Category Archives: The Republic of these united States of America

California: Veto Gunmaggedon


If you love this state and are tired of progressive anti-American usurpers raping and pillaging, now is the time to stand up!












California: Veto Gunmaggedon


In July, after Governor Brown signed several anti-gun bills, a grassroots effort to refer the enacted legislation to the ballot was launched.  The petitions for that effort began distribution at locations across the state late last week with more locations becoming available every day.  To locate a petition in your area click HERE.

Referendum Process:

Bills that have been passed by the legislature and signed into the law by the Governor may be prohibited from becoming law through a successful referendum. In order to qualify a referendum for the ballot must be submitted within 90 days of the Governor’s signature; the proponent must 1) present the referendum to the secretary of state; 2) be certified by the secretary of state; and 3) collect the required number of signatures and return them to the respective counties prior to the deadline. If successful, the measures will appear on the ballot for a vote of the people.  To read an analysis of the referendum process and the challenges that it faces, please click here.  For a breakdown of deadlines and signature requirements please see below:

1788. (16-0004) Referendum to Overturn Law Redefining Assault Weapons.

Summary Date: 07/25/16 | Circulation Deadline: 09/29/16 | Signatures Required: 365,880

1789. (16-0005) Referendum to Overturn Law Prohibiting Possession of Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazines.
Summary Date: 07/25/16 | Circulation Deadline: 09/29/16 | Signatures Required: 365,880

1790. (16-0006) Referendum to Overturn Law Regulating Ammunition Sales.
Summary Date: 07/25/16 | Circulation Deadline: 09/29/16 | Signatures Required: 365,880

1791. (16-0007) Referendum to Overturn Law Redefining Assault Weapons.
Summary Date: 07/25/16 | Circulation Deadline: 09/29/16 | Signatures Required: 365,880

1792. (16-0008) Referendum to Overturn Law Establishing Criminal Penalties for Falsely Reporting Lost or Stolen Firearms.
Summary Date: 07/25/16 | Circulation Deadline: 09/29/16 | Signatures Required: 365,880

1793. (16-0009) Referendum to Overturn Law Regulating Loans of Firearms.
Summary Date: 07/25/16 | Circulation Deadline: 09/29/16 | Signatures Required: 365,880

1794. (16-0010) Referendum to Overturn Law Requiring Serial Numbers on Personally Manufactured or Assembled Firearms. Summary Date: 08/08/16 | Circulation Deadline: 10/20/16 | Signatures Required: 365,880

The success of Veto Gunmageddon effort depends on citizen involvement.  This is a multi-year process assuming the effort gathers enough valid signatures by the deadline.  

While gun rights organizations, including the NRA, were not responsible for initiating this citizen effort, we have provided legal assistance and will be making the petitions available at events across the state in conjunction with our state affiliate, the California Rifle and Pistol Association.

The NRA continues to fight for your Second Amendment Rights in California and will continue to pursue legal, political and legislative action to protect and preserve your Second Amendment rights.  For an update on California legal matters please click here, legislative updates visit and political activities




“Hillary Clinton has turned over the only records nobody wants to see from her – the American public wants to see the 33,000 emails she deleted to obstruct an FBI investigation. We want to see the Clinton Foundation records showing how the Clintons sold our uranium to Russia, ripped off Haiti and cut deals with oppressive regimes around the world. We want to see the pay-for-play emails that Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, refuses to turn over. We want to see the transcripts of the secret Wall Street speeches Clinton was paid $10,000 dollars-a-minute to give. We want to see the records the night of Benghazi that explain why Secretary Clinton didn’t send in reinforcements as soon as the attack had begun.
Hillary Clinton is at the center of an international corruption scandal that reveals her use of government authority and influence for personal gain. The records we need to see are those being hidden, deleted, obstructed and stashed away by Hillary Clinton to keep authorities from untangling this corrupt scheme that reaches into the world’s shady corridors of power. Everything she doesn’t want us to see has been digitally shredded or put under lock and key. This document release is nothing more than an attempt at distraction and misdirection by an individual who created and then purged an illegal private email server.”

– Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor


Previous Release: Corruption, Pay-to-Play and Flip-Flops: Hillary Reminds Everyone She’s A Deeply Flawed Candidate

Roger Stone: The Stone Zone

Hillary Blaming Putin For Hack A Lie

Source: Roger Stone: The Stone Zone


Hillary Clinton has tried to save herself from her latest email scandal with rhetoric that poses a dangerous threat to our democracy and even world peace.

This new email scandal is the Wikileaks release of a gaggle of DNC emails that prove the Democrat primary race was rigged in establishment Hillary’s favor. She’s tried to make herself the victim once again, blaming the Russians and—bizarrely—Donald Trump for the hack that set the emails free.

I have some news for Hillary and Democrats—I think I’ve got the real culprit. It doesn’t seem to be the Russians that hacked the DNC, but instead a hacker who goes by the name of Guccifer 2.0. The original Guccifer famously hacked Hillary’s home email server, you might remember.

Here’s Guccifer 2.0’s website. Have a look and you’ll see he explains who he is and why he did the hack of the DNC.

Now, ask yourself: Why is Roger Stone the guy showing you this? This website isn’t hidden but of course our pathetic press patsies haven’t reported it; they just keep repeating Hillary’s spin.

Before I tell why Hillary’s dishonest blame-casting is so dangerous, let me explain a little more about why it seems like Guccifer 2.0 is the real deal. He seems to have set up a Twitter account back in June and then a WordPress blog to let the world know that he’d hacked the DNC.

A month before Wikileaks released any info, Guccifer 2.0 put up a bunch of documents to prove that he’d really done the hack.

Then Guccifer 2.0 even did an interview going into detail about how they had done the hacking and tried to get some media traction but the media wasn’t biting. Someone from The Hill did a piece, but that was about it. For some strange reason, the establishment press didn’t want to take on the establishment Democrat machine.

So then, his Twitter feed tells us, Guccifer 2.0 made a fateful and wise decision. He went to Wikileaks with the DNC files and the rest is history. Now the world would see for themselves how the Democrats had rigged the game.

We all know what happened at the Democrat convention — the anger, the outrage and the ouster of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was promptly hired by Hillary.

Hillary and her team were desperate to change the conversation … and never forget, her team includes most of the media.

Hillary didn’t deny what this new email scandal plainly showed. The story about the rigged Democrat machine wasn’t going to help Hillary and Trump was starting to overtake her in the polls. Clinton and her minions needed SOMETHING.

Inspiration stuck: ignore Guccifer 2.0. The DNC being hacked by one person didn’t look sinister enough. Time for the victim card! Blame the Russians! Blame Putin! Blame Trump!

No, it didn’t make any sense. Yes, the evidence about Guccifer 2.0 was already out there. But it’s good to the be the Queen.

Now, common sense would inform most sane people that if Russia were dong what Hillary says they were doing they simply would have gone straight to Wikileaks. However, common sense didn’t fit Hillary’s narrative and so the press went all in with her fable.

It’s not shocking that Hillary would try to deflect after the fiasco at the Democrat National Convention.

It’s not shocking but it is incredibly dangerous. Let me explain.

Remember when the Clinton’s close family friend Anthony Weiner pulled this same exact trick when Andrew Breitbart nailed him for sending a photo of his bulging underwear to a young lady who was not his wife? (And his wife is Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Saudi-raised Huma Abedin, you’ll recall.)

Anthony was caught red-handed (double entendre intended) so he played the victim card and found someone else to blame. The Democrats are following the Weiner playbook, trying to cast doubt and lay the blame anywhere they can. They have even announced an FBI investigation.

They should save the money for the charade. I just told you about Guccifer 2.0.

Of course, the mainstream media is once again playing along with the Democrat’s blame game, just like they did with Anthony Weiner. Of course. That’s why they didn’t tell you about Guccifer 2.0.

Unfortunately, this time the stakes are much, much higher. You see, what Hillary is doing is downright dangerous.

Think about it. While Weiner tried and ultimately failed to cast blame on Andrew Breitbart, Hillary is actually increasing international tensions by blaming a whole COUNTRY in addition to her Presidential rival.

How bad could it get? Very, very bad.

