Category Archives: Trump

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TV’s Trump News: Three-Fourths Impeachment and 93% Negative

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By Rich Noyes and Bill D’Agostino | January 13, 2020 8:10 AM EST

In the first 100 days since House Democrats began their impeachment push on September 24, ABC, CBS and NBC have aggressively aided the effort. A Media Research Center analysis finds the Big Three evening newscasts have battered the President with 93% negative coverage and promoted impeachment at the expense of nearly all other Trump news.

At the same time, the broadcast networks donated at least 124 hours of wall-to-wall live coverage as they pre-empted regular programming in favor of House Democrat-led impeachment activities. On the other hand, the networks’ frenzy over impeachment has meant the Democratic presidential candidates have been barely visible on the evening newscasts, even though voting is due to begin in just three weeks. Details:

■ Bad news for President Trump: During impeachment, the networks kept up the same relentless negativity toward President Trump that they first displayed during the 2016 presidential campaign (see here, here and here for past reports, as well as a description of our methodology).

From September 24 through January 1, we tallied 1,053 evaluative comments about the President, 93% of which were negative. (If you can’t wait 700 words, scroll down now to find out how TV news spun their coverage of the 2020 Democrats. Spoiler: It’s NOT 93% negative.)

It’s pretty clear by now that reporters aren’t going to reward the President with much good press even for obvious achievements such as the strong economy or the victory over ISIS terrorists in Syria (including the killing of their elusive leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi).

But impeachment has increased the sheer amount of this negative coverage, as well as meant even less airtime for the administration’s policy achievements.

■ Impeachment has taken over the evening news: In the first 100 days since Pelosi announced the start of the House impeachment inquiry on September 24 (through January 1), ABC, CBS and NBC have generated a combined 849 minutes of evening news coverage about the subject.

For comparison, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller was named back on May 17, 2017, it took those same newscasts more than twice as long (until December 29 of that year, or 226 days) to register the same amount of airtime for the Russia investigation. In other words, the networks are spending more than twice as much airtime on the Ukraine probe as they did on the Russia probe.

The evening news resources being poured into the Ukraine/impeachment coverage, which alone accounts for nearly three-fourths (74.3%) of all of their Trump coverage, left little time for other topics. During these 100 days, there’s been paltry coverage of the President’s handling of North Korea (19 minutes) and immigration (17 minutes), both major topics in the past.

The administration’s trade talks with China were given just over six minutes of coverage during these 100 days, while the successful effort to get the USMCA trade deal through the House received a scant 66 seconds of airtime. Total coverage of the administration’s economic program: just nine minutes, or barely one percent of the airtime spent on impeachment.

■ Daytime special coverage: In an extraordinary step, the networks also pre-empted huge swaths of their regular programming for live coverage of House Democrats’ impeachment activities, including several days of hearings in November and early December, and the not-very-suspenseful final floor vote on December 18.

Based on our viewing of the networks’ Washington, D.C.-area affiliates, NBC provided at least 44 hours, 32 minutes of live coverage outside of their regular news shows, including a whopping ten hours on the day of the House vote. ABC and CBS were close behind, offering more than 40 and 39 hours of live coverage, respectively.

Such unusual coverage aims to build up the significance of the event in the viewer’s mind — suggesting an historic moment on par with the Kennedy assassination or 9/11, not a futile partisan exercise. But Nielsen ratings showed the public didn’t seem interested with the hearings conducted by the House Intelligence Committee.

And polls collected by RealClearPolitics indicated all of this coverage might have actually hurt the Democrats’ efforts. On November 12 (the day before the hearings began), a slight plurality favored impeaching and removing the President, 49% to 47% against. By December 19 (the day after the House voted to impeach), those figures had reversed — 48% opposed to removal, vs. 47% in favor.

While that’s obviously not a big shift, these polls show that the massive publicity push of hearings and live events did absolutely nothing to bring any new support to the Democrats’ side.

■ Where are the 2020 Democrats? Even though there seems to be essentially no chance that impeachment will actually remove Donald Trump from office, the publicity surrounding the House Democrats’ efforts has starved their party’s presidential candidates of mainstream media attention.

While the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts spent 1,143 minutes covering President Trump, the top Democrat, former Vice President Joe Biden, received a mere 107 minutes of coverage — and most of that (78 minutes) consisted of references to the investigations of Biden and his son, Hunter, that the President talked about in his phone call with the President of Ukraine. Biden’s actual campaign was barely noted: Just 29 minutes, or about 1/40th of Trump’s total.

