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PROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafia

Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on May 8, 2015

A Plan to Declare War on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia & eradicate its espionage and penetration of America


by  Preston James and Mike Harris

Before America can embark on a national mission to eradicate the influence of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) in America, it is important to understand its incredibly evil hidden history.

All Americans need to know that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is based on a secret death cult, ancient Babylonian Talmudism (aka Kabbalism, Luciferianism, Satanism, Sabbatteanism, Frankism).

The Georgia Guidestones in Georgia, USA

The Georgia Guidestones in Georgia, USA

Only by knowing the sinister origin and core belief system of the RKM can we understand why the RKM is hell-bent on systematically infiltrating and destroying each and every society and nation on Earth.

We know for certain that the RKM is planning on mass-murdering 90% of all humans, unless they are stopped and this intention has been admitted by RKM officials in public documents. Even more than this the RKM has actually carved their sinister death cult intentions in stone on an expensive granite monument, the Georgia Guidestones.

All Americans need to understand that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is by far the World’s biggest parasitical invading organism in history that sucks the lifeblood out of any host country until mass-death of the Citizenry and the nation itself is attained.

Left unabated the RKM parasite will destroy each host country it has infested and, if unabated, will eventually destroy the whole world.

As the truth about the RKM diffuses to the world by the Internet and word of mouth, soon the whole world and all nations and people will understand that a major global war against the RKM must be declared and waged.

As the truth about this World Largest Parasite of mankind spreads to every nation, folks everywhere will come to understand that mankind’s biggest enemy is the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) which intentionally destroys every culture, nation and society that it comes to infest.

As the people of the world come to understand this RKM evil, all people even from different cultures and nations will be motivated to come together with this one, single objective, to eradicate the RKM’s infiltration, hijacking and control over almost every nation of the world.

To eradicate the RKM chieftain’s grip on America and most of the World, we must decapitate the RKM from its elastic, endless Fiat counterfeit supply of “funny money” debt-notes!

We know for certain that in order to do this effectively and in the shortest time possible, the RKM will have to be decapitated from its counterfeit and endless self-produced money supply and in order to do this, the RKM’s unconstitutional Federal Reserve System will have to be eliminated by the USG and a new American Bank set up in the US Department of the Treasury. This cannot be done until Americans take back Congress and drive out those who have taken the required AIPAC loyalty oath to Israel.

All AIPAC Israeli influence peddling of Congress must be stopped cold and all Members of Congress who signed these Treasonous, Seditious AIPAC Loyalty Oaths to Israel must be voted out and fully prosecuted for espionage against America.

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has reported to several sources that all newly elected members of Congress are given an AIPAC loyalty oath to Israel to sign. If they refused, a well-financed opponent would run against them, in most cases preventing re-election. She refused to sign it and lost her re-election campaign.

If We the People can successfully decapitate the RKM from its endless, elastic money supply manufactured by their private Federal Reserve System Banksters, this means these banksters will no longer be allowed to lend citizens RKM debt-notes at pernicious interest. This will remove the main source of money and power for the RKM and will immediately stop any more accumulation of fraudulent public USG debt.

If we eliminate the Illegal, Unconstitutional private RKM Fiat debt-note based “funny money” and the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Income Tax, we can increase our purchasing power by approximately 40%.

funny money

When the completely, illegal Federal Income Tax is eliminated and a new real and honest American money system owned by We the People is activated, this will immediately increase American purchasing power by approximately 40% because that is the approximate amount of the American consumers prices are inflated by because of this two part theft, phony Fiat debt-notes loaned at pernicious usury and illegal, unconstitutional Federal income taxes.

Let’s face it, no sane person would pay a foreign Bankster pernicious interest to use what is fraudulently presented as their own money and turns out to be counterfeit banknote loans backed by nothing real by “sleight of hand” money-fraud like Bernie Madoff, the man who made-off with billions, but only got caught because he didn’t foresee the speed of the recession coming upon America in 2007.

How do like having retail prices inflated by 40% for nothing by the private RKM Banksters’ charging pernicious usury to you for using their money?

Once you understand that approximately 40% of all retail prices at the grocery store and other stores is based on paying these RKM foreign banksters pernicious usury for using what should have been your own money in the first place, it is easy to become enraged at how you and all Americans have been ripped off and financially defrauded by the RKM banksters since 1913.

In order to stop the RKM cold the best way to do so is to bring every nation of the World into an international Global War against the RKM, which we know for certain is the World’s most powerful Death Cult and life-sucking anti-human parasite that ever existed.

In order to be truly successful, this must be an international war against the Khazarian Mafia, with all nations of the world ganged up against the RKM. Why is this? Because the RKM is the most sinister organized crime syndicate that has ever existed; and it has infiltrated almost every nation and has tentacles that reach into almost every government. Many leaders are bribed, human-compromised or blackmailed by the RKM. Those who don’t acquiesce are secretly murdered.

And we know that the RKM has planted stolen nukes in twenty-five American cities and in every large capital of Europe, and has been threatening to set them off as a part of their Samson Option. This has certainly helped keep the leaders they control in line, and is described as Israel’s “nuclear blackmail”.

Artist's depiction of human soul stealer

Artist’s depiction of soul stripper

It is important to understand how RKM Chieftains differ from normal human beings.

RKM chieftains either were born without human souls or lost them along the way. Normal humans unless they are hard core complete sociopaths tends to have a conscience and will feel shame when they do wrong against others. These RKM chieftains never feel any shame for harming others, rather this makes them feel pleasure.

They capitalize on others’ ability to feel shame and orient much of their engineering of governmental policies to create as much shame in those peoples they are oppressing and asset stripping. They learned long ago that, if they can provoke folks to do things wrong using Hollywoodism and the controlled major mass media (CMMM), this will help destroy character and moral strength in a people and make it far easier to corrupt them and control them.

Thus, you find the RKM chieftains, kingpins and cutouts inevitably involved in proliferating extreme forms of perversion and pornography few would feel comfortable running, and they do this for big profits. These folks are running a culture war against all Americans, strip their character and manipulate them to lose their integrity.

Before we can discuss an effective strategy to arrest, convict and jail the RKM, we must discuss how the RKM proceeded to infiltrate and hijack America beginning in 1913.


Wilson Federal Reserve

It is indisputable fact that the United States of America was first infiltrated by the RKM beginning in 1913 when the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System established a Beachhead in America.

Once the monetary production and distribution beachhead was established in America in 1913, the RKM proceeded to progressively infiltrate and hijack every single American institution bit by bit, usually one at a time, but sometimes simultaneously in groups.

The illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by bribing weak members of the US Congress to betray their country and manipulating an illegal vote on Christmas Eve — even with no proper quorum present. This fraudulent bill was signed into law by a compromised, corrupt President, who was willing to betray his country for banksters’ money.

Once the RKM succeeded in setting up their fraudulent money production and distribution machine – the world biggest counterfeiting scheme – then these criminal banksters proceeded to buy, bribe and own almost every congressperson, most USG Officials, and almost the entire Judiciary, as well as most Military High Command.

And while the RKM used their massive elastic checkbook of phony Counterfeit money to infiltrate and hijack all American Politics, they also charged dumbed-down Americans illegal, pernicious interest (actually illegal usury) for using what should have been their own money in the first place.

Making money from nothing and backing it with nothing but the enforced taxes of its captive customers is nothing less than modern day secret slavery and has been the greatest financial fraud in history and is major RICO crime.

Of course these RKM foreign-based banksters created their own money from nothing and lent it to Americans, charging pernicious usury. This is course was a very devilish and crafty trick and must be considered the greatest financial crime in history and provided the great money power to then infiltrate, consolidate and hijack all the Major Mass Media in America forming their own illegal, Unconstitutional news cartel, a secret illegal news and media monopoly best referred to as the CMMM.

Obviously, the CMMM should have been broken up long ago under anti-trust laws, but when the US Congress, the Administration, the US Department of Justice and the Courts are owned by the RKM lock stock and barrel, this has been an impossibility.

Once the RKM gained control over the American Money Production and Distribution, gained control over almost every member of Congress, all Presidential Candidates who would be elected, and even the Major Mass Media, they were able to seize control over almost every aspect of American life, including the educational curricula at every level of education.

Gulag archipelago, written about by Solzhenitsyn

Gulag archipelago, written about by Solzhenitsyn

The RKM succeeded in hijacking the Major Mass Media in America, then consolidated it, and then converted it into their main propaganda machine deployed against the American people to mind-kontrol them to support whatever policies their top RKM Chieftains desired.

Once the RKM was able to effectively consolidate and thereby control CMMM and their main propaganda machine, similar to what existed in the former Soviet Union, which is owned and controlled by only six RKM kingpins.

Technically this control over the six Major Mass Media News Corporations has transformed this RKM CMMM into an illegal monopoly, best described as an illegal news cartel designed and operated to mind-kontrol the American People and feed them a continuing stream of USG lies, false-narratives and USG propaganda needed to support the RKM’s sinister agenda for America.

The RKM has worked hard to remove its history from libraries and history books because, once known by the public, they would become targeted for destruction for all the millions of rapes, tortures and mass-murders of invasion and war they have perpetrated.

The RKM has thus restricted the access of ordinary Americans to what the real truth about the RKM is, where they came from, and their deadly agenda is which is to asset strip, oppress, tyrannize and disarm America, and then transform America into GAZA II, the world’s largest open air prison camp where Americans can be mass-murdered at will, like the Palestinians. The RKM’s secret goal is to create a RKM Apartheid in America against We the People.

What the RKM did to the people of Russia during the “Bolshevik Revolution” was not so much a revolution, but an act of torture, mass-murder, and asset-stripping of Russian wealth. This is best described as International Piracy and Parasitism, and Mike Harris was the first to discuss this realistically for what it is — RKM vengeful mass-murder against the Russians for having driven the Khazarian Rulers out of Khazaria around 1200 AD. We know that the RKM was behind the horrific mass, rape and genociding of one and one-half million Armenians in 1915-1917.


Guernica - a depiction of war by Picasso

Guernica – a depiction of war by Picasso

Revenge by annihilation, no matter how long it takes is always the number one motive for the RKM.

It is important to understand that the main motives that drive the RKM are hate and revenge, best exemplified in their Bolshevik Red Terror and Cheka rape, torture and mass-murder of 22 million innocent Russians between 1917-1919, followed by approximately another 80 million murders of innocents until, the Iron Curtain fell. This was also exemplified by the Hellstorm and mass rapes, tortures and mass-murders of innocent Germans by Russians at the end of WW2.

The RKM greatly fears retaliation by the whole world, if the public finds out who they are and how they operate. This is why the RKM’s number one goal is secrecy, followed by bribery of officials, human compromise, human child sacrifice and pedophilia, while always projecting blame for all they are actually doing by accusing innocent others of their own major sins, and then pro-actively attacking others as an effective defense.

Because ordinary mainstream Americans and the world public have had truth denied them by the RKM’s CMMM, they will only learn the truth about the RKM and its sinister Death Cult Agenda by either word of mouth or the Internet’s Alternative Media. Until recently the Alternative media was looked on as fringe or conspiracy nutcase information.

Now thanks to the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, truth is being published and broadcast to almost every nation of the World and is diffusing to mainstream.

This of course alarms the RKM, which is in a panic. To counter this diffusion of the truth about what they are, where they came from, the RKM has set up numerous shill websites. But, in order to get any readers, they have had to use a “limited hangout” approach, hoping to rope readers in using 60-80% of the truth, followed by a bad payload to mislead folks away from the truth.

RKM “Stooge” misinformation websites, who use the popular “limited-hangouts, with occasional misleading payloads” approach, are failing because web users have become so sophisticated that they select out the truth nuggets from many websites and connect the dots themselves, and ignore the bad payloads. These increasingly astute readers are then able to connect all the truth nugget dots into fairly sound conclusions.

As truth is disseminated across the world and to many Americans for the first time, there appears to a serious accelerating in the rate of information transmission and absorption, much to the dismay of the RKM Chieftains and crime bosses.

Once the crimes of the RKM in America have been explained in detail so that they can be easily understood, then a plan to officially declare War on this enemy of America can be formulated.

What follows is a detailed description of the actual crimes of the RKM against America the Republic and all Americans and what can be done about it by We the People.

This listing will then be used as part of a recommended “Declaration of War” for the USG against the RKM using the US Military. In this way, all American military might be brought to bear against the RKM, the true enemy within the Gates of America.


Declaration of War Against The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) by We The People and the Constitutional Republic of The United States of America:

After over 100 years of abuse, including Treason, Sedition and the ordered murder of numerous Americans with effective and patriotic leadership and leadership potential; and after a full range of financial fraud and debt and tax slavery-type crimes against We the People; and because of all the numerous organized crime abuses enacted against We the People by the world’s largest organized criminal cabal, the RKM — we the people can no longer endure the multifaceted abuse and secret crimes of the RKM.

Therefore, because these abuses against We the People can no longer be tolerated, We the People who constitute the United States of America, hereby Declare War against the world’s largest Organized Crime Cabal, the RKM, which has infiltrated America, hijacked our American institutions of government and is now waging a secret asymmetrical war against We the People and the Republic of the United States of America.