If I said that Hillary was making a mistake of nuclear proportions, the media haters would accuse me of trying to start World War III.

So because I am by nature a shy and humble man not given to brash statements, I won’t say that Hillary seems to be taking us down a road to nuclear confrontation with Russia with her politically motivated shenanigans.

Instead, I’ll let an expert say it for me.

For the sake of you and your family’s safety, I implore you to take five minutes to listen to the sober, serious words of Professor Stephen Cohen, an acclaimed author and expert who teaches Russian history and politics at York University and Princeton.

Professor Cohen has no connection to either the Clinton or Trump campaign, which is why his statement against Hillary and her lapdog media is so throughly blistering.

Cohen says that Obama and Clinton have started a new Cold War with Russia. You can see it in places like Syria and the Ukraine. Cohen sees a potential bright spot, one that the media doesn’t want to admit:

Then along comes, unexpectedly, Donald Trump who says he wants to end the New Cold War, and cooperate with Russia in various places and –astonishingly– the media is full of what only can be called neo-McCarthyite charges that he is a Russian agent, that he is a Manchurian candidate, and that he is Putin’s client.

Cohen continues, astounded that in an election year the media has completely abdicated on their professional duties.

We’re approaching a Cuban Missile Crisis level nuclear confrontation with Russia and there is absolutely no discussion, no debate, about this in the American media.

Then the Professor delivers the death blow, pointing out the false narrative that tries to brand Trump a “Russian agent” with Professor Cohen pointing out “most of it is coming from the Clinton campaign. And they really need to stop.”

– See more at:


If Clinton becomes US President more death and destruction will occur

Anthony Freda | – AUGUST 5, 2016

Hillary Means Murder And Mayhem

The tales of bodies lying in the wake of the Clinton’s brutish march through the political landscape are either true crime stories or American folklore.

We may never know what happened to Vince Foster or the other unfortunate souls who became impediments to this power-mad couple’s wet dream of global domination.

What we do know, is that Hillary has a legacy of crimes against the whole of humanity that cannot be disputed.

The Democratic nominee for president is the most corrupt, war-mongering female politician in U.S. history.

She enthusiastically promoted the lies that provided the pretexts to the Iraq War and lobbied her fellow Democrats to vote for the invasion. Her war is the bloodiest and most foolish foreign policy blunder of the 21st century.

She later claimed she was fooled by George Bush into voting for the war.

So by her own admission, she was outwitted by W.

The other explanation is that she is a mendacious war criminal who knew the pretexts were frauds and lied about why she sent American kids to die.

Either explanation should disqualify her from public office.

Hillary has accepted massive bribes in the form of speaking fees and donations to the slush fund known as The Clinton Foundation from dictators who execute homosexuals and stone women to death.

She exposed above-top-secret data including the names of covert U.S. officers who have since been killed.

She killed tens of thousands of people in Libya and the disastrous war she spearheaded has lead to the creation of a failed Libyan state that is today a major source of terror.

She ghoulishly boasted about the savage execution of Gaddafi that just happened to occur while she was in Libya.

She oversaw the arming, training and funding of terror groups aligned with Al Qaeda and Isis.

By murdering many innocent Muslims with drone bombings in seven countries, she helped create new generations of terror and the most extreme expressions of Islamic fanaticism.

She tries to portray Trump as an enemy of Islam, but there was no candidate in this election with more innocent Muslim blood on her hands than our loving matriarch.

Her less murderous past criminal exploits include Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and more.

Diana Johnstone’s book, Queen of Chaos, describes Hillary Clinton as “the top salesperson for the ruling oligarchy.”

Hillary personally waged war on the women who were raped by her husband Bill, in an effort to discredit them.

Hillary helped diminish all of our rights and build a police state by voting for The Patriot Act.

Hillary helped pave the way for the big banks to criminally destroy economies via sanctioned greed and corruption.

Hillary Clinton is a spokesperson for the Wall Street criminals and the military-security complex.

She will represent their interests, not those of the American people.

Hillary exposed above-top-secret material, but wants to see Edward Snowden arrested for releasing classified evidence of systemic criminal activity.

