Category Archives: Trump


– FEBRUARY 15, 2016 –

Image for the news result

Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much.

Cruz said I would be appointing a liberal judge when in fact I will appoint a great conservative and I am the only candidate who has gone so far, at the debate, as to suggest two individuals I feel would best represent the conservative values we need to protect: William “Bill” Pryor Jr. and Diane Sykes.

Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.

Cruz says I am in favor of ObamaCare, when in fact I have spoken about repealing and replacing this disaster of a system at every speech throughout my campaign and since it’s inception. Meanwhile, Cruz was responsible for getting Bush to put in the judge that failed to vote against ObamaCare twice.

Cruz says I will try to take away your second amendment rights, when I am one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and I say so in every speech that I have made for years. I am a proud member of the NRA and so are my sons.

Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.

In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation form sent to Iowa voters. If Ted is going to continue to lie with such desperation, I have no choice but to fight back.

One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President. If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately. Additionally, the RNC should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.

I am the strongest on the borders and I will build a wall, and it will be a real wall. I am strongest on illegal immigration, strongest on ISIS, strongest on the military and I will take care of our Vets. I will end common core and preserve the second amendment. I will renegotiate our trade deals and bring our jobs back to our country. I am the only person who will Make America Great Again.

JANUARY 23, 2016 – The Washington Examiner

Let me be clear — I am pro-life. I support that position with exceptions allowed for rape, incest or the life of the mother being at risk. I did not always hold this position, but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me. My story is well documented, so I will not retell it here. However, what I will do with the remaining space is express my feelings about life, and the culture of life, as we just marked the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

I build things. There is a process involved in building things. We tap into a lot of disciplines with engineering being one of the most important. The rules for putting structures together are as strict as are the rules of physics. These rules have stood the test of time and have become the path to putting together structures that endure and are beautiful. America, when it is at its best, follows a set of rules that have worked since our Founding. One of those rules is that we, as Americans, revere life and have done so since our Founders made it the first, and most important, of our “unalienable” rights.

Over time, our culture of life in this country has started sliding toward a culture of death. Perhaps the most significant piece of evidence to support this assertion is that since Roe v. Wade was decided by the Supreme Count 43 years ago, over 50 million Americans never had the chance to enjoy the opportunities offered by this country. They never had the chance to become doctors, musicians, farmers, teachers, husbands, fathers, sons or daughters. They never had the chance to enrich the culture of this nation or to bring their skills, lives, loves or passions into the fabric of this country. They are missing, and they are missed.

The Supreme Court in 1973 based its decision on imagining rights and liberties in the Constitution that are nowhere to be found. Even if we take the court at its word, that abortion is a matter of privacy, we should then extend the argument to the logical conclusion that private funds, then, should subsidize this choice rather than the half billion dollars given to abortion providers every year by Congress. Public funding of abortion providers is an insult to people of conscience at the least and an affront to good governance at best.

If using taxpayer money to facilitate our slide to a culture of death were not enough, the 1973 decision became a landmark decision demonstrating the utter contempt the court had for federalism and the 10th Amendment. Roe v. Wadegave the court an excuse to dismantle the decisions of state legislatures and the votes of the people. This is a pattern that the court has repeated over and over again since that decision. Roe v. Wade became yet another incidence of disconnect between the people and their government.

We are in the middle of a presidential political cycle and votes will be cast in just days. The citizens of this nation will have the chance to vote for candidates who are aligned with their individual worldviews. It is my hope that they will choose the builder, the man who has the ability to imagine the greatness of this nation. The next president must follow those principles that work best and that reinforce the reverence Americans hold for life. A culture of life is too important to let slip away for convenience or political correctness. It is by preserving our culture of life that we will Make America Great Again.

EXCLUSIVE– Donald J. Trump First Candidate to Reply to the ‘Sessions Test’

Jeff Sessions


by Breitbart News8 Feb 2016Washington D.C.6,232

On February 5th, Breitbart News exclusively reported that

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)

issued a list of five questions that all candidates must answer if they wish to seek the Republican nomination. In recent years, Sessions has emerged as the intellectual thought leader of the nation-state conservative movement. Sessions has articulated how mass immigration combined with reckless trade deals is compressing wages and decimating America’s middle class.

Sessions’ questionnaire consisted of five straightforward questions addressing immigration, trade, and crime in the United States.

The first candidate to reply to Sessions’ questionnaire was GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump. In his response, Trump declares, “After my inauguration, for the first time in decades, Americans will wake up in a country where their immigration laws are enforced.”

Trump’s full, unedited answers to the Sessions’ test are below:

Question 1: How would you vote (or how did you vote) on fast-track, and would you support or oppose advancing a final trade agreement which enters the United States into a new international commission with binding authority on future United States trade policy?

ANSWER: I was steadfastly opposed to giving Obama his Fast-Track powers, and would have absolutely voted against it. This is one of the strongest distinctions between me and the other candidates in this race.  The Congress, apparently under the magical spell of donors, gave massive new powers to a President who has repeatedly abused his authority.  The other candidates in this race actually fought on Obama’s side to give him more power to abuse.

As for creating a new international commission with authority over United States trade policy I am, again, steadfastly opposed.  No foreign power should be given any control over the United States.  Yet the other candidates who supported Fast Track allowed President Obama to do just that.  It’s not too late to save our sovereignty: when I win the nomination, I will put America back in charge.

Question 2: If the vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership were held today, and you had a vote to cast in Congress, would you vote for it or against it?

ANSWER: I have strongly and consistently opposed the TPP.  For decades, I have warned about how our terrible trade deals are killing the middle class.  We are getting taken to the cleaners.  My message on trade has been consistent from the beginning, and if politicians had listened to me years ago we would have saved millions of jobs, rebuilt our crumbling infrastructure, and saved trillions of dollars.

My candidacy is the only way to stop this terrible deal that will send our manufacturing – including our auto manufacturing – overseas.

TPP allows foreign countries to cheat by manipulating their currency, making it impossible for American companies to fairly compete.  Yet other candidates in this race have voted in favor of the currency manipulation that is killing our middle class.

What our incompetent leaders don’t understand is that the United States holds all the cards.  Other countries need access to our markets.  Yet we refuse to use that leverage, and we negotiate one terrible job-killing deal after another.  We buy from other countries, but they refuse to buy from us.

Under my Administration, we are bringing these jobs back to America.  No more one-sided deals.

Stopping the TPP is a matter of economic security and national security.  When I am the nominee, I will stop Obamatrade in its tracks and bring millions of new voters into our party — putting new states in play in the general election.

Question 3: Upon entering office, will you promptly and unconditionally terminate and rescind all of President Obama’s illegal executive amnesties – which provide work permits and entitlements to illegal aliens – including President Obama’s first executive amnesty in 2012, which remains in effect?

ANSWER: I will immediately cancel both of President Obama’s illegal executive amnesties, and all other unconstitutional executive orders.  After my inauguration, for the first time in decades, Americans will wake up in a country where their immigration laws are enforced.

Question 4: A supermajority of GOP voters say immigration is too high. Every year, on autopilot, we let in another one million immigrants on green cards, 700,000 foreign guest workers, half a million foreign students, and 100,000 refugees and asylees. Historical precedent would be to reduce record-breaking immigration, rather than continuing to surge it beyond all historical precedent. Will you support legislation to reduce immigration numbers, and will you oppose legislation that would add to the number?