Note the following list of offenses of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) against We the People and the Republic of the United States of America, which clearly violates our United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, numerous Federal Laws and current RICO criminal and Civil Law, and the appropriate remedies to defeat this Enemy within our Gates that has been waging a secret war against We The People and the United States of America since 1913:

  1. This Criminal Cabal, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) that has deeply infiltrated America has done so by illegally and Unconstitutionally hijacking our Monetary production and Distribution System, has charged us pernicious interest (usury) to use our own money and deflated its value to steal our freedoms, property, our assets and the fruits of our labors.
  2. This RKM Crime Cabal has hijacked most of the United States Government by bribing, blackmailing, intimidating and human compromising many Members of Congress, numerous USG Officials, all Administrations since JFK, and deeply infiltrated American Law Enforcement, American Intel and the US Judicial system.
  3. This RKM Organized Crime Cabal has induced and/or recruited these Traitorous Individuals and officials of the US Government to violate their Oaths of Office to the US Constitution in which they swore to Defend The United States of America The Republic against all Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic. The RKM bribes and manipulates new Members of Congress to sign an AIPAC loyalty Oath to Israeli or AIPAC will provide big funding to an opponent preventing their re-election, thus a complete subversion of the American Political process.
  4. Those in the US Government that comply with the RKM’s manipulations and coercions get highly rewarded for their crimes, Treason and Sedition against We The People and the United States of America the Republic. If they refuse they face engineered ruin, un-election, oppressions, trashing in the media for secret sins, or even assassination.
  5. These RKM owned USG Traitors to their Oaths of Office have become part of an RKM/Israeli run Foreign Espionage Force that has covertly invaded the Republic and has been waging a covert, asymmetrical war against We the People with the intent to asset stripping We The People of all our wealth, property and the fruits of our labor. These traitorous elements within the USA who have essentially “sold out” to the RKM or its Cutouts have become the domestic enemies of We the People, our Constitutional Republic and the State they have sworn to defend and thus must be removed from office and fully prosecuted for the crimes of espionage against We The People and the United States of America.
  6. The RKM has accrued vast financial assets and power by using illegal Unconstitutional Taxation and manipulation of the value of their fraudulent FIAT Debt notes they present as real Constitutional Money when it is clearly not. This RKM Criminal Cabal has hijacked American Intel and frequently uses it to impose a false cloak of secrecy by illegally invoking “National Security” as cover for such serious crimes defined as Major RICO crimes under Federal Law and a whole bevy of felony federal and state crimes. Drug trafficking is one good example of how National Security is used to cover crimes against the American People.
  7. In the process of betraying their Oaths of Office, these Traitorous and Seditious US Government Officials have become Enemies of the State within the Gates of America and part of a Foreign Controlled Espionage System run by the City of London Rothschild World Zionist Bankers and certain World Zionist leaders of Israel. These Enemies inside the Gates of America include most Members of Congress and many Bankers who have used laundered drug money and other money defrauded from the American People to provide illegal support for Israeli, BCC/CI and Saudi synthetic Terror groups which are waging war against American Soldiers and other soldiers of Mideast nations. This is done to concoct synthetic engineered wars by creating an enemy so that the RKM banks and RKM associated Defense Contractors can make huge profits.
  8. This RKM aka “Rothschild World Zionist” banking Cartel has used their money power to create an associated Criminal Cabal through the Scherf Crime Family in America later to become the Bush Crime Family or Bush Crime Cabal (BCC). In the early 1960’s this Crime Cabal fully infiltrated and seized control over the Central Intelligence Agency using Rothschild bankers Money Power and went on to mastermind and run the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy on behalf of the World Zionist Bankers and their associates World Zionist leaders of Israel. This Crime Cabal has come to be labeled the RKM, the largest, wealthiest most powerful Criminal Syndicate in the World.
  9. After the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) successfully Assassinated President John F. Kennedy, they combined forces with the RKM. There can no longer be any reasonable doubt that this RKM has been waging a serious asymmetrical war against We the people and the United States of America the Republic since its 1913 invasion. The intensity of the RKM’s attacks and tyranny have waxed and waned but have greatly intensified since 2001 when the RKM used Israel and Traitors within the US Defense Establishment and the Administration to attack America on 9-11-01. The RKM used its Israeli Cutouts to place stolen Nuclear devices in the NYC Twin Trade Towers and also flew a cruise missile into the Pentagon to destroy the Able Danger secret Investigation of nukes stolen and trafficked by Israeli operatives, thus murdering most of the Able Danger Investigators who were called in by Donald Rumsfeld for an emergency meeting at the Pentagon in the area targeted for destruction.
  10. It is known beyond any reasonable doubt that the RKM’s Israeli Cutouts took the leading role in the attack on America on 9-11-01 with the Bush Crime Cabal taking a supportive cover-up role. It is known beyond any reasonable doubt that the RKM has used Israeli Cutouts to blackmail the Bush2 Administration into allowing them to consolidate American Alphabets, Intel and law Enforcement into one large Stasi Type Police State Security Force (Secret Police Occupation Army) under direct control of the RKM through these Israeli Cutouts.
  11. After over 100 years of abuses of which include Treason, Sedition, Murder and numerous organized crime abuses of a major Organized Crime Cabal the RKM that can no longer be endured, We the People who constitute the United States of America hereby Declare War against this very large Organized Crime Cabal and those RKM chieftains, kingpins and cutouts who operate on their behalf.
  12. In the process of betraying their Oaths of Office, numerous Traitorous and Seditious US Government Officials have become Enemies of the State within the Gates of America and part of a Foreign Controlled RKM/Israeli Espionage System run by the City of London Rothschild World Zionist Bankers and certain World Zionist leaders of Israel. This RKM World Zionist Rothschild Banking Cartel has used their money power to create an associated Criminal Cabal through the Scherf Crime Family, identified as the Bush Crime Cabal. In the early 1960’s this Crime Cabal fully infiltrated and seized control over the Central Intelligence Agency using Rothschild Bankers Money Power and went on to use Bush1 to run the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy on behalf of the World Zionist Bankers and their associated RKM Israeli Cutouts. This RKM is the largest, wealthiest and most powerful criminal syndicate in the world.
  13. This Consolidated Israeli Police State Security Force called Homeland Security (DHS) is actually the Foreign Occupation Army of Israel that has been created inside the United States of America the Republic and has been deployed to asset strip, tyrannize, terrorize, intern and systematically mass-murder 90% of all Americans by their own internal documents. Homeland Security was set up and is run by Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens whose first loyalty is to Israel and the RKM. Israeli Nuclear Blackmail (Samson Option) was used to coerce the Administration and Congress to cooperate with the creation of Homeland Security, which involved the consolidation of all American law Enforcement and Alphabets into one central command structure run by Israel. This is best described as a Secret Police Israeli Occupation army inside America. Israeli leaders hired former East German Stasi head Marcus Wolfe to set up Homeland Security to be as much like the Stasi as possible.
  14. It is for these reason and many more, the many offenses and abuses of the RKM against We the people and many years of their violation of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and purposeful destruction of our Rule Of Law at every level of American Society, We the People and the United States of America the Constitutional Republic Hereby declare full scale War against all elements of the RKM and its subordinate the Bush Crime Cabal. We the People will deploy every means of war against the RKM and all its elements and members. One this war commences using the American Military which has a clear Constitutional Right to wage war against the RKM, a period of 72 hours will be given for RKM Chieftains, Kingpins and Cutouts to surrender to designated US Magistrates who have been appointed to serve under Emergency Constitutional Rule.
  15. Those who do not surrender will be arrested. If they resist they will be subdued by any means. Indictments and arrest warrants will be issued listing probable cause and witnesses and these Perps will be hunted down to the ends of the earth and brought back unless they immediately surrender. Those who can be taken into custody alive will be brought before an appointed Military Tribunal and tried for RICO crimes and espionage against America, including Treason and Sedition and anything else seized Intel records show.
  16. The NSA and CIA are acknowledged as foreign entities that have been hijacked by the RKM and will be given 72 hours to surrender. Their facilities will be surrounded by the US First and Fifth Armies and, if necessary, attacked by the US Army, the USAF and Special Operatives. Hundreds of heroic Special Ops have been abused, lied to, jailed on trumped fake charges to discredit them and prevent them from testifying against the RKM. Many of these will desire to go to war against the RKM if given the opportunity by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as many will be willing to volunteer to do so under this Declaration of War. These men will be offered re-enlistment to join this war effort against the RKM.
  17. All NSA and CIA documents will be seized and compared to those which Russia has offered to provide from their Intel operations against the RKM and Israeli Likudists, which hijacked the NSA and receive direct satellite downloads of all Raw NSA intercepts and digital data. All foreign aid to Israel will be immediately stopped due to the illegality to give aid to nations having a secret nuclear arsenal — especially one based on theft of American nukes. Israel has deployed them secretly in acts of criminal terrorism and mass-murder all over the World. All contracts with Israeli Intel-run DOD and communications providers operating inside the United States of America will be immediately and permanently canceled.
  18. This seized NSA evidence will be used to go all the way back to Viet Nam and try anyone still alive who participated in Illegal Narcotics Trafficking then and up until and including the present, as well as all Joint cabal Assassinations and Bank Bust-out Operations like the Saving and Loan Fraud and Theft, the Enron Fraud and Theft debacle, and the MERS Home Mortgage fraud and Theft.
  19. Those members of the RKM or those receiving or who have received such or other forms of bribes who surrender may be given immunity if they come clean 100% and give up all their illegally gained assets freely. Those who do not will be tried by a military tribunal and dealt with very seriously as a spy according to existing espionage laws which in most cases requires Capital Punishment as the Rosenbergs received. Only this time a firing squad or hanging on wooden gallows will be used for execution, with the choice being made by the Provost Marshal’s Office in consultation with the Chief Officer of the Military Tribunal trying the arrestee upon conviction. Trials will be conducted within 30 days unless mitigating circumstances are recognized by the Provost Marshal’s Office and the Chief Officer of the Military tribunal.
  20. The Federal Reserve System will be immediately seized and put out of business by the US Military and all principals that do not surrender will be arrested and imprisoned with trials before a Military Tribunal according to the US Constitution and the Laws governing Treason and Sedition as well as RICO. All national debt related to the Federal Reserve System’s charging We The People to use their own money will be immediately declared null and void. All assets will be immediate seized and transferred back to the US Department of the treasury which will be immediately reconstituted and will create a true and honest central bank owned by We The People with no interest charged for using our own currency which will be backed by Gold, Silver and hard assets. This new, real US Central bank will be set up to incorporate as many local community banks and bank chains and credit unions will be preserved, but they will have to comply with the new rules and policies set up. Any interest charged for car loans and home loans or any other kind of loans will be limited to 4% or less and must be non-usury.
  21. Absolutely no Dual or Triple or multiple Citizenships will be allowed anymore under any circumstances, or can any of these individual or their progeny ever be allowed to hold public office. All such multiple citizens who wish to stay must be proved clear of Espionage, Treason, Sedition, or RICO crimes and will be forever barred from any State, Local or Federal Government positions. Those who are clean of such offenses will be allowed to take a Loyalty Oath to the United States of America The Constitutional Republic, or otherwise will be deported but in no way will they or any of their progeny ever be allowed to hold public office of any type.
  22. English will be the designated language for all government entities and all public schools and no special public school programs for other languages such as special “immersion programs” which are wasteful and harm the Society. All borders will be cut off and patrolled 100% with an automatic reset back to the immigration laws present at the time President John F. Kennedy was murdered until suitable new ones can be considered and passed.
  23. All Free Trade treaties will be immediately declared null and void, illegal and Unconstitutional. And Fair trade will be restored with adequate tariffs set on imports to favor American manufacturers. Any Corporation who has moved abroad but conducts a lot of sales inside America will be barred from operating inside The United States of America, and all their assets will be seized and held by the Military Tribunal for use to benefit We The People. Corporations will lose all rights of person-hood and any law in any court of the land that is judged obviously Unconstitutional by the Regional, designated Military Tribunal will be immediately declared null and void. Corporations will no longer be treated legally as persons and all these usurped rights will be immediately removed and any corporate conglomerates which Intel shows to have used unfair restraint of trade practices or conspiring against the American consumer will be broken up under existing anti-trust laws. Corporate violations of law will be charged against the CEO/CFO or principal responsible and anyone else who actually violated the law.
  24. All those imprisoned for non-violent drug crimes will be immediately released, and their records expunged, some placed under short term probation as deemed necessary. Those who have served their sentences and/or are probation for these minor offenses will have their records purged. Special MD Physician Boards of ten in each State of the Union will be set up each with at least one addiction specialist, one Psychiatrist, one Ph.D. level Psychologist and one MSW Social Worker (each non-affiliated with any Pharmaceutical manufacturer) to suggest Federal drug policy which will be generally recognized as an independent States Rights issue. The Federal Government will make most drugs legal, but each State of the Union will have to decide which specific drugs will be allowed to be sold or MD prescribed, and each State will be encouraged to set up controlled drug sales supervised by medical Authorities for addicting/habituating substances and opiate type drugs, and such addicting/habituating drugs will be handled with prescribed medical treatment.
  25. Any foreign or domestic drug Cartels including those run or which operate in association with the RKM, the Mossad or the BCC/CIA will be given 72 hours to completely disband and discontinue all trafficking into the USA or any of its Territories and if as indicated by NRO Satellites a major aerial and ground attack will be instituted against these Cartels wherever they are located until they are eradicated and all stateside controllers, members and assets are arrested and tried for these capital crimes.
  26. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be immediately disbanded and all employees who did not violate their Oath to the US Constitution and who did not commit any crimes, Treason, Sedition or RICO offenses in association with any component of the RKM will be reassigned to their own prior Agency which will be made independent once again. The TSA will be immediately disbanded and all Airports and Airlines will be responsible for their own Security Systems.
  27. All assets of the RKM and their Federal Reserve System will be seized and inside America this is comprised of many Trillions of dollars’ worth of Commercial real estate bought with the massive illegal narcotics and arms trafficking and illegal Bust-outs and frauds against the US Government will be clawed back and distributed evenly to We The People.
  28. All secret bases such as Areas 51, 52 (Papoose lake) and deep underground military bases will be given 72 hours to surrender or will be attacked by every single US Military Asset and seized, including the seizure and exposure of all secrets and secret records and technology. No more secret Underground Bases will be allowed to be built and all existing ones will be evaluated for allowed continued existence, but if so will be made open to all of We The People.
  29. Anyone involved in any false-flag attacks or illegal Unconstitutional, inhuman, crimes against humanity biomedical or MK-Ultra type Mind-Control experiments, including ultra-high-tech Psychotronics deployed against We the People will be arrested if they do not surrender within the 72 hour period. No more Wi-Fi will be allowed in any public facility due to the Mind-Control brain entrainment risks, cancer risks, and risk of harming developing children and adults too.
  30. We the People may petition the various State Governors to deploy their National guards and specially appointed Militia groups which have been assembled to wage Total War against the Khazarian Mafia at all levels of Society within each state after the surrender period expires for those who have not surrendered.
  31. The Khazarian Mafia kingpins, chieftains, crime bosses, major cutouts and their families, will be hunted down inside America at every level and to the ends of the Earth and all their assets will be seized from every member, associate or beneficiary who received bribes or payoffs.
  32. Upon this day, ______________, 2015, It is hereby declared that no longer will We the People and the legitimate United States of America the Constitutional Republic allow the RKM to exist in America or anywhere in the World or any of its associated drug Cartels or their paid off, bribed politicians in Mexico, Central or South America or any other nation anywhere in the World. American Military assets will be deployed to attack and destroy these entities if they do not surrender during the surrender period. White flags must be displayed, otherwise aerial attacks and special op ground attacks should be expected and destruction and annihilation to follow.
  33. Let it be declared by the power of the Constitutional Republic that NO Longer will any corruption or Special Legislation associated with the corruption and crimes of the RKM or any of its components, members, or associates be allowed to continue or exist in any form.
  34. Because Ronald Reagan was the Last Duly Elected President, and all others were fraudulent, and all US Laws passed after are Null and Void, all laws will be reset back to what was on the books at that time, and this will be done by a Military tribunal set up to do so.
  35. This same Military tribunal will set special elections for Congress and this will include most positions, since most are members, associates or beneficiaries of the Khazarian Mafia and will be removed from office one way or another, either by voluntary surrender or arrest by the Provost Marshal’s Office.
  36. It is recognized beyond any reasonable doubt that most US National, State and Local elections have been plagued by vote-fraud, especially manipulation of electronic vote totals. All future voting will be by paper ballot only and will be hand-counted and hand tabulated with public observation allowed behind glass and all counting completely and fully video recorded to protect from fraud. All electronic voting machines will be declared illegal and taken out of service.
  37. All Senators will be elected by each State legislature as was originally prescribed by the US Constitution.
  38. The Department of Education and HEW will be immediately phased out, with functions to be handled by individual States according to their own Laws. Every single US Department will be carefully examined. Those unnecessary or Unconstitutional will be eliminated and many streamlined and culled of all unnecessary functions. Many responsibilities will be transferred back to the individual States according to the principals defined in the US Constitution according to the Tenth Amendment.
  39. The fraudulent amendments, the Sixteenth and Seventeenth, which were never ratified, will be immediately canceled. The Federal Reserve Acts will be immediately cancelled, since it was never passed with a proper quorum. The Internal Revenue Service will be declared null and void because the Federal Reserve is recognized as a fraud perpetrated upon the We The People. A special Board of Taxation will be set up to consider Constitutionally allowed, proportioned taxes, excise taxes on imports with New Fair Trade Agreements and Tariffs and will coordinate efforts with the Government Accounting Office. The so-called national debt owed to the Federal Reserve System will be declared fraudulent, and null and void.
  40. Notice to Rothschild Khazarian Mafia kingpins: We the People know who you are by name; we know what you have done — all the espionage, and felonious and RICO crimes against We the People. We know about your sophisticated pedophile operations against American politicians, along with your massive illegal narcotics and weapons trafficking for illegal and massive profits. We The People have enough hard corroborated evidence against you to convict you beyond any reasonable doubt in any honest Federal Court of the land. But because there are none, as you have corrupted them all, We The People are setting up our own using Constitutional Law as our guide.
  41. You, the RKM, have fought a secret, asymmetrical war against We The People and all normal humanity that has existed in American Society with the intent to asset strip us of all our wealth, property and fruits of our labor, rob and murder, us of our God given freedoms, and reduce us to your chattel and slaves. We know about all your pedophile operations and murders of many children and massive human sex trafficking.
  42. For your crimes against this country and its people, you, the RKM will be made to pay a price and will find no sanctuary anywhere the World because We The People are going to expose you by name along with your specific Pedophile and Human Trafficking crimes and murders. For these crimes against We The People and humanity in general, You will be hunted down and captured so that you can no longer use your FIAT money power and pernicious usury to enslave us.
  43. You, the RKM, its chieftains, kingpins, cutouts and assets have hijacked and debased the major mass media at every level and placed many top newscasters and reporters on your payroll or the payroll of your cutouts. All six major mass media conglomerates have been judged to be illegal cartels/monopolies and will be completely broken up forever. Because of the importance of honest investigative reporting and news to We the People and the health of our American Society, false, paid-for reporting and cover-up or accessory to crimes against We the People will be considered a major crime henceforth.
  44. You, the RKM chieftains, kingpins, cutouts and assets have used secrecy, bribery, coercion and blackmail to stay in power. All your deeds and crimes and who you are will be fully exposed. Your reign of terror and imposed slavery is over, you will be extracted from power at every level, and all your takings and holding will be confiscated and clawed back from anywhere in the world they exist. You have worked hard to deny us our constitutional rights, and this can no longer be tolerated. The United States of America contained natural and human resources and wealth beyond measure which you have worked hard to extract from We The People and this will no longer be tolerated by you or anyone else.
  45. There will be no more secrecy in America or for you, the RKM and your organized crime syndicate. No more illegitimate criminal power in America or anywhere else in the World will be allowed even where you may attempt to escape to.
  46. We will route you, the RKM, its chieftains, kingpins, cutouts and assets out, and forever remove any and all of your influence from We the People and the United States of America, our Constitutional Republic.
  47. You, the RKM, have used secrecy, bribery, coercion and blackmail to stay in power. All your deeds and who you are will be shouted from the rooftops of every American city and all your crimes will be fully exposed. Your reign of terror and imposed slavery is over and you will be extracted from power at every level and all your takings and holding will be confiscated and clawed back from anywhere in the world they exist. You have worked hard to deny us our constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and this can no longer be tolerated. The United States of America contained natural and human resources and wealth beyond measure which you have worked hard to extract from We The People and this will no longer be tolerated by you or anyone else.
  48. Should the President of the United States fail to sign this as an emergency Executive Order, the US High Military Command will be justified in seizing power and implementing this Declaration of War under their emergency powers provided by the US Constitution because infiltration and hijacking of America clearly constitutes foreign espionage against America, which triggers an actual national security emergency and the powers provided by the US Constitution to deal with it using the US Military. This espionage transfers full authority to the US Military High Command if the President of the United States fails to act, or if he is corrupted by the RKM or its partner the BCC/CIA to act, as required by Rule of Law and his Oath to uphold the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