A vote for Hillary is an endorsement of the Iraq War, the police state, and corruption.

It is disgraceful to watch the controlled media ignore her crimes or attempt to convert them into loving, patriotic devotions while they viscously attack Trump for the pettiest, meaningless faux-pax.

L.B.J. suggested that his rival for the throne Barry Goldwater might lead us to nuclear war with his infamous “Daisy” commercial.

Thank God this smear helped get L.B.J. elected so he could go on to massively escalate the Vietnam War and kill millions!

We see a similar dirty game plan being used again by the Democrats during this election cycle.

Sadly, despite her obviously immoral and criminal past, her coronation may be inevitable.

Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders, breaking the law and thwarting the will of the people in the process.

Even Bernie said she was unqualified to be president, but now fully supports her in an epic sell-out.

Feel That Burn.

She may go on to steal the presidency if we let her.

The odds are against us, but we still have a chance to stop her by exposing her disastrous legacy.

Her supporters are victims of decades of deception and disinformation designed to manufacture their consent to the agenda of her masters and satiate her lifelong ambition for global power.

If we are unable to persuade her misguided loyal subjects, may their chains lie lightly upon them.

Obama Funds Terrorists with Our Tax $$$!


August 3, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Obama Funds Terrorists with Our Tax $$$!

Obama: Major Funder of Terrorist Groups in the Middle East!

Obama/Kerry paid $400M in cash for the ransom of four American prisoners to Iran/IRG!

While Obama denigrates Trump as being unfit for the U.S. presidency, he cleverly forgot to mention to the American taxpayers that our hard earned dollars were being spent to ransom four  American hostages held in captivity by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard [IRG] in Tehran,Iran.

In a recent WSJ article written by Jay Solomon and Carol E. Lee [8/3/16], they point out how the Obama administration secretly airlifted $400M in cash that coincided with the release of four Americans detained in Tehran. Even more disturbing is that Obama had used wooden pallets of euros, Swiss francs, and other currencies procured from the Netherlands and Switzerland central banks and flown in an unmarked cargo plane to Iran.

Apparently this $400M USD ransom was paid as the first installment of $1.7 billion ransom negotiated by Secretary of State John Kerry and his team at the Intercontinental Hotel in Switzerland.


As most of you know by now, it is completely illegal for anyone, especially the USG, to pay any type of ransom to any terrorist group/individual as a quid pro quo for a hostage release. Obama paid in Swiss francs, Euros and other currencies in order to skirt another US law which forbids the use of US dollars to pay for any amount of ransom.

Obama along with his choirboys in the CIA [John Brennan], FBI [James Comey] were involved in this complicated transaction. These spymasters knew all too well that the ransom money was going straight to Iran/Hezbollah which fought for Syria’s Bashar Assad as well as against US ground troops in Iraq/Syria.

I have known about this secret transaction for some time now. However, I had to wait until it became public. From the point of view of a hostage negotiator who has been involved in countless terrorist attacks, I find the aforementioned deed reprehensible.

It’s not enough that most of the world leaders consider Obama to be quite weak and ineffectual. Now, Obama has intentionally created an intolerable situation where every American citizen traveling abroad has a prize over his/her head which can be actualized if anyone desires to take them hostage. Obama has created the most devastating hostage situation in over half-a-century.

This POTUS not only bows to the will of a terrorists, but he also abets them by helping them grow exponentially. If one takes a few seconds to understand the absurdity of this situation in which Obama has placed our citizens, we have to conclude that Obama and his CIA/FBI toadies are in fact not only the creator of Al Qaeda, ISIS; but they are also the facilitators of the IRG’s ruthless endeavors to destabilize the Middle East as well as western civilization.

Equally disturbing is that none of our illustrious eunuchs in congress could or would stop POTUS from paying any type of ransom for an American hostage.Trump is not only right that we are in serious trouble and that out POTUS is incompetent, he has repeatedly said that we need to overhaul our WH/National Security apparatus.


Obama has become one of the most pathologically disturbed presidents we have ever had.He creates internal false flags when they don’t exist [Sandy Hook,].He claims victories where none are evident [assassination of OBL].

