Category Archives: Government

Missouri looks set to be the 12th state allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center

Missouri’s state legislature has overwhelmingly passed a Constitutional carry bill.  While the governor will veto the legislation, the legislative votes have been so overwhelming that it very likely that the veto will be overridden.  Today (May 13, 2016) the bill passed the Republican-led Senate on a 24-8 party-line vote.  Previously the bill had passed the state House by an …

Source: Missouri looks set to be the 12th state allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit – Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center


Hypocrisy: Mexican govt. attacks Trump but won’t help migrants

Kit Daniels – MAY 10, 2016 537 Comments

Mexico Won’t Take Cuban Migrants, Tells Panama to Dump Them on U.S. Border

Mexico is allowing Panama to dump nearly 4,000 Cuban migrants on the U.S. border, revealing the hypocrisy of Mexican officials as they attack Trump’s immigration policies.

The Cubans have been stranded in Panama after Nicaragua closed its border last year, preventing them from traveling north to the U.S., so the Panama government asked Mexican officials if they can simply fly the Cubans just south of the U.S./Mexico border.

“The airlift’s announcement was followed with word Monday that Panama would close its southern border with Colombia to Cubans without visas,” AFP reported, underscoring how both Panama and Nicaragua protect their borders better than the U.S.

It’s certainly revealing how Mexico won’t take in Cuban migrants and expects the U.S. to do so, despite the fact Cubans would likely have an easier time culturally assimilating in another Latin American country.

And it’s also revealing how Mexican politicians refuse to help Cuban migrants while simultaneously attacking Trump for proposing a border wall, acting as if the U.S. doesn’t do enough for illegals even though Mexico routinely abuses their human rights.

“Mexico is one of the countries where illegal immigrants are highly vulnerable to human rights violations and become victims of degrading sexual exploitation and slavery-like practices, and are denied access to education and healthcare,” the U.N. even admitted.

Despite the abuses, few in Mexico are demanding immigration reform.

“Instead, members of Mexico’s fleeing population sometimes become adamantly vocal once they enter the U.S. illegally, and join protests organized by leftist coalitions against our already incredibly lax border policies, but in Mexico, don’t think this type of behavior would be tolerated,” Adan Salazar reported. “For starters, illegal immigrants are barred from upsetting ‘the equilibrium of the national demographics,’ according to Mexico’s immigration policy.”

“Under Mexico’s Immigration Law, illegal immigration is considered a felony punishable by up to two years in prison ‘and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally.’”

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The evil that resides in Washington does not only kill foreign leaders who try to do the right thing, but also its own.

Paul Craig Roberts | – MAY 8, 2016

When They Killed JFK They Killed America

In the JFK administration I was a White House Fellow. In those days it was a much larger program than the small insider program it later became. President Kennedy’s intention was to involve many young Americans in government in order to keep idealism alive as a counter to the material interests of lobby groups. I don’t know if the program still exists. If it does, the idealism that was its purpose is long gone.

President John F. Kennedy was a classy president. In my lifetime there has not been another like him. Indeed, today he would be impossible.

Conservatives and Republicans did not like him, because he was thoughtful. Their favorite weapon against him was their account of his love life, which according to them involved Mafia molls and Marilyn Monroe. They must have worked themselves into fits of envy over Marilyn Monroe, the hottest woman of her time.

Unlike most presidents, Kennedy was able to break with the conventional thinking of the time.
From his experience with the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Joint Chiefs’ “Operaton Northwoods,” Kennedy concluded that CIA Director Allen Dulles and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Lemnitzer were both crazed by anti-communism and were a danger to Americans and the world.

Kennedy removed Dulles as CIA director, and he removed Lemnitzer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, thus setting in motion his own assassination. The CIA, the Joint Chiefs, and the Secret Service concluded that JFK was “soft on communism.” So did the Bill Buckley conservatives.

JFK was assassinated because of anti-communist hysteria in the military and security agencies.

The Warren Commission was well aware of this. The coverup was necessary because America was locked into a Cold War with the Soviet Union. To put US military, CIA, and Secret Service personnel on trial for murdering the President of the United States would have shaken the confidence of the American people in their own government.