ANSWER: I will support legislation to reduce the numbers, and will oppose legislation to increase the numbers.  I have laid out a detailed plan to accomplish this goal on my website  My suggested reforms include a requirement to give all open jobs to Americans first — instead of importing foreign replacements.  This plan will appeal to voters from all walks of life by making it easier for workers in this country to find jobs and support their families.  It will also help minority workers, youth, and previous immigrants who face intense job competition from waves of incoming foreign workers.

I also proposed a temporary timeout on Muslim immigration until we can figure out what is going on and get our security situation under control.

Question 5: Today, law enforcement are under increasing scrutiny and face excessive criticism from the political elites and the media, and are being targeted by criminals and terrorists. Meanwhile, since 2011, the federal prison population has declined by over 20,000, and is on track to be at its lowest level since 2005. Since 2009, the total state prison population has dropped every year, and is over 56,000 lower than it was then. These circumstances may have contributed to a nationwide spike in crime. The FBI recently reported an overall increase in violent crime and a 17 percent increase in homicides in the nation’s 50 largest cities. At the same time, the CDC reports that heroin and opioid drug overdoses have reached an all-time record high. Do you support efforts by President Obama and some Republicans in Congress to reduce penalties for drug-trafficking and further reduce the federal prison population, or do you think government should do more to keep drug traffickers off the streets?

ANSWER: The way our cops are being treated is terrible, and our spineless politicians are not defending them.  Some politicians are mute, others are throwing fuel on the fire.

Policing saves lives, especially in our poorest communities.  Policing makes schools safe, increases property values, encourages investment and job growth.  We must stop attacks on police.  I have been the only candidate with a clear message on this issue.  As for drug traffickers, they are wreaking havoc on our communities and I oppose efforts to reduce penalties for drug traffickers: we must do more to keep traffickers out of our neighborhoods.

I have been pro-law enforcement all of my life.  The American people are crying out for safer communities, and I will bring this message of supporting law enforcement and safe communities to a general election.


– FEBRUARY 09, 2016 –Breitbart

“He doesn’t need this job,” said Eric Trump, “He’s doing it because America has given him everything in the world. It’s given him an amazing company. It’s given him us as a family. It’s given him great success and the country is just going down the tube.”
“We’ve got nineteen trillion dollars worth of debt. We’re going bankrupt. We’ve got a nation that’s ranked 28th in the world in terms of education. You have Third World countries that are beating us in terms of educating our youth and he problems go on and on,” he added.
“That’s why he hopped into this. That’s why he self-funded. Very simply, it’s love of country” that’s motivating his Father Donald to run for President, said his son, Eric.

It’s not an enjoyable process. It’s a tough process. You’re getting hit from every angle. You’re getting beat up everyday. It’s a very expensive process. Again, he’s putting his money where his mouth is. He’s doing it because he loves this country and he can’t stand the incompetence of what’s happening. We have leaders out there who have never made payroll themselves. We have leaders out there who can’t balance their own checkbooks, let alone the national debt and national expenditures. That’s why he’s doing it and he would do such a great job whipping this into shape.

“The speed of execution at which we’d work as a government under Trump would be like something never seen before. He has high expectations … he loves this nation, that’s why he’s in the race. He’s not doing it because he’s bored and needs another job”, concluded Donald Trump’s son Eric.

Dilbert Creator Predicts GOP Will Rig New Hampshire » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Scott Adams, the creator of the popular Dilbert cartoon series, predicts that the GOP will rig tonight’s primary in New Hampshire to favor establishment favorite Marco Rubio.
In a blog posting, Adams argues that there is too much at stake for the “fixers” to not do anything to counter the juggernaut of Donald Trump’s campaign.
“They have a big decision to make about how far to go.” Adams writes.

“If they don’t fix the race, or they fix it only a little, Trump will win big and he might be unstoppable. You can’t have that if you are the establishment fixers.”
The satirist suggests that it would be strange to see a strong showing for Rubio following the debacle of the last GOP debate in which he performed extremely poorly and garnered much negative press for repeating stock talking points.
“There is no natural reason to expect Rubio (the establishment’s candidate) to have another “surprise” surge as he did in Iowa.” Adams notes.
“That would be too obvious. So the fixers (if such people exist) can either lose the White House or risk getting caught by making too large a fix.”
“Which way would they go?” Adams ponders.
He answers his own question, urging “they would go for the big fix and risk detection,” with the reasoning that “the people at the top are not the ones who will go to jail if the fix is detected.”
“Look for Rubio to have a surprisingly strong second-place showing in New Hampshire. And look for the most common explanations for that surprise to be his momentum from Iowa.” Adams predicts.
Adams, who coined the phrases ‘Induhvidual’ and ‘Confusopoly,’ states that he knows he is putting his credibility on the line.
“I assume that most of you think this is conspiracy talk and not to be taken seriously. Some of you will feel sorry for me as I squander the remaining crumbs of my credibility on this foolishness. But keep in mind that you said the same thing in September when I was predicting Trump’s rise.” he writes.
“Wherever you have large stakes, an opportunity for wrong-doing, and a small risk of getting caught, wrong-doing happens. That’s a universal law of human awfulness. When humans CAN cheat, they do. Or at least enough of them do.” Adams suggests, adding that it would be naive to believe the primaries are not open to corruption.
“If not, that would mean the primaries are the one thing in history that has escaped the universal law of human awfulness. And that seems a stretch.” he quips.
Adams’ comments dovetail with reports that Fox News has already published mock up results showing Rubio in second place with 15%, behind Trump at 28%.
Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and the home of the #1 Internet News Show in the World.

Source: Dilbert Creator Predicts GOP Will Rig New Hampshire » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!


Top libertarian talks about Trump and the rise of populism, the cashless society and martial law

Kit Daniels | – FEBRUARY 7, 2016

In this exclusive interview, world-renowned libertarian Lew Rockwell, the co-founder of the Mises Institute and Ron Paul’s former congressional chief of staff, speaks about Donald Trump and the rise of populism, the economic collapse, the cashless society, martial law and his late friend Murray Rothbard, the founder of anarcho-capitalism.


00:00 – Trump and Murray Rothbard
03:05 – Why authoritarians hate Trump
05:15 – Trump, Bernie Sanders and the populist revolt
07:22 – Obama’s push for martial law
11:55 – Bernie Sanders
13:20 – Global economic collapse
15:09 – The cashless society
18:58 – The Mises Institute

FOLLOW for more BREAKING news:

Infowars Live Republican Debate Coverage – 01/28/2016

Imagine the mainstream news being shamed into becoming REAL journalists because this campaign just keeps getting better! The establishment is in an all out front to set up and silence Trump. Whether you like him or not, his decision to skip the #FauxFoxDebate is brilliant! He is a movement to be reckoned with and shaking his fist in the face of the elites and mainstream media! What do YOU think?


NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Indonesia At Bat: “Connect The Dots” History And Current Lessons

Indonesia At Bat:
“Connect The Dots”


The Prelude

I believe you know me by now and realize that I like cracking jokes, despite the pressure. And to be frank, if I have a choice on how to handle things I would rather joke about the entire mess and deal with it without your having to face it, or even know it is being dealt with – and then finally reappear making light of the entire issue.

