office of Human Resources, because you’re just a human resource.” — Jordan Maxwell, 1990 Slideshow Presentation on Hidden Symbols;
The Judge sits on the bench for the bank.  Banks are on both sides of a river. A river bank directs the flow of the current/sea – the currency, the cash flow. The current-sea is “deposited” from bank to bank down the river.
We’re just “consumers” to advertise to, just “human resources” to be used up like batteries, and they are the “social engineers,” molding us “useless eaters” into wage slavery.



Read The Atlantean Conspiracy if you want to learn more.
References: Mark Owen, Truth Control, Virginia Company, The Atlantean Conspiracy; | Additions by Alexander Light,;

House approves $1.1 trillion spending package |

House approves $1.1 trillion spending package | CONGRESS

House approves $1.1 trillion spending package


Who’s getting rich in Washington? Special interests in the ‘Cromnibus’
Washington Examiner
The vote was 219 to 206 and came hours before a midnight deadline. It now moves to the Senate for consideration. The House also voted to pass a two-day extension of funding to give the Senate time to debate and vote on the larger package.

The bill passed after House Democrats met privately for several hours to mull their opposition to the legislation, which stemmed mostly from a provision to roll back a Wall Street reform measure passed in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

With passage of the bill hanging in the balance, the White House jumped in, making calls to Democrats and dispatching White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough to the meeting. McDonough worked to convince Democrats that the president did all he could to get the Republicans to remove the banking provision from the legislation and that he was not aware it was in there when he agreed to the deal, Democrats in the room said.

McDonough may have convinced some members, but not House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who told Democrats just before the vote, “I’m giving you the leverage to do whatever you have to do. We have enough votes to show them never to do this again.”

The prospects for passage dimmed earlier in the day, after it first appeared bipartisan support would push the bill over the finish line.

Republicans have long known they would lose 60 or more of their most conservative flank, who are angry the bill does not block Obama’s recent directive to allow five million illegal immigrants to obtain work permits.

But they did not count on the rising anger from liberal House and Senate Democrats in opposition to the banking provision, which would allow banks to engage in potentially risky derivatives trading.

The measure then nearly failed when lawmakers voted on the legislative rule, which is needed to advance the bill.

Pelosi then announced her opposition to the bill because of the move to roll back the reform, which Democrats fought to pass while she was House speaker in 2010.

The California Democrat said Republicans pushed to include the provision in the bill because it was a must-pass measure to keep the government operating.

“This is ransom, this is blackmail,” Pelosi said on the House floor.”You don’t get a bill unless Wall Street gets taxpayer coverage.”

Democrats were also angered by language lifting the cap on some campaign donations, which they say will allow the wealthy to wield more influence on elections.

Republicans argued that the deal was negotiated ahead of time with Democrats in both chambers, and they should therefore not oppose it.

“It was agreed to in a bipartisan, bicameral basis,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said.

The same language was also passed by the House earlier this year, and it received the backing of dozens of Democrats, many of them members of the House Appropriations Committee.

It was the Democratic appropriators, in the end, who helped provide the votes to pass the bill.

Democrats also feared the alternative. Republicans said if the bill failed, they would have brought to the floor a three-month temporary funding bill, or continuing resolution, that would have expired next year, when Republicans control both chambers. Democrats would then have had no leverage at all in the funding fight.

“A CR would be the worst possible thing that could happen,” Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif., told his fellow Democrats just before the final vote. “Hold your nose, and make this a better world.”


The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia.

Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia


For over a year, the United States has played out a scenario designed to (1) reassert US control over Europe by blocking EU trade with Russia, (2) bankrupt Russia, and (3) get rid of Vladimir Putin and replace him with an American puppet, like the late drunk, Boris Yeltsin.

The past few days have made crystal clear the perfidy of the economic side of this US war against Russia.

It all began at the important high-level international meeting on Ukraine’s future held in Yalta in September 2013, where a major topic was the shale gas revolution which the United States hoped to use to weaken Russia. Former US energy secretary Bill Richardson was there to make the pitch, applauded by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Washington hoped to use its fracking techniques to provide substitute sources for natural gas, driving Russia out of the market. This amounts to selling Europe a pig in a poke.

But this trick could not be accomplished by relying on the sacrosanct “market”, since fracking is more costly than Russian gas extraction. A major crisis was necessary in order to distort the market by political pressures. By the February 22 coup d’état, engineered by Victoria Nuland, the United States effectively took control of Ukraine, putting in power its agent “Yats” (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) who favors joining NATO. This direct threat to Russia’s naval base in Crimea led to the referendum which peacefully returned the historically Russian peninsula to Russia. But the US-led chorus condemned the orderly return of Crimea as “Russian military aggression”. This defensive move is trumpeted by NATO as proof of Putin’s intention to invade Russia’s European neighbors for no reason at all.

Meanwhile, the United States’ economic invasion has gone largely unnoticed.

Ukraine has some of the largest shale gas reserves in Europe. Like other Europeans, Ukrainians had demonstrated against the harmful environmental results of fracking on their lands, but unlike some other countries, Ukraine has no restrictive legislation. Chevron is already getting involved.

As of last May, R. Hunter Biden, son of the US Vice President, is on the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. The young Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and contribute to its “international expansion.”

Ukraine has rich soil as well as shale oil reserves. The US agribusiness giant Cargill is particularly active in Ukraine, investing in grain elevators, animal feed, a major egg producer, and agribusiness firm, UkrLandFarming, as well as the Black Sea port at Novorossiysk. The very active US-Ukraine Business Council includes executives of Monsanto, John Deere, agriculture equipment-maker CNH Industrial, DuPont Pioneer, Eli Lilly & Company. Monsanto plans to build a $140 million “non-GMO corn seed plant in Ukraine,” evidently targeting the GMO-shy European market. It was in her speech at a Chevron-sponsored meeting of the US-Ukraine Business Council a year ago that Victoria Nuland mentioned the five billion dollars spent by the US in the last twenty years to win over Ukraine.

On December 2, President Poroshenko swore in three foreigners as cabinet ministers: an American, a Lithuanian and a Georgian. He granted them Ukrainian citizenship a few minutes before the ceremony.

US born Natalie Jaresko is Ukraine’s new Finance Minister. With a Ukrainian family background and degrees from Harvard and DePaul universities, Jaresko went from the State Department to Kiev when Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union, in order to head the economic department of the newly opened US embassy. Three years later she left the US Embassy to head the US government-financed Western NIS Enterprise Fund. In 2004 she established her own equity fund. As a supporter of the 2004 Orange Revolution, she served on “Orange” victor President Viktor Yushchenko’s Foreign Investors Advisory Council.

Lithuanian investment banker Aivaras Abromavicius is the new Economy Minister, putting government economic policy clearly under US influence, or rather control.

The new Health Minister, Aleksandr Kvitashvili from Georgia, is US-educated and does not speak Ukrainian. He had served as health minister in his native Georgia, when US puppet Mikheil Saakashvili was President.

The US grip on Ukraine’s economy is now complete. The stage is set to begin fracking, perhaps transforming Hunter Biden into Ukraine’s newest oligarch.

Nobody is mentioning this, but the controversial trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine, whose postponement set off the Maidan protests leading to the US-steered February 22 coup d’état, removes trade barriers, allowing free entry into EU countries of agricultural exports produced in Ukraine by US corporations. The Ukrainian government is deeply in debt, but that will not prevent American corporations from making huge profits in that low-wage, regulation-free and fertile country. European grain producers, such as France, may find themselves severely damaged by the cheap competition.

The Russophobic Kiev government’s assault on Southeastern Ukraine is killing the country’s industrial sector, whose markets were in Russia. But to Kiev’s rulers from Western Ukraine, that does not matter. The death of old industry can help keep wages low and profits high.

Just as Americans decisively took control of the Ukrainian economy, Putin announced cancellation of the South Stream gas pipeline project. The deal was signed in 2007 between Gazprom and the Italian petrochemical company ENI, in order to ensure Russian gas deliveries to the Balkans, Austria and Italy by bypassing Ukraine, whose unreliability as a transit country had been demonstrated by repeated failure to pay bills or syphoning of gas intended for Europe for its own use. The German Wintershall and the French EDF also invested in South Stream.

In recent months, US representatives began to put pressure on the European countries involved to back out of the deal. South Stream was a potential life-saver for Serbia, still impoverished by the results of NATO bombing and fire-sale giveaways of its privatized industries to foreign buyers. Aside from much-needed jobs and energy security, Serbia was in line to earn 500 million euros in annual transit fees. Belgrade resisted warnings that Serbia must go along with EU foreign policy against Russia in order to retain its status as candidate to join the E.U.

The weak link was Bulgaria, earmarked for similar benefits as the landing point of the pipeline. US Ambassador to Sofia Marcie Ries started warning Bulgarian businessmen that they could suffer from doing business with Russian companies under sanctions. The retiring president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso from Portugal, who used to be a “Maoist” back when “Maoism” was the cover for opposition to Soviet-backed liberation movements in Portugal’s African colonies, threatened Bulgaria with EU proceedings for irregularities in South Stream contracts. This refers to EU rules against allowing the same company to produce and transfer gas. In short, the EU was attempting to apply its own rules retroactively to a contract signed with a non-EU country before the rules were adopted.