President of the United States of America

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Director of the US Provost Marshals

Mike Harris is the Veterans Today Financial Editor and Talk Show Host of the Short End of the Stick. Mr. Harris has over thirty years experience in manufacturing, finance and technology development. A participant in domestic and international start-ups, acquisitions and mergers. Mr. Harris founded Harris Technical Sales Inc. that became Motorola’s vendor of choice, placing over $1.2 billion of capital equipment worldwide. As Chairman of the Board of Eclipse Technology, improvements in logistics decreased Motorola downtime by 60% and decreased mean time between failures by 90%. As Chairman and CEO of TFG Acquisition Corporation, he drove an additional $300 million of value to Motorola shareholders. Mr. Harris then became the Arizona Managing Director of AMT Capital Partners LLC.

In 2006 Mr. Harris accepted a position with Support Resources International (SRI). Within 14 months, as President/COO, SRI’s annual revenue grew from $10.4 million to $27 million, transforming a $3 million loss to a $4.5 million profit. After four years of applied physics at the University of Arizona and two years of economics at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Mr. Harris received an MBA in Finance from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Harris served as a technical adviser to the Committee on Science and Technology of the U.S. Congress.

Preston James, Ph.D

Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.

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Rand Paul: The Clintons Think They Are Above the Law


Senator calls for independent investigation into email scandal

Paul Joseph Watson
March 11, 2015

Senator Rand Paul has called for an independent investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, [youtube]charging that the Clintons think they are above the law.

“I don’t think the Clintons should be above the law,” said Paul during an appearance on The Kelly File, adding that Hillary’s excuse that she was using a personal email account for “convenience” shouldn’t trump national security.

Later in the interview, Paul charged that Clinton operated out of arrogance in thinking that, “some of these laws apply to lower people and not to me, Hillary Clinton….nobody should be above the law in our land.”

The former of Secretary of State appeared at a hastily arranged press conference yesterday during which she repeated claims that none of the roughly 30,000 emails that were “deleted” from her personal email account were related to official business.

“I don’t see how she can do this email back and forth with the President, how can she email from Libya about worldwide events and expect that those conversations – none of them – were classified,” said the Senator as he called for an independent investigation into the scandal.

Paul cited photographs of Hillary Clinton using her phone during trips to LIbya, images which don’t correlate with Rep. Trey Gowdy’s finding that there were “gaps of months, and months and months” in email logs that Hillary had handed over from that time period.

“Can we trust Hillary Clinton to produce all of her email when we couldn’t trust her to obey the law that she had to use a State Department email? The only way we get to the truth is through an independent investigation and I do believe that public opinion can provoke that,” said the Senator, adding that the American public “should not tolerate” Clinton’s secrecy.

Asked whether directions given by Hillary to other State Department officials asking them to avoid using personal email accounts meant Hilary thought she was above the law, Paul agreed, before also touching on the millions of dollars her foundation has received from Middle Eastern countries known for oppressing women.

“This is a couple that have been raising money from foreign countries that have despicable human rights and women’s rights records and they’re somehow to be trusted? ‘Oh we’re taking $20 million dollars from Saudi Arabia, but it didn’t affect any of our policy’ – it’s unseemly and I think the American people will be kind of sickened to see this level of….to me it seems to be deception,” said Paul.

The Senator also speculated that there were a “whole host of conversations” undertaken by Hillary that would be deemed classified if anyone tried to obtain them through a FOIA request.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

This article was posted: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 6:56 am

The Architect of Destruction


By Maureen Scott

Barack Obama appears to be a tormented man filled with resentment, anger, and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others. Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. That was instilled in him by his family and mentors…it seems to have never left him.

It is not the color of his skin that is a problem in America.

Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.

Think: Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. Or its people, with deep appreciation and genuine respect for our history, our customs, our sufferings and our blessings? Has he ever revealed that, like most patriotic Americans, he gets “goose bumps” when a band plays “The Star Spangled Banner,” (no he gets goose bumps when he hears the ”Muslim call to prayer” (his words) or sheds a tear when he hears a beautiful rendition of ” America the Beautiful?” Does his heart burst with pride when millions of American flags wave on a National holiday – or someone plays “taps” on a trumpet? Has he ever shared the admiration of the military, as we as lovers of those who keep us free, feel when soldiers march by? It is doubtful because Obama did not grow up sharing our experiences or our values. He did not sit at the knee of a Grandfather or Uncle who showed us his medals and told us about the bravery of his fellow troops as they tramped through foreign lands to keep us free. He didn’t have grandparents who told stories of suffering and then coming to America, penniless, and the opportunities they had for building a business and life for their children.