There is no need for everyone to feel the pressure if a few can make it go away.  I would rather be the one that faces that music. It is apparent that the music playing today is a familiar song to me and understand this game we have been playing for years now always would determine the outcome of our civilization.

“Take Me Out To The Ball Game”

First of all our opposition has had their side picked for a long time, while we are near formation of ours and about ready to let things fly, so the best I can think of saying is “give me that damn bat we are not losing today or any day”… I just have to be ready for the spitter, you see, they do not play fair…

Raymond Reddington is taking out the cabal in his world (in the television series “The Blacklist”) and now it is time for us to do the same in our world, the “real” world.


I have said for many years that Indonesia is at the epicenter of everything that needs to transpire.  It had to be.  It has been at the center since the 1950’s when the Western Alliance and Japan moved their stolen assets (mostly from China) throughout Asia to be used by them at a later date.

With the stolen assets being the real prize of the war which coincidentally was planned no later than 1921 by Emperor Hirohito and the Western Powers in London.  No sooner had the First World War ended and we had conspiracies beginning for a Second World War.

Soon after the Second World War and the theft and rape of many nations we had the Bretton Woods agreement which only gave the West, who created their own financial system, the opportunity to steal whatever it is and was they tucked away.

And they did tuck it away for a rainy day and that day is now, and the place is Indonesia.

Without the stolen assets placed in locations such as Indonesia the West is going to suffer a horrible defeat.  China is up on its heels, along with Russia, India and others including usual friends England and Germany  and to be frank “they are not going to put up with Western bullshit any longer”.

They have been stripping them down without firing a shot and magnificently so at that.  Then again the United States voted in a layman as President and he will be the one in the history books to take the blame for all that has happened and although unjust it is rightful seeing the mouthpiece of the West has no idea what he is doing (or does he?).

In the following preface you will see not only do the dots connect with what is happening now in Indonesia but how it all coincides with the Presidential election of Donald Trump; the only man that can and will be able to help us.

We no longer need Democrats or Republicans, both are of the same smelly ilk anyway (Soros/Rothschild) and although Mr. Trump is running as a Republican you can quickly reflect back a couple of months when he was ready to leave the party if it continued playing games.

He is not one of their boys simply because he is his own man paying his own way.  And on this worldwide stage and with the entire game at stake and Indonesia at bat you can clearly see a repetition of the Sukarno/Kennedy alliance emanating in the very near future between Trump and Widodo (the current President of Indonesia).

I have spent a lot of time in Indonesia and I see how they can be (not just they but all) joined at the hips, thereby making this world a better place as it was meant to be.

There are necessary steps that have to be taken and things that have to be done by the Indonesian people in order to bring about certain specific outcomes; but when this is all over with not only Indonesia and the East win this ballgame, but we all win.

Yet the Key to winning is the same as in any game and that is the Trump card and be sure the United States holds the one and only unique Trump card in the world.

The Preface

In his typical lighthearted fashion, on this occasion Neil begins by introducing us to his Snow Woman, Thasja; who is blessed with M&M’s for eyes and shells from Bali as buttons.

Neil notes that this post has been, unfortunately, a bit of a rushed job but there are a few serious matters that need to be tabled.

The mall attack in Jakarta had nothing to do with foreigners. This attack was another attempt to spread the cabal-engineered brand of the “Islamic State” and Islamic extremism further around the world. It was also a message from the cabal that they do not want the Global Collateral Accounts’ assets released.

But they have no choice in the matter. The truth is that this latest false flag event was carried out by an Indonesian national – who used to work for the “Islamic State” in Syria. This man had previously spent over two years in jail in Indonesia on terrorism charges.

Neil also reminds us about the insurrection in Indonesia that was financed by Rothschild bagman George Soros – that the Indonesian military had to put an end to.

He recalls Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Foundation funneling drug money into the country so that they could try to assassinate the Vice President of Indonesia – with a plan to plant a western cabal-run Vice President in his place there.

Neil reminds us that the Japanese military mobilized for the first time since WW2, in an attempt to invade and steal the Indonesian Gold; only to be derailed by Keenan who publicly exposed the planned attack.

Neil further exposes the plot regarding Colombian drug money being sent by the Clinton Arkansas Foundation directly to Indonesian globalists and politicians, in their attempt to create panic and chaos in Indonesia and to manufacture a cabal-controlled government.

Remember, the plan was to assassinate the Indonesian Vice President.

The Clinton Gang had flown in on their private jets, the Japanese Emperor’s sister had also flown in on her jet with her Indonesian husband, and money transfers had taken place through Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Foundation – directly to a political party.

Said funds were illegal, confiscated Colombian drug funds which somehow found their way from the US Drug Enforcement Agency coffers through the Arkansas Foundation into Indonesia with the main objective being to steal what does not belong to either the Clintons nor the Japanese Emperor’s sister. The assets belong to the depositors.

We advised long ago that this was the plan, and of course that the Japanese Military is on standby.  Should they not be able to purchase the gold, the West and their allies will attempt to take the assets one way or another.

Neil recalls the World Economic Forum meeting in Jakarta and their efforts to get their sticky mitts further into Indonesia. It is important to acknowledge that the World Economic Forum is another name for the Bilderberg network. These organizations are the same but different, in some respects.

In any event, we know for sure that the way that these thugs infiltrate countries is by way of heavy investment – investment with certain devious terms. And then soon enough, when a nation cannot repay the debt owed to said WEF, demand for payment will be made in terms of resources and assets, including political placements.

Neil reiterates that China and other countries have made it very clear that they no longer want any of these US dollar “Federal Reserve Notes”. They are dumping them and they are working towards taking down the US dollar as the global reserve currency, by requiring that payments for goods and services rendered be made in their own national currencies.

This further serves to weaken the grip of the cabal with regards to their already-sinking ship. The US corporation dollar could have been saved once upon a time but now it has to go; as it is too far gone.

Everybody is fed up with the puppet Obama and the machinations of his handlers.

These “people”; the likes of Barack Obama in the US, David Cameron in the UK, John Key in New Zealand, and whomever the current Prime Minister of the day happens to be in Australia – do only what their handlers instruct them to do.

Neil reflects upon the current Presidential race in the US and asserts his belief only one of the candidates that is going to be of any assistance to the people of America and the world that being Donald Trump.

While there are many people still trying to get their heads around the concept of a ‘President Trump’; he is the only candidate that refuses to deal with moneyed lobbyists and corporate funding. He is fully self-funded and will not let anybody attach strings to him, such that they would like to pull.

The rest of the candidates are hopeless “bipartisan system” cut-out phonies – and Hillary is going to wind up in jail.

Neil states that without a President Trump, it would be extremely difficult to get assets from the Global Collateral Accounts into the United States without said resources being swiped by the cabal.

Therefore; Donald Trump should not only be the officially elected President of the United States of America; but as for “We The People” of America, and “We The People” of the World – he should become known as the Trump card.

And as we understand the Trump card supersedes all others.

He will rid us of the vermin that reside within, and who occupy and control the system. And in essence, we talk about the Pied Piper often, but this is one individual who will clean up the mess that others created. He is a winner, but most of all he is Donald Trump, and that is what makes him unique.