Other top Democrats were just as invisible: Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg received 30 minutes of network attention as he entered the race in November. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders each logged about 24 minutes of airtime (most of Sanders’ coverage was of his recovery from a heart attack in early October).

Pete Buttigieg, the now-former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who vaulted to the top of the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire during the past 100 days, received a meager 7 minutes, 43 seconds of evening news coverage during this period, while Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar managed just 5 minutes of airtime.

Apart from “horse race” statements about each candidate’s standing in the race (not counted in our positive/negative spin score), there were too few evaluative statements of the Democratic candidates to report individual statistics. But the four candidates atop the polls during this period (Biden, Sanders, Warren and Buttigieg) together received 31 positive statements, vs. 26 negative statements, for a combined score of 54% positive press.

(Methodology: To determine the spin of news coverage, our analysts tallied all explicitly evaluative statements about each candidate from either reporters, anchors or non-partisan sources such as experts or voters. Evaluations from primary rivals or other partisan sources, as well as neutral statements, were not included.)

As for President Trump, evening news viewers heard 72 positive statements vs. 981 negative statements during the same period, for a 93% negative spin score. While most citizens would want their media to be even-handed in their coverage of candidates, the networks seem poised to be as lopsidedly negative in their coverage of Trump’s 2020 campaign as they have been in their coverage of his presidency.

Deanna Lorraine (CA-12 Race) Challenges Nancy The Flagrant Pelosi

Image result for deanna lorraine



I support our President Donald J. Trump and his America First agenda. I believe his heart is in the right place and is overall taking our country in the right direction. I’m a very proud American, Conservative and I come from a family of Italian and Spanish hard-working business-owners. I was born and raised in California and am committing to making California great, safe, and prosperous again.

  • I support the border Wall and a tight, common-sense border security and Immigration policy. I will fight to get The Wall built and have an immigration system that reduces illegal immigration and keeps American citizens safe and prosperous. I am for a MERIT-based immigration system, ending the Visa lottery, chain migration, and catch-and-release.
  • JOBS: Let’s get the homeless and unemployed off the streets, off of government dependencies and into jobs! Jobs create pride, loyalty to America and happier lives. #HomelessToHopeful
  • I will always stand for the National Anthem and will promote patriotism and love of country among Americans. I believe the only way Americans can truly heal and unify is to restore a shared love of America and its exceptionalism once again.
  • Fix the massive Opioid Crisis. A close family member has been battling with Oxycontin addiction on and off for the last decade, so this issue is very close to my heart and I know that millions of Americans are struggling with this privately every day -regardless of their political beliefs
  • Reduce Human & Sex Trafficking – This another one of those real problems that is affecting ALL Americans that we should come together on
  • Pro 2nd Amendment: Real law-abiding gun-owning Americans know that guns and the NRA aren’t the problem, the people are the problem, and I’ll never support any kind of modifications to our 2a


I am committed to restoring the American Family, the Institution of Marriage, and unifying relationships between men and women. I believe strong relationships and strong families create a strong America. Our country is in a crisis of broken families and fatherless homes, and we need to restore these crucial elements to improve our country’s prosperity

  • The first step is to encourage Americans to get married and have families. I will introduce what I call The Pro-Marriage & Family TAX CODE: which will include REMOVING the ‘Marriage Penalty tax,’ so Americans don’t get punished financially for getting married. I will also look at increasing the Child Tax Credit
  • Fix the Broken Family Court System: We want to encourage families staying together, staying committed, and working on their marriages. I believe that the current debate over toughening our divorce laws is a healthy one, and deserves our renewed attention due to the massive toll divorce takes on our economy, children, and the ripple effects to the communities.
  • I want to revisit the impact of No-Fault Divorce laws, and perhaps tightening or reversing them, to encourage couples to give it more thought and effort to stay married. As a child of divorced parents I am passionate about having a country that encourages families staying together rather than quick and easy divorce:
  • But in the event a couple does decide to get divorced, I will introduce a 50/50 Shared Custody Presumption, so children can have a strong relationship with both parents, we can avoid long ugly battles over child custody, and reduce parental alienation and fatherless homes. Children need to see both parents on a regular basis and parents have a right to see and raise their own children – yet as the system stands right now, the courts favor women in custody cases and women get majority custody in 80% of the time; Parental alienation and false accusations often ensue, and this leads to many fatherless homes. We need to fix this broken system so children have the best shot at having strong relationships with both parents despite divorce.