Finally, John McCain flew into Sofia to browbeat the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Plamen Oresharski, to pull out of the deal, leaving South Stream out in the Black Sea without a point of entry onto the Balkan mainland.

This is all very funny considering that a favorite current US war propaganda theme against Russia is that Gazprom is a nefarious political weapon used by Putin to “coerce” and “bully” Europe.

The only evidence is that Russia has repeatedly called on Ukraine to pay its long-overdo gas bills. In vain.

Cancellation of South Stream amounts to a belated blow to Serbia from NATO. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic bewailed the loss of South Stream, noting that: “We are paying the price of a conflict between big powers”.

Italian partners to the deal are also very unhappy at the big losses. But EU officials and media are, as usual, blaming it all on Putin.

Perhaps, when you are repeatedly insulted and made to feel unwelcome, you go away. Putin took his gas pipeline project to Turkey and immediately sold it to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. This looks like a good deal for Russia, and for Turkey, but the whole affair remains ominous.

Russian oil as a means of coercion? If Putin could use Gazprom to get Erdogan to change his policy on Syria, and drop his determination to overthrow Bachar al Assad, in order to defeat the Islamic State fanatics, that would be an excellent outcome. But so far, there is no sign of such a development.

The switch from the Balkans to Turkey deepens the gulf between Russia and Western Europe, which in the long run is harmful to both. But it also sharpens the economic inequality between Northern and Southern Europe. Germany still gets gas deliveries from Russia, notably from Gerhard Schroeder’s co-project with Putin, Nord Stream. But Southern European countries, already in deep crisis caused largely by the euro, are left out in the cold. This turn of events might contribute to the political revolt that is growing in those countries.

As voices were being raised in Italy complaining that anti-Russian sanctions were hurting Europe but leaving the United States unscathed, Europeans could take comfort in kind words from the Nobel Peace Prize winner in the White House, who praised the European Union for doing the right thing, even though it is “tough on the European economy”.

In a speech to leading CEOs on December 3, Obama said the sanctions were intended to change Putin’s “mindset”, but didn’t think this would succeed. He is waiting for “the politics inside Russia” to “catch up with what’s happening in the economy, which is why we are going to continue to maintain that pressure.” This was another way of saying that stealing Russia’s natural gas market, forcing Europe to enact sanctions, and getting Washington’s bigoted stooges in Saudi Arabia to bring down petroleum prices by flooding the market, are all intended to make the Russian people blame Putin enough to get rid of him. Regime change, in short.

On December 4, the US House of Representatives officially exposed the US motive behind this mess by adopting what must surely be the worst piece of legislation ever adopted: Resolution 758. The Resolution is a compendium of all the lies floated against Vladimir Putin and Russia over the past year. Never perhaps have so many lies been crammed into a single official document of that length. And yet, this war propaganda was endorsed by a vote of 411 to 10. If, despite this call for war between two nuclear powers, there are still historians in the future, they must judge this resolution as proof of the total failure of the intelligence, honesty and sense of responsibility of the political system that Washington is trying to force on the entire world

Ron Paul has written an excellent analysis of this shameful document.

Whatever one may think of Paul’s domestic policies, on international affairs he stands out as a lone – very lone – voice of reason. (Yes, there was Dennis Kucinich too, but they got rid of him by gerrymandering his district off the map.)

After a long list of “Whereas” lies, insults and threats, we get the crass commercial side of this dangerous campaign. The House calls on European countries to “reduce the ability of the Russian Federation to use its supply of energy as a means of applying political and economic pressure on other countries, including by promoting increased natural gas and other energy exports from the United States and other countries” and “urges the President to expedite the United States Department of Energy’s approval of liquefied natural gas exports to Ukraine and other European countries”.

The Congress is ready to risk and even promote nuclear war, but when it comes to the “bottom line”, it is a matter of stealing Russia’s natural gas market by what so far is a bluff: shale gas obtained by US fracking.

Worse Than Cold War

The neocons who manipulate America’s clueless politicians have not got us into a new Cold War. It is much worse. The long rivalry with the Soviet Union was “Cold” because of MAD, Mutual Assured Destruction. Both Washington and Moscow were perfectly aware that “Hot” war meant nuclear exchanges that would destroy everybody.

This time around, the United States thinks it already “won” the Cold War and seems to be drunk with self-confidence that it can win again. It is upgrading its nuclear weapons force and building a “nuclear shield” on Russia’s border whose only purpose can be to give the United States a first strike capacity – the ability to knock out any Russian retaliation against a US nuclear attack. This cannot work, but it weakens deterrence.

The danger of outright war between the two nuclear powers is actually much greater than during the Cold War. We are now in a sort of Frozen War, because nothing the Russians say or do can have any effect. The neocons who manufacture US policy behind the scenes have invented a totally fictional story about Russian “aggression” which the President of the United States, the mass media and now the Congress have accepted and endorsed. Russian leaders have responded with honesty, truth and common sense, remaining calm despite the invective thrown at them. It has done no good whatsoever. The positions are frozen. When reason fails, force follows. Sooner or later.

Shocker: Up to 30,000 Lois Lerner Emails “Recovered” “Does anyone else find it funny that suddenly – shortly after midterm elections – these emails have been recovered”


Lily Dane
Activist Post

Well, well, well…what have we here?
Here’s what the Washington Examiner reported today:

Up to 30,000 missing emails sent by former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner have been recovered by the IRS inspector general, five months after they were deemed lost forever.

The U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed congressional staffers from several committees on Friday that the emails were found among hundreds of “disaster recovery tapes” that were used to back up the IRS email system.

Does anyone else find it funny that suddenly – shortly after midterm elections – these emails have been recovered?
Is this timing a coincidence? I doubt it.
Remember, back in June, the IRS told us that they could not locate most of Lois Lerner’s emails. Lerner is a key figure in the Tea Party targeting scandal. The agency said that a computer crash in 2011 caused an untold number of emails to be wiped out.

Then the Watchdog organization Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request for the documents, and naturally, the IRS refused to provide them. It was only after the group filed a lawsuit that they were able to obtain the documents – which were quite damning:

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explained the implications of the new information:
“These new documents show that officials in the IRS headquarters were responsible for the illegal delays of Tea Party applications. It is disturbing to see Lois Lerner mislead the IRS’ internal investigators about her office’s Tea Party targeting.  These documents also confirm the unprecedented pressure from congressional Democrats to go after President Obama’s political opponents.  The IRS scandal has now ensnared Congress.”

The IRS claimed to have gone to great lengths to try to recover data from Lerner’s computer in 2011:

In emails provided by the IRS, technicians said they sent the computer to a forensic lab run by the agency’s criminal investigations unit. But to no avail.
The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 82 other IRS employees.
But an untold number are gone. Camp’s office said the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, “such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices.”
Anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist called the episode “the worst attempt to blame technology in service of a cover-up since the infamous 18-minute gap” in former President Richard Nixon’s Watergate tapes.

In July, two US District Court judges ordered the IRS to start coughing up some answers. One judge gave IRS officials an August 10 deadline to provide a declaration – signed by an IRS official,  under oath – explaining exactly how the agency managed to “lose” two years’ worth of Lerner’s emails. Another judge gave the IRS until July 18 to find out what happened to the crashed hard drive responsible for erasing two years worth of Lerner’s emails. He also wanted to know if the hard drive is traceable through a serial number. If the information was truly gone, that judge said he wanted an affidavit written under penalty of perjury by an IRS IT professional with “firsthand knowledge” of the situation.
Then, surprise! In August, Department of Justice attorneys for the IRS admitted that Lois Lerner’s emails DO exist on a backup server, but said they would be hard to find.

Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe.  The Obama administration attorneys said that this back-up system would be too onerous to search.
The DOJ attorneys also acknowledged that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) is investigating this back-up system.

And now, here’s what a Congressional aide told the Washington Examiner:

“They just said it took them several weeks and some forensic effort to get these emails off these tapes.”

TIGTA said it will take a few weeks to sort through the emails. Private taxpayer information will need to be redacted before the emails are presented to Congress.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said late Friday that his committee is ready to examine those emails, and said he was hopeful they might shed light on how Lerner operated:

“Though it is unclear whether TIGTA has found all of the missing Lois Lerner emails, there may be significant information in this discovery,” he said. “The Oversight Committee will be looking for information about her mindset and who she was communicating with outside the IRS during a critical period of time when the IRS was targeting conservative groups.”

So much for a “phony” scandal. Looks like this is about to become more real than ever.
Lily Dane is a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple, where this first appeared. Her goal is to help people to “Wake the Flock Up!”