Now, he has become the devil’s apprentice for increasing the numbers of Christians,Jews, Atheists, Hindus and Muslims that will be murdered over the next months and years.

Hail To Obama, the Terrorist Banker/Facilitator! Long live the tyrant and his court jesters!

In the words of the great German writer/physician, Friedrich von Schiller:

“With stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.”

Breaking News Iran deal, Iran hostages, Jay Solomon, Obama funds terrorists, Obama Muslim, Trump is right, Trump Pence ticket

IceRocket Tags:

US elections, rigged and computer codes. ELECTION FRAUD!

Heard of YANG Enterprises? Prob NOT??

July 29, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD

Heard of YANG Enterprises? Prob NOT??

Clinton Curtis testifies before Tallahassee dais, voter fraud is real, just ask the patriot that tries to tell you so…my favorite: YANG enterprises. hmmm, Clinton Chinese Money…connect the dots people.  THX Patriarch.


Character Determines the Ultimate Future of a Politician! – Steve Pieczenik Talks

Source: Character Determines the Ultimate Future of a Politician! – Steve Pieczenik Talks

Character Determines the Ultimate Future of a Politician!

Character Determines the Ultimate Future of a Politician!

Personal Character Determines the Fate of a Politician!

Ted Cruz Has ZERO!

In contrast, Mike Pence Soars Like a New Ronald Reagan!

By now, you have seen or read about Ted Cruz’s pathetic performance last night at the Republican Convention. Like the dribbling narcissist he is, he showed his true colors as a failed Canadian and a Cuban Evangelical sycophant.His paean to the very values of freedom and moral conscience fell on deaf ears because he was speaking to a crowd that wanted to hear an endorsement of Trump rather than Cruz’s blithering blather.

Oblivious to the audience, Cruz continued talking about/ to himself and his non-existent future as Republican President.The delegates correctly booed him off the stage because he was, as he has always been, self-righteous, boorish and un-American.


There is, within this sick puppy Cruz, a malicious strand of envy, competitiveness and cowardliness that strains to the sounds of a false bravado when he talks about our warriors, fighting ISIS, veterans and American freedom.

He was born in Calgary, Canada.
He never was, or will never be, an American. He can’t! He has evidenced no core values that can withstand defeat or persistent attacks on his unctuous personae.

In contrast, I was completely blown away by Governor Mike Pence [R-Indiana] an exceedingly articulate, modest, self-assured American with strong Midwestern values.The moment he spoke, I noticed that impish smile of a confident speaker who informs the audience that he and they are in a unique collusion of fun, endeavor and eventual success.

The first thoughts that came to me, as I listened to his well-timed mellifluous voice, was the fact that I was watching the reincarnation of a new Ronald Reagan. He was deferential to his wife and children [son is a Lieut. Marine Corps]. He then thanked his mother who had reared him on the corn-stalked landscape of the Hoosier State.

Unlike Cruz, Pence had no problem subsuming his own self to the more flamboyant personality of his new boss, Donald Trump.Whoever chose Mike Pence to be the counterweight to Donald’s more acerbic self, struck gold and deserves major kudos.


No two men could have been more different and, yet, more alike in their collective ambitions to reach the White House. Mike Pence showed himself to be a real heavy weight contender in the national arena of Republican politics. He spoke about Donald in terms of their dual aspirations, accomplishments and future achievements.

Never once did Pence, use the words I, me, or even enter the Cruz-like self-referential terms like ‘personal conscience’ and other nonsensical bullshit.

Welcome on board! Governor Mike Pence! and let’s proceed to destroy the Clinton machinery, once and for all.Then let’s get onto the White House and Make America Great Again!  

Who would have thought that in one single night Cruz would self-destruct while Pence rose like a Phoenix to salvage the remnants of a new Republican Party?

Soar, Mike! Soar!


“We’re here to stand with law enforcement,” biker spokesman says

Adan Salazar – JULY 18, 2016 442 Comments

'Bikers for Trump' Assemble In Cleveland: Photos


Motorcyclists supportive of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump are arriving in Cleveland for the Republican National Convention.