Away from this country as a young child, Obama didn’t delight in being part of America and its greatness. He wasn’t singing our patriotic songs in kindergarten, or standing on the roadside for a holiday parade and eating a hot dog, or lighting sparklers around a campfire on July 4th as fireworks exploded over head, or placing flags on the grave sites of fallen and beloved American heroes.

Rather he was separated from all of these experiences and doesn’t really understand us and what it means to be an American. He is void of the basic emotions that most feel regarding this country and insensitive to the instinctive pride we have in our national heritage. His opinions were formed by those who either envied us or wanted him to devalue the United States and the traditions and patriotism that unites us.

He has never given a speech that is filled with calm, reassuring, complimentary, heartfelt statements about all the people in the U.S. Or one that inspires us to be better and grateful and proud that in a short time our country became a leader, and a protector of many. Quite the contrary, his speeches always degenerate into mocking, ridiculing tirades as he faults our achievements as well as any critics or opposition for the sake of a laugh, or to bolster his ego. He uses his Office to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies and actions. A secure leader, who has noble self-esteem and not false confidence, refrains from showing such dread of critics and displaying a cocky, haughty attitude.


Mostly, his time seems to be spent causing dissension, unrest, and anxiety among the people of America, rather than uniting us (even though he was presented to us as the “Great Uniter”). He creates chaos for the sake of keeping people separated, envious, aggrieved and ready to argue. Under his leadership Americans have been kept on edge, rather than in a state of comfort and security. He incites people to be aggressive toward, and disrespectful of, those of differing opinions. And through such behavior, Obama has lowered the standards for self-control and mature restraint to the level of street-fighting gangs, when he should be raising the bar for people to strive toward becoming more considerate, tolerant, self-disciplined, self-sustaining, and self-assured.

Not a day goes by that he is not attempting to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install controversial appointees, enact divisive mandates, and assert a dictatorial form of government.

– Never has there been a leader of this great land who used such tactics to harm and hurt the people and this country.

– Never have we had a President who spoke with a caustic, evil tongue against the citizenry rather than present himself as a soothing, calming and trustworthy force.

– Never, in this country, have we experienced how much stress one man can cause a nation of people – on a daily basis!

Obama has promoted the degeneration of peace, civility, and quality of cooperation between us. He thrives on tearing us down, rather than building us up. He is the Architect of the decline of America, and the epitome of a Demagogue.

© Maureen Scott    Truth or Fiction verified–2013

Elected and Above the Law: Bill “Would Exempt Lawmakers from Prosecution of Nearly Any Crimes””


Mac Slavo
Activist Post
This one is just too rich. The arrogance and absurdity is over the top.
Granted, most of the political class is already de facto above the law to begin with.
But now, a lawmaker in Oklahoma has introduced a bill to officially give most lawmakers, judges, appointees and holders of high office immunity from prosecution.
The bill proposes to strip away the ability of a local level prosecutor, such as a district attorney, from being able to bring charges against anyone holding a government position. The text reads:

The jurisdiction of a prosecution against a principal in the commission of a public offense, when such principal is a state elected official, state legislator, district court judicial officer, appellate judicial officer or an appointee of a state board or state commission at the time of the commission of the offense, is within the sole and exclusive prosecutorial authority of the Attorney General of Oklahoma. Such an action must be filed in the county of residence of the state officer.

Under the legislation, only an Attorney General would be able to bring charges against such a person, who would effectively live in a separate class of citizens who are above the law. So long as they are in office, any “public offense” would not be considered a punishable crime.
As Counter Current News reported, this has at least one local prosecutor up in arms over the abuse of power:

“It’s a big deal to me. I’m upset and concerned,” Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater explained. “This bill creates a different class of citizens that would be protected from the normal prosecution process.”

“I am suspicious … that is what this is really about,” Prater added.

The only justification offered for this outrageous and odious piece of “legislation” (for how can one make a law exempting one’s self and peers from the law?) is to combat ‘politically-motivated’ “malicious prosecution,” as in the case of former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who is being prosecuted for abuse-of-power (or how the irony twists round-and-round in this case).
So, to prevent abuse-of-power in frivolously prosecuting elected or appointed officials for alleged abuse-of-power, these officials should have immunity from the law to begin with?
And corruption already runs rampant in the halls of Congress, both on the state and federal level.
If Oklahoma adopted this law, it would likely only be a matter of time before other states do so as well. Washington would be on this yesterday, if possible.
This would absolutely cement the culture of corruption in politics, giving carte blanche for all sorts of behavior and all manner of deals involving conflicts of interest. The politicians could do almost anything – and so long as they tow the party line (of the two-headed, single party system), they would operate under total immunity.
But as for everyone else, not so much, of course.
The little people will continue to get the squeeze, facing prosecution and significant financial penalties for even petty crimes and misdemeanors, as well as imposed mandatory insurance policies, increased taxes and much more, generally laid upon these taxpayers by appointed and elected officials doing favors for their corporate lobbyist partners-in-crime.
That’s why the U.S. has the largest prison population in the world, with more than 2 million people behind bars.
That’s why the U.S. has a guilty-until-proven-innocent system in place, with more than 72 government-sanctioned non-criminal reasons to suspect some of being a potential terrorist.
That’s why the U.S. operates under a nightmare scenario where civil asset forfeit seizure “laws” have been used to steal people’s homes and property, even when they have not been charged with a crime.
This is how the other side lives.
While it is true that there are plenty of ‘bad guys’ committing some awfully heinous crimes, it is also true that there are far too many laws – in a country that was once founded on freedom, but is now swallowed up in bureaucracy – resulting in prisons filled with offenders who’ve committed non-violent crimes, victimless crimes and even petty and sometimes bizarre offenses.
And there are plenty of corrupt officials enforcing this system, but many of the judges and LEOs don’t even agree with the laws they are enforcing and sentences they are handing out (some of which are mandatory under statute).
Those same judges and LEOs would be powerless to arrest the politicians who made these laws – even if it were clear that laws were broken and abuses occurred. Even if they wanted to, not that I’m holding my breath.
Enter the trump card – an entire deck of get-out-of-jail-free cards.
What do you think about that?
You can read more from Mac Slavo at his site, where this first appeared.

Elected and Above the Law: Bill ”Would Exempt Lawmakers from Prosecution of Nearly Any Crimes”
Mon, 09 Feb 2015 23:29:00 GMT

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia.

Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia


For over a year, the United States has played out a scenario designed to (1) reassert US control over Europe by blocking EU trade with Russia, (2) bankrupt Russia, and (3) get rid of Vladimir Putin and replace him with an American puppet, like the late drunk, Boris Yeltsin.

The past few days have made crystal clear the perfidy of the economic side of this US war against Russia.

It all began at the important high-level international meeting on Ukraine’s future held in Yalta in September 2013, where a major topic was the shale gas revolution which the United States hoped to use to weaken Russia. Former US energy secretary Bill Richardson was there to make the pitch, applauded by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Washington hoped to use its fracking techniques to provide substitute sources for natural gas, driving Russia out of the market. This amounts to selling Europe a pig in a poke.

But this trick could not be accomplished by relying on the sacrosanct “market”, since fracking is more costly than Russian gas extraction. A major crisis was necessary in order to distort the market by political pressures. By the February 22 coup d’état, engineered by Victoria Nuland, the United States effectively took control of Ukraine, putting in power its agent “Yats” (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) who favors joining NATO. This direct threat to Russia’s naval base in Crimea led to the referendum which peacefully returned the historically Russian peninsula to Russia. But the US-led chorus condemned the orderly return of Crimea as “Russian military aggression”. This defensive move is trumpeted by NATO as proof of Putin’s intention to invade Russia’s European neighbors for no reason at all.

Meanwhile, the United States’ economic invasion has gone largely unnoticed.

Ukraine has some of the largest shale gas reserves in Europe. Like other Europeans, Ukrainians had demonstrated against the harmful environmental results of fracking on their lands, but unlike some other countries, Ukraine has no restrictive legislation. Chevron is already getting involved.

As of last May, R. Hunter Biden, son of the US Vice President, is on the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. The young Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and contribute to its “international expansion.”

Ukraine has rich soil as well as shale oil reserves. The US agribusiness giant Cargill is particularly active in Ukraine, investing in grain elevators, animal feed, a major egg producer, and agribusiness firm, UkrLandFarming, as well as the Black Sea port at Novorossiysk. The very active US-Ukraine Business Council includes executives of Monsanto, John Deere, agriculture equipment-maker CNH Industrial, DuPont Pioneer, Eli Lilly & Company. Monsanto plans to build a $140 million “non-GMO corn seed plant in Ukraine,” evidently targeting the GMO-shy European market. It was in her speech at a Chevron-sponsored meeting of the US-Ukraine Business Council a year ago that Victoria Nuland mentioned the five billion dollars spent by the US in the last twenty years to win over Ukraine.

On December 2, President Poroshenko swore in three foreigners as cabinet ministers: an American, a Lithuanian and a Georgian. He granted them Ukrainian citizenship a few minutes before the ceremony.

US born Natalie Jaresko is Ukraine’s new Finance Minister. With a Ukrainian family background and degrees from Harvard and DePaul universities, Jaresko went from the State Department to Kiev when Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union, in order to head the economic department of the newly opened US embassy. Three years later she left the US Embassy to head the US government-financed Western NIS Enterprise Fund. In 2004 she established her own equity fund. As a supporter of the 2004 Orange Revolution, she served on “Orange” victor President Viktor Yushchenko’s Foreign Investors Advisory Council.

Lithuanian investment banker Aivaras Abromavicius is the new Economy Minister, putting government economic policy clearly under US influence, or rather control.

The new Health Minister, Aleksandr Kvitashvili from Georgia, is US-educated and does not speak Ukrainian. He had served as health minister in his native Georgia, when US puppet Mikheil Saakashvili was President.

The US grip on Ukraine’s economy is now complete. The stage is set to begin fracking, perhaps transforming Hunter Biden into Ukraine’s newest oligarch.

Nobody is mentioning this, but the controversial trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine, whose postponement set off the Maidan protests leading to the US-steered February 22 coup d’état, removes trade barriers, allowing free entry into EU countries of agricultural exports produced in Ukraine by US corporations. The Ukrainian government is deeply in debt, but that will not prevent American corporations from making huge profits in that low-wage, regulation-free and fertile country. European grain producers, such as France, may find themselves severely damaged by the cheap competition.

The Russophobic Kiev government’s assault on Southeastern Ukraine is killing the country’s industrial sector, whose markets were in Russia. But to Kiev’s rulers from Western Ukraine, that does not matter. The death of old industry can help keep wages low and profits high.

Just as Americans decisively took control of the Ukrainian economy, Putin announced cancellation of the South Stream gas pipeline project. The deal was signed in 2007 between Gazprom and the Italian petrochemical company ENI, in order to ensure Russian gas deliveries to the Balkans, Austria and Italy by bypassing Ukraine, whose unreliability as a transit country had been demonstrated by repeated failure to pay bills or syphoning of gas intended for Europe for its own use. The German Wintershall and the French EDF also invested in South Stream.

In recent months, US representatives began to put pressure on the European countries involved to back out of the deal. South Stream was a potential life-saver for Serbia, still impoverished by the results of NATO bombing and fire-sale giveaways of its privatized industries to foreign buyers. Aside from much-needed jobs and energy security, Serbia was in line to earn 500 million euros in annual transit fees. Belgrade resisted warnings that Serbia must go along with EU foreign policy against Russia in order to retain its status as candidate to join the E.U.

The weak link was Bulgaria, earmarked for similar benefits as the landing point of the pipeline. US Ambassador to Sofia Marcie Ries started warning Bulgarian businessmen that they could suffer from doing business with Russian companies under sanctions. The retiring president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso from Portugal, who used to be a “Maoist” back when “Maoism” was the cover for opposition to Soviet-backed liberation movements in Portugal’s African colonies, threatened Bulgaria with EU proceedings for irregularities in South Stream contracts. This refers to EU rules against allowing the same company to produce and transfer gas. In short, the EU was attempting to apply its own rules retroactively to a contract signed with a non-EU country before the rules were adopted.

Finally, John McCain flew into Sofia to browbeat the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Plamen Oresharski, to pull out of the deal, leaving South Stream out in the Black Sea without a point of entry onto the Balkan mainland.

This is all very funny considering that a favorite current US war propaganda theme against Russia is that Gazprom is a nefarious political weapon used by Putin to “coerce” and “bully” Europe.

The only evidence is that Russia has repeatedly called on Ukraine to pay its long-overdo gas bills. In vain.

Cancellation of South Stream amounts to a belated blow to Serbia from NATO. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic bewailed the loss of South Stream, noting that: “We are paying the price of a conflict between big powers”.

Italian partners to the deal are also very unhappy at the big losses. But EU officials and media are, as usual, blaming it all on Putin.

Perhaps, when you are repeatedly insulted and made to feel unwelcome, you go away. Putin took his gas pipeline project to Turkey and immediately sold it to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. This looks like a good deal for Russia, and for Turkey, but the whole affair remains ominous.