Shocker: Up to 30,000 Lois Lerner Emails “Recovered”
Sun, 23 Nov 2014 15:36:00 GMT

Obamacare = A Death Panel For The U.S. Economy


Michael Snyder
Activist Post
Did you know that some Americans are being hit with health insurance rate increases of more than 500 percent?
Taking advantage of “the stupidity of the American voter”, the Democrats succeeded in ramming through one of the worst pieces of legislation that has ever come before Congress.
The full implementation of Obamacare has been repeatedly delayed, but now we are finally starting to see the true horror of this terrible law.  Thanks to Obamacare, millions of American families are losing health plans that they were very happy with, health insurance rates are skyrocketing, millions of workers are having their full-time hours cut back to part-time hours, rural hospitals all over the country are dying, and thousands of doctors are being driven out of the industry thus intensifying the greatest doctor shortage in U.S. history.
Obamacare is a slow-motion train wreck of epic proportions, and the full effect of this law is only beginning to be felt.  In the end, the economic impact of this law will likely be measured in the trillions of dollars.
One of the primary reasons why Democrats experienced so much pain during the recent elections was because millions of Americans are receiving some very disturbing letters from their health insurance providers.  At a time when U.S. incomes are stagnating, health insurance rates are rising to absolutely ridiculous levels.

As the New York Times recently reported, even the Obama administration is admitting that “substantial price increases” are on the way…

The Obama administration on Friday unveiled data showing that many Americans with health insurance bought under the Affordable Care Act could face substantial price increases next year — in some cases as much as 20 percent — unless they switch plans.

The data became available just hours before the health insurance marketplace was to open to buyers seeking insurance for 2015.

An analysis of the data by The New York Times suggests that although consumers will often be able to find new health plans with prices comparable to those they now pay, the situation varies greatly from state to state and even among counties in the same state.

Originally, Barack Obama promised that if we liked our current health plans that we could keep them.  Well, it turns out that was not true at all.  Instead, the vast majority of us will eventually have to move to new plans if we have not done so already.  This is particularly true for those that purchase health insurance individually.  The following is an excerpt from an NBC News investigation

Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC News that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”

This is something that actually happened to me.  I received a letter in the mail informing me that my new health insurance policy which meets the requirements of Obamacare will cost me nearly twice as much as my old one.
Needless to say, I was not too thrilled about that.
Other Americans are being hit even harder.  For instance, one family down in Texas got hammered with a 539 percent rate increase

Obamacare is named the “Affordable Care Act,” after all, and the President promised the rates would be “as low as a phone bill.” But I just received a confirmed letter from a friend in Texas showing a 539% rate increase on an existing policy that’s been in good standing for years.

As the letter reveals (see below), the cost for this couple’s policy under Humana is increasing from $212.10 per month to $1,356.60 per month. This is for a couple in good health whose combined income is less than $70K — a middle-class family, in other words.

These rate increases are coming at a time when the middle class in the U.S. is already steadily shrinking.  A lot of families that are already stretched to the breaking point are making the very painful decision to give up health insurance entirely.  At this point, there are millions of families that simply cannot afford it.
But Obama is not about to let those people off the hook.  In fact, huge tax penalties are on the way for those that do not participate in the new system…

Penalties for failing to secure a health-insurance plan will rise steeply next year, which could take a big bite out of some families’ pocketbooks.

The penalty is meant to incentivize people to get coverage,” said senior analyst Laura Adams of “This year, I think a lot of people are going to be in for a shock.

In 2014, Obamacare’s first year, individuals are facing a penalty of $95 per person, or 1 percent of their income, depending on which is higher. If an American failed to get coverage this year, that penalty will be taken out of their tax refund in early 2015, Adams noted.

While that might be painful to some uninsured Americans who are counting on their tax refunds in early 2015, the penalty for going uninsured next year is even harsher. The financial penalty for skipping out on health coverage will more than triple to $325 per person in 2015, or 2 percent of income, depending on whichever is higher.

Children will be fined at half the adult rate, or $162.50 for those under 18 years old.

No wonder so many people are so angry with the Democrats.
And as Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber has so infamously observed, Obamacare never would have become law if the American people had been told the truth about what it would do to them.
It has been documented that Gruber has visited the White House about a dozen times since 2009, and he has been one of the leading intellectual proponents of Obamacare.  A video in which he states that “the stupidity of the American voter” was “really critical” to the passage of Obamacare has gone viral over the past week.  I have posted a copy of this video below…

What he is essentially saying is that the Democrats purposely deceived the American people because it was the only way that Obamacare was going to become law.
And this is a man that has become very wealthy advising government on healthcare matters.  According to an article in the Washington Post, he has made millions of dollars from “consulting” in recent years…

Not all of the contracts could be found on public Web sites, but here is a sampling. In some cases, Gruber worked with other consultants, so the fees were shared. These figures also might not represent the final payout, and of course these are gross figures, before expenses. But it’s safe to say that about $400,000 appears to be the standard rate for gaining access to the Gruber Microsimulation Model.

Michigan: $481,050
Minnesota: $329,000
Vermont: $400,000
Wisconsin: $400,000

Gruber has also earned more than $2 million over the last seven years for an ongoing contract with HHS to assess choices made by the elderly in Medicare’s prescription-drug plan.

If you are Gruber, life is quite good.
But for most of the rest of America, the economic pain continues.
For example, one recent study found that almost half of all Floridians cannot even afford “to pay for basic necessities”…

Nearly half of Florida households do not earn enough to pay for basic necessities, according to a report released Tuesday by the United Way that seeks to cast a light on the large group of state residents who struggle financially but do not meet the official criteria for being in poverty.

While 15 percent of Florida households are below the poverty level, another 30 percent are financially insecure — a figure that also applies to Sarasota and Manatee counties — based on a new measurement developed by the United Way.

If all those people cannot even afford the basics, how are they going to pay for Obamacare?
This law is going to financially cripple millions of American families.  It truly is a death panel for the U.S. economy.  And because Barack Obama can veto anything that the Republicans in Congress do, we are stuck with it for at least another two years (and probably longer).
So what about you?
Have your health insurance premiums gone up yet?
Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…
This article first appeared here at the Economic Collapse Blog.  Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.

Obamacare = A Death Panel For The U.S. Economy
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 13:13:00 GMT

GET RID OF THE TWO PARTY TRAITOR SYMPTOM!! – Possible Rules Change Could Punish Boehner Dissidents –

Possible Rules Change Could Punish Boehner Dissidents –

Possible Rules Change Could Punish Boehner Dissidents

Plan floated to strip committee slots from members who rebel during floor vote for speaker.

Allies of John Boehner want to avoid a repeat of the 2013 floor vote for House speaker.(Photo by Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

September 19, 2014 House Republicans are quietly discussing a proposal that could fundamentally alter the way future speakers of the House are chosen, according to multiple GOP sources, with the objective of avoiding a repeat of John Boehner’s embarrassing reelection vote in 2013.

The rule tweak began as an informal discussion but has morphed into a concrete proposal that is beginning to circulate in the House. According to people briefed on it, any Republican who votes on the House floor in January against the conference’s nominee for House speaker—that is, the candidate chosen by a majority of the House GOP during its closed-door leadership elections in November—would be severely punished. Specifically, sources say, any dissenters would be stripped of all committee assignments for that Congress.
“There’s a real concern that there’s between 30 and 40 people that would vote against the speaker on the House floor, so they’re trying to change the conference rules to make sure that doesn’t happen,” said a GOP member familiar with the proposal.
At the same, time, according to sources, conservative lawmakers are discussing something of a counter-proposal. Under their plan, the November leadership elections would be pushed back until after the lame-duck session of Congress ends in December. This idea was described by one House conservative as a preemptive strike to warn leadership not to consider any significant legislation during the 15-day “lame-duck” period between November’s midterm elections and the start of the new Congress.
This proposal, in light of the proposed pelaties for voting against the speaker in January, could also be aimed at giving a challenger additional time to organize supporters for the conference elections.
Even if the first proposal is adopted, Republicans would still be allowed to vote for anyone in those closed-door internal elections, during which members choose their leadership officials for the next Congress. But once a majority of the conference has voted for their candidate as speaker, that decision will be final. When the House holds its chamber-wide vote for speaker on the first day of the new Congress, all Republicans will be expected to support the party’s nominee. Next year, barring any surprise development, Boehner will be that nominee.
It’s unclear the degree to which leadership is involved with pushing the proposal. According to Republicans close to the situation, the plan was not authored by or circulated within Boehner’s team. Instead, they say, the speaker’s allies in the rank-and-file are promoting the idea as a way to avoid another awkward display of intra-party rivalry at the start of the 114th Congress. Still, it’s difficult to imagine Boehner’s friends moving forward with such a drastic plan without his approval, if not support.
“There are members frustrated with other members about what happened last time,” said a senior Republican.
Twelve House Republicans refused to vote for Boehner’s reelection in January 2013 at the outset of the 113th Congress. This level of dissent was insufficient to oust Boehner from the speakership, but served to embarrass the speaker and publicly air the party’s dirty laundry. The incident infuriated Boehner’s allies, who claimed no opposition was voiced privately during the conference elections—an affront to the traditional process of keeping internal campaigns private.
Still, even with plenty of members still upset over that 2013 incident, adopting this proposal won’t be easy. A majority of House Republicans must vote for any change to the conference rules, and some lawmakers would certainly oppose the change. Such sweeping punitive measures would be difficult to keep under wraps, such as Boehner and the Steering Committee did in late 2012 when three outspoken conservatives were kicked off committees for failing to support party initiatives.
“The speaker at any one point in time has probably 90 to 100 votes, for sure. So it’s just a matter of making the case to a mere 20 folks or so and get the rule changed. But I think there would be a lot of people who would still vote for the speaker, but would have a real hard time with that kind of rule change,” said the first Republican member.
The timing of this proposed rule tweak is especially interesting. Nobody is expected to compete with Boehner for the speakership next Congress, much less beat him. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, has quietly considered a campaign against Boehner. But Hensarling’s allies argue that Eric Cantor’s resignation this summer, which triggered a leadership shake-up and fortified Boehner’s position atop the conference, make it highly unlikely Hensarling will seek the speakership.
“I don’t think you’ll see that kind of drama,” Rep. Paul Ryan, a close friend of Hensarling, told National Journal earlier this month. “I think Jeb would look at it if there were an open seat. But I don’t think an open seat is going to occur.”
It seems, then, the proposal is aimed more broadly at preventing another contentious leadership election that feeds the narrative about divisions within the GOP. And it may be aimed particularly at freshmen entering the House next year, some of whom have said on the campaign trail that they would refuse to vote for Boehner. Tea-party-aligned candidates in Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina have already said they will not support the speaker.
It also comes as members close to the speaker have been circling the wagons over the last few months. Reps. Devin Nunes, Pat Tiberi, and Tom Cole, some of Boehner’s inner circle, have been trying to force members to pay their dues to the National Republican Congressional Committee, and if they don’t they don’t get to sit on A-level committees, such as Ways and Means.
On that topic, Capitol Hill has also been abuzz in recent days about the other potential procedural changes — pushing back the conference leadership elections.
Conservatives could make the case that members won’t have sufficient evidence by which to judge the new leadership team that took over in late June. And, indeed, some already have hinted that Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise — the new majority leader and majority whip, respectively — should be evaluated primarily by their decision-making during the lame-duck period.
Still, it’s difficult to imagine a majority of the conference supporting such a proposal. From a logistical standpoint, rescheduling the conference elections—which traditionally overlap with freshmen orientation, so that incoming members may participate—could prove impossible at this late stage.
More importantly, most Republicans are calling for unity heading into the next session of Congress, and several leading conservatives acknowledged Thursday that there likely won’t be a contested leadership race anyway.
“I don’t see anybody right now going forward and mounting a challenge to the speaker,” said Rep. Raul Labrador, who lost his bid this summer for majority leader.