We need to save the principles and Values that made America so Exceptional if we want to restore California and America

  • The PROTECT AMERICA’S CHILDREN & FAMILIES ACT: In order to restore our culture, we need to engrain strong traditional values in our children once again. I believe morals, sex, and gender should be taught by loving parents in the home – not by Planned Parenthood or radical Leftist “teachers.” So I will introduce the “Protect America’s Children & Families Act,” which will include reducing the “mandatory” Sexuality, Abortion and Gender curriculum from schools and tax-payer money, and require parental approval and choice to withdraw child from classes when inappropriate material is presented.
  • I will also be a fierce fighter of Defending Religious Liberty. We need to ensure that no federal agency can discriminate against any individuals or institutions who adhere to their religious beliefs or speech. We may not always love what someone has to say, but they have the God-given inalienable right to say it. THAT is America. That is what makes America EXCEPTIONAL.
  • DEFEND FREE SPEECH: I will fight to ensure that America remains a nation of total Free Speech. I will be calling for the end of Censorship of Free Speech, especially of Conservatives and Conservative ideas.
  • I am calling for the big tech monopolies of Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter and Apple to be broken up. These social media giants ARE the only ‘Public square,’ and their power has become dangerous to our liberty. There is no precedent for their ability to monitor, organize and censor the conversations of everyone around the world. We all know how dangerous this is to shaping narratives, pushing agendas, changing public opinions, and even influencing elections – so it’s time we step in and break these companies up.



Bombshell: Obama Granted AMNESTY to Terror Chief Soleimani as Part of Iran Deal

January 7, 2020 Baxter Dmitry News, US 10

Former President Barack Obama granted amnesty to Iranian terrorist mastermind Gen. Qassem Soleimani as part of the 2015 Iran Deal, according to newly surfaced reports.

Former President Barack Obama granted amnesty to Iranian terrorist mastermind Gen. Qassem Soleimani as part of the 2015 Iran Deal, according to newly surfaced reports.

The reports, which prove Obama was the most dangerous president in US history and an inveterate supporter of global terrorist activity, reveal the Obama administration removed Soleimani from a list of Iranian outlaws, along with other leaders of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

According to an in-depth geopolitical report in the Telegraph in 2015, Defence Editor Con Coughlin questioned Obama’s decision to protect the Iranian terror chief and declared that Soleimani “fully deserves his reputation as one of the world’s leading terrorist masterminds.”

For over a decade, he has been the driving force behind an array of Iranian-sponsored terrorist groups, from Hizbollah to Hamas, which have orchestrated a reign of terror throughout the Middle East,” according to the report.

Found buried on page 86 of the annex of President Obama’s “historic” deal with Iran, Soleimani was granted amnesty and was taken off the list of blacklisted terrorists – together with a number of senior members of the Islamic Republic’s Revolutionary Guards.

In addition to submitting to the Iranian regime with the agreement granted in 2015, Obama continued to provide assistance to the Islamic republic, attempting to gain the rogue state backdoor access to the United States financial system, thus circumventing the sanctions on the country.

According to a June 7, 2018 report by the chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), the “Obama administration secretly granted a specific license authorizing the conversion of Iranian assets worth billions of U.S. dollars using the U.S. financial system.”

The transactions did not take place because the U.S. banks refused to complete the requests, preferring to respect the law.

A very significant part of the economic liquidity that Iran achieved with the nuclear deal signed with Obama was invested in its uranium enrichment program and in financing terrorist groups in the Middle East and Syria, a Wall Street Journal article stated.

Obama sought to win over the Tehran regime by avoiding confrontation and letting Iran get away with it in Syria and elsewhere,” the Wall Street Journal said.

The American drone strike, which killed terrorist Soleimani, is considered a deterrent decision by President Donald Trump.On January 3, Trump said the decision to annihilate Iran’s top military commander, Soleimani, was in line with the current administration policy.

As president, my highest and most solemn duty is the defense of our nation and its citizens,” the president said.

President Trump described the successful execution as “a flawless precision strike that killed the number-one terrorist anywhere in the world, Qassem Soleimani,” according to the White House.


Trump Curse: Red Sox Manager Who Refused To Visit President Trump In The White House With His Team — Is Fired For Cheating |

Trump Curse: Red Sox Manager Who Refused to Visit President Trump in the White House with His Team — Is Fired for Cheating

Former Red Sox Manager Alex Cora who refused to visit the White house after the Red Sox won the World Series was fired this week.

Red Sox management said it was on ‘mutual terms”. Cora worked for the Huston Astros and cheated there to help the Astro win the world series… Then Cora came to Boston and cheated in Boston to help the Red Sox win the World Series.

The whole management staff from the Astros was fired earlier this week.

According to a reader, “All of the players had to have known too! They used a camera out in center field to get the catcher’s signals and then relayed them to the batters. Both teams should forfeit their titles.”