Oswald had nothing whatsoever to do with JFK’s assassination. That is why Oswald was himself assassinated inside the Dallas jail before he could be questioned.

For those of you too young to have experienced John Kennedy and those of you who have forgot his greatness, do yourselves a favor and listen to this 5 minute, 23 second speech. Try
to imagine anyone among the current dolts giving a speech like this. Look how much is said so well in less than 5 and one-half minutes.

Kennedy intended to pull the US out of Vietnam once he was reelected. He intended to break up the CIA “into one thousand pieces” and curtail the military-security complex that was exploiting the US budget.

And that is why he was murdered. The evil that resides in Washington does not only kill foreign leaders who try to do the right thing, but also its own.

Here is JFK’s speech:


Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.

How to get the most bang for your buck in the California Primaries


To switch your party by May 23rd GO HERE!!! 




download.jpg NO ON PROPOSITION 50
Proposition 50 is a scam brought to you by those that would turn a blind eye to a culture of corruption in our State Capitol.  It perpetuates that culture by allowing Legislators to remain in office after having been indicted, even convicted of a felony, allowing taxation without representation. This proposition is the exact opposite of what it purports to be.
As a United States Marine, I served my country in combat during the Korean War.  I later went on to serve our nation’s veterans as the Director of the USO in Vietnam and as an assistant to a Regional Director for the Veterans Administration.  In 1958, I cofounded the Hugh O’Brian Young Adult Leadership Seminars which, since its inception, has benefited hundreds of thousands of young men and women.  I have earned a Masters of Public Administration from Cal Lutheran University.  I believe our two party system is dysfunctional and does not understand the acronym “TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More”.
Our country’s greatest resource is our young adults and students who must be taught “Not What To Think, But How To Think”.  As the American Creed so eloquently states:  “I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic a sovereign Nation of many Sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable: established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag and to defend it against all enemies”  I would appreciate your consideration .  To find out more visit my website:




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The Big Steal from Donald J. Trump is on- and only you can stop it.

The Bush-Cruz-Kasich-Romney-Ryan-McConnell faction has united and is moving into high gear to steal the nomination from Trump. The immediate plan is an all-out bid to deprive Donald Trump of victory – and to steal the delegates to defeat him. We have seen the will of the voters who voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump thwarted by Republican Party bosses in Louisiana, Colorado, Arizona, and now in Indiana where party leaders are stacking the delegation with anti-Trump hacks even before the voters in that state have voted. But that is only part one of the BIG STEAL.

Even if Donald Trump secures 1237 commitments on the first ballot, the anti-Trump forces are stealing a majority on questions of rules and Credentials. By placing anti-Trump Republicans in the Trump delegate seats (so called Trojan Horse delegates) they plan a rules change that will unbind the delegates. Because they have stacked the Trump delegate seats with ringers, this crucial vote comes before the first ballot for President. If passed the Trump delegates will no longer be bound by party rules to vote for Trump. Anti-Trump quislings are being planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump, regardless of the will of the voters. This is the BIG STEAL.

That’s why we have called for a peaceful but massive, non-violent STOP THE STEAL RALLY MARCH ON CLEVELAND #OurVotesMatter- July 18th. This is a peaceful, non-violent rally. We must send the GOP a clear signal through our sheer numbers that we will not vote Republican, nor work for the ticket if Donald Trump is robbed.

This grassroots rebellion is co-sponsored by Stop The Steal, Citizens for Trump, We Will Walk, Truckers for Trump, Women for Trump, Students for Trump, and Bikers for Trump.

Even if you can’t make it to Cleveland, we need your help and support today.

We plan the biggest Rally in Cleveland history. We must own the streets. In numbers there is strength. We must bring thousands of Trump partisans to Cleveland. We must ask each Trump delegate to sign a ballot pledge to respect the will of the voters. We must lobby our elected Delegates at their hotels. We must fill the streets! We need thousands at our March and Rally.

We have applied for a permit from the City of Cleveland for a Rally and March. We are working closely with law enforcement to insure the safety of Trump supporters. We must outnumber the paid professional agitators sent by radical Mexican groups, Move-On, and Black Lives Matter to incite violence, which the Main stream media will blame on Trump and his supporters. Above all, we must not be provoked into violence.