The rule tweak began as an informal discussion but has morphed into a concrete proposal that is beginning to circulate in the House. According to people briefed on it, any Republican who votes on the House floor in January against the conference’s nominee for House speaker—that is, the candidate chosen by a majority of the House GOP during its closed-door leadership elections in November—would be severely punished. Specifically, sources say, any dissenters would be stripped of all committee assignments for that Congress.

“There’s a real concern that there’s between 30 and 40 people that would vote against the speaker on the House floor, so they’re trying to change the conference rules to make sure that doesn’t happen,” said a GOP member familiar with the proposal.

At the same, time, according to sources, conservative lawmakers are discussing something of a counter-proposal. Under their plan, the November leadership elections would be pushed back until after the lame-duck session of Congress ends in December. This idea was described by one House conservative as a preemptive strike to warn leadership not to consider any significant legislation during the 15-day period between November’s midterm elections and the start of the new Congress in January.

This idea, in light of the proposed pelaties for voting against the speaker in January, could also be aimed at giving potential challengers additional time to organize support for the conference elections. Because it would need to be assented to by the current leadership, it stands almost no chance of being implemented.

Even if the first proposal is adopted, Republicans would still be allowed to vote for anyone in those closed-door internal elections, during which members choose their leadership officials for the next Congress. But once a majority of the conference has voted for their candidate as speaker, that decision will be final. When the House holds its chamber-wide vote for speaker on the first day of the new Congress, all Republicans will be expected to support the party’s nominee. Next year, barring any surprise development, Boehner will be that nominee.

It’s unclear the degree to which leadership is involved with pushing the proposal. According to Republicans close to the situation, the plan was not authored by or circulated within Boehner’s team. Instead, they say, the speaker’s allies in the rank-and-file are promoting the idea as a way to avoid another awkward display of intra-party rivalry at the start of the 114th Congress. Still, it’s difficult to imagine Boehner’s friends moving forward with such a drastic plan without his approval, if not support.

“There are members frustrated with other members about what happened last time,” said a senior Republican.

Twelve House Republicans refused to vote for Boehner’s reelection in January 2013 at the outset of the 113th Congress. This level of dissent was insufficient to oust Boehner from the speakership, but served to embarrass the speaker and publicly air the party’s dirty laundry. The incident infuriated Boehner’s allies, who claimed no opposition was voiced privately during the conference elections—an affront to the traditional process of keeping internal campaigns private.

Still, even with plenty of members still upset over that 2013 incident, adopting this proposal won’t be easy. A majority of House Republicans must vote for any change to the conference rules, and some lawmakers would certainly oppose the change. Such sweeping punitive measures would be difficult to keep under wraps, such as Boehner and the Steering Committee did in late 2012 when three outspoken conservatives were kicked off committees for failing to support party initiatives.

“The speaker at any one point in time has probably 90 to 100 votes, for sure. So it’s just a matter of making the case to a mere 20 folks or so and get the rule changed. But I think there would be a lot of people who would still vote for the speaker, but would have a real hard time with that kind of rule change,” said the first Republican member.

Rep. Raul Labrador, one of the 12 who refused to vote for Boehner’s reelection last year, called the idea “terribly misguided.”


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“It would create more division and actually encourage people to vote against Boehner on the floor,” said Labrador, who earlier this year failed to win Cantor’s leadership post in a special election.

The timing of this proposed rule tweak is especially interesting. Nobody is expected to compete with Boehner for the speakership next Congress, much less beat him. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, has quietly considered a campaign against Boehner. But Hensarling’s allies argue that Eric Cantor’s resignation this summer, which triggered a leadership shake-up and fortified Boehner’s position atop the conference, make it highly unlikely Hensarling will seek the speakership.

“I don’t think you’ll see that kind of drama,” Rep. Paul Ryan, a close friend of Hensarling, toldNational Journal earlier this month. “I think Jeb would look at it if there were an open seat. But I don’t think an open seat is going to occur.”

It seems, then, the proposal is meant more broadly to prevent another contentious leadership election that feeds the narrative about divisions within the GOP. And it may be aimed particularly at freshmen entering the House next year, some of whom have said on the campaign trail that they would refuse to vote for Boehner. Tea-party-aligned candidates in Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina have already said they will not support the speaker.

It also comes as members close to the speaker have been circling the wagons over the last few months. Reps. Devin Nunes, Pat Tiberi, and Tom Cole, some of Boehner’s inner circle, have been trying to force members to pay their dues to the National Republican Congressional Committee, and if they don’t they don’t get to sit on A-level committees, such as Ways and Means.

Capitol Hill has also been abuzz in recent days about the other potential procedural change being discussed — pushing back the conference leadership elections.

Conservatives could make the case that members won’t have sufficient evidence by which to judge the new leadership team that took over in late June. And, indeed, some already have hinted that Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise — the new majority leader and majority whip, respectively — should be evaluated primarily by their decision-making during the lame-duck period.

Still, it’s difficult to imagine a majority of the conference supporting such a proposal. From a logistical standpoint, rescheduling the conference elections—which traditionally overlap with freshmen orientation, so that incoming members may participate—could prove impossible at this late stage.

More importantly, most Republicans are calling for unity heading into the next session of Congress, and several leading conservatives acknowledged Thursday that there likely won’t be a contested leadership race anyway.

“I don’t see anybody right now going forward and mounting a challenge to the speaker,” Labrador said.

What is all the hub bub with Citizens United? You may be very surprised!

Citizens United : Dedicated to restoring our government to citizen control.

Who We Are

Citizens United is an organization dedicated to restoring our government to citizens’ control. Through a combination of education, advocacy, and grass roots organization, Citizens United seeks to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security. Citizens United’s goal is to restore the founding fathers’ vision of a free nation, guided by the honesty, common sense, and good will of its citizens.

What We Do

Citizens United has a variety of different projects that help it uniquely and successfully fulfill its mission. Citizens United is well known for producing high-impact, sometimes controversial, but always fact-based documentaries filled with interviews of experts and leaders in their fields.
Citizens United Productions (CUP) is the documentary film production and marketing arm of Citizens United. CUP has produced films with Newt & Callista Gingrich, Dick Morris, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Fred Thompson, and many other stars of the conservative movement. Many of our films have won film festival awards, including Perfect Valor (Best Documentary at the GI Film Festival) and Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny (Remi Award at Houston Worldfest International Festival).
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Citizens United Foundation (CUF) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit dedicated to informing the American people about public policy issues which relate to traditional American values: strong national defense, Constitutionally limited government, free market economics, belief in God and Judeo-Christian values, and the recognition of the family as the basic social unit of our society. CUF does not involve itself in any political campaigns, lobbying, or other activities.
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Citizens United Political Victory Fund exists to support true conservative candidates running for federal office through direct candidate advocacy and contributions, based on our in-depth candidate research and surveys.