Trump Curse strikes again.

Alex is not getting much sympathy online.

Source: Trump Curse: Red Sox Manager Who Refused To Visit President Trump In The White House With His Team — Is Fired For Cheating | Tea Party

O’Keefe: Bernie Sanders’ Iowa Field Director Bailed Kyle Jurek Out of Jail After Recent Arrest – Were Campaign Funds Used to Bail Him Out?

O’Keefe: Bernie Sanders’ Iowa Field Director Bailed Kyle Jurek Out of Jail After Recent Arrest – Were Campaign Funds Used to Bail Him Out?The Gateway Pundit by Cristina Laila

Project Veritas this week released part 1 and 2 of their “Expose 2020” series showing a Bernie Sanders field organizer praising Joseph Stalin and saying he had a legitimate reason to use gulags.

The Bernie field organizer called for the mass murder of opposition if President Trump wins reelection.

“F*cking cities will burn” if Trump gets reelected Bernie Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek told an undercover Project Veritas journalist.

In the video you see Bernie’s Field Organizer Kyle Jurek suggesting that Trump supporters need re-education camps.

Bernie’s Field Organizer has a long arrest record.

Kyle Jurek was arrested on drug charges back in 2016 and he was arrested again in 2009 on drug charges.

Mr. Jurek was arrested again in 2016 on drug charges and operating while intoxicated.

Kyle Jurek was arrested last year in September in Urbandale, Iowa, again on drug charges.

James O’Keefe reported on Thursday that Kyle Jurek was just released on bail earlier this week after his arrest on January 7, 2020.

Mr. Jurek is still on the Sanders campaign.

UPDATE: @BernieSanders Campaign Organizer Kyle Jurek was just released on bail earlier this week after his arrest on 01/07/2020.

Jurek is still on the Sanders campaign. #Expose2020

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 16, 2020

O’Keefe reported that Bernie Sanders’ Iowa Regional Field Director Luke bailed Kyle Jurek out of jail.

“He’s like ‘don’t say another word,’ we (Sanders campaign?) already processed your bail… sit tight.”

Were campaign funds used? O’Keefe asked.

BREAKING: @BernieSanders Field Organizer; Sanders Iowa Regional Field Director Luke bailed him out of jail after recent drug arrest.

“He’s like ‘don’t say another word’, we(Sanders campaign?) already processed your bail…sit tight”

Were campaign funds used?#Expose2020

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 16, 2020

The post O’Keefe: Bernie Sanders’ Iowa Field Director Bailed Kyle Jurek Out of Jail After Recent Arrest – Were Campaign Funds Used to Bail Him Out? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit. Visit Website

More Sabre Rattling By The Iranian mullahs

Most ‘experts’ will never say that there is never a chance of war when you have terrorists and weapons. However in this case it’s all talk, hot air, cry baby sour pusses that hold a pariah status minimally for the world, but to the extreme for the Iranian people. The sanctions are in, the money is stopping and these men have isolated the country from the world at this point. They have no choice but to deescalate or the others won’t play with them.

They will always have allies. The most recent and greatest ally was Obama. That is just one reason how we got in this mess and why it will continue unless we take the reigns to somehow retain a peaceful world.

Regardless, the Trump Doctrine continues to work to bring the world together in communication and negotiations for all humans. Why do you think Hong Kong Protesters hold up pictures of President Trump, American Flags and sing our National Anthem or Iranian people chanting we were told the enemy is America, but the enemy is here. They see freedom and they deserve it. The list of President Trump’s accomplishments are becoming endless and it is an amazing time to be alive to witness this!

The Trump Doctrine is a teachable moment for those smart enough to learn it. Make no mistake, President Trump has made everyone he meets want to be and do better! For those who remain jealous, they will never see it let alone learn it.

So this article is fluff, a nothing to see here moment. The Ambassador is back in the UK but for some reason he must not have paid attention to the Trump Doctrine, because he’s going back to Iran. We may get another Anti-Benghazi moment where we have to come in again to save our guys and our allies! It’s what we do best! The saga continues. ~ TiLT

Cleric Says Iranians Will Chop British Ambassador ‘To Small Pieces’

A hard-line Islamist cleric in Iran threatened the British ambassador to the country, saying that supporters of former Iranian Revolutionary Guard leader Qasem Soleimani would “chop him to small pieces.”

Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda, an extreme Islamic cleric, addressing Shiite Muslims in the eastern holy city of Mashhad in Iran, condemned the presence of United Kindom ambassador Rob Macaire in the country, following the ambassador’s arrest in Tehran on Saturday.