Neil notes again the increasing number of properties being purchased in New Zealand, because the cabal now realize that the strongholds they had established in places such as Costa Rica are now not far away enough for them; from the mess that they intentionally created. And the cabal are keenly aware that this mess is soon to catch up with them.

It has emerged that many members of the cabal have planned to relocate to remote New Zealand locations and to exterminate the Maori population – they intend to take control of their remote tribal landholdings in order to establish strongholds there.

But the Maori are a warrior race; and there are many in NZ who are all too well aware of the game that is afoot.

Neil notes that the funding and projects that will come to New Zealand from the Global Collateral Accounts will come only by way of Richard, who is a member of Group K, and who was born in, and who lives in New Zealand.

In New Zealand, as in all places, the Global Collateral Account assets will be distributed by way of foundations that will be especially established in order that the cabal and their minions cannot gain access to any GCA assets.

Neil reflects upon the point that we could have had this whole thing done earlier, and that in the early days resources were not perhaps always used in the best possible ways – but this is to be expected when one is gaining an assessment of the lay of the land – and who’s who in the zoo, so to speak.

Additionally, contributing to the fact that we are not out of this bind yet are the actions of the numerous shills such as the Italian Daniel dal Bosco, who got in the way and created trouble on the behalf of the P2 Lodge / Vatican.

This is all covered in the recently published ‘History and Events Timeline’section of our website. (There are now PDF download versions of this material available, and at the time of writing these are available in English and Russian. We also have further translations in the works for other recent posts).

Neil reminds us of the threat made by John Kerry when he visited Indonesia; that he wanted the gold – and when he was told that he could not have any gold – he remarked about the weather and earthquake technologies that the West (the Zionist Nazi faction of the Cabal) have access to.

Kerry indirectly threatened to ‘sink’ Indonesia (and any other country that attempts to stand in their way) and this threat is on the record… just so you know. One further note; Indonesia has already felt the wrath of the HAARP machines, as have Turkey and a number of South American nations.

The cabal will not be taking over Indonesia.

Neil notes that he is very clear on the steps that need to be taken from here. We are just about there, and we will win. There are no second thoughts, we will win.

Neil recalls that when John F. Kennedy returned home from his last meeting with President Sukarno in Indonesia relating to efforts to establish a new US financial system – that at that time, JFK already had two strikes against him.

The first being Kennedy’s return of West Papua from the Dutch, to the Indonesians; thereby alienating the oil and corporate magnates that had significant control over strategic locations, also noted for gold deposits.

Secondly, Kennedy overlooked the deception with regards to his very own Vice President Lyndon Johnson who was receiving all information pertaining to the proceedings in Indonesia and who was forwarding this information to his handlers; information relating to the dissolution of both the CIA and the Federal Reserve Banks.

This directly led to to John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

Both Presidents Kennedy and Sukarno were working on numerous projects to make their nations stronger and greater; but one such project in particular was the new American financial system; eliminating all privately owned Federal Reserve FIAT currency printing – and returning the power of issuance of the nation’s currency to the American government itself.

“On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest.

With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.

The text of Executive Order President Kennedy’s Executive Order (E.O.) 11110 modified the pre-existing Executive Order 10289 issued by U.S. President Harry S. Truman on September 17, 1951, and stated the following:

The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby designated and empowered to perform the following-described functions of the President without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President…

The order then lists tasks (a) through (h) which the Secretary may now do without instruction from the President. None of the powers assigned to the Treasury in E.O. 10289 relate to money or to monetary policy. Kennedy’s E.O. 11110 then instructs that: SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 9, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph:

The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 U.S.C. 821(b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of an outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption,’ and (b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof. SECTION 2.

The amendments made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.

John F. Kennedy,

THE WHITE HOUSE, June 4, 1963.”

And in concluding this update, Neil touches on the point that he has a number of “Irons in the fire” and it is simply a matter of time until he gets things moving either now and / or once he is back in Indonesia. We are very close to our goal now and so Neil is choosing his words with great consideration.

Neil Keenan and Group K.

Video Part One

Video Part Two

Copyright © 2016, GROUP K, Ltd.

Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks if GOP front-runner is ‘great hope for the country’

Published: 39 mins ago

author-image JOSEPH FARAH About | Email | Archive


Big surprise!

The National Review rounded up a couple dozen “conservatives” to denounce Donald Trump and tell the world what it already knows – Trump is not a “movement conservative.”

I would like to point out that the “movement conservatives” have had little or no effect in presidential contests since 1984 – and that election, in which Ronald Reagan won a landslide, was an inevitability because of the force of nature he represented as a great candidate and a great incumbent for four years.

I won’t deny that some of the Trump denouncers were there for Reagan. But most were not. Many or most of them, however, were there for the losers the Republicans put up in the last two election cycles.

And let me quickly point out that neither John McCain nor Mitt Romney were conservatives at all – “movement conservatives” or otherwise. They were both hostile to conservatives. They hated them. So where were the denunciations of McCain and Romney in the 2008 and 2012 primaries from the National Review crowd and their Trump-hating friends?

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the National Review has been something of an irrelevancy since the earthly departures of William F. Buckley and Bill Rusher – the brains of the operation.

Back then, even I was honored to be an occasional contributor – as I was to Human Events and other favorite periodicals of Ronald Reagan, who dragged me kicking and screaming from a leftist, radical extremist into the fold of the Second Thoughts crowd.

But it’s pointless to trash the National Review. Its circulation and readership tell the story there.

Let’s talk instead about why the periodical and its contributors miss the point about Trump.

Yes, it’s true that Trump has been all over the map politically throughout his non-political career.

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Yes, it’s true that some of his positions are not well-grounded and based in conservative ideology and principals.

Yes, it’s true that we don’t know what he’s actually going to do if he’s elected president, and he may be a huge disappointment to his supporters.

Now, let’s look at the positive side.

Trump has brought an electrical excitement to the 2016 presidential race.

Trump, with some strong help from Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson, has finally – and perhaps forever – exposed the fraud of political correctness, even making it popular to trash for the common man.

Trump threatens to destroy, once and for all, the Republican establishment, which even some of the contributors to the National Review assault on him would agree represents as much a danger to the republic as the Democrat establishment.

Trump, should he be the nominee, and I am not endorsing him, is the only Republican candidate who could potentially realign the national political landscape and win a Reaganesque-style landslide – even winning states thought, for the last 28 years, to be impossible for Republican candidates to win.

Let’s not forget that a big part of America’s political problem is the Republican Congress. For the last seven years, ever since Republicans won the House in 2010, and even more so when they won the Senate in 2012, the Congress has been in total appeasement mode – giving Barack Obama everything he needed to “fundamentally transform America” in his own image.

Like him or hate him, Trump is where he is as a frontrunner right now because of that – the total capitulation of the Republican Congress and leadership – as much as he’s there because of Obama’s failed policies.

Is Trump the great hope for the country?

I don’t know. I haven’t decided. I like several Republican candidates, but I certainly don’t agree with the war on Trump. And I know the National Review team has no answers – zero. The National Review elitists are part of the problem, not the solution.