“Bikers for Trump” organizer Chris Cox told MSNBC he expects anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 bikers riding around the convention in order to be a “calming factor” against agitators wishing to carry out violence.

“We feel like it’s open season on law enforcement, there’s an assault on decency, and we’re here to stand with law enforcement, and in the event that we’re needed we’ll step up,” Cox said.

“The bikers are citizen crusaders from all walks of life,” he added.

Tweets show numerous bikers rolling in and assembling, with some estimating 3,000 are already in town.

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RNC Protests @rncprotests

Bikers for Trump arriving to #RNCinCLE #gopconvention

8:22 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Martijn Bink @NOSBINK

Bikers for #Trump zijn aangekomen. #Cleveland

9:14 AM – 18 Jul 2016 · Cleveland, OH, United States

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Will Bunch


We’ve got bikers for Trump and we’ve got Christians for Trump

9:33 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Mathieu Magnaudeix @mathieu_m

Au meeting des pro-Trump:” Build that wall!” Les “Bikers for Trump” font la sécurité. #Cleveland #GOP #convention

9:47 AM – 18 Jul 2016


res7cue @res7cuefox5

RT @Breaking911: Bikers For Trump continue to arrive in Cleveland.

9:21 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Nicolas Bourcier @NicolasBourcier

Cleveland Jour d’ouverture #gopconvention, rassemblement pro Trump (2), oui qqs bikers… devant le Cuyahoga river

9:20 AM – 18 Jul 2016


RNC Protests @rncprotests

Bikers for Trump say they will call police (there are 3000+ in town), if they see trouble. #RNCinCLE …

9:46 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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jeff @JeffroJoiner

Bikers for Trump marching to the America a First rally.

9:22 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Arjen van der Horst


Bikers for Trump in da house. #Cleveland # RNC2016

9:13 AM – 18 Jul 2016

In an interview with Breibart, Cox reiterated that bikers were on hand to prevent violence from protest groups.

“We will be there to make sure that the delegates are allowed to exercise their right to peacefully assemble,” Cox said. “We’ve seen how these paid agitators have thrown eggs and gotten violent at other Trump events around the country and we’re not going to put up with it.”

“Veterans are the backbone of the biker community,” Cox told Breitbart. “We are patriots and unlike Black Lives Matter and the other leftist idiots, we love our cops. You won’t find one biker in Cleveland jumping on cars, lighting fires, or doing any of the other stupid things we’ve gotten used to seeing on TV the last few months.”


Gun shop reveals how YOU can win over support for the Second Amendment!

Kit Daniels – JUNE 21, 2016 398 Comments

A Houston, Texas, gun range offering free CHL classes to members of the LGBT community was overwhelmed by the response, and the manager reveals how to win over millions of people into supporting the Second Amendment:



RELATED: Gun Range Selling Out Free Concealed Handgun Courses For LGBT


FOLLOW for more BREAKING news:

#TraitorHillary Saudi’s Illegally Supporting Her To Influence Our Elections


Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims
It is illegal in the United States for foreign countries to try to influence the outcome of elections by funding candidates.
Zero Hedge – JUNE 14, 2016 331 Comments
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary’s Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims

In what may be the pinnacle of hypocrisy, moments ago Hillary Clinton, while speaking live on national security and addressing the Orlando shooting took some time from her constant bashing of the Second Amendment and calling for a ban on assault rifles, to say some less than kind words about Saudi Arabia whom it accused of supporting radical organizations. This is what she said:

The third area that demands attention is preventing radicalization and countering efforts by ISIS and other international terrorist networks to recruit in the United States and Europe. For starters, it is long past time for the Saudis, the Qataris and the Kuwaitis and others to stop their citizens from funding extremist organizations. And they should stop supporting radical schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path towards extremism. We also have to use all our capabilities to counter jihadist propaganda online. This is something that I spend a lot of time on at the State Department.

There is nothing wrong with that statement, as it is the whole truth – Saudi Arabia’s involvement in supporting terrorism stretches from Sept 11 all the way through to ISIS – however, where there is a big, and potentially law-breaking, problem is what Jordan’s official news agency, Petra News Agency, reported on Sunday citing the Saudi crown price, namely that Saudi Arabia is a major funder of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to become the next president of the United States.