The Ayatollah said that if Iran were to expel the British diplomat it would be “the best thing that can happen to him” as supporters of Qassem Soleimani would “chop him to small pieces” if Macaire remained, according to Sky News.

Alamolhoda’s comments were bolstered by Iran’s judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili, who said on state television: “Based on international regulations, the British ambassador in Iran is an undesirable element.”


A cardboard depiction of the British ambassador was also burned in effigy at the University of Tehran at a memorial service for the victims of the Ukranian passenger flight that was shot down by the Islamist regime.

The effigy was set on fire along with American and British flags by a local Shiite militia loyal to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei.

The ambassador was detained in Iran on Saturday by police after attending a vigil for 176 victims of the Ukranian passenger plane that was “unintentionally” shot down by the Revolutionary Guard over Tehran.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said that the actions taken by Iran against the ambassador were in violation of the Vienna Convention and only served to emphasize the Islamist regime’s “pariah status” throughout the world.

“The Iranian government is at a crossroads moment. It can continue its march towards pariah status with all the political and economic isolation that entails or take steps to deescalate tensions and engage in a diplomatic path forward”, said Raab.

Ambassador Macaire has returned to the United Kingdom, although the Foreign and Commonwealth Office says the trip was long-planned and the ambassador will be returning to Iran “in the coming days”.


The news comes as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threatened European military members in the region should the governments of the UK, Germany and France continue to challenge the regime on its violations of the 2015 nuclear deal.

“Today, the American soldier is in danger, tomorrow the European soldier could be in danger”, warned Rouhani.

Follow Kurt on Twitter at @KurtZindulka


Source: Cleric Says Iranians Will Chop British Ambassador ‘To Small Pieces’

Our First Lady

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“She briefly attended the University of Ljubljana where she studied architecture for a year, but opted out when she signed with an agency in Milan to model full-time. She worked primarily in Italy before moving to the United States in 1996, where her career took off. Her initial runway success caught the attention of famous photographers and landed her the covers of many well-known magazines, including the vaunted Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue,” the book also explains.

“Melania Knauss met Donald Trump in 1998 at a Fashion Week party at the Kit Kat Club in Manhattan” — and  by that time, she was gracing the covers of the world’s biggest fashion magazines.

The couple were engaged by 2004 and, the following year, they “had the wedding of a lifetime in Palm Beach, Florida.” Advertisement

More from LifeZette TV

“On the star-studded guest list was future nemesis Hillary Clinton and her husband and former president, Bill Clinton,” by the way.

The book explains that “2006 was an amazing year for Mrs. Trump”: That year, the Trumps’ son, Barron, was born and she became an American citizen.

Just 10 years later, in November 2016, when Donald Trump was elected 45th president of the United States, “Melania Trump became only the second first lady born outside the United States. (The first was British-born Louisa Adams, spouse of John Quincy Adams.)”

“Melania Trump’s journey from a communist upbringing in Slovenia to becoming first lady of the United States gives her a perspective on true freedom that most people from western Europe and the United States take for granted.”

The book highlights the journey of someone who brings her own “distinctive elegance” to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and to her work on behalf of Americans. Advertisement

At a time when so many people appear to go out of their way to disrespect America’s first lady for their own political purposes — or simply because they can, on social media and elsewhere — it’s refreshing to see a new book that captures so much of Melania Trump’s grace, beauty and poise — and all of her charitable and humanitarian work as well.

She’s shown with children, with dignitaries, with staff, with Americans across the country. She’s shown sharing details of her Be Best campaign, a comprehensive initiative for children and families focused on three main points: well-being, fighting opioid abuse, and positivity on social media.

And she’s shown in diligent moments at the White House, as she oversees a variety of events, activities and arrangements.

Americans can appreciate their first lady — as she deserves to be appreciated.

For more information, see this link.


lynch law


Definition of lynch law

: the punishment of presumed crimes or offenses usually by death without due process of law

To which President Trump is innocent of any crimes supposed or otherwise, so why are we here? Because the globalists plan is under attack and we are winning, that’s why. They are not going to stop either, until WE stop them! Patriots unite! Pray for this President, he is the only thing standing between us and a very powerful takeover of America. We cannot let this happen. Stop them at every turn! Even when your friends repeat the lie, tell them it’s a lie! Ask them to prove that it is true! They will not have an answer and be cautious to open their mouth again unless they get informed. That always leads to getting red pilled because you cannot deny facts. The truth exists with or without us. It all depends on whether you choose to acknowledge it. ~ TiLT

Project Veritas: James O’Keefe Strikes Again!