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Citizens United is an organization dedicated to restoring our government to citizens’ control. We pride ourselves on being vigorous defenders of your views and we achieve results using a variety of tools. Citizens United produces some of the most hard-hitting and influential television commercials, web advertisements, and documentaries available. These products delve deeply into the issues that matter most to the future of our country, striking a chord with people that helps awaken them to the importance of a limited government, individual responsibility, free market economy, and traditional American values.

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Citizens United is able to run targeted commercials that help fight for the principles that make our nation great. One effort Citizens United ran was a series of television commercials shown across the state of Iowa. The commercials advertised our film Fire from the Heartland, telling Iowans of the importance of conservative principles and principled female conservative leaders like Clare Booth Luce, Phyllis Schlafly, Ann Coulter, Michele Bachmann, and Michelle Malkin. These commercials not only help get viewers to buy our films, it helps Americans learn what policies are best for our country’s future.

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Web ads, like our 800-pound gorilla in the room (our national debt), have helped shape the debate on the issues that matter most to conservatives. 

Citizens United Documentary Films
Citizens United documentaries are produced in house by a production team that rivals many in Hollywood. The awards for and occasional controversy surrounding our films speak to their quality, reach, and impact. Here are some of our better-known titles.

The Gift of Life

  • Winner of three Telly Awards for film excellence: Silver for Religion/Spirituality, Bronze for Social Issues, and Bronze for Videography/Cinematography
  • Texas Governor Rick Perry credited the film with changing his views on abortion
  • calls it an “inspirational film” and Concerned Women for America says it’s “outstanding.”
  • Winner of the Gold Remi Award for Social/Economic Issues at the WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival
  • Rep. Thaddeus McCotter calls Fire From the Heartland “…required viewing for anyone honestly interested in the roots of the Tea Party phenomenon and the future of American conservatism.”
  • Human Events says Fire from the Heartland “shows conservative women for what they truly are: capable, powerful, strong and diverse women.”
  • Gold Camera Award at the U.S. International Film Festival
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  • Special Jury Remi Award at Worldfest: Houston International Film Festival
  • Greta Van Susteren from Fox News’ On the Record with Greta Van Susteren: “It’s a great movie. It’s fascinating, and it’s also a piece of history.”
  • Polish Version of the Film: Finalist for Best Documentary at Mirabile Dictu International Catholic Film Festival at the Vatican
  • Best Documentary at the GI Film Festival; Major Norman Hatch Award at the Marine Corps Heritage Festival
  • Silver Remi Award at Worldfest: Houston International Film and Video Festival
  • Silver Remi Award at Worldfest: Houston International Film and Video Festival
  • Described by the Washington Times as a “…90-minute documentary (that) reminds us of the charismatic power and extraordinary educational capabilities Mr. Reagan brought to the presidency.”
  • The movie that led to the U.S. Supreme Court case, Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission. The case has been heralded as the greatest free speech victory of the last decade.

BREAKING: Court Shuts Down Eric Holder Over Voter ID

Attorney Gen. Holder Speaks At The Justice Dept's Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration

August 10, 2014

Voter ID laws are a pretty simple concept that enjoy widespread support.  Voter ID laws simply state that anyone showing up to vote at the polls must provide a valid ID of some sort, to prove that they are who they claim to be.

Voter ID laws help prevent and cut down on voter fraud, and help to protect the integrity of elections.  Progressive Democrats abhor voter ID laws, and Attorney General Eric Holder has attacked such laws in multiple states, claiming they are racist and prevent minorities from voting.

But the only thing racist about voter ID laws is the liberal assumption that minorities are somehow unable to obtain some sort of ID.  This despite the fact that most states will offer a simple voter ID card for free, and the ubiquitous nature of ID cards in general society already, as ID cards are required for most business conducted day to day.

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Attorney General Eric Holder had sued North Carolina over their voter ID law, making his usual claim that the law was racist and discriminatory against minorities, putting an undue burden on them that prevented them from exercising their right to vote.  According toWestern Journalism, a federal District Court in North Carolina thought differently, and flat out rejected Holder’s argument.

Tom Fitton, of Judicial Watch, called this decision a huge setback for Eric Holder’s war against voter ID, saying “It is an embarrassing defeat for the Holder Justice Department. The court’s decision eviscerates Eric Holder’s politicized and racially inflammatory legal assault on commonsense election integrity measures. The court expressly rejected the Department of Justice’s contention that minorities are harmed by commonsense measures that help secure honest elections. The court’s dramatic rejection of Holder’s legal theory shows that that the DOJ’s lawsuit, which was coordinated with political activists at the White House, was always more about cynical political and racial appeals than upholding the law.”

This is huge news, and fits with the continuing trend of court defeats for the administration. Wisconsin’s voter ID law was recently upheld, with similar arguments against it being rejected by the court.

There is nothing racist or discriminatory about requiring voters to prove they are citizens that are properly registered to vote, before allowing them to vote.  The honesty and integrity of our democratic system depends upon it.

Do you think voters should have to show an ID before being allowed to vote?

Republicans and Democrats Working Together to Rewrite the Constitution

Tuesday, 09 September 2014 11:51

Republicans and Democrats Working Together to Rewrite the Constitution

Written by  Christian Gomez

Republicans and Democrats Working Together to Rewrite the Constitution

Many conservative Americans who support a modern-day constitutional convention, a.k.a. a “Convention of the States,” sincerely believe that the states will be able to control what happens should such a convention be convened and that the agenda would be limited to a predetermined “conservative” agenda, such as balancing the federal budget. Yet the evidence continues to mount that this is mere wishful thinking. As a little-publicized meeting late this spring clearly demonstrated, conservative state legislators who fashion themselves the founding fathers of a new convention recognize that they must make their “tent” big enough to include liberal Democrats in order to succeed.

On June 12-13, 2014, the Indiana State Legislature hosted what its organizers termed a “write the rules convention,” composed of both Republicans and progressive Democrats, to prepare for a future Article V “convention of the states.”

This “rules convention” was the product of the Assembly of State Legislatures (ASL), which describes itself as “a bipartisan group of currently serving state legislators from across the country who recognize that the states have a responsibility under federalism to work together to solve problems of national concern.”

Formerly known as the Mount Vernon Assembly and renamed at the June meeting, ASL appears to be the brainchild of Republican State Representative Chris Kapenga of Wisconsin. Both Kapenga’s and ASL’s desired goal is to bring about an amendments convention as provided for in the Constitution’s Article V: “The Congress … on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress.” (Emphasis added.)

Said and Unsaid

The June 12 ASL session opened with prayer and pledge in the House of Representatives Chamber of the Indiana Statehouse, followed by elaboration by Kapenga on some of the background of Article V and how the states can utilize it to amend the Constitution. Asserting that this would be a purely state-led and state-directed process, Kapenga proceeded to quote from Alexander Hamilton’s The Federalist, No. 85, which addresses Article V: “The words of this article are peremptory. The Congress ‘shall call a convention.’ Nothing in this particular is left to the discretion of that body.”

Since “The Federalist Papers are not [the] governing documents of our country,” as Democratic State Representative Raymond Dehn of Minnesota pointed out, Kapenga and other pro Article V convention advocates cannot use the above quote from Hamilton to definitively lay to rest any concerns or fears of potential congressional involvement and influence over an actual Article V convention.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution, which unlike the Federalist Papers is the nation’s primary governing document, specifically states: “The Congress shall have Power … To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or office thereof.” (Emphasis added.)

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution lists the various powers specifically granted to Congress, among which are the power to “establish Post Offices and post Roads,” “declare war,” and “provide and maintain a Navy.” Regarding the latter, since Congress has the power to “provide and maintain a Navy,” Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 grants Congress the power to do what is “necessary and proper” to exercise this power ­— meaning the establishment of naval academies to train officers and sailors; the creation of shipyards to construct, refit, and repair warships; and the hiring and training of engineers to build, design, and operate those vessels. Clause 18 is not limited to only those “foregoing powers” listed in Article I, Section 8, but to “all other powers vested by this Constitution,” including Article V.

This means that under Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 Congress is granted the power to “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution” Article V’s constitutional mandate that Congress, “on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments.” Constitutionally, Congress has and will execute all the powers it deems necessary for calling a convention. This would likely include choosing the location and date of the convention, allocation of delegates from the states (whether proportional by population, congressional district, one per state, etc.), the method of ratification for any proposed amendments to the Constitution, and all other preliminary rules associated with the convention.

Put simply, the power to establish such rules resides exclusively with Congress. It is not a state-led process as Kapenga and others in the pro-Article V camp maintain.

Of course, once an Article V convention actually convenes, it would then be free to create its own agenda, including possibly even coming up with a new ratification process, as was the case with the Constitutional Convention of 1787. But this historical fact underscores even more the fact that the states cannot bind the work of the convention.

Speaking about the nature and purpose of the two-day Indianapolis meeting, Kapenga told the state legislators in attendance that their current assembly meeting “does not trigger Article V authority or involvement of Congress, because remember the Article V authority is to amend.” Kapenga continued, “We are not touching amendments at this convention. This is a write the rules convention.” (Emphasis added.)