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact



The explosive interview the establishment doesn’t want you to see – JANUARY 20, 2016 376 Comments


Alex Jones breaks the mold with one of his most powerful interviews yet, Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Jones and Farrakhan sat down to discuss the crossroads humanity is currently at. This is the full uncut interview.

Watch excerpts from the full interview below:


And below are selected excerpts from the interview, transcribed

Alex Jones (AJ):  Minister Farrakhan, thank you for having me here in your home. Why did you agree to this interview? I know you refused so many others.

Min. Farrakhan (MLF): Thank you so much, Mr. Jones, for honoring us with your presence. We have watched you as you have watched us, and I have learned a lot from and some of the wonderful things that you have done. I thought long and hard about accepting the invitation. You’re right. I don’t do a lot of interviews but I thought that this was something special. I wanted you to feel completely free like you are at home; and I want you to ask me the questions that your many listeners would like to know about Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. There is nothing off limits. You can ask whatever you please and we’ll create the dialogue.

AJ:  There are forces trying to divide and conquer humanity and we’re really coming to a crossroads where people are being told to choose a side but I don’t think the sides they’re telling us to choose are real sides. I’m trying to get people to think outside the box. When I spoke to you earlier that was basically your main focus.

MLF: First, the idea of dialogue, truthful dialogue, that gets us past the media manipulation of persons, events, and the truths of persons and events. I’m grateful to have an opportunity to talk to your audience as well as my own because I felt that I’ve been talking to Black people for 60 or more years and Black people understand me pretty well. But White people don’t know me and may not understand me. … Now, Black people I know because I’m Black and I come up from among my people. But to have a chance now to speak to a White audience, mainly who may be conservative in their culture, thoughts and desires, and for me to be able to represent the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to that group and answer questions that they are interested in hearing a truthful answer to. … We’re two people that live in the greatest nation on this earth but the nation is not now what it could be if truth unfettered would be given to the American people. And perhaps through this dialogue that might happen.

alex-jones-minister-farrakhan_01-26-2016bImage credit:

AJ: While the people of the nation of every race, color, and creed are being played off against each other, these big global multinationals are tax exempt and have diplomatic immunity. I see the media on both sides, the Conservative and Liberal, basically turning them all into a big spectacle, everyone fighting with each other. Above it are the social engineers who are attacking the family. Doesn’t matter what color your family is, who are attacking our jobs, shipping them overseas. … While we’re busy fighting with each other, they steal the whole show. And you’re one of the only prominent leaders—be they of any race, color or creed, we’re all the human race—that addresses that there is a conspiracy.

Millions of people a year are charged around the world in a conspiracy to rob banks, a conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to fraud; but how is it with the power elite it is impossible that they’re in a conspiracy?

MLF:  In the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, his great teacher Master Fard Muhammad, who came to enliven the Black people in particular and raise us from a dead level to give us life spiritually, mentally, morally, economically, intellectually, he taught us that. He never used color in this Question and Answer. He asked the question: Who are the 85 percent? Who are the 10 percent? And who are the 5 percent?

And in the answers that Mr. Muhammad gave that we study: Eighty-five percent of the people don’t understand the law of Cause and Effect. And they believe that all of this great wonder is from a Mystery God. They don’t know that God is as real as you and I sitting across the table from each other. Wherever there is an effect that is real, the cause is just as real—though oft times the hidden hand that’s manipulating, creating the effect and the circumstances that begin to divide and destroy is unseen—this kind of Satanic mind is absolutely in control. And that Satanic mind is hiding with a mask of humanity and civility but now it is gradually being exposed.

Ten Percent run 85 Percent. The Ten Percent are those that are privileged, those that are blessed with education and some degree of wealth that 85 Percent don’t share. It doesn’t make any difference whether you are White or Black or Indian or whatever your ethnicity is, and it doesn’t make any difference what your religion is. Whether you’re Christian, or Muslim, or Jew, there are those at the top who guide and govern, who are not necessarily the friend of the masses of the people that they are governing.

So it is the 5 Percent, or just a small group, who know the truth, who understand the Law of Cause and Effect and they don’t believe in a Mystery God somewhere making things happen. If there’s a real evil, then there’s a real Devil. If there’s a real Saint, then there’s a real good person doing saintly things. So here we are now and a conspiracy absolutely is in vogue. And I say this humbly but I’ve had certain people who say, “Well, you’re a conspiracy theorist” and they call you the same. I said, “But do you read the scriptures of the Bible and Qur’an”?

Is not Satan real? Evil is real so Satan is real. Evil is preponderant in the earth and that is because the mind of Satan that is being transmitted through religion, through education, through the economics and politics of the situation so that Satan is in control of a vast enterprise of institutions that foster ideas that put human beings against themselves and against God and against each other. So there’s real conspiracy and we’re in the middle of it as we are dialoguing. …

I looked at the many Republicans and Democrats that are trying to win the nomination of their party. It says to me, I don’t want to be vulgar, but it’s like in any major city, you see women undressed, showing their wares for a John to buy them. And it’s like politicians who don’t have money but have ideas and parade themselves before rich and powerful people to get money apparently for their ideas that the rich agree with. But the moment that they become what they are looking to become, they find that the rich have an agenda for them. The rich have something to ask of them like the John asks of the prostitute.

And that’s one of the things that I admire about Mr. Trump because he told them all:  “I don’t want your money.”  And when a politician does not want money from the rich, he’s freer than the others to really do good for the masses of the people, and I think that today we’re in the midst of the darkest hour in American history. If we don’t make the right move, with the right people, at the right time, the America that we know, we’re not going to see it become great again.

alex-jones-louis-farrakhanImage credit:

AJ: I’d like you to speak some more, if you would, about Donald Trump?

MLF:  I said recently that if the American people voted for Trump, he could take them into the abyss of hell. He’s free. He’s rich. He hates political correctness and rightly so; but he said some things that I would hope, that he would get around him persons who could help him. … If he says, let’s go into Iraq and “take the oil,” that puts him in the class of those Neo-Conservatives who had aProject for the New American Century and they wrote to Bill Clinton and Trent Lott and they talked about attacking Iraq and taking out Sadaam Hussein. Not just because he may be in their eyes a dictator and was once on the payroll of the CIA in the war against Iran and Ayatollah Khomeini; but he had become a thorn in their sides and they wanted to get rid of him. … And that is the crime of those who refuse to come under the control of the IMF or the World Bank who send these people like Mr. John Perkins in his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman,” who would go into a small country and tell them how they could improve this and that but they would have to borrow money.

When I was in Nigeria, President Sani Abacha told me that they came to him and offered him billions of dollars to loan. And Mr. Abacha said, “I don’t need your money because the oil that we have is sufficient to get us to do all the good things that we want to do.”

Well, a few years later he’s dead. Now here is Mr. Trump, if he would look at this Project for the New American Century, and I’m sure you have read their writings where they appeal to Bill Clinton to get rid of Saddam Hussein as part of America’s foreign policy. He didn’t go along with it and those members of the Project for the New American Century now got into the inside of government under the Bush Administration.