James O’Keefe Strikes Again: Bernie’s Campaign Field Organizer Wants Trump Supporters in Re-education ‘Gulags’ Following Bernie’s Inauguration as President (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft

by Jim Hoft January 14, 2020 325 Comments

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe taunted Democrats on Sunday and revealed he will be releasing the ‘first bombshell tape’ of the 2020 election this week.

“You aren’t going to want to miss what we expose in 2020,” O’Keefe said reminding Americans that his undercover videos exposed “bird dogging” and other schemes cooked up by the Democrats to start fights at Trump’s rallies in 2016.

O’Keefe released a teaser of his first undercover bombshell video exposing 2020 Democrats and it looks like Bernie Sanders will be O’Keefe’s first target based on hints in his vignette.

James teased the new release with video of himself reading “The Gulag Archipelago” by Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solshenityn.

On Tuesday morning James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released their teaser video from the Bernie Sanders Campaign.

In the video you see Bernie’s Field Organizer Kyle Jurek suggesting that Trump supporters need re-education camps.

Jurek then says cities will burn if President Trump wins again.

BREAKING: “If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the @DNC Convention, f**king Milwaukee will burn” – @BernieSanders Field Organizer Kyle Jurek


— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 14, 2020

The full video is coming out at noon.

Iran Murdering Its People – Thousands Dissenting

This video below shows the protesters bordering the flags are shaming those walking on the American Flag:

Warning- Graphic Video: Regime forces shoot at female protester in Tehran. Man who sent me this video was crying so hysterically, he could not speak. #IranProtests

BREAKING: Durham Criminal Investigation Zeros In On Brennan, Communications With Comey

By  Ryan

John Brennan James Comey
Getty Images: Alex Wong / Alex Kraus/Bloomberg


United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation is reportedly taking a close look at former CIA Director John Brennan.

Durham has “requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry,” The New York Times reported. “He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.”

In October, The Times reported that the investigation had shifted from an administrative review into a full-fledged criminal investigation based on evidence that had allegedly been uncovered.

Durham is also reportedly taking a close look at whether Brennan made contradictory statements between his private and public remarks about the anti-Trump Steele dossier and about “any debate among the intelligence agencies over their conclusions on Russia’s interference.”

The Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz’s report on the FBI’s misconduct in surveilling the Trump campaign during the 2016 campaign found that the CIA informed the FBI not to rely on the Steele dossier because they viewed it as being as credible as an “internet rumor.”

The New York Times added:

Mr. Brennan has come into Mr. Durham’s sights as he has focused on the intelligence community assessment released in January 2017 that used information from the F.B.I., the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency to detail Russia’s meddling. They concluded that President Vladimir V. Putin ordered an influence campaign that “aspired to help” Mr. Trump’s chances by damaging his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Officials and analysts who worked on that assessment disagreed on how to treat two pieces of intelligence: the assertion that Mr. Putin wanted to help Mr. Trump win rather than simply sow chaos, and the contents of the dossier of salacious, unproven allegations about links between Russia and Trump associates compiled by a British former spy, Christopher Steele.

Mr. Durham’s investigators also want to know to more about the discussions that prompted intelligence community leaders to include Mr. Steele’s allegations in the appendix of their assessment.

Attorney General William Barr told Fox News on Wednesday that Durham was “not just looking at the FBI. He is looking at other agencies and also private departments and also private actors and so it is a much broader investigation. And also he is not just looking at the FISA aspect of it. He is looking at all the conduct – both before and after the election.”

Barr also slammed disgraced former FBI Director James Comey, saying, “One of the things that I object to is the tact being taken by Comey, which is to suggest that people who are criticizing or trying to get to the bottom of the misconduct are somehow attacking the FBI. I think that’s nonsense. We’re criticizing and concerned about misconduct by a few actors at the top of the FBI and they should be criticized if they engaged in serious misconduct. That doesn’t mean we are criticizing the FBI and I think the tact of trying to wrap yourself in the institution and say gee, people who are criticizing the decisions I made are attacking the institution. I notice people don’t do that as far as I’m concerned. People feel free to criticize me and I don’t say gee you’re attacking the honest men and women of the Department of Justice. I think leaders have to own their decisions and are fair game if they make bad decisions.”

This article has been updated to include additional information.