Kapenga and the other state legislators behind the ASL view their two-day gathering in Indianapolis as already being a “new legislative body” or “convention,” the same type of convention as an Article V convention, which they claim is not a one-time meeting but an ongoing assembly or continuous series of “Conventions of the States.”

Page three of the ASL’s “Committee Responsibility Form” for the Rules and Procedures Committee states:

It should also be clearly stated that we see a Convention of the States as the same legislative body, no matter if convened for the purpo
se of an Article V Convention for Proposing Amendments, or for any other purpose. It is the same precedent as if the Indiana House, for example, was in regular or special session; it is still the same body even though it is convened under a different ­purpose.

According to Kapenga and ASL documents, the June 12-13 Indianapolis meeting was the “same legislative body” as an Article V convention. To them this June 12-13 Indianapolis meeting was a Convention of the States, and is a continuous legislative body just as the houses of state legislatures or the two houses of Congress are as they go from one session to another. Where in Article V of the Constitution does it say that the convention for proposing amendments is an ongoing “legislative body,” one that can convene, meet, and pass resolutions at its own discretion, and only requiring Congress’ approval (at the behest of 34 states) before proposing amendments to the Constitution? The short answer is nowhere.

These claims are nowhere to be found in the text of the Constitution. Yet Kapenga is considered to be one of the “conservative” Republicans involved in this process. If this is what reputed conservatives are claiming about an Article V convention, then how much further will pro-Article-V-convention progressive Democratic supporters go?

Democrats in the Digs

What progressive Democratic supporters, you may ask? Wasn’t this supposed to be a purely conservative Republican effort from start to finish? That’s what the pro-Article-V-convention advocates originally claimed early on in their presentations to numerous Tea Party groups and on popular conservative talk-radio shows. Now, however, their true colors, Red and Blue (Republican and Democrat), are bleeding through as some of those who originally gave the impression that this would be a “conservative” Republican effort are now proudly proposing to work together with the Left and boasting of the Article V movement’s “bipartisanship.”

Of the 109 state legislator delegates shown in the seating chart for the ASL’s Indianapolis “rules convention,” 11 were Democrats. At the end of the two-day meeting, Kapenga promised that “we’re going to change” the political makeup of the ASL, i.e., attract more Democrats. Missouri State Senator Jason Holsman,  a participant in the Indianapolis ASL convention as co-chair of the Rules and Procedures Committee and regarded as the “greenest Democrat” in the Missouri Legislature, stressed the need to bring in and involve more Democrats, minorities, and women. Senator Holsman elaborated on the need to “change the complexion of the room,” a goal that “conservative” Republican Kapenga of Wisconsin shares.

What effect would attracting more Democrats have on the outcome of an Article V Convention of the States? Would it still be limited to a single subject or amendment, such as a balanced budget amendment? After all, ASL views its recent “rules convention” as constituting the “same legislative body” as an actual congressionally authorized Article V ­convention.

Whereas most conservative Republican state legislators favor a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, the inclusion of more liberal Democrats will surely also mean the inclusion of a more liberal progressive agenda. Why else would liberal Democrats participate in an Article V convention unless they expected to make their own desired changes to the Constitution? Would liberal Democratic delegates seek the adoption of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Second Bill of Rights” that he proposed in his 1944 State of the Union Address? Would they go after the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United, in order to proclaim that “money does not equal speech,” that “corporations are not people,” and that all elections must be publicly financed? This type of campaign finance reform amendment is what left-wing Article V convention groups, such as Wolf-PAC, advocate.

Between 2013 and 2014, 16 state legislatures introduced resolutions requesting that Congress call a convention to propose variations of Wolf-PAC’s campaign finance amendment. The legislatures of Vermont and California passed the nation’s first two Wolf-PAC Article V convention applications in 2014 with two more states, Minnesota and Illinois, passing it in their respective state Senates. In fact, one of the Democratic participants at the ASL’s Indianapolis rules convention was Minnesota State Representative Raymond Dehn, who not only cosponsored SF 17, the Minnesota Senate version of the Wolf-PAC application, but also was the lead sponsor of the House version, HB 276. On the first day of ASL’s Indianapolis meeting, Dehn introduced himself as the “most left” leaning legislator present.

Both Minnesota’s SF 17 and HB 276 that Dehn sponsored read in part:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota that it requests that Congress propose an amendment to the Constitution that shall substantially read as follows:

(1) The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons only.

(2) Any entity, including any organization or association of one or more persons, established or allowed by the laws of any State, the United States, or any Foreign State shall have no rights under this Constitution and are subject to regulation by the people, through Federal, State, or local law.

(3) The privileges of any entity, including any organization or association, shall be determined by the people, through Federal, State, or local law, and shall not be construed to be inherent or inalienable.

(4) Federal, State, and local government shall regulate, limit, or prohibit contributions and expenditures, including a candidate’s own contributions and expenditures, to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their economic status, have access to the political process, and that no person gains, as a result of their money, substantially more access or ability to influence in any way the election of any candidate for public office or any ballot measure.

(5) Federal, State, and local government shall require that any permissible contributions and expenditures be publicly disclosed.

(6) The judiciary shall not construe the spending of money to influence elections to be speech under the 1st Amendment.

Dehn’s resolution further affirms itself as an Article V application:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if Congress does not propose the amendment language or substantially similar amendment language as contained in this resolution, the Legislature of the State of Minnesota applies to the Congress of the United States to call a constitutional convention for the purpose of proposing the amendment language or substantially similar amendment language as contained in this resolution as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. [Emphasis added.]

Despite Kapenga’s denial that a “Convention of the States” and a “constitutional convention” are the same thing, the text of this Article V application, cosponsored and introduced by a leading ASL delegate, demonstrates otherwise.

What effect would a constitutional amendment such as the one above sponsored by Dehn (“no rights under this Constitution”) have on the legal standing of (say) Hobby Lobby? On June 30, 2010, this Christian-owned corporation won a landmark decision in the Supreme Court over its refusal to participate in the Obama­Care mandate requiring it to provide abortion-inducing contraceptive drugs for its employees. Under Dehn’s Wolf-PAC amendment, Hobby Lobby and other corporations like it would have no constitutionally protected rights. Are these the type of architects we want to be amending or rewriting the Constitution?

Despite the inclusion of pro-Wolf-PAC supporters such as Dehn in the ASL’s ranks, Representative Chris Kapenga and Senator Jason Holsman are eager to invite even more Democrats to further change the future makeup of the room. Why such a bipartisan eagerness to invite the Left
to help make changes to the nation’s Constitution? The answer might lie in an e-mail from Michael Farris’ Convention of States, a project of Mark Meckler’s Citizens for Self Governance (CSG).

In an e-mail from Eric Burk, the Grassroots Coordinator for CSG’s Convention of States Project, Burk expressly states: “The plain and simple truth is that unless we can get both support from Republicans and Democrats, we cannot hope to get our application passed in 34 states.”

If the Right is making such bipartisan concessions now, before an actual Article V convention has convened, imagine how much further they would be willing to compromise at a second constitutional convention. What exactly would the results of a new, modern-day, “great compromise” be?

Those who love the Constitution should be wary of Article V convention advocates who all too easily give false assurances as to the safety of such a convention. The Constitution need not be amended, but rather should be defended by upholding it. Changing the Constitution will not correct man’s failure to properly interpret or willingly obey it. Only through an informed electorate and the educational efforts of grassroots constitutionalist organizations dedicated to the preservation of the Constitution will this latest bipartisan assault on the Constitution be thwarted, assuring the continued blessings of liberty for America’s posterity.

VIDEO: Sen. Mike Lee condemns Democrats for trying to alter the First Amendment | Ben Swann Truth In Media

VIDEO: Sen. Mike Lee condemns Democrats for trying to alter the First Amendment | Ben Swann Truth In Media.

VIDEO: Sen. Mike Lee condemns Democrats for trying to alter the First Amendment

By: Michael Lotfi Sep 11, 2014


WASHINGTON D.C., September 10, 2014 – On Tuesday, Senator Mike Lee (R- Utah) gave an impassioned speech before Congress detailing the threat S.J. Res 19, a new proposed constitutional amendment, poses to the  First Amendment.

If passed, the proposed amendment would grant Congress and states the power to regulate the raising and spending of money with respect to federal and state elections. Lee blasted the Democrats attempt to limit free speech and said our political system “keeps us free only to the extent that individuals rich and poor alike are able to say what they want and join together to form voluntary associations for the purpose of influencing the outcome of elections.” You can watch the full video here:

Epic change endangers U.S. election validity



Barack Obama is well known for attacking voter ID laws, contending they are being pushed “by racist Republicans who want to disenfranchise blacks.”

But now there are allegations claiming secure-ballot advocates are targeting transgenders.

It was the Williams Institute that declared in a statement Tuesday that transgenders may face “possible disenfranchisement.”

The institute said a study by its own Jody L. Herman and others found, “Many transgender people who have transitioned do not have identification that accurately reflects their correct gender.”

Herman said lawmakers “should not overlook the consequences of enacting stricter voter ID laws on transgender voters.”

“Election officials must consider the potential impact of these laws in the upcoming November elections. Voter ID laws create a unique barrier for transgender people who would otherwise be eligible to vote.”