Russian oil as a means of coercion? If Putin could use Gazprom to get Erdogan to change his policy on Syria, and drop his determination to overthrow Bachar al Assad, in order to defeat the Islamic State fanatics, that would be an excellent outcome. But so far, there is no sign of such a development.

The switch from the Balkans to Turkey deepens the gulf between Russia and Western Europe, which in the long run is harmful to both. But it also sharpens the economic inequality between Northern and Southern Europe. Germany still gets gas deliveries from Russia, notably from Gerhard Schroeder’s co-project with Putin, Nord Stream. But Southern European countries, already in deep crisis caused largely by the euro, are left out in the cold. This turn of events might contribute to the political revolt that is growing in those countries.

As voices were being raised in Italy complaining that anti-Russian sanctions were hurting Europe but leaving the United States unscathed, Europeans could take comfort in kind words from the Nobel Peace Prize winner in the White House, who praised the European Union for doing the right thing, even though it is “tough on the European economy”.

In a speech to leading CEOs on December 3, Obama said the sanctions were intended to change Putin’s “mindset”, but didn’t think this would succeed. He is waiting for “the politics inside Russia” to “catch up with what’s happening in the economy, which is why we are going to continue to maintain that pressure.” This was another way of saying that stealing Russia’s natural gas market, forcing Europe to enact sanctions, and getting Washington’s bigoted stooges in Saudi Arabia to bring down petroleum prices by flooding the market, are all intended to make the Russian people blame Putin enough to get rid of him. Regime change, in short.

On December 4, the US House of Representatives officially exposed the US motive behind this mess by adopting what must surely be the worst piece of legislation ever adopted: Resolution 758. The Resolution is a compendium of all the lies floated against Vladimir Putin and Russia over the past year. Never perhaps have so many lies been crammed into a single official document of that length. And yet, this war propaganda was endorsed by a vote of 411 to 10. If, despite this call for war between two nuclear powers, there are still historians in the future, they must judge this resolution as proof of the total failure of the intelligence, honesty and sense of responsibility of the political system that Washington is trying to force on the entire world

Ron Paul has written an excellent analysis of this shameful document.

Whatever one may think of Paul’s domestic policies, on international affairs he stands out as a lone – very lone – voice of reason. (Yes, there was Dennis Kucinich too, but they got rid of him by gerrymandering his district off the map.)

After a long list of “Whereas” lies, insults and threats, we get the crass commercial side of this dangerous campaign. The House calls on European countries to “reduce the ability of the Russian Federation to use its supply of energy as a means of applying political and economic pressure on other countries, including by promoting increased natural gas and other energy exports from the United States and other countries” and “urges the President to expedite the United States Department of Energy’s approval of liquefied natural gas exports to Ukraine and other European countries”.

The Congress is ready to risk and even promote nuclear war, but when it comes to the “bottom line”, it is a matter of stealing Russia’s natural gas market by what so far is a bluff: shale gas obtained by US fracking.

Worse Than Cold War

The neocons who manipulate America’s clueless politicians have not got us into a new Cold War. It is much worse. The long rivalry with the Soviet Union was “Cold” because of MAD, Mutual Assured Destruction. Both Washington and Moscow were perfectly aware that “Hot” war meant nuclear exchanges that would destroy everybody.

This time around, the United States thinks it already “won” the Cold War and seems to be drunk with self-confidence that it can win again. It is upgrading its nuclear weapons force and building a “nuclear shield” on Russia’s border whose only purpose can be to give the United States a first strike capacity – the ability to knock out any Russian retaliation against a US nuclear attack. This cannot work, but it weakens deterrence.

The danger of outright war between the two nuclear powers is actually much greater than during the Cold War. We are now in a sort of Frozen War, because nothing the Russians say or do can have any effect. The neocons who manufacture US policy behind the scenes have invented a totally fictional story about Russian “aggression” which the President of the United States, the mass media and now the Congress have accepted and endorsed. Russian leaders have responded with honesty, truth and common sense, remaining calm despite the invective thrown at them. It has done no good whatsoever. The positions are frozen. When reason fails, force follows. Sooner or later.

Casino closures brings mass unemployment filing – Yahoo News

Casino closures brings mass unemployment filing
Associated Press By WAYNE PARRY
September 3, 2014 2:23 PM
Associated Press Videos
Atlantic City’s $2 Billion Casino Closes
Casino Closures Brings Mass Unemployment Filing
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — Carrying identification documents and bitterness over their sudden joblessness, hundreds of ex-casino workers began filing for unemployment Wednesday morning, the first attendees at an assistance center that expects to process 5,000 newly laid-off workers over the next three days.
The session at the Atlantic City Convention Center came after a brutal weekend that saw two casinos, the Showboat and Revel, close. Officials from the state Department of Labor and the main casino workers’ union, Local 54 of Unite-HERE, helped displaced workers file for unemployment and gave them information on signing up for health insurance and other benefits.
By mid-September, Atlantic City, which started the year with 12 casinos, will be down to eight, and almost 8,000 people will be out of work. Trump Plaza is closing Sept. 16, and the Atlantic Club shut down in January.
About 300 workers were lined up when the doors opened at 9 a.m.; by early afternoon more than 750 had been processed.
“It’s really depressing,” said Dale Browne, who worked as a housekeeper at Showboat for 14 years. “People have mortgages, kids in school. We’re afraid the crime rate is going to go up. I want to say we’ll be all right down the road, but right now, it’s rough.”
Ruth Ann Joyce and her husband, Michael, were hired together as bartenders at Showboat when it opened in March 1987, and they raised a family on their casino jobs.
View galleryPeople wait in line to sign up for unemployment Wednesday, …
People wait in line to sign up for unemployment Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014, in Atlantic City, N.J. Tho …
“We made good money. We had great benefits. We worked hard and we were rewarded for it,” she said. “For the past 27 years, we had the American dream. This closing is a tragedy, and it didn’t have to happen.”
The state Department of Labor had 40 workers helping applicants register for unemployment and connect with job search resources. Other social service agencies helped enroll them for health insurance and food assistance.
“They don’t want to collect unemployment,” said Bob McDevitt, Local 54’s president. “They just want to get to their next job.”
Helpers assisted people in English, Spanish, Gujarati, Bangla, Hindi, Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese, Vietnamese and Creole.
A union volunteer helped a laid-off Revel dealer navigate the computer application for unemployment, verifying his personal information and work history, his eligibility status and calculating how much he made between salary and tips on his last few days at work. The dealer opted to have his unemployment benefits taxed from each check rather than paying a lump sum tax himself in April.
View galleryPeople signing up for unemployment fill a room at the …
People signing up for unemployment fill a room at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic Ci …
Other workers discussed the possibility of early retirements with counselors. In a separate room, others signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Tables offered help with food stamps, too.
The casino consolidation buffeting Atlantic City is a reaction to the ever-increasing competition from casinos in neighboring states, including Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Connecticut. Atlantic City’s casino revenue has fallen from a high of $5.2 billion in 2006, when the first Pennsylvania casino opened, to $2.86 billion last year.
Casino analysts and industry executives say the closings are a needed correction to an oversaturated market and predict that the remaining eight casinos will do better financially with less competition.
But big-picture economics was not on the minds of those who turned out for the unemployment session Wednesday. Ronnie Downing, a laid-off Revel worker, said he and his co-workers were shocked when it closed.
“Many of us, myself included, haven’t figured out what we’re going to do next,” he said.
Wayne Parry can be reached at

The First Iraq War Was Also Sold to the Public Based on a Pack of Lies | Common Dreams

We haven’t Had a Decent POTUS Since JFK and The Man In The Picture Below Was Front And Center November 23, 1963 in Texas, to Help Assassinate Him – WAKE UP AMERICA

The First Iraq War Was Also Sold to the Public Based on a Pack of Lies | Common Dreams.

The First Iraq War Was Also Sold to the Public Based on a Pack of Lies

Then Vice President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, arrive in New Orleans for the 1988 Republican National Convention (Credit: Esther/cc/flickr)Polls suggest that Americans tend to differentiate between our “good war” in Iraq — “Operation Desert Storm,” launched by George HW Bush in 1990 — and the “mistake” his son made in 2003.

Across the ideological spectrum, there’s broad agreement that the first Gulf War was “worth fighting.” The opposite is true of the 2003 invasion, and a big reason for those divergent views was captured in a 2013 CNN poll that found that “a majority of Americans (54%) say that prior to the start of the war the administration of George W. Bush deliberately misled the U.S. public about whether Baghdad had weapons of mass destruction.”

But as the usual suspects come out of the woodwork to urge the US to once again commit troops to Iraq, it’s important to recall that the first Gulf War was sold to the public on a pack of lies that were just as egregious as those told by the second Bush administration 12 years later.

The Lie of an Expansionist Iraq

Most countries condemned Iraq’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait. But the truth — that it was the culmination of a series of tangled economic and historical conflicts between two Arab oil states — wasn’t likely to sell the US public on the idea of sending our troops halfway around the world to do something about it.

So we were given a variation of the “domino theory.” Saddam Hussein, we were told, had designs on the entire Middle East. If he wasn’t halted in Kuwait, his troops would just keep going into other countries.

As Scott Peterson reported for The Christian Science Monitor in 2002, a key part of the first Bush administration’s case “was that an Iraqi juggernaut was also threatening to roll into Saudi Arabia. Citing top-secret satellite images, Pentagon officials estimated in mid-September [of 1990]  that up to 250,000 Iraqi troops and 1,500 tanks stood on the border, threatening the key US oil supplier.”

A quarter of a million troops with heavy armor amassed on the Saudi border certainly seemed like a clear sign of hostile intent. In announcing that he had deployed troops to the Gulf in August 1990, George HW Bush said, “I took this action to assist the Saudi Arabian Government in the defense of its homeland.” He asked the American people for their “support in a decision I’ve made to stand up for what’s right and condemn what’s wrong, all in the cause of peace.”

But one reporter — Jean Heller of the St. Petersburg Times — wasn’t satisfied taking the administration’s claims at face value. She obtained two commercial satellite images of the area taken at the exact same time that American intelligence supposedly had found Saddam’s huge and menacing army and found nothing there but empty desert.

She contacted the office of then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney “for evidence refuting theTimes photos or analysis offering to hold the story if proven wrong.” But “the official response” was: “Trust us.”

Heller later told the Monitor’s Scott Peterson that the Iraqi buildup on the border between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia “was the whole justification for Bush sending troops in there, and it just didn’t exist.”

Dead Babies, Courtesy of a New York PR Firm

Military occupations are always brutal, and Iraq’s six-month occupation of Kuwait was no exception. But because Americans didn’t have an abundance of affection for Kuwait, a case had to be built that the Iraqi army was guilty of nothing less than Nazi-level atrocities.

That’s where a hearing held by the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in October 1990 played a major role in making the case for war.

A young woman who gave only her first name, Nayira, testified that she had been a volunteer at Kuwait’s al-Adan hospital, where she had seen Iraqi troops rip scores of babies out of incubators, leaving them “to die on the cold floor.” Between tears, she described the incident as “horrifying.”

Her account was a bombshell. Portions of her testimony were aired that evening on ABC’s “Nightline” and NBC’s “Nightly News.” Seven US senators cited her testimony in speeches urging Americans to support the war, and George HW Bush repeated the story on 10 separate occasions in the weeks that followed.

In 2002, Tom Regan wrote about his own family’s response to the story for The Christian Science Monitor:

I can still recall my brother Sean’s face. It was bright red. Furious. Not one given to fits of temper, Sean was in an uproar. He was a father, and he had just heard that Iraqi soldiers had taken scores of babies out of incubators in Kuwait City and left them to die. The Iraqis had shipped the incubators back to Baghdad. A pacifist by nature, my brother was not in a peaceful mood that day. “We’ve got to go and get Saddam Hussein. Now,” he said passionately.

Subsequent investigations by Amnesty Internationala division of Human Rights Watch and independent journalists would show that the story was entirely bogus — a crucial piece of war propaganda the American media swallowed hook, line and sinker. Iraqi troops had looted Kuwaiti hospitals, but the gruesome image of babies dying on the floor was a fabrication.

In 1992, John MacArthur revealed in The New York Times that Nayirah was in fact the daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait’s ambassador to the US. Her testimony had been organized by a group called Citizens for a Free Kuwait, which was a front for the Kuwaiti government.

Tom Regan reported that Citizens for a Free Kuwait hired Hill & Knowlton, a New York-based PR firm that had previously spun for the tobacco industry and a number of governments with ugly human rights records. The company was paid “$10.7 million to devise a campaign to win American support for the war.” It was a natural fit, wrote Regan. “Craig Fuller, the firm’s president and COO, had been then-President George Bush’s chief of staff when the senior Bush had served as vice president under Ronald Reagan.”

According to Robin Andersen’s A Century of Media, a Century of War, Hill & Knowlton had spent $1 million on focus groups to determine how to get the American public behind the war, and found that focusing on “atrocities” was the most effective way to rally support for rescuing Kuwait.

Arthur Rowse reported for the Columbia Journalism Review that Hill & Knowlton sent out a video news release featuring Nayirah’s gripping testimony to 700 American television stations.