The Historic Trade Agreement USMCA Was Signed Over A Year Ago

It took the Democratic Majority held House over a year to sign the USMCA. Why? Because they were more interested in obstructing a President who they despise more than they hate Americans, for now. Maybe a handful care, but when the entire party is ordered to stay in lock step with the speaker’s agenda of destroying Donald J. Trump by any means necessary, and most certainly at the expense of this country, drastic measures become the order of the day. Thank God it’s in the hands of the Senate now and will soon be signed into law across three countries! Every citizen of every country is going to benefit! Bravo President Trump and the Trump Doctrine! ~Tilt

Remarks by President Trump, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, and President Peña Nieto of Mexico at Signing Ceremony for the United States—Mexico—Canada Agreement | The White House

Source: Remarks by President Trump, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, and President Peña Nieto of Mexico at Signing Ceremony for the United States—Mexico—Canada Agreement | The White House

Palacio Duhau – Park Hyatt Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

9:24 A.M. AST

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much.  We’re gathered together this afternoon for a very historic occasion: The signing ceremony for a brand new trade deal, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.  So important.

I’m honored to be here with President Enrique Peña Nieto — who’s become a great friend — of Mexico, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has also become a great friend, who has — this has been a battle, and battles sometimes make great friendships.  So it’s really terrific.

With our signatures today, we will formally declare the intention of our three countries to replace NAFTA with the USMCA a truly groundbreaking achievement.  A modern-day agreement.

I want to thank U.S. Trade Representative Bob Lighthizer and his entire team for their tremendous effort and the efforts that they’ve made all throughout the last almost two-year period.

Thank you as well to Jared Kushner, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, and Director Larry Kudlow for their hard work and untiring devotion throughout the negotiation process.  Peter Navarro, thank you so much for the work that you put in.  And so many others.

The USMCA is the largest, most significant, modern, and balanced trade agreement in history.  All of our countries will benefit greatly.  It is probably the largest trade deal ever made, also.  In the United States, the new trade pact will support high-paying manufacturing jobs and promote greater access for American exports across the range of sectors, including our farming, manufacturing, and service industries.

As part of our agreement, the United States will be able to lock in our market access to Canada and Mexico, and greatly expand our agricultural exports — something we’ve been wanting to do for many years.  This is an amazing deal for our farmers, and also allows them to use cutting-edge biotechnology, and eliminates non-scientific barriers.

Our nations have also agreed to innovate new measures to ensure fair competition and promote high wages, and higher wages, for U.S. and North American autoworkers.  The autoworkers are a tremendous beneficiary.

Under the USMCA, at least 75 percent of our automobiles’ content must be manufactured in North America, and 40 to 45 percent of automobile content must be manufactured by North American high-wage labor in order to gain preferential access to our markets.  This will help stop auto jobs from going overseas and it will bring back auto jobs that have already left.  Many, many jobs are already planning to come back.  Many companies are coming back, and we’re very excited about that.

This landmark agreement includes intellectual property protections that will be the envy of nations all around the world.  The USMCA also contains robust new provisions on digital trade and financial services, and the most ambitious environmental and labor protections ever placed into a major trade agreement anywhere at any time.

We have dramatically raised standards for combatting unfair trade practices; confronting massive subsidies for state-owned enterprises; and, currently, if you look at it, currency manipulation that hurt workers in all three of our countries.  The currency manipulation from some countries is so intense, so bad, and it would hurt Mexico, Canada, and the United States badly.  We’ve covered it very well in this agreement.

These new provisions will benefit labor, technology, and development in each of our nations, leading to much greater growth and opportunity throughout our countries and across North America.

In short, this is a model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever.  And this is an agreement that, first and foremost, benefits working people — something of great importance to all three of us here today.

President — I must say, Peña Nieto and Prime Minister Trudeau, we’ve worked hard on this agreement.  It’s been long and hard.  We’ve taken a lot of barbs and a little abuse.  And we got there.  It’s great for all of our countries.

Thank you for your close partnership throughout this process.  This new agreement will ensure a future of prosperity and innovation for Mexico, Canada, and the United States.  I look forward to working with members of Congress and the USMCA partners — and I have to say, it’s been so well reviewed, I don’t expect to have very much of a problem — to ensure the complete implementation of our agreement.

Enrique, I want to thank you on a personal note, and I want to wish you the very best.  This will be your last day in office, so that’s a very auspicious day when you can sign something so important.  But we really do appreciate it.  I think I can speak for Justin when I say that.  (Applause.)  We both — we both agree he’s a special man.  And he’s really done a good job, and we appreciate it very much.  Thank you.

So I just want to congratulate you on ending your term in office with this incredible milestone.  It is really an incredible way to end a presidency.  You don’t see that happen very often.

I look forward to working with President-elect López Obrador for many years to come.  And our relationship, I know, will be a very good one.  We’ve had great conversations and I think we’re going to have a great, great relationship.