General Wesley Clark, a retired four-star general and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the Kosovo War, said he was introduced to a Defense Dept. memo and I think it was 2001, a memo that came from the Neo-Conservatives that they wanted regime change in seven Islamic countries in five years’ time. And it started with Iraq and Sadaam Hussein, then Syria and Bashar al-Asad, then Lebanon, then Sudan, then Iran and then Libya. All of those countries now are boiling with internal strife. … If he (Mr. Trump) goes into Iraq and takes the oil, that’s a kind of a thuggish mentality. America has the power to do these things but it will not bring the results that America desires. Bush and the Neo-Cons when they went into Iraq, I warned President Bush that what you are doing and the way you are doing it, you will increase terrorism. My words to him proved correct. …

Now, here is our president, now I’m talking about Barack Obama because the job that President Bush started was not finished. In comes Obama and when he was campaigning he was a new, and fresh, and beautiful idea; but when he gets into office, he becomes the extension of the policies of the Neo-Conservatives. They surrounded Bush. They surrounded Barack Obama. … So you took a man. We gave you the best that we had but you took him. You gave him the Nobel Peace Prize and then the Neo-Cons and the Shadow Government begin to guide the policies of America. And now here’s what we have. Now, I’m going to come back to Mr. Trump in a minute.

Hillary Clinton was the biggest advocate for the destruction of Libya and Muammar Gadhafi. Gadhafi was my friend. I know him as a Revolutionary. He was against America’s foreign policy objectives and he stood out. That man died but he led his country, they had no debt. There’s no country on earth that doesn’t have debt but Libya didn’t have debt. Libya gave some of the oil money back to all the citizens.

Libya armed the whole country and had depots where if anything happened, they could go and get arms. A man who’s a despot does not arm his people that they can be manipulated to come against him; but the moment he gave up his weapons of mass destruction to come in out of the cold, who came to Libya? It was Richard Perle, the “Prince of Darkness.” And where did he go? He went directly to Benghazi because it was from Benghazi that Gadhafi overthrew the king. So now they never did like Gadhafi. So they started stimulating the upset, the unrest, the dissatisfaction. And I don’t care how good any leader is, there’s always dissatisfaction in every house.

Our government has gone into nations with money from our Congress to stimulate the dissatisfied and then arm them against a government that is their government. That’s what America did in Libya. That’s what they’re doing in Syria and the blow back now is they have created a refugee crisis that is destabilizing the countries in Europe.

So when Mr. Trump said, “We can’t allow these Muslim refugees into America,” a lot of people were upset with him but I know, sir, the hatred for America in the Muslim World is building as we told Mr. Bush: No Muslim leader could call for jihad and have it stick. No Muslim leader had the power to unite the whole Muslim World. I said, “But America’s policies will unite those people against the West” and it is happening.

So in this way, Mr. Trump I think is wise to vette anyone coming from that area into America because the hatred for America is in the streets now. So if those people are refugees and America feels “I got to let 10,000 of them in,” because America created the problem. Now, if you let them in and you don’t vette them carefully, you might be letting in your own destruction.

I’ll close that Mr. Jones with scripture. In the Book of Revelations, it talks about Babylon falling. Ancient Babylon we know but there’s a mystery Babylon that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says represents America and her dominance in the world. … Now, here we have Babylon falling. Mr. Trump says, “I want to make America great again.” …  My teacher said, Babylon is America and the Devil means that all of us are in rebellion against the divine laws of God. Whatever God said thou shalt not do, in America you’re free to do it. So whether we like the appellation (the name or use of the term) Devil or not, we are in rebellion against God; and look at the cage of every foul, unclean and hateful bird. Those are the people, he (Elijah Muhammad) said, that are flying out of the Middle East now, coming to America for refuge but they’re filled with hate of this country.

So if Mr. Trump and the government are wise, you vet the people that are coming in. ….

I’m really concerned because Mr. Trump has hit on some very negative things with Mrs. Clinton and her husband. And I think it’s dangerous for the future of politics and for the future of America when we become uncivil in our discourse. … In this dialogue between Mr. Trump as the potential standard bearer of the Republican Party and Mrs. Clinton who has brought her husband beside her in her battle to become the nominee of the Democratic Party, if they start down this road of bringing up negative things about Bill Clinton and they bring up whatever they can discover about Mr. Trump, this political campaign will degenerate into something like two children in a crib. … Two children in a  crib and one child reaches into his diaper and picks up some fecal matter and rubs it in the face of the other one, but the other one’s diaper is hanging lower and he reaches in and gets something and puts it in the face of the other.

As children you might look at it and laugh and say, oh, that’s funny; but when two adults who are leading parties in the most powerful nation on earth degenerate the dialogue into that kind of personal thing where we knock out each other with the bad of who we are. My mother used to say, “You don’t have to lie about anybody because the truth about everybody is bad enough.” None of us come through this world without sin.


Min. Farrakhan and Alex Jones exchange thoughts in the courtyard of the Minister’s Home. / Image credit:

AJ:  Minister Farrakhan, what is your view of political correctness?

MLF:  I think the type of political correctness that the media and those in power want to promote is robbing people of the freedom of thought and speech. I would like to sit with a person and be free to say what is on my heart and if I’m incorrect, then correct me. But if I have to be politically correct like Paula Deen. …

Now, Paula’s from the South and you know in the South, in the North, when White folk are together, they might say, you know, “that N—–, or that N—–,” and it’s just as common as saying, ice cream and pie when they refer to Black people. Political correctness that robs you of freedom of speech even if you’re wrong, but to punish somebody who has been calling us out of that name or in that name, since we been here and then take her off television and make it seem like she’s some wicked woman who just used the word.

And then our comedians will come on television and using, “Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga,” all day long and it’s to some a term of endearment; but Elijah Muhammad never wanted us to use such term in regards to ourselves and we didn’t like anybody using that term toward us. … That is what makes Trump acceptable to so many White people who feel, “Damn, I can’t be myself now. I can’t say what I really feel. I’ll pay a political price.” Mr. Trump says, “the heck with that. I’ll tell you what’s on my mind” and that is freeing a lot of people that like what he is doing.

Political correctness has its place but for me, as a student of my teacher, I think I should always be dignified in my expression, although sometimes in passion, I lose it. And so I thought about, you know, when they said, “Farrakhan, he wants to kill all White people. He’s advocating 10,000 fearless men to go out and kill White people,” as though I’m insane. That’s insanity. And I’ve been teaching for 60 years, sir, and no one who follows me has ever gone out and killed a White person, harmed a Jewish person, bombed a synagogue or even put some Swastika on the synagogue because that’s against our religion to deface a house of worship.

I’m saying that to say this: When I said in Florida, you know, naming all the Blacks that got shot down and according to something I just read where Black people, one Black man every 28 hours is shot by a policeman and young Black men are nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to The Guardian newspaper. One-thousand one-hundred thirty-four deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers happened last year.

As a Black man who loves my people, I’m grieved not only at police killing us but I am grieved at our killing of each other which sometimes is ten times more than what White policemen have done. So in my passion against that, and this has been gradually increasing with me over the years, I said, “If the Federal Government does not intercede to see that justice comes to us,” because that’s the government’s job. It’s not my job to kill my killer. It’s the government’s job to arrest the killer, bring them before a court of law and punish them for their misdeed.