As Tom Regan noted, without the atrocities, the idea of committing American blood and treasure to save Kuwait just “wasn’t an easy sell.”

Only a few weeks before the invasion, Amnesty International accused the Kuwaiti government of jailing dozens of dissidents and torturing them without trial. In an effort to spruce up the Kuwait image, the company organized Kuwait Information Day on 20 college campuses, a national day of prayer for Kuwait, distributed thousands of “Free Kuwait” bumper stickers, and other similar traditional PR ventures. But none of it was working very well. American public support remained lukewarm the first two months.

That would change as stories about Saddam’s baby-killing troops were splashed across front pages across the country.

Saddam Was Irrational

Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait was just as illegal as the US invasion that would ultimately oust him 13 years later — it was neither an act of self-defense, nor did the UN Security Council authorize it.

But it can be argued that Iraq had significantly more justification for its attack.

Kuwait had been a close ally of Iraq, and a top financier of the Iraqi invasion of Iran in 1980, which, as The New York Times reported, occurred after “Iran’s revolutionary government tried to assassinate Iraqi officials, conducted repeated border raids and tried to topple Mr. Hussein by fomenting unrest within Iraq.”

Saddam Hussein felt that Kuwait should forgive part of his regime’s war debt because he had halted the “expansionist plans of Iranian interests” not only on behalf of his own country, but in defense of the other Gulf Arab states as well.

After an oil glut knocked out about two-thirds of the value of a barrel of crude oil between 1980 and 1986, Iraq appealed to OPEC to limit crude oil production in order to raise prices — with oil as low as $10 per barrel, the government was struggling to pay its debts. But Kuwait not only resisted those efforts — and asked OPEC to increase its quotas by 50 percent instead — for much of the 1980s it also had maintained its own production well above OPEC’s mandatory quota. According to a study by energy economist Mamdouh Salameh, “between 1985 and 1989, Iraq lost US$14 billion a year due to Kuwait’s oil price strategy,” and “Kuwait’s refusal to decrease its oil production was viewed by Iraq as an act of aggression against it.”

There were additional disputes between the two countries centering on Kuwait’s exploitation of the Rumaila oil fields, which straddled the border between the two countries. Kuwait was accused of using a technique known as “slant-drilling” to siphon off oil from the Iraqi side.

None of this justifies Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. But a longstanding and complex dispute between two undemocratic petrostates wasn’t likely to inspire Americans to accept the loss of their sons and daughters in a distant fight.

So instead, George HW Bush told the public that Iraq’s invasion was “without provocation or warning,” and that “there is no justification whatsoever for this outrageous and brutal act of aggression.” He added: “Given the Iraqi government’s history of aggression against its own citizens as well as its neighbors, to assume Iraq will not attack again would be unwise and unrealistic.”

Ultimately, these longstanding disputes between Iraq and Kuwait got considerably less attention in the American media than did tales of Kuwaiti babies being ripped out of incubators by Saddam’s stormtroopers.

Saddam Was “Unstoppable”

A crucial diplomatic error on the part of the first Bush administration left Saddam Hussein with the impression that the US government had little interest in Iraq’s conflict with Kuwait. But that didn’t fit into the narrative that the Iraqi dictator was an irrational maniac bent on regional domination. So there was a concerted effort to deny that the US government had ever had a chance to deter his aggression through diplomatic means — and even to paint those who said otherwise as conspiracy theorists.

As John Mearsheimer from the University of Chicago and Harvard’s Stephen Walt wrote in 2003, “Saddam reportedly decided on war sometime in July 1990, but before sending his army into Kuwait, he approached the United States to find out how it would react.”

In a now famous interview with the Iraqi leader, U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie told Saddam, “[W]e have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.” The U.S. State Department had earlier told Saddam that Washington had “no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.” The United States may not have intended to give Iraq a green light, but that is effectively what it did.

Exactly what was said during the meeting has been a source of some controversy. Accounts differ. According to a transcript released by the Iraqi government, Glaspie told Hussein, ” I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country.”

I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.

I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late 60′s. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction.

Leslie Gelb of The New York Times reported that Glaspie told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the transcript was inaccurate “and insisted she had been tough.” But that account was contradicted when diplomatic cables between Baghdad and Washington were released. As Gelb described it, “The State Department instructed Ms. Glaspie to give the Iraqis a conciliatory message punctuated with a few indirect but significant warnings,” but “Ms. Glaspie apparently omitted the warnings and simply slobbered all over Saddam in their meeting on July 25, while the Iraqi dictator threatened Kuwait anew.”

There is no dispute about one crucially important point: Saddam Hussein consulted with the US before invading, and our ambassador chose not to draw a line in the sand, or even hint that the invasion might be grounds for the US to go to war.

The most generous interpretation is that each side badly misjudged the other. Hussein ordered the attack on Kuwait confident that the US would only issue verbal condemnations. As for Glaspie, she later told The New York Times, ”Obviously, I didn’t think — and nobody else did — that the Iraqis were going to take all of Kuwait.”

Fool Me Once…

The first Gulf War was sold on a mountain of war propaganda. It took a campaign worthy of George Orwell to convince Americans that our erstwhile ally Saddam Hussein — whom the US had aided in his war with Iran as late as 1988 — had become an irrational monster by 1990.

Twelve years later, the second invasion of Iraq was premised on Hussein’s supposed cooperation with al Qaeda, vials of anthrax, Nigerian yellowcake and claims that Iraq hadmissiles poised to strike British territory in little as 45 minutes.

Now, eleven years later, as Bill Moyers put it last week, “the very same armchair warriors in Washington who from the safety of their Beltway bunkers called for invading Baghdad, are demanding once again that America plunge into the sectarian wars of the Middle East.” It’s vital that we keep our history in Iraq in mind, and apply some healthy skepticism to the claims they offer us this time around.

So we traded one deserter for 5 High Level Taliban Leaders???? This Whole Story and It’s Motivations are Questionable Reminding us Once More that the POTUS is still lying. Will Bowe Bergdahl be the Next Mentally Ill Mass Shooter?: US soldier 'walked off base' before capture


US soldier ‘walked off base’ before capture

A former Pentagon official tells AP news agency that Bowe Bergdahl, a Taliban captive for five years, was “delusional”.

Last updated: 02 Jun 2014 20:44

Bergdahl said he could help Afghans by leaving his post, members of his unit said [IntelCenter]
A US soldier freed after five years in Taliban captivity walked away from his unit and US military decided not to exert extraordinary efforts to rescue him, a former Pentagon official has told the AP news agency.
The agency on Monday reported the unnamed official as saying that the US government instead pursued negotiations to get Bowe Bergdahl back, leading to his release on Saturday.
The official told AP that a Pentagon report in 2010 concluded that he had walked away from his post in Afghanistan before his capture by Taliban fighters.
The official said that members of his unit portrayed him as a naive, “delusional” person who thought he could help the Afghan people by leaving his army post.
However a military investigation did not formally accuse Bergdahl of desertion, the official said.
The 28-year-old from Idaho was on Saturday exchanged for five senior Taliban figures held by the US in Guantanamo Bay prison in a deal brokered by Qatar.
Bowe enlisted in 2008 without telling his parents, drawn by recruiters’ promises that he would be able to go overseas to help people, according to a 2010 Rolling Stone profile.
Once deployed to Afghanistan, he appeared to become disillusioned about the US military mission. In his final email to his parents before his capture, he wrote, “I am ashamed to even be an American,” Rolling Stone reported.
After he was captured on June 30, 2009, some believed he willingly walked away from his post. According to US diplomatic cables, Bergdahl’s unit began searching for him that morning when he did not show up for roll call.
“He left of his own volition,” one US defence official told the Reuters news agency, declining to be identified. “But we have no idea of his motivation, or what was going through this young man’s mind at the time.”
Asked whether Bergdahl should be disciplined, US national security adviser Susan Rice told ABC News on Sunday: “Anybody who’s been held in those conditions in captivity for five years has paid an extraordinary price.”
The comments came as some in the US began to question the swap of Bergdahl for five high-value Taliban prisoners.
John McCain, a leading Republican senator, said: “These are the highest high-risk people. Others that we have released have gone back into the fight.”
Jay Carney, a White House spokesman, defended the decision. “We have a history in this country of making sure that our prisoners of war are returned to us – we don’t leave them behind,” he told CNN.
“The threat potentially posed by the returned detainees was sufficiently mitigated to allow us to move forward and get Bowe Bergdahl back home where he belongs.”
US soldier ‘walked off base’ before capture
Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:44:21 GMT

People Are Getting Busted for Growing 'Legal' Weed in Washington

Hemp Field

At the center of the sweep are 70-year-old Larry Harvey and his family, who garnered national attention recently after getting a slew of felony trafficking charges for growing marijuana on their property, despite having doctor-assigned medical marijuana papers. But the legally owned hunting rifles Harvey kept at home are the reason why federal prosecutors are seeking trumped-up charges and years in prison.

People Are Getting Busted for Growing ‘Legal’ Weed in Washington
Sat, 24 May 2014 05:00:00 GMT

Explosive: What really happened to Sharyl Attkisson at CBS?


image source
Jon Rappoport
Activist Post
Sharyl Attkisson, CBS’s top investigative reporter: gone, resigned, floating free, unchained, now viewed by the news establishment as an outsider, a defector, a weirdo with an axe to grind.
Among the controversial stories she covered at CBS: Benghazi. Just as she was digging below the surface of the Obama coverup, she was cut off and shut down by her network bosses.
Here’s the crux. The Rhodes brothers.
Ben Rhodes, David Rhodes.
Ben is a deputy national security advisor to Obama and writes speeches for him. In September 2012, Ben was “instrumental,” according to ABC News, in changing the White House talking points (the story) on what happened in Benghazi.
Ben’s brother, David, is president of CBS News. Attkisson was working for David. She was investigating all the changes (12) in the Benghazi talking points. She was shut down.
Nothing to see there, move along, eyes straight ahead, go back to sleep, zombie-zombie, it’s all good don’t worry, be happy, hope and change, the audacity of whatever.
Now, on top of this, Attkisson’s computers, at work and at home, were hacked while she was still at CBS. The network acknowledged this and said “they were investigating.” They’re still investigating. So are other unnamed entities.
Who hacked her computers? CBS? The White House? NSA?
Attkisson covered other stories at CBS that were highly problematic for the White House. Fast&Furious, for example. And in the summer of 2009, Attkisson struck gold on Swine Flu. You know, the pandemic that wasn’t. She discovered that the CDC, which is tasked with tracking numbers of cases of outbreaks, had, get this, stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Stopped.
But the CDC was still trumpeting the extreme danger of Swine Flu, with no way to measure its true impact.
Dr. Peter Doshi, long after the whole Swine Flu dud was over, wrote a stunning report for the British Medical Journal Online. Seems that every year, hundreds of thousands of samples from suspected and diagnosed flu patients are sent to labs for analysis—and only about 16% of these samples turn out to be positive for the flu.
That’s a killer of a revelation. Among other things, it means that most people who are told they have the flu couldn’t possibly have been protected by any flu vaccine, even assuming the vaccines are useful and effective…because these people don’t have the flu.
I wrote Attkisson about Dr. Doshi’s finding, and she got back to me, in essence saying, well, yes, this is why the CDC stopped counting Swine Flu cases.
Huge numbers of people who were being diagnosed with Swine Flu didn’t have any kind of flu at all.
CBS shut down Attkisson on both the Fast&Furious story and the Swine Flu story.
Here’s an interesting bombshell. On April 1, 2011, Attkisson authored a piece for CBS News, “Vaccines and Autism: a new scientific review.” She dispelled the notion that the vaccine-autism connection was a dead issue. All sorts of red flags went up the flagpole. Mainstream media are supposed to treat vaccines, all vaccines, as holy sacraments of the medical cartel. Praise them, bow down to them, never accuse them of doing harm of any kind.
Sumner Redstone, the executive chairman of CBS, Attkisson’s employer, has a very significant stake in vaccines. His Foundation, on its site, states: “The Sumner M. Redstone Foundation’s contribution to the Global Poverty Project raising $118 million in pledges for vaccines…”
Redstone’s Foundation has also donated $1 million to a charity called Autism Speaks, which supports genetic testing for the diagnosis of Autism. You can be sure this charity has zero interest in reviving the vaccine-Autism debate and exposing the fact that there is most definitely a connection.
So Attkisson was stepping on Sumner Redstone’s toes with heavy boots.
Attkisson is now writing a book about her career. When published, it’ll land in the mainstream news cycle for a week or two at the most. Doesn’t matter how explosive its revelations are. She’s an outsider now. She isn’t in the loop. She isn’t playing the game according to the rules.
Therefore, my advice to her: come out swinging. Blast the whole rotting news establishment.
However, if Attkisson is angling for a new job at, say, FOX, or even CNN, whose ratings have gone down the toilet, she’ll have to pull her punches. Every major news outlet sits on its own reporters and gags them when things get too hot.
The first casualty in mainstream news is the truth.
Jon Rappoport is the author of two explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed and Exit From the Matrix, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Explosive: What really happened to Sharyl Attkisson at CBS?
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 14:18:00 GMT