As MEE notes, the Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate’s campaign.
The report was later deleted and the news agency has not responded to requests for comment from Middle East Eye. However, the deletion took place too late, as the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs managed to capture the report and has re-published the original Arabic Petra report, which quoted Prince Mohammed as having said Saudi Arabia had provided with “full enthusiasm” an undisclosed amount of money to Clinton.
The pdf of the report is shown below:

Below is a screenshot of the English report published, and then quickly deleted, by the Petra News Agency:

As a reminder, It is illegal in the United States for foreign countries to try to influence the outcome of elections by funding candidates. That appears not to have stopped the Saudis, however.
“Saudi Arabia always has sponsored both Republican and Democratic Party of America and in America current election also provide with full enthusiasm 20 percent of the cost of Hillary Clinton’s election even though some events in the country don’t have a positive look to support the king of a woman (sic) for presidency,” the report quoted Prince Mohammed as having said.
According to the US Federal Election commission, over the past two years Clinton has raised a little more than $211.8 million. 20% of this sum is $42.4 million.
The report was published (and then mysteriously deleted) on the eve of Prince Mohammed making an official visit to the United States. The Saudi Press Agency reported on Monday that the senior royal was due to fly to Washington where he will meet officials to discuss US-Saudi ties.
He will remain in the American capital until 16 June, when he will travel to New York for meetings with financial companies, the Saudi Gazette reported.
Prince Mohammed will discuss regional issues with American officials, and he will hold talks with the financial companies about his vision for diversifying Saudi Arabia’s economy away from oil dependency.
Links between Saudi Arabia and the Clinton family, including with Hillary’s campaign, are well reported. In 2008, it was revealed that the Gulf kingdom had donated between $10m and $25m to the Clinton Foundation, a charity set up by Hillary’s husband and former US President Bill Clinton.
Last year the Centre for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court paid public relations firm the Podesta Group $200,000 for a month-long project to provide “public relations services”.
The Podesta Group was founded in 1988 by brothers John and Tony Podesta. John Podesta is the chair of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to become the next US president.
Finally, in connection to the Orlando shooting, the WSJ reported that according to a spokesman for Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry, the Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen visited the kingdom twice on pilgrimage.
Mateen visited Saudi Arabia in 2011 and again in 2012 to perform umrah, a religious pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. The trips lasted eight and 10 days each.
U.S. and Saudi officials aren’t sure yet who Mr. Mateen met with during his visits or whether the trips were connected to the shooting.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign did not respond to MEE’s request for comment at the time of publication. Considering Hillary hasn’t given a full press interview in over 7 months, we doubt this will change.


Further proof Hillary fueled rise of ISIS

Kit Daniels – JUNE 13, 2016 1996 Comments

Hillary's State Dept. Blocked Investigation into Orlando Killer's Mosque

Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”

The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaal which was linked to several terrorist organizations.

But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-ran State Dept. and DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims, according to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney.

“The FBI had opened cases twice on him, and yet they found no evidence to charge him; it means they didn’t go through the same basic, analytical process that I went through over a three- or four-hour period in which I was able to link the mosque to my previous cases,” he told WND on Sunday.

In other words, the FBI had limited options at stopping Mateen because it was ordered to back off its investigation into his mosque.

Both Clinton and the Obama administration have a history of enabling Islamic terrorism.

In 2012, Clinton’s State Dept. was backing al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and other Islamic extremist groups as a proxy army to topple Syrian President Bashir al-Assad.

“The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” a leaked memo between her State Dept. and the Pentagon stated. “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support [this] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran ‘support the [Assad] regime.’”

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Kit Daniels @KitDaniels1776

Hillary’s State Dept. backed al-Qaeda in Iraq which later morphed into ISIS. @realDonaldTrump #Orlando #2a #tcot

7:29 AM – 13 Jun 2016

This secret document confirms that Clinton’s State Dept. – and the Obama administration in general – were directly responsible for the rise of ISIS, which is now targeting the West.

The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, confirmed the document’s importance.

“I don’t know that [the Obama administration] turned a blind eye [to ISIS], I think it was a decision; I think it was a willful decision,” he said.