But when the government fails to do it, what are we to do? We have to defend our lives. And so I said, stalk them wherever you find them. Not everybody just the ones that kill us out of the law of justice. If the government won’t arrest them and do that, somehow we’re going ultimately to do that. And then it leads to what they’ll say it’s a race war, no. We are not in any position at all to engage in a race war. It’s ridiculous. It’s destructive. It’s suicidal. However, persecution in the Qur’an, it says, is worse than slaughter. And you know, you talk about 1776 and you are so right but in 1776, America had enough. So Patrick Henry said, “Give us liberty or we’re willing to pay the price which is death.” You force people into that when government fails to do its job to redress the grievance of the people who are suffering. And so I pray that, you know, Mr. Trump will not want to go into Iraq and take the oil because that’s what the Neo-Cons sent President Bush into Iraq to do and it’s a blowback now and the end will be that America will be into the greatest war that she has ever been in, the war that is in the scripture called “Armageddon.” It’s building to that as you and I are speaking.


MLF: For the American people to think that a Black man in the White House has taken over this country, you know, that is so far from the truth because he’s just the CEO of U.S.A. Inc., and they can either hire him or fire him for the job that he’s doing but he’s not in control.

Did you know that it was Mr. John Kennedy who recognized that there was a Shadow Government. … President Kennedy said, “We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion; on subversion instead of elections; on intimidation instead of free choice; on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War in short with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.” This is why John Kennedy was killed. He understood the conspiracy and as far back as the Founding Fathers of this nation, they knew that there would be those who would try to take over, set up a Private Central Bank. They were told to guard against that and under Woodrow Wilson, in 1913, the guard left. William Rockefeller met on Jekyll Island with Paul Warburg and his brother who were from the Rothschilds. They wanted to set up like the five children of Rothschild, Sr., the Bank of Italy, the Bank of Austria, the Bank of France, the Bank of England, all started by the banking family.

“Well, who cares who the politicians are,” Mr. Rothschild said, “as long as we control the wealth.” So they bankroll both sides of a conflict and end up ruling both sides. …


MLF: The one thing that’s missing in the dialogue, even with Mr. Trump, nobody’s talking about the future of Black people, the future of the Indigenous, the Native Americans. This country, the Original Sin of America, is the destruction of over 120 million Native People; and when Master Fard Muhammad came, there were only two million Indians left. Millions of us were brought out of Africa, not to be citizens, but to be made burden bearers of the real citizens.  So our sweat and our blood made America rich so that immigrants could come over and find the American dream on our nightmare.  So if Mr. Trump, and I believe he’s bold enough, if he knew how much God is interested in the future of Black people; not that he’s not interested in the future of “all people,” but he’s interested in the future of Black people for this reason. … Black people, no matter what we have suffered up to this very moment, we have never been spies for any foreign government against America. We have never risen up as a force against the tyranny that has been imposed on us by our government. We have fought in every war from the Revolutionary War all the way up to the last war that there was in the Gulf.  And we have never turned against our country.

We have a heart, Mr. Jones, of forgiveness. A heart that today we can love those who have done us so much evil.  So God wants to use us.  …

AJ: All these divisions, how do we beat that? How do we not play down that destructive road?

MLF:  First of all, we have to understand nature.  God says in the Qur’an, “I created you into tribes and families that you may know one another.” Your tribe is not my tribe but if I do not have enough sense to be to my tribe a person that would suffice the needs of my tribe, then I’m not being true to who I am; but I’m called on to grow. And it’s in the process of growth where we have fallen down.

So now I have to look out for Black people. I mean that’s my love but that’s not all that there is to me because I have grown and I love humanity now; but if I’m not true to my own people and their needs, you cannot trust me to be true to you. So the first thing Jesus said, the greatest law, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength” and the second one is like unto that, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” In America, we have never been taught to love us. … The present time is warning us, cajoling us, and moving us.  Be true to your tribe but your tribe is a part of humanity.  If you stay just with a tribe, then you’ll never become a nation. …

War is coming.  It’s a horrible war that my teacher taught us of and my teacher again is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I believe him to be a Messenger of God. I believe that God raised him as a warner to America. America you are reaping now what you have sown.  You can’t fight the natural disasters that are coming. Way back in the ‘60s, Mr. Jones, Elijah Muhammad said, “America would suffer from unusual rain, unusual snow, earthquakes unusual.” Then the forces of nature, hail, sleet, snow, cold, fire. … That is God’s judgment coming on America as it was written. Now, God has said you have to reap now what you’ve sown. You’ve destroyed cities and towns in Europe and Africa, in the Middle East. Things that you didn’t want, America destroyed them. Now, look at your cities. They’re under water; your farmland being destroyed; fire burning the lands of California and the West; tornadoes, hurricanes. … This is just the beginning and that is what I wanted to say about whoever will be our president. If you’re not dealing with that which has incurred the wrath of God, then you can’t make America great again and you can’t bring America back from the abyss that she’s falling into. …

AJ:  I appreciate you giving me more than three hours of your time total, when we first got here, Mr. Farrakhan, Minister, thank you.

MLF:  Thank you.  … There is a power in one that is called Mahdi, M-a-h-d-i.  That’s the guide that the Islamic world has been expecting, and Massi orMessiah which the Christian and Jewish world have been expecting.  And this Mahdi when he comes, his number one aim is to set justice in the earth and remove every tyrant.  And setup a government of peace.  That’s the aim of the Messiah, the Christ. These are not spooks and spirits that come out of space. These are human beings anointed with power and wisdom to do exactly what they purpose to do.  That’s why I know the Globalists will never win. Here’s how I would see it. In Islam, the religion needs to be reformed. In fact, all religion has failed to produce the human being that God wants out of us. If we are made in the image and the likeness of God, we are created by God to reflect him “perfectly.” That is not in religion today. Islam now has tyrants ruling. Mecca is my Holy City. I love Mecca. I love Arabia but who is backing Arabia in killing the Houthis in Yemen, using American firepower, planes and tanks and guns? Now, there’s internal strife. They killed an Imam, a Shiite Imam. Now, they’ve broken relations. This thing is leading to Great War now and America, ISIS says, come on over. And America says, “We got to put boots on the ground.” No, you’ll put boots under the ground if you’re foolish to jump into that fray that is made now because the Number One Tyrant is not Russia. The Number One Tyrant is right here.

Emails We All Get: Subject: Things Seniors Want from BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES.

I like the list of 13 things that I as a citizen want (Demand).

This is why Trump is zooming ahead. He is at least talking about issues that most Americans are concerned about.  My mantra about Trump is this:  We are usually in agreement with most of what he says but wish someone else was saying it. We are getting older and our tickers aren’t what they used to be…so here is Our Special Bucket List for 2015,16… thru 2020.


1.  Hillary: in prison!

2. Put “GOD” back in America!!!

3. Borders: Closed!

4. Congress: On the same retirement & healthcare plans as everybody else .

5. Congress: Obey its own laws NOW!

6. Language: English only!

7. Culture: Constitution and the Bill of Rights!

8. Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before & during Welfare!

9. Freebies NONE to Non-Citizens! 

10. Budget: Balance the damn thing!

11. Foreign Countries: Stop giving them our money! Charge them for our help! We need it here.

12. Fix the TAX CODE!

And most of all.


We the people are coming!   


“Any action to restrict travel would force the Trump Organization to immediately end these and all future investments”.