Rev. Graham on Sharia Law: “Go Back to Where You Came From”


We’re seeing some states across the country try to stand up and protect the US Constitution and the laws of the state from foreign legal codes and customs trumping the laws in our country. North Carolina and Florida are looking at banning foreign laws from being applied in courts, using legislation to prevent any state judge from using Islamic shariah law or the laws of any other cultures in their judicial decisions. Rev. Franklin Graham, son of renowned evangelist Billy

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  1. Billy Graham: “Hope and Change” Were Clichés to Kill Liberty
  2. VIDEO: Sheriff Openly REFUSES to Enforce Anti-Gun Laws
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Rev. Graham on Sharia Law: “Go Back to Where You Came From”
Shaun Connell
Sun, 20 Apr 2014 12:44:40 GMT

Tamiflu: A High Cost of Ineffectiveness?


image source: AP via The Sydney Morning Herald

Catherine J. Frompovich
Activist Post
Recently, information began surfacing again about the antiviral drug Tamiflu® that has to get healthcare consumers questioning its effectiveness, if not the advertising spin used to promote its intended sales market and branding.
As a result of the Cochrane Collaboration and British Medical Journal (BMJ) review published early in April 2014, there is “…no good evidence that the drugs prevented the spread of the virus between people, or any of its serious consequences, such as infections. It found Tamiflu increased the risk of psychiatric disturbances, renal problems, nausea, vomiting and headaches.” [1]
Two antiviral drugs were reviewed after four years of trying to get the full records of more than 24,000 research participants from 20 trials of Tamiflu® made by Roche and 26 Relenza® (made by GlaxoSmithKline) trials.
According to The Boston Globe,

They found that compared with a placebo, Tamiflu shortened the duration of flu symptoms by a little less than a day on average – from 7 to 6.3 days – but led to more side effects. These included nausea and vomiting and, in those who took the drugs for weeks to prevent the flu, headaches, kidney problems, and psychiatric conditions such as depression or confusion, according to the findings published Wednesday in the British Medical Journal. Relenza, which is inhaled, had a similar effect on shortening symptoms, with no increased risk of side effects. [2]

Dr. Fiona Godlee, editor-in-chief of the BMJ who worked with the Cochrane group to procure full release of the manufacturers’ trial data, had this to say:

This is a situation where the effectiveness of the drugs have been overplayed and the harms underplayed. [2] [CJF emphasis added]

However, Dr. Godlee, if we want to be objective about Big Pharma products, these two antiviral drugs’ effectiveness overplayed and harms underplayed is not an anomaly. It happens all the time, and especially with vaccine trials, I contend. What went on with approving the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines needs not only a review but an investigation, I contend. Will you and the Cochrane Collaboration please obtain the research and trial data for both Gardasil® and Cervarix® and see what you come up with? The results, I predict, could be shocking.
The unfortunate part about those two antiviral drugs reviewed is that governments worldwide bought Big Pharma propaganda, ‘science’, advertising, and branding information “hook, line, and sinker”—that is, they went all out to stockpile them to the tune of billions of dollars. For example: “The US spent $1.3 billion on its stockpile of antivirals, while Britain spent £424 million on Tamiflu alone.” [1] “…Australia had spent on Tamiflu and Relenza, but the current value of the stockpile, which includes those drugs as well as other products, was $192 million.” [1]
USA Today, April 10th edition online, has this to say:

“Peter Doshi, an assistant professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and a co-author of the Cochrane review, says the team focused on the 20 trials because it was more interested in the more rigorous randomized, placebo-controlled research. “Many of these 77 trials did not meet that criteria,” he says.

“I’m not interested in health scares,” Doshi adds. “What we’ve found here are statistically significant increases. Do I know absolutely for certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that Tamiflu is responsible for these (negative effects), based on the trial methodology? No. But what I’m seeing here are clear reasons to be concerned and to look into it further.” [3]

Readers may want to make certain to view the embedded video and interview with Dr. Thomas Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration on the USA Today webpage.
Another of the reviewers, Chris Del Mar, Professor of Public Health at Bond University, Australia, had this to say:

What we did that’s unusual in this review is we didn’t just rely on published data, we realised that this could be biased… that the less good data were being withheld in some way. [1]

Furthermore, in his paper “The Tamiflu Saga Shows Why All Research Data Should Be Public,” Professor Del Mar makes some important remarks regarding pharmaceuticals, the review process, and that often it’s “a war of words with lots of public relations.” Below are some of Del Mar’s sentiments.

  • Roche performed trials and the results were used to get approval from different regulatory authorities for it to be used routinely. The agencies include the US FDA (Federal Drug Administration), Europe’s EMA (European Medicines Authority), and Australia’s TGA (Therapeutic Drug Administration). 
  • The FDA approved Tamiflu for shortening the illness, but not for preventing complications. “Complications” means secondary (bacterial) infections, such as pneumonia. The EMA and TGA approved it for both indications.
  • The approval process is secret, ostensibly for “commercial interests”, although what these are at this stage of the drug’s development (testing how effective the drug is) remains unclear. Still, we often don’t know outside the closed doors what issues are raised in the clinical study reports.

Probably the most remarkable statement Professor Del Mar made in his paper is this:

The whole rigmarole has two implications.

First, we still remain in some doubt about the effectiveness of Tamiflu for preventing influenza complications. This matters because it was the prime reason the world armed itself with warehouses of Tamiflu under the threat of pandemic influenza in 2009.

Roche sold literally billions of dollars worth of Tamiflu for this singular reason. But has the world been sold a pup? Until the trials are openly released for scrutiny, it’s impossible for us, the world, the purchasers of this drug, to know.

Second, the implications are far beyond just Tamiflu. Until recently, the world had adopted the randomised controlled trial as the benchmark test for treatments. But there are clearly some problems with this.

One of these problems is the partial release of trial data (effected [sic] by selective publishing) that will help the sales of a commercial drug or device.

We are concerned that this might have happened in this instance, even though the drug company in question had declared (several times, including originally in 2009) that it will provide all the data we need. [4]

Professor Del Mar contends the above scientific sinfulness can be corrected by mandating that all clinical trials be registered. There’s a campaign to do just that; it’s called Alltrials
What this writer would like to point out in view of the above information, is that selective publishing and other ‘tricks’ are employed to get pharmaceuticals approved, especially vaccines which are ‘sacred cows’ no one seems to want to investigate.
Additionally, there is another ‘sacred cow’; it’s in the chemical industry – specifically GMOs, genetically modified organisms, which have become food crops. Monsanto, Dow, Pioneer, Aventis, Mycogen, and Syngenta produce Bt-crops, in particular, that have been designated by the U.S. EPA as PESTICIDES! Humans and animals eat those crops and their byproducts as supposedly ‘healthful’ food and/or food processing ingredients. Don’t believe that? See this EPA listing PIP [Plant Incorporated Protectants / Pesticides] Registrations Furthermore, there’s an unanswered question regarding Bt-GMOs. Can – or do – humans grow Bacillus thuringiensis in their intestinal tracts after eating fresh Bt-corn-on-the-cob!
Moreover, Professor Del Mar went on to say, “Cochrane reviews are helpful to clinicians, especially when different trials on the same topic provide different answers.” However, that does not hold true for the U.S. FDA, which, in this writer’s opinion, disregards most of what Cochrane reviews find and point out.
FDA carelessly sticks with U.S. Big Pharma’s fudged science, I contend. Tamiflu should be another wakeup call that, apparently, everyone in federal health agencies has tendencies to ignore. That has to be stopped by the U.S. Congress who has oversight over the FDA.
Tamiflu and Neuropsychatric Disturbances in Adolescents
The British Medical Journal published a paper with that title in June of 2007 wherein a report was made that Japanese health authorities had advised against prescribing oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) to adolescents ages 10 to 19 years due to two 14-year-olds who jumped to their deaths with taking the antiviral drug. Furthermore, 52 other deaths, including 14 children or adolescents, also were associated with that same drug.
I should note that Japan recently has gone on record as not recommending the HPV vaccines and that further investigation is needed before it can. Japan has invoked and used the Precautionary Principle [5] in both cases, something USA health agencies dismiss totally, in my opinion, as they consider vaccines as dogmatically safe.
Other adverse effects from oseltamivir include: raised liver enzymes, hepatitis, serious skin reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome [6], and erythema multiforme [7].
Oseltamivir Side Effects
According to the maker of Tamiflu, Genetech/Roche [8], here’s important information to know about the antiviral drug, which readers ought to save.
Note that changes in behavior, especially children, such as confusion, speech problems, shaky movements, seizures, hearing voices or seeing things that are not there (hallucinations) after taking Tamiflu need to be reported to your doctor immediately and stop taking the antiviral drug.
Here is other important information for healthcare consumers to know about Tamiflu that indicate you may not be a candidate for taking Tamiflu:

  • Have kidney problems.
  • Have a history of fructose (fruit sugar) intolerance. Tamiflu contains sorbitol and may cause stomach upset and diarrhea in people who are fructose intolerant.
  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if Tamiflu will harm your unborn baby. 
  • Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if Tamiflu passes into your breast milk. You and your healthcare provider should decide if you will take Tamiflu while you are breastfeeding. [8] [Shouldn’t that be studied and known before releasing the drug onto the market?]

Pandemic Pandemonium
Readers undoubtedly will recall that the 2009 Swine flu (H1N1) pandemic did not pan out; it was a dud, despite all the fear-mongering about it. According to Gretchen Michael of the U.S. Health and Human Services, here’s the official HHS word in response to The Boston Globe’s inquiry:

In future pandemic responses, HHS purchases of antiviral drugs and vaccines will be based on risk-benefit analyses using all product safety and efficacy and disease severity and transmission data available at that time. [2]

Sounds like nothing new or an anticipated change as a result of the latest information from the Cochrane Collaborative and the BMJ. Just like I said earlier, FDA tends to disregard the Cochrane reviews.
What’s a Person to Do?
There are other resources for dealing with the flu bug.
First and foremost, eat healthfully and get rid of all junk foods, sweets, candy, sodas, and starchy edibles from your dietary. Disease organisms latch on to and thrive in an acidic inner-body environment. The edibles just mentioned turn to an acidic ash when eaten/digested so that’s a big clue about how to keep from catching colds and the flu.
Second, know that there are homeopathic remedies that deal effectively with flu. Become acquainted with them and get in a fresh supply. Check out this resource and become acquainted.
Third, consider Nature’s equivalent to Tamiflu: Elderberry extract. For starters, check out “Elderberry Trumps Tamiflu for Flu Remedy.”
Another natural remedy is star anise that can be made into tea. According to National Geographic, star anise is used to make Tamiflu! Who knew?

The eight-pointed seedpods are harvested and dried before Roche’s extraction process yields shikimic acid for Tamiflu. Just 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of acid is produced from every 66 pounds (30 kilograms) of pods, according to Roche’s Web site. [9]

The antiviral drugs that were reviewed should be a wakeup call for every healthcare consumer, healthcare safety advocate, Big Pharma, its scientists and researchers, the U.S. HHS/CDC/FDA, and Congress.
Vaccine safety advocates have been trying to warn everyone, but no one wants to listen and face the music that Big Pharma produces pseudoscience, which CDC and FDA gobble up like ice cream on a stick. The really sad part is that Congress goes along with it.
The take-away lesson from all this is that healthcare consumers truly need to stop believing advertising and public relations campaigns in the media, including “paid Pharma shills,” and investigate the real science about anything you put into your body as food, water, medicine, vaccines, and recreational drugs. There are consequences.

BMJ Group Blogs
What does Tamiflu do, and how will we know?
Japan issues Tamiflu warning after child deaths. Times 21 March 2007
Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Pediatric safety update for Tamiflu. Pediatric Advisory Committee meeting, 18 November 2005.
Is Swine Flu a Marketing Exercise for Tamiflu?
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008).

Tamiflu: A High Cost of Ineffectiveness?
Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:58:00 GMT

Hands Off Our Vaccine Exemptions


Megan Heimer, NHE, JD, ND
Activist Post
I am generally a nice person. As long as someone or something does not infringe upon my rights as a parent or individual I try to stay out of it. And that’s exactly how I feel about vaccinations. I encourage you to educate yourself but ultimately, you have the the final say. That’s how it is here in the United States of America, we have the freedom to choose, freedom to parent our kids the way we see fit, and freedom from government interference into the most intimate aspects of our lives whether we are religious or not.
Or so I thought…
There was a piece published by the New York Times recently written by Dr. Kristen Feemster (a pediatric infectious disease physician who profits from “professionally advising” pharmaceutical companies and feels that a parent’s decision not to vaccinate may warrant a call to Child Protective Services) that urged the scientific and public health communities to curtail vaccine exemptions. In case you’re wondering, a vaccine exemption allows an individual to forgo the vaccination for medical, religious, and sometimes philosophical reasons. The reason for trumping these rights? The public good.
I had many problems with this article, and you should too, because it infringes on your constitutional rights as a parent, blatantly suggests that “vaccines are safe and effective,” insinuates that those of us who choose not to vaccinate our children have no educated reason for doing so, and obviously assumes that the healthcare, scientific community, and parents (the most important player in this dilemma if you will) agree on what constitutes the public good.