Even if you can’t make it to Cleveland, we need your immediate help

We need buses to bring protestors from all over America and back home. We need inexpensive housing for Trump supporters. We need Big Screen Staging. We need porta-potty facilities and a sufficient sound system. Bottom line we need to raise $262,000 in the next two weeks.

If you can’t make it to Cleveland will you help those who can? Will you send $500, $200 or even $100 to this crucial effort? Of course, if you can send $1000 you will have a dramatic impact on our effort.

We are NOT a SuperPAC, or any other kind of PAC. “Stop the Steal”, which is organized under the Internal Revenue Code and so all contributions, in any amount, including corporate donations, are legal and gratefully accepted. Let’s make history! Let’s make America Great Again! Time is short.

Paid for by the Stop The Steal ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  Contributions will be used in connection with federal elections.  Contributions or gifts to the Stop The Steal are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.

© 2016 Stop The Steal Inc.

3843 South Bristol Street Suite 312

Santa Ana, CA 92704

Created with NationBuilder – Theme by Tectonica


“This is the Trump family that I know” – MAY 2, 2016 527 Comments

Black Female Trump Exec Spills Inner Secrets

Lynne Patton, the Director of The Eric Trump Foundation & Assistant to Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump & Donald Trump Jr., released a video defense of the GOP frontrunner Monday that’s sure to go viral.

The video, entitled “Lynne Patton “The Trump Family That I Know” – A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks,” features audio of Patton reading a personal letter describing her experience with the business mogul’s family.


“Today I was compelled to sit down and write this letter,” Patton begins. “Not to anyone in particular, maybe even just for myself, but as a black female executive at the Trump organization, I can no longer remain silent about the repeated and reprehensible attempts to align my boss and his family with racist hate-mongering groups, campaigns and messaging.”

“The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,” she says. “They have been incredibly loyal to me and the countless dedicated people they employ around the world – hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I’ve ever worked.”

Patton goes on to defend several of Trump’s policies including the construction of a border wall and his call for a temporary halt to immigration from Middle Eastern countries known to harbor radical extremists.

“To equate racism with my boss’ call for a temporary moratorium on a flawed immigration system that radical Islamic terrorists continue to exploit, or the construction of an impassible wall to protect our borders from the influx of illegal drugs, is not only incendiary, it’s wholly irresponsible and only serves to embolden the very hatred these draconian groups espouse.”

The female executive states that her defense and support of Trump is linked not to her employment, but to the facts surrounding the presidential race.

“Rest assured I am a highly intelligent, free-thinking and independent woman. My options and decisions are based solely on fact, not fiction, speculation, assumption or hearsay.”

The six-year executive also decries the countless death threats and increasing violence from “paid protesters” targeting Trump, splicingInfowars footage out of California into the video.



“This isn’t just a race to Mr. Trump. This isn’t just a race to his family nor to our veterans or the unemployed and because of that this family is willing to risk their own lives each and every day for the greater good of this country…” she says.

“To the skeptics who will undoubtedly claim that I am doing this at the behest of the Trump family or with the promise of reward, I deliberately chose not to seek their approval nor council in advance to this video for fear that there would be more concern for me and its potential viral ramifications than they would be for themselves and the fact that quite simply this is the right thing to do.”

“God bless his family, God bless the voters and God bless the United States of America.”





don’t want to change the world.

We’d like to improve it;


Can you smell it coming?  It is moving fast, and if for any reason you cannot smell it, then just dig a hole and put your head in it, because you will just get in the way above ground. That is something no one needs right now.

We don’t want to change the world. We want to fix it.

Just yesterday Neil called the shot that the NATO / US / Finns were secretively running around about the Russian border, while he also pointed out the possibility that Obama was looking to create WW3 once again.  Today we have this:

Obama Calling For German Military Support To Fight Russia

Sure enough, Obama wishes to have his ass handed to him one way or another.  Whether it be militarily or by revolution, it does not matter to us so long as he leaves The White House that was never intended for him to live in from the very beginning.