The organization said that in 10 states voter ID laws may create “substantial barriers to voting, naming Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin.

In those 10 states, there are about 84,000 people “who have transitioned” and are eligible to vote, the organization said.

“An estimated 28 percent of the transgender voting-eligible population in those 10 states has no identification or records that accurately reflect their gender. Transgender people of color, youth, students, people with low incomes, and people with disabilities are likely overrepresented in that group,” the institute said.

“In order for these 24,000 voting-eligible transgender people to obtain the updated IDs required to vote in the November 2014 general election, they must comply with the requirements for updating their state-issued or federally issued IDs. These requirements vary widely by state or federal agency and can be difficult and costly to meet,” the group continued.

“Some voters may not have the means or the ability to present the required voter identification for a variety of reasons, such as poverty, disability, or religious objection. Transgender people have unique barriers to obtaining accurate IDs needed to vote. As these 10 states begin planning for their fall elections, educating poll workers is crucial in order to ensure that transgender voters in their states have fair access to the ballot,” said Herman.

What do YOU think? Do voter ID laws discriminate against transgenders? Sound off in today’s WND poll!

The Journal report said Obama stated earlier this year, “The real voter fraud is people trying to deny our rights by making voting harder in the first place.”

The report went on to explain that support for voter ID laws is strong “and transcends gender, party and even race.” It cited a Fox News poll in which 70 percent of respondents – including 55 percent of Democrats, 91 percent of Republicans, 66 percent of independents, 70 percent of men, 71 percent of women, 75 percent of whites and 51 percent of blacks – expressed support for laws that “require voters to show a valid form of state- or federally-issued photo identification to prove U.S. citizenship before being allowed to vote.”

The results comport with those of other polls, the report said.

A 2012 Washington Post poll, for example, asked if people should be “required to show official, government-issued photo identification – such as a driver’s license – when they cast ballots on Election Day.” Seventy-four percent of all respondents and 65 percent of blacks said yes.

There doesn’t seem to be a major problem with transgenders being able to afford an ID. The left-leaning Huffington Post reported: “Not only do gay people earn more than the average American does, gay people are more likely to be employed, they have more money in savings and they are better at managing debt, according to a Nov. 14 survey of more than 1,0000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people by Prudential.”

The report said the “average LGBT household earns $61,500 annually, which surpasses the average national household income by more than $10,000.”

The American Civil Liberties Union offers a “fact sheet” that contends voter ID laws “deny the right to vote to thousands of registered voters” who “cannot afford to pay for the required documents needed to secure a government-issued photo ID.”

The report asserted there is “no credible evidence that in-person impersonation voter fraud – the only type of fraud that photo IDs could prevent – is even a minor problem.”

But WND has reported on a wide range of allegations of voter fraud over recent years. In Pennsylvania in 2012, Obama got 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney. In 100 precincts in Ohio, Obama got 99 percent of the vote.

Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh declared: “Third-world, tin-horn dictators don’t get [these percentages]. I mean, the last guy that got this percentage of the vote was Saddam Hussein, and the people that didn’t vote for him got shot. This just doesn’t happen. Even Hugo Chavez [of Venezuela] doesn’t get 100 percent or 99 percent of the vote.”

See the BIG LIST of vote fraud reports coming out of the 2012 election.

About that time, WND columnist Barry Farber wrote that a “single fraudulent vote is an ‘attack’ on our democratic system.”

“Massive voter fraud is a massive attack. The website tells us that a group known as the Virginia Voters Alliance counted 44,000 voters registered in Maryland as well as Virginia. An additional 40 to 60 thousand dead voters were found to be on the active voters list in that one state of Virginia, according to the Social Security Administration. It’s not just Chicago any more,” he wrote.

He related a joke about voting rolls and procedures.

“In the days before voter fraud became unfunny, they told about the two men from a Democratic clubhouse in Chicago out in a graveyard late one night copying names from tombstones for voting purposes. One of the men noticed the other was falling row after row behind. ‘Hurry it up, pal,’ he said. ‘What’s wrong?’

“His buddy replied, ‘This is one of those tough Polish names. I’ve got to figure it out.’

“‘Forget about that one,’ stage-whispered his friend. ‘Just skip it and move on to the next one,’” Farber wrote.

“‘Whaddaya mean, ‘Move on’?’ he answered indignantly. ‘This guy has as much right to vote as all the rest in here!’”

The National Conference of State Legislatures details all of the voter ID laws in the nation, ranging from states with strict photo ID requirements to those with no requirements at all.

“Proponents see increasing requirements for identification as a way to prevent in-person voter impersonation and increase public confidence in the election process. Opponents say there is little fraud of this kind, and the burden on voters unduly restricts the right to vote and imposes unnecessary costs and administrative burdens on elections administrators,” the report explains.

Epic change endangers U.S. election validity
Bob Unruh
, 10 Sep 2014 00:07:24 GMT

Casino closures brings mass unemployment filing – Yahoo News

Casino closures brings mass unemployment filing
Associated Press By WAYNE PARRY
September 3, 2014 2:23 PM
Associated Press Videos
Atlantic City’s $2 Billion Casino Closes
Casino Closures Brings Mass Unemployment Filing
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — Carrying identification documents and bitterness over their sudden joblessness, hundreds of ex-casino workers began filing for unemployment Wednesday morning, the first attendees at an assistance center that expects to process 5,000 newly laid-off workers over the next three days.
The session at the Atlantic City Convention Center came after a brutal weekend that saw two casinos, the Showboat and Revel, close. Officials from the state Department of Labor and the main casino workers’ union, Local 54 of Unite-HERE, helped displaced workers file for unemployment and gave them information on signing up for health insurance and other benefits.
By mid-September, Atlantic City, which started the year with 12 casinos, will be down to eight, and almost 8,000 people will be out of work. Trump Plaza is closing Sept. 16, and the Atlantic Club shut down in January.
About 300 workers were lined up when the doors opened at 9 a.m.; by early afternoon more than 750 had been processed.
“It’s really depressing,” said Dale Browne, who worked as a housekeeper at Showboat for 14 years. “People have mortgages, kids in school. We’re afraid the crime rate is going to go up. I want to say we’ll be all right down the road, but right now, it’s rough.”
Ruth Ann Joyce and her husband, Michael, were hired together as bartenders at Showboat when it opened in March 1987, and they raised a family on their casino jobs.
View galleryPeople wait in line to sign up for unemployment Wednesday, …
People wait in line to sign up for unemployment Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014, in Atlantic City, N.J. Tho …
“We made good money. We had great benefits. We worked hard and we were rewarded for it,” she said. “For the past 27 years, we had the American dream. This closing is a tragedy, and it didn’t have to happen.”
The state Department of Labor had 40 workers helping applicants register for unemployment and connect with job search resources. Other social service agencies helped enroll them for health insurance and food assistance.
“They don’t want to collect unemployment,” said Bob McDevitt, Local 54’s president. “They just want to get to their next job.”
Helpers assisted people in English, Spanish, Gujarati, Bangla, Hindi, Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese, Vietnamese and Creole.
A union volunteer helped a laid-off Revel dealer navigate the computer application for unemployment, verifying his personal information and work history, his eligibility status and calculating how much he made between salary and tips on his last few days at work. The dealer opted to have his unemployment benefits taxed from each check rather than paying a lump sum tax himself in April.
View galleryPeople signing up for unemployment fill a room at the …
People signing up for unemployment fill a room at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic Ci …
Other workers discussed the possibility of early retirements with counselors. In a separate room, others signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Tables offered help with food stamps, too.
The casino consolidation buffeting Atlantic City is a reaction to the ever-increasing competition from casinos in neighboring states, including Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Connecticut. Atlantic City’s casino revenue has fallen from a high of $5.2 billion in 2006, when the first Pennsylvania casino opened, to $2.86 billion last year.
Casino analysts and industry executives say the closings are a needed correction to an oversaturated market and predict that the remaining eight casinos will do better financially with less competition.
But big-picture economics was not on the minds of those who turned out for the unemployment session Wednesday. Ronnie Downing, a laid-off Revel worker, said he and his co-workers were shocked when it closed.
“Many of us, myself included, haven’t figured out what we’re going to do next,” he said.
Wayne Parry can be reached at

Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women – Katie Pavlich – Page 1

Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women – Katie Pavlich – Page 1.

“Women of America, you are being lied to. Manipulated. Used. By the mainstream media and the Democratic Party – as if there’s a difference – both of which tell you they have your best interests at heart. They don’t. The reason I know this is because I’ve seen firsthand how they treat women who don’t toe their line,” I write in my new book Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women, in bookstores today. “Many of you have been persuaded that there is a ‘war on women’ being waged by the other political party. In fact, the real story is very different.”
It’s time someone pointed out the hypocrisy and lies coming from the left about women. Democrats have run the conversation for too long and I’m out to debunk the sacred cows of the so-called Republican War on Women.