Here is my response to this article.
Dear Dr. Feemster, the New York Times, and anyone else who thinks I don’t have a right to (un)vaccinate my child:
I am sorry to hear that you deem a parent’s choice of whether or not to vaccinate with so little regard. Need I refer you to the United States Constitution where it has been decided and upheld by the United States Supreme Court on numerous occassions that parents’ have the right to the care, custody, and control of their children, freedom to rear their children without government interference, the freedom of expression and religion, freedom of privacy, and protection under the first, ninth, and 14th amendments. The right to raise my child as I see fit and the right to decide what I do and do not put into my body or my child’s is a fundamental right granted to me as a citizen of the United States of America. (See Prince v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Wisconsin v. Yoder, Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur, Pierce v. Society of Sisters, Meyer v. Nebraska, City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health Inc., Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Stanley v Illinois, Quilloin v. Walcott, Parham v. J. R, etc.)
You claim that personal and philosophical exemptions should be curtailed because of those who cannot medically receive vaccines. What about those of us who are subjected to virus shedding on a daily basis by those individuals who have chosen to vaccinate? What about those of us vaccinated or not, who have gotten sick as a result of a vaccine induced virus outbreak (like whooping cough, measles, and meningitis). What about the billions of dollars we sink into healthcare every year to cover the rising costs associated with the surge of childhood diseases, all of which are listed as side-effects on the vaccine inserts and have increased as the number of vaccines on the child immunization schedule have increased? What about the vaccine-injured children? Should we not be worried about protecting our children from the serious and sometimes debilitating vaccine-induced conditions? Are my religious freedoms not protected when it comes to vaccinations? Is my educated opinion that vaccines are harmful to the human body of less value than yours? What about the millions of Americans and medical professionals who think the same?
You state that vaccines are safe and effective but as a member of the scientific and healthcare community I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion. You see, vaccines are not research effective because they are not subjected to double-blind placebo controlled studies using a saline solution that is the standard for evidence-based medicine. Vaccinations are tested against other vaccinations, adjuvants, and complex vaccinations – this not only yields inaccurate results but altered and inaccurate safety data. How can you know if something is truly safe if it is not tested against a placebo?
“Vaccines are safe and effective. The significant reduction in illness and death from vaccine-preventable diseases is testimony to how well they work.”
You claim vaccines are safe. Have you read the package inserts, studies, or checked out the VAERS database lately? If you had, you would see side-effects like these: (Boostrix – Tdap) blood and lymphatic system disorders, immune system disorders, myocarditis, nervous system disorders, convulsions, seizures, encephalitis (brain swelling), facial palsy, skin disorders; (Pediarix IPV + DTaP + Hep B) Sudden infant death (SIDS), death, seizures, meningitis, paralysis, anaphylactic shock, encephalitis, skin and tissue disorders; (Chicken pox / Varicella) eczema, vaccine-strain chicken pox, lower respiratory infections, seizures, encephalitis, cerebrovascular accident, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s palsy, aseptic meningitis, pneumonia; (Merk’s Hep-B) Guillain-Barré Syndrome, ringing in the ears, multiple sclerosis, myelitis including transverse myelitis, seizure, febrile seizure, peripheral neuropathy including Bell’s Palsy, herpes zoster, migraine, arthritis. Merk’s MMR vaccine insert is laughable. And I quote,

“Measles, mumps, and rubella are three common childhood diseases, caused by measles virus, mumps virus (paramyxoviruses), and rubella virus (togavirus), respectively, that may be associated with serious complications and/or death. For example, pneumonia and encephalitis are caused by measles. Mumps is associated with aseptic meningitis, deafness and orchitis; and rubella during pregnancy may cause congenital rubella syndrome in the infants of infected mothers.”

Assuming for a moment that the MMR vaccine actually works, the above sounds pretty good…until you get to the bottom of the insert where you see that the vaccine is associated with the same side-effects of the disease it’s designed to prevent:

“Panniculitis; atypical measles; fever; syncope; headache; dizziness; malaise; irritability, vasculitis, pancreatitis; diarrhea; vomiting; parotitis; nausea, diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, purpura, regional lymphadenopathy; leukocytosis, anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions have been reported as well as related phenomena such as angioneurotic edema, arthritis, myalgia, athralgia, encephalitis; encephalopathy; measles inclusion body encephalitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS); acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM); febrile convulsions; afebrile convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies; paresthesia.”

I’m sorry, I’m vaccinating against a rash that has a less chance of causing death than you falling out your bedroom window, being struck by lightening, and drowning in a puddle, so that I can increase my child’s chance of getting one of the side-effects listed above? No thanks. I don’t gamble (especially with those odds). That’s not safe or effective.
And of course, all of these inserts say the same thing: “This list includes serious events or events which have causal connection to components of this or other vaccines or drugs. Because these events are reported voluntarily, from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to the vaccine.”
Does this seem like evidence-based medicine to you? Do you think this pharmaceutical company can’t establish a causal relationship between vaccinations and side-effects because of the poor manner in which they conduct their studies (and because they do not want to insinuate fault)? As a parent, don’t you think the wisest thing to do is to make sure these substances are held to the highest testing and safety standards before they’re injected into children? Are you really making me choose between a measles rash and brain encephalitis?
And I love how the package insert insinuates that the vaccine some how played a role in eradicating measles, mumps, and rubella:

“For measles, 894,134 cases reported in 1941 compared to 288 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.97% decrease in reported cases; for mumps, 152,209 cases reported in 1968 compared to 840 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.45% decrease in reported cases; and for rubella, 57,686 cases reported in 1969 compared to 200 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.65% decrease.”

I find this correlation (that the vaccine eradicated or reduced these illnesses) interesting especially because the first measles vaccine wasn’t even put on the market until 1963. So we have twenty years unaccounted for here and the actual data shows a stark decline in mortality of measles before the vaccine was introduced. Isn’t that convenient? The same is true for polio, pertussis, diphtheria, and the rest. (Here’s a good read on that).

Vaccines did not eradicate these diseases. Quarantine programs, sanitation, clean living conditions, and clean water did. If you look at how these viruses are transmitted (dirty water, poop, unpasteurized milk from infected cows, etc.) and the time frame during which these diseases actually decreased you’ll see this occurred during a time in both Britain and United States History where our society became more industrialized as a whole and access to clean water, clean food, and public health services drastically improved. But we’ll just pretend that the high prevalence of these diseases in other parts of the world like Africa and India have nothing to do with the fact that there are millions of people living in poverty without access to clean living conditions or water.
But wait, what about whooping cough?
Not only was the mortality rate practically nonexistent before the introduction of the pertussis vaccine, the actual prevalence of pertussis was relatively unaffected by the vaccine until 2003-2004 when the outbreaks doubled. Of course this was attributed to “better diagnostic and reporting methods” which is code for “the new vaccine we created to replace the old vaccine has failed miserably and has made the vaccinate dasymptomatic carriers that can infect anyone in the population…Oops.” I know, the unvaccinated are easy scapegoats but according to the science, we’re not the carriers causing the outbreaks here.
The Era of Chronic Disease
I have to agree with your article, we are fortunate to live in an era where we rarely see polio, small pox, diptheria, and other major illnesses. I certainly am not a fan of paralytic polio or any sickness for that matter – what parent is? But to say that these diseases are “vaccine-preventable” or that the vaccine eradicated these illnesses is a stretch at best (you can look at other countries who have comparable vaccination rates and see the failures here).
Do you really think that the increase in chronic disease in this country has nothing to do with the massive amount of vaccines being shoved at the American people? If you can’t see the correlation…please read the vaccine inserts here.
No, what I see around me is a new generation of disease. We have a 1 in 50 autism rate – the highest in history and of any other country. We have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, Crohn’s disease, eczema, learning disabilities, neurological disorders, seizure disorders, birth defects, psoriasis, food allergies, thyroid conditions, and outbreaks of vaccine-strain disease like pertussis, measles, shingles, and mumps. Does this seem like a win to you?
Ask any parent with an autistic child if they’d rather choose a simple fever and rash that lasts for 3-5 days that gives their child life-time immunity or the life-long condition of autism (which is listed as an adverse reaction on page 11 of the Tripedia DTaP insert which is now discontinued, but not before millions of children were injected). I think WE as PARENTS owe it to our children to make sure these vaccines, with absolute certainty, do not cause these diseases before we inject anything and everything into our children on a whim. Oh, but how can we do that when vaccines are not research effective?
Herd immunity does not exists when it comes to vaccines.
Herd immunity is this concept that a certain percentage of the population needs to be vaccinated in order to eradicate a disease. Herd immunity does not exist with vaccines and here’s why:
Herd immunity only applies to those diseases that are naturally derived that confer lifetime immunity. Vaccine manufactures promise to introduce an antibody. They do not promise the antibody will work (e.g. MMR vaccine insert) and if it does work it only confers temporary immunity for up to 4-10 years. Chicken pox vaccine gives immunity for “unknown duration” but no more than 10 years, MMR is unknown, Pertussis “protection” is a joke, Hep B is a maximum of seven.
So my child could get the simple childhood chicken pox as a child and have lifetime protection, or she could get vaccinated, get sick anyway (by chicken pox or one of the many other diseases associated with the vaccine), have only temporary (if any) immunity, and increase her chances by 50% of getting shingles as an adult?
But wait, I should be happy that my infant is at least getting some protection from the mean hepatitis B that is transmitted via sex and dirty needles. I was really worried about that one. Good thing she’ll get another booster when she starts school to prevent that risky kindergarten behavior.
So we have a bunch of vaccinated people out there who may or may not have developed antibodies and if they have, will have “worn off” in a period of days, months, or years. How many people in their 30s and 40s do you know who have been vaccinated lately? Why do we not see these “vaccine preventable” outbreaks in this age group? Why are the outbreaks occurring among the most heavily vaccinated population and in the vaccinated themselves? And is it safe to get continuous boosters of these vaccines throughout the course of one’s life? Has anyone done a study on the long-term effects of repeated vaccines? What about the accumulation of heavy metals like mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum that have an affinity to the brain and intestines and accumulate in toxic levels in the body? What about the DNA of the cells (of aborted fetuses and animals) and its ability to interact with our own?
Don’t you think these are questions that need to be answered before we go “curtailing” a person’s exemption rights?
Dr. Feemster, please let me tell you why I as a parent and educated individual have chosen not to vaccinate my children:
Vaccines have not been proven safe. They are not effective. They have not eradicated any diseases. They cause illness including the ones they are designed to prevent. They cause viruses to mutate and strains of what were simple childhood diseases to become more virulent. Vaccines assault the immune system, contain additives that are deemed harmful and toxic by the EPA and FDA, and are responsible for the most recent outbreaks of pertussis, measles, mumps, and meningitis. The CDC’s response to their failed vaccine? Get more boosters because somehow getting more of something that didn’t work in the first place is logical.
My decision to “unvaccinate” my child in no way affects your children or anyone else’s children. If anything we should protect the people who cannot be vaccinated from children who are, since many of the vaccines cause virus shedding for six weeks or more. In addition, my unvaccinated child does not put anyone else’s vaccinated child at risk. If their child is vaccinated then shouldn’t they be protected?
And finally, please tell me how my child, who has never has measles, whooping cough, (or any other sickness for that matter) is responsible for the recent outbreaks of these diseases – in the almost exclusively vaccinated population no less. Blaming an unvaccinated child for the spread of a disease they’ve never had on a population that is almost entirely vaccinated is like you blaming a random person’s cat in Oklahoma for the grey hair you found on your head. Exactly. It’s ridiculous at best.
Until doctors receive training in medical school on the subject of vaccinations (that goes beyond the viewing of a child’s picture in a third world country who has the rarest and worst case of polio known to man), and start reading the package inserts, educating patients on the potential risks, are knowledgeable on the history and “science” of vaccines, and are willing to accept the liability for my child becoming injured as a result of what comes through the needle… I will always… ALWAYS… question my doctor.
Until the media stops promoting agendas from financial backers, I’ll question them too. And until a pharmaceutical company decides to properly research the product they’re promoting and puts the welfare of the people over the buck, I’ll question them too.
Until vaccines are properly tested, proven to be safe, proven to work, not exempt from liability, free of harmful additives, and proven to be incapable of harming my child…I will not be vaccinating. And as a parent and citizen of the United States, as an individual who has done their research, as a professional married to a physician – it is my right to say no. For the sake of the “public good,” let’s start asking questions. You don’t have to have a degree to read a package insert or to understand what it says.
Until then, hands off our exemptions.
Megan Heimer is an attorney, traditional naturopathic doctor, registered yoga teacher, certified natural health educator, and has a bachelors degree in political science. She’s married to a Physician and blogs about all things alternative medicine, whole foods, healthy living, and attachment parenting at where this article first appeared.

Hands Off Our Vaccine Exemptions
Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:03:00 GMT