What if we all just said, “No”?  Do you think they would get the message?  Well, it’s fast coming to this!  So many are saying, “This cannot happen!” However, in an instance, we could be tossed right into the middle of the fire.  And why?  Because Obama wants to remain President beyond his term so that he can finish off the extraction of the US for the NWO globalist agenda.

Remember, Obama is their puppet.

This is where you the people have to be diligent.  You have to know the US remains strong, but it will be destroyed if we elect the wrong person. So we must place someone capable of fighting off all of the ominous challenges created by Obama’s appointees.

Who could that be?  Hillary? Cruz? Forget about it; they would take the chosen NWO track and dig a hole for what we once knew as the United States of America… Surely the name change will do us some good to take us back to sovereignty, but first we must vote in the one person who will and can help us… someone with brass balls who already has overcome numerous death threats and party pressure.

Yes, he has stood up to incredible pressure and yet still has accumulated more votes than anyone in Republican conventional history (or is about to) and that is Donald Trump.

Just look at it like this, would you want to follow this Fake Cruz or War Monger Hillary?  They do have some qualities but not enough to get us over the hill. In matter of fact, they will push us all off a cliff once they get a chance.  It’s time to get very serious and take back our country and build a Wall. Vote Trump!

This is a time where the Globalists are rapidly moving towards staying alive! How do they do this?  They will steal the Global Accounts!?

And what are they doing at this very movement?  Attempting to steal the Global Accounts!  Right now as I’m writing this, they are in Asia attempting to steal the bunkers and private warehouses.  Next week they hope to conclude their quests, but remember one thing; they are not the owners!

These families are most powerful in these matters seeing they control most of the accounts… The accounts in question are dominated by depositors known as the Golden Dragons.  They have not given their permissions for any funds to be released therefore this must be considered a theft in which the Western Financial System is held responsible seeing the (BIS) has all accounts duly registered under their umbrella.

Furthermore it is the BIS and fellow Western Banking System Partners, IMF, World Bank, and Feds applying  pressure to the eastern governments to turn over all assets to them (which do not belong to them)…

Let me tell you how it works with the gold. South Korean President Pak also known as the coordinator of the largest attempted Gold Heist in History (250 thousand metric tons) also belonging to the Golden Dragons was shut down in July 2014 by the Neil Keenan and his team.

What they were doing and are again now doing is melting the gold bars down into ingots.  They are changing the stamps and seals, and of course, all the paperwork hoping this is enough to get things free. The refinery is busy once again the same as 2014, and they are working hard now at getting things ready.

However, little do they understand that they are being closely watched, and sooner rather than later, they will be arrested for such blatant corruption and theft.

This is also taking place all over Asia with the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, and the Feds running around praying they can fill their coffers with someone else’s goods.  Again, they repeatedly attempt to replenish their war chest while getting ready for what ultimately could be a major war. To do battle they have to pay the price of admission.  They are doing their best to recover their former strength.

They continue to kill us slowly with their Chem trails, vaccines, HAARP, and so much more! Everything we touch stinks of their touch. Yet it is we whom they consider to be the dirty ones! Here we sit while pedophiles tell us it is alright to play with children while we shake our heads in disgust.

At one time they would not have lasted 5 minutes saying such a thing to us without fear of repercussion. Even the Black Pope told us while he, too, was charged with Pedophilia.  Imagine these sick times we are living through. Go ahead and shake your head. It’s okay!

M2, a brilliant strategist states, “There is going to be a huge Greek bailout involving a very large bank, but guess what? Greece will not get the money!”  Yanis, the ex-Greek Finance Minister calls it “Economic Waterboarding”.

Guess who will get the money?  Germany and France!  It is already spent even though it has not “officially” happened at the time of this writing.

What the Greeks and rest of Europe should concentrate on are their very own assets as depositors of the Global Collateral Accounts (Finland as well).   All Europe contributed to this, and their assets still remain at large in Europe, not Asia, as some think, although Asian assets are also in Europe in major banks who are allegedly holding them for the depositors.