If liberals really believe women can protect themselves, then why do they oppose a woman’s right to carry a handgun for self defense? If Hillary Clinton is the ultimate female role model, then why has she built her political career on her husband’s philandering while silencing his many female whistleblowers? If Barack Obama is the most pro-woman president in history, then why does he seek to make women completely dependent on the government? If the right to an abortion gives women personal autonomy and sexual freedom, then why are its debilitating aftereffects overlooked? And finally, if Republicans are so insensitive to women, then why is the sexual lechery of politicians from Ted Kennedy to Bill Clinton defended, justified, covered up, or ignored?
Those on the left love to talk about women in one way, but in reality treat women in an entirely opposite, demeaning way full of broken promises and false hope. Through research, in-depth interviews and personal stories, I reveal the shocking truth about the Democratic Party’s anti-woman agenda on issues like gun control, healthcare, the economy, sexual assault and more.
When President Obama ran for reelection in 2012, he didn’t do so based on his record but instead he propagated one of the left’s most damaging and egregious offenses against women by promoting the false idea that reliance on government is empowering. I watched the 2012 campaign up close and the Democratic strategy hinged on women, more than any other campaign in history, by distorting the truth and lying about contraception bans. After spending weeks on the campaign trail, one thing was clear: Democrats don’t want women to be independent, they want them to be dependent. Like many Democrats before him, Obama sold victimhood as empowerment for votes by scaring women into thinking government is the answer to their problems and that they probably can’t survive without it. Democrats will do the same in the 2014 and 2016 elections.

Here’s the reality. Reliance on government doesn’t provide a life of success and independence, instead it provides one of disappointment, hopeless dependency and broken promises. Democrats won’t tell women that because after all, it would expose their phony platform.
The way Democrats have repeatedly defined women by the pills they take, by their body parts and as victims of their gender, is abhorrent. Women should be appalled at liberals classifying them in such a blatantly sexist, repulsive way and they should fight back.
I encourage women, fathers, husbands, sons, and boyfriends, to read my book so they can understand the true manipulation of women and exactly what side of the political aisle it’s coming from. If you want to know the truth about the Left andtheir war on women, that’s what Assault and Flattery is all about.

The History of Wall Street’s Unspoken Relationship to Nazi Germany: Dragon Teeth to Be Planted All Over Europe Again : Truth Frequency Radio

The History of Wall Street’s Unspoken Relationship to Nazi Germany: Dragon Teeth to Be Planted All Over Europe Again : Truth Frequency Radio.

The History of Wall Street’s Unspoken Relationship to Nazi Germany: Dragon Teeth to Be Planted All Over Europe Again

Truth Frequency Radio
Sep 01, 2014

About The Author

This article was aggregated under the Creative Commons License. If you feel this article has been re-published outside of these parameters, please contact us immediately to resolve any issues. We respect copyrights and address any concerns promptly. Thank you.

Maryland Sheriff to Feds: Try and Take Our Guns, and You’ll Get a Civil War

Maryland Sheriff to Feds: Try and Take Our Guns, and You’ll Get a Civil War

ZLewisEarly last year, as Americans feared that the federal government would enact unconstitutional anti-gun measures via executive edict, support for the Constitution came from some unlikely places. Even in Oregon, a Democrat stronghold in elections, Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller flat-out declared that he and his office would refuse to enforce any such unconstitutional federal laws or regulations.
Mueller wrote,
“We are Americans. We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws.”
Mueller later stated,
“We’re restricted and prohibited from enforcing all types of federal laws, including immigration laws. It would be unreasonable for anyone to think that I would enforce a federal firearms law.”
Since then, anti-gun crusaders have slowed down amidst fierce push-back from patriots. Still, patriotic law enforcers are willing to speak out.
Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis, a sheriff in the state of Maryland, recently reminded the citizens of his county that he will not violate the Constitution and warned the federal government that any attempt to disarm Americans will result in an all-out Civil War.
“I made a vow and a commitment,” Lewis said. “As long as I am sheriff of this county, I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of the right to bear arms.”
Sheriff Lewis is mindful of keeping firearms out of the hands of dangerous felons, but also explained, “[W]e do not need to strip law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. That I get upset over. I really do.”
Sheriff Lewis also added a stern warning to the federal government about what will happen if they try to disarm the law-abiding populace:
“I can tell you this,” Lewis said, “if they attempt to do that, it will be an all-out civil war. No question about it.”
It’s encouraging to see that even as federal lawmakers and supposed federal law enforcers forget their duty to preserve liberty on behalf of the American people, rampant tyranny is bound to be checked by local authorities and the will of a fierce American population that is armed and unwilling to acquiesce to tyrants.
(Video courtesy of
[vimeo 102416104 w=500 h=281]

Holocaust survivors pen open letter condemning Israel’s Gaza war — RT News

Holocaust survivors pen open letter condemning Israel’s Gaza war

Published time: August 24, 2014 17:26

Palestinians look at the remains of a commercial center, which witnesses said was hit by an Israeli air strike on Saturday, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

Palestinians look at the remains of a commercial center, which witnesses said was hit by an Israeli air strike on Saturday, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)


Over 300 survivors and descendants of the Holocaust have published an open letter condemning what they call Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza.
The letter slamming the “massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine” was signed by 327 descendants and survivors of the Nazi genocide and placed by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network as an advertisement in the New York Times.
1The letter also condemns politicians and opinion writers who have, the signatories say, openly called for the “genocide of Palestinians” in what they say is an “extreme, racist dehumanization of Palestinians in Israeli society.”
The survivors point to the death of more than 2,100 Palestinians in Israel’s campaign, many of whom are children and the bombing of UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. On the Israeli side, 68 people have been killed, mainly soldiers.
The letter concludes by calling the Gaza campaign “genocide of Palestinian people” and demands an end to the Israeli blockade of the tiny strip of land.

Hollywood against Hamas

The letter was published just moments after 190 influential people in Hollywood put their names on a statement condemning the actions of Hamas, saying the organization “cannot be allowed to rain rockets on Israeli cities”.

A general view of the rubble of a residential tower, which witnesses said was destroyed in an Israeli air strike, is seen in Gaza City August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Mohammed Salem)

A general view of the rubble of a residential tower, which witnesses said was destroyed in an Israeli air strike, is seen in Gaza City August 24, 2014 (Reuters / Mohammed Salem)

It was published by the Creative Community for Peace, which was founded in 2011 and aims to bring together “prominent members of the entertainment industry to counter the cultural boycott against Israel and promote an accurate image of the Jewish state.”
The list included actors Minnie Driver, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, although the vast majority of actors did not put their names to the statement.
The statement referred to Article 7 of Hamas’ charter which says, “There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!” which they say reflects Hamas’ true nature.
However, the statement is also headlined “Commitment to justice and peace”.
Hamas cannot be allowed to “hold its own people hostage. Hospitals are for healing, not for hiding weapons. Schools are for learning, not for launching missiles. Children are our hope not our human shields,” it reads.
Israel tightened its blockade of Gaza in 2007 after Hamas, which rejects Israel’s right to exist, took control of the territory, having won elections the year before and ousted political rivals Fatah.
Tel-Aviv’s operation Protective Edge which started in early July was triggered by rocket attacks by the military wing of Hamas on Israeli. Hamas has been shelling Israel’s south with barrage of rockets, some of which made it as far as the capital’s metropolitan area.
Since then, over 17,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged beyond repair in the Gaza Strip, making around 100,000 Palestinians homeless, since the war began on July 8, according to UN estimates.
Egypt called on Israel and the Palestinians on Saturday to halt hostilities and resume peace talks, but both sides kept up attacks.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Government Collapse

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Government Collapses, PM Yatsenyuk Resigns | Zero Hedge

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Government Collapses, PM Yatsenyuk Resigns

Tyler Durden's picture

As if Ukraine was not struggling through enough turmoil currently, Bloomberg reports that the fragile coalition government has collapsed after two parties quit. The UDAR and Svoboda parties said they’d leave the government and seek a snap parliamentary ballot. Tempers have been fraying recently as numerous brawls have broken out in parliament ahead of President Poroshenko’s pledge to call elections this year. All we have to do now is find out who Washington would like to see in power? The end result: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk just resigned. The big question now is what will the IMF do about the remaining tranches of its loans? Via BBG:

How The Ukrainian government has settled these problems in the past.
As Bloomberg reports,

Ukraine’s coalition collapsed after two parties quit during a months-long pro-Russian insurgency in the nation’s east that downed a Malaysian Air jet last week.
The UDAR and Svoboda parties said they’d leave the government and seek a snap parliamentary ballot, according to statements today on their websites. Under the constitution, the former Soviet republic has 30 days to form a new coalition or it must call early elections. The existing cabinet will remain in place in the meantime.
Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s government, took over the country in February after pro-European street protests prompted Kremlin-backed President Viktor Yanukovych to flee to Russia. Yanukovych’s successor, billionaire Petro Poroshenko, had pledged to call parliamentary elections this year.
“We will probably have snap parliamentary elections at the end of October,” Yuriy Yakymenko, the head of political research at the Razumkov Center, said by phone from Kiev today. “This option was probably agreed on by political parties seeking elections and the president.”
The government and the current parliament will keep working until new institutions are formed, he said. Olga Lappo, Yatsenyuk’s spokeswoman, declined to comment when reached by phone today.

*  *  *
Ukrainian bonds are tumbling on the news…