Clinton even admitted some responsibility.

“…The United States had – to be fair – we had helped create the problem we’re now fighting,” she said in an interview with Fox anchor Greta Van Susteren. “When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force on Mujahideen, equip them with Stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.”

“Now you look back [and] the people we’re fighting today, we were supporting in the fight against the Soviets.”

Additionally, on Oct. 1 President Obama authorized a shipment of guns to ISIS-linked militants in Syria – the exact same day he demanded more gun control in response to Umpqua Community College shooting in Ore.

“The approval came at a National Security Council meeting on Thursday,” CNN reported at the time. “…The President also emphasized to his team that the U.S. would continue to support the Syrian opposition as Russia enters the war-torn country.”

But as his administration admitted in the 2012 leaked memo, the “Syrian opposition” is predominantly jihadist militants – just like the Orlando killer.

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12 JUN , 2016 


From the UK Daily Mail:

The suspected Islamic extremist who killed about 50 people after taking party-goers hostage inside a gay club in Orlando has been identified.

Law enforcement sources have identified the shooter, who was wielding an assault rifle and a handgun, as US citizen Omar Mateen, from Port St. Lucie in Florida.

The gunman, who was born to Afghan parents, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he opened fire on the dance floor inside Pulse in the early hours of this morning.

At least 50 people were killed and 53 others were injured in the shooting in the deadliest mass shooting in US history. . . .

On Friday singer Christina Grimmie’s was murdered in a gun-free zone in Orlando. Early this morning, at least 50 people were fatally shot at an Orlando night club — also a gun-free zone.  In both cases the media has yet to report that these attacks occurred where general citizens couldn’t defend themselves.

Since at least 1950, only slightly over 1 percent of mass public shootings have occurred where general citizens have been able to defend themselves. Police are extremely important in stopping crime, but even if they had been present at the time of the nightclub shooting, they may have had a very difficult time stopping the attack. Attackers will generally shoot first at any uniformed guards or officers who are present (the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last year illustrates that point).  Alternatively, they will move on to another place without uniformed officers.

In this particular case the police only arrived on the scene after the attack occurred. That illustrates another point: it is simply impossible for the police to protect all possible targets.

It is hard to ignore how these mass public shooters consciously pick targets where they know victims won’t be able to defend themselves (here, here, and here).

Florida’s law on where people can carry guns is very clear:

From the relevant statute (790.06):

(12)(a) A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon or firearm into: . . .
12. Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose;

CCW in Bars

Among the recent states that allow permitted concealed handguns in places that get more than 50 percent of their revenue from alcohol are:Georgia (2014), Louisiana (2014), North Dakota (2015), North Carolina(2014), Ohio (2011), South Carolina (2014), and Tennessee (2009).  Besides Florida, other states that prohibit them are: Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska,New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.    However, some states such as California issue so few permits that they might as well be banning be banning them in bars.  There is no evidence of problems despite people being able to carry in states that allow people to carry in bars.  Despite the many millions of permit holders in these states, no examples are offered of drunk patrons with permits causing trouble.

Many of the states that allow one to carry a gun in a bar still prohibit you to consume alcohol.  Here are some other state laws: Alaska, Idaho, Michigan(allows you to open carry if you have a concealed handgun permit), and Montana (allows you to openly carry a gun into a bar), and Oregon.

People are allowed to carry in restaurants that don’t get more than 50% of their revenue from alcohol in all the states (again, Montana only allows you to do so as open carry with a permit).  Again, there is no evidence of problems despite people being able to carry in places that serve alcohol across the entire country.

Media discussions today on assault weapons, background checks, but not relevant to the case here.  But the easiest thing for these reporters to check and know for sure, that this was another attack in a gun free zone, is never mentioned once anywhere in the media.  Hillary Clinton and President Obama both used the attack to call for more gun control.  But there is no explanation on how any of Clinton’s proposals would accomplish this:

“We need to keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals,” Clinton said. “This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets.” . . .

The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has many errors on state laws regarding where one can carry.  This article in the New York Times was wrong about many state laws at the time that it was written.

gun free zones