Yes, we know where some are. It is a job to do, but once done, we will never have to worry about debts again.  Everyone concerned had better get moving and do your jobs before the Western Globalists decide to go after your very own funds and end up calling them their own!

My M2 advised me that there is so much money, not just for Europe, but for the entire world! If so, why are we fighting? The answer is simple: The Globalists insist they control the world, and they cannot do it with so many of us awakening!  Depopulation is necessary for them to maintain control. This is not going to happen without a fight!

No longer will people turn their heads and allow others to command them like slaves! Whoever made them our rulers made a very poor choice, seeing they cannot even control their own lives. They are now in shambles and, therefore, must be thankful for Daddy leaving them things. They never would have made it on their own.

Finally, in answer to many emails: Initially, the necessary funds already in my bank account were stolen. Then last week when new money transfers to compensate were being sent to me, the US banks would not allow it to slide through the system so they intentionally blocked the transfers and returned them to sender.

So I am at it again seeking another route to avoid more of same. Do not worry. I have someone kicking me in the ass, and it is enough to keep me going.

Wishing you all the very best. Yes, things are moving quickly! I am glued to my seat awaiting something to happen financially so I can personally address these overseas issues in Asia. As I’ve said many times before, once I get the Accounts opened, it is a new world for us all!

Then please let me go away for a while. I need it! Until then, it is work, work, work! There will be no whistling until it is we who are left standing, not the globalists!

Thank God Asia stands beside us! I do not mean financially as yet, but they will do battle if needed along with Russia, and we will win!  As Putin says, “Keep your weapons and do not register them.”

Let them wonder where they are, as we wonder where they sent the weapons they plan on using to destroy us. Suck it up and get moving.  “Get er done!”, as Drake says.

Video Part One


Video Part Two



Copyright © 2016, GROUP K, Ltd.

Former Police Detective Builds Trump Sign on Roof Near Maryland Airport


by EMILY MILLER22 Apr 20162,467

Airline passengers flying into Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI) can look down and see a new, bold, controversial political sign in the days leading up to Maryland Republican primary. A giant orange “TRUMP” sign is on the roof of a house directly under the approach for BWI.

Donald Trump has a double digit lead in the Republican primary in Maryland, but the blue state is making many of his supporters hide their vote. But one retired police detective decided to fight back– in a “yuge” way — after his 12-year old daughter was bullied at school for backing the billionaire developer.


John Paprcka retired from DC’s Metropolitan Police Department earlier this year after being a police officer for 25 years. So he decided to use his new spare time to build the big TRUMP sign on his roof to boost support among Marylanders at arrivals. Det. Paprcka used his neighbor’s old decking and built individual, four foot tall letters. He then spray painted them orange and installed them on his roof. He also put a smaller version on his mailbox to catch the drive-by voters.

Det. Paprcka’s personal mission was to teach his daughter Graceyn to not back down from her beliefs. He said she was getting “picked on at school because she said she likes Trump.” Graceyn added her own handmade, political sign to the roof: “Kids for Trump!!! Please Make America Great Again.”


While on the force, Det. Paprcka wasn’t allowed to be open about his political beliefs. “As a retired D.C. cop, I can now speak freely,” he explained about why he is suddenly going public with his political stance. “I built the sign because I believe in Trump,” he said. “Guess that makes me part of the silent majority.”

The detective said that his neighbors have had “mixed” reactions. “A stranger knocked on my door, and asked if I was the homeowner,” he recalled of some positive support. “He then asked where I got the Trump sign by my mailbox — he wanted one.”

With the sign being seen by every plane that comes to the biggest airport in the state, what does he hope happens now? “I hope Trump flies over and sees it,” said Det. Paprcka.

The Maryland GOP primary is Tuesday, April 26.

Emily Miller is a journalist and author of the book “Emily Gets Her Gun.” Follow her on Twitter @EmilyMiller and Facebook @EmilyMillerDC.

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Big Government, 2016 Presidential Race, Donald Trump,


You must be registered Republican to vote in the California Primary for Donald Trump! DEADLINE: MAY 23, 2016

You can register Republican online at the Secretary of State’s website. Do not delay, register Republican today.

For help, contact the Trump California HQ