Steve Watson | – JANUARY 7, 2016 140 Comments

Trump Accused Of "Blackmailing" UK By Vowing To Pull Investments If Government Bans Him


GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has said he will pull £700 million in investment from Scotland if he is officially barred from the UK by the government.

Trump has £200 million unvested in a resort in South Ayrshire and £500 million more in a golf course in Aberdeen.

A statement from Trump’s camp notes that “Any action to restrict travel would force the Trump Organization to immediately end these and all future investments we are currently contemplating in the United Kingdom.”

“Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech and has no interest in attracting inward investment.” the statement continues.

“Many people now agree with Mr Trump that there is a serious problem that must be resolved. This can only be achieved if we are willing discuss these tough issues openly and honestly.” the Trump statement concludes.

The British Parliament will debate the issue of Trump being barred from the country on January 18th, following a petition signed by around half a million people, which called for banning Trump over comments he made about stemming Muslim immigration in the US.

The petition stated: “The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK. If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the ‘unacceptable behavior’ criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.”

In response, Trump stated that there is a major problem with extremists in London, with places “that are so radicalized that police are afraid for their own lives.”

The campaigner behind the petition has accused Trump of attempting to blackmail the British government, saying Trump has “thrown a temper tantrum” over the issue.

“Donald Trump is a man that knows the cost of everything – well, a hugely inflated cost of everything – and the value of nothing.” the BBC quoted Suzanne Kelly as saying.

“He’s threatening Scotland once again, as he did over the offshore wind farms, that if he is barred from entering the UK, he’ll pull out of his Scottish golf courses.” she added, referring to Trump’s legal opposition to wind farms currently being planned close to his investments.

“The irony of a man who wants to ban Muslims from entering the US throwing a temper tantrum over being similarly banned himself is apparent to everyone except the tycoon himself.” Kelly fumed.

The UK Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced last week that she “may exclude” those who are not “conducive to the public good”.

A statement from the Home Office declared that “The Home Secretary may exclude a non-European Economic Area national from the UK if she considers their presence in the UK to be non-conducive to the public good.”

“Exclusion powers are very serious and are not used lightly. The Home Secretary will use these powers when justified and based on all available evidence.” The statement explained, adding that visiting the UK is a privilege and not a right.


Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and


Czech president says Muslim Brotherhood behind invasion of Europe

#POTUSisRadicalIslamist Obama’s brother, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, works hand in hand with Obama to lay upon the planet a scourge like no other, ever! Obama is a hardcore Wahabist! For God’s Sake #WAKEUPAMERICA

Kurt Nimmo | – JANUARY 5, 2016 0 Comments

Swiss General Urges Citizens to Arm Themselves in Response to Social Unrest and Economic Decline


Prior to the mass rape by Arab and North African migrants on New Year’s Eve, a Swiss Army general warned unchecked immigration, social dislocation and a crumbling economy will ultimately pitch Europe into civil war.

“The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions,” Lieutenant-General André Blattmann told Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten last week.

Blattmann said public discourse is “dangerously aggressive” and “social unrest can not be ruled out.” The general also said Swiss prosperity will be “called into question” as the European Union’s economy continues to disintegrate.

Analysts believe migration from the Middle East and Africa will destroy the borderless Schengen Agreement and lead to the disintegration of the European Union.

A large number of people in Switzerland are supporting the Swiss People’s Party in response to the government’s bilateral agreements with the EU, including its pledge to take in Syrian migrants as part of the wider quota system agreed upon by some member states.

Switzerland is not a number of the European Union and does not participate in the Schengen Agreement.

Urges Swiss People to Arm Themselves

In response to social chaos and terror attacks in France Blattmann urged Swiss citizens to arm themselves.

Unlike France and much of the rest of Europe Switzerland allows citizens to own firearms.

There are between 2.3 million and 4.5 million military and private firearms in circulation in the country of 8 million people. Switzerland has a “gun culture” rooted in patriotism and national identity. Due to social and civic responsibility gun crime is low.

Muslim Brotherhood Invasion of Europe

On Tuesday the president of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, said the migration crisis is the result of a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood to “gain control of Europe.”

He said the organization lacks the ability to launch a military invasion, so it has turned to invasion by migration.

“It cannot declare war on Europe, it does not have enough forces for it, but it can prepare a growing migrant wave and gradually gain control of Europe as it has been happening in some West European cities that police are afraid to enter at night,” he told Czech Radio.

Zeman said the Moroccan foreign minister and a crown prince from the United Arab Emirates are the sources of information for the claim.

“Based on these two information sources, Muslims and leading Arab politicians in both cases, I believe that the invasion is organized by the Muslim Brotherhood using, naturally, the financial means of a number of states,” he added.

In December Zeman made a similar statement. “I am profoundly convinced that we are facing an organized invasion and not a spontaneous movement of refugees.”

“A large majority of the illegal migrants are young men in good health, and single. I wonder why these men are not taking up arms to go fight for the freedom of their countries against the Islamic State.”

Nationalist parties in Europe have experienced an unprecedented rise in popularity in response to mass migration and an associated crime wave.

Donald Trump Declares Victory Over Hillary Clinton On Sexist Front

Hit & Run|Ed Krayewski

Last week, or a thousand years ago in campaign time, Donald Trump made a thing out of Hillary Clinton using the bathroom at the Democratic debate, and, separately, said she had gotten “schlonged” by Obama in the 2008 elections. As The New York Times described it, Clinton’s aides “could barely believe their good fortune. Mr. Trump had just given them new fodder to galvanize women behind her candidacy—and they used it.” The Clinton campaign said it wouldn’t respond to Trump but that others should, trying to launch an #ImWithHer hashtag, about the same time #NotMyAbuela came up after the Clinton campaign’s attempts to paint her as just like yours backfired.

Donald Trump, as he tends to do, declared that he’d hit back by bringing up the history of sexual misconduct allegations surrounding Bill Clinton. At a campaign appearance in South Carolina yesterday, he called Clinton “one of the great abusers of the world,” driving chatter about Clinton on cable news.

Today, after Hillary Clinton didn’t mention Trump at her own campaign appearance, Trump took credit. From a transcript of the comments at RealClearPolitics:

Although, I think last night I gave her a big headache. I can imagine those discussions. But you have to hit back hard and you can’t let them push you around. Today she gave a speech and she never even mentioned my name—I  wonder why.

I was mentioned nine times in the [most recent DNC] debate. Everything, all of them, her. None of the other candidates were mentioned. And then she came out with the sexism, which is nonsense, but she is playing that card.  And then I had to hit her back and I talked about her husband and the abuse of women. It’s horrific abuse. And I talked about that. And now today on the television they’re going crazy.

She gets up, makes a speech, doesn’t even mention me or sexism. I wonder why. I wonder why!

Later he asked the crowd if they remembered “all those people who are gone” that he had focused on. “I don’t want to name names, but they are all the people who attacked me,” Trump said. “Wouldn’t it be nice if our country could have that same thing? You attack, boom, you’re gone.” At another point in the speech he said he used the word “stupid” because “there’s no better word,” and as a highly educated Ivy league graduate he has “the best words.”

Your Republican frontrunner on the last day of 2015, at an average of 35 percent in the polls and rising.  Happy New Year!