And I would now like to invite the President and the Prime Minister to say a few words.  And perhaps we can start with Justin.  And we appreciate it very much.  Thank you.  Justin, please.  (Applause.)

PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU:  Good morning.  Thank you all for being here, and thank you to Presidents Trump and Peña Nieto.  Donald, thank you for your words this morning.  Thank you for pulling this event together.  Enrique, this, as Donald said, on your last day in office, it’s a wonderful pleasure to see you and to be here on this historic moment.

The new North American Free Trade Agreement maintains stability for Canada’s entire economy — stability that’s essential for the millions of jobs and middle-class families across the country that rely on strong, reliable trading relationships with our closest neighbors.  That’s why I’m here today.

The new agreement lifts the risk of serious economic uncertainty that lingers throughout a trade renegotiation process.  Uncertainty that would have only gotten worse and more damaging had we not reached a new NAFTA.

But when faced with this challenge, Canadians came together and rolled up their sleeves.  Canadians from every order of government and walks of life put their country’s interests first and worked hard to achieve a new, modernized agreement that will protect jobs, strengthen the middle class, and create new opportunities for businesses.

There’s much more work to do in lowering trade barriers and in fostering growth that benefits everyone.  But reaching a new free trade agreement with the United States and Mexico is a major step for our economy.

Canadians got here because Team Canada was driven by the interests of the middle class.  Free and fair trade leads to more and better-paying middle-class jobs for more people.  And the benefits of trade must be broadly and fairly shared.  That is what modernizing NAFTA achieves, and that is why it was always so important to get this new agreement done right.

As a result, the tariff-free access that NAFTA guaranteed for more than 70 percent of Canada’s total exports is secure.  And that’s essential for businesses, families, jobs, entrepreneurs, and hardworking people in every corner of our country.

As I said, the task isn’t done.  There is more hard work ahead to build resilient, strong economies that support families everywhere in Canada.

As I discussed with President Trump a few days ago, the recent plant closures by General Motors, which affects thousands of Canadian and American workers and their families, are a heavy blow.  Make no mistake: We will stand up for our workers and fight for their families and their communities.

And, Donald, it’s all the more reason why we need to keep working to remove the tariffs on steel and aluminum between our countries.

With hard work, good will, and determination, I’m confident we will get there.  Our shared interests, prosperity, and security demand it.

Before wrapping up, I’d like to personally thank our Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, along with U.S. Trade Representative Bob Lighthizer, and Mexican Secretary of the Economy Ildefonso Guajardo for all their hard work and dedication since the very beginning of this process.  I’d also like to thank Ambassador David MacNaughton, Chief Negotiator Steve Verheul, and their talented and extremely hardworking staff.

Once again, thank you all for being here today.  (Applause.)

PRESIDENT PEÑA NIETO:  (As interpreted.)  President of the United States, Donald Trump; Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau; distinguished members of the delegations joining us today: To both, I would like to thank you for your generous remarks.

This is precisely the last day of my administration, ladies and gentlemen, members of the media.  During the last day of my administration as President, I am honored to be here standing next to the leaders of two countries who are friends and partners in this signing ceremony of the new trade agreement between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada.

The agreement that we will sign today expresses the shared will by our three nations to work together towards the wellbeing and prosperity of each one of our societies.  This day is the culmination of a long process based on dialogue and negotiations that allow us to overcome differences and to conciliate our visions.  Once signed, the agreement will be sent to our congresses for its ratification.  It will be then when this innovative instrument bears fruit by offering a more inclusive, firm, and modern foundation for our future exchanges.

The negotiation of USMCA allowed to reaffirm the importance of economic integration in North America.  For more than a quarter of a century ago, our three countries have maintained very tight trade relationships.  Such trade has transformed Mexico.  Today, our exchanges abroad represent more than 70 percent of our gross domestic product.

And this has contributed to the fact that, today, the benefits of trade with the world are broadly valued by the Mexican society.  Revamping the new trade agreement was aimed to preserve the view of an integrated North America, with a firm belief that together we are stronger and more competitive.

In spite of the progress that we’ve seen in our trade relationship in the last two decades, there was still a long road ahead of us to take advantage of each country’s potential.  The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement gives a renewed face to the process of integration.  This process achieved, on the first place, to modernize our trade framework.  Trade agreements shall not be static.  Agreements need to move along with the economy and should be according to the needs of our society.

The inclusion of new provisions on e-commerce, information technologies, and trade-enabling practices are now part of the agreement.  In fact, one third of the agreement includes topics that were not included in the current agreement.  The renegotiating process of the agreement allowed our region to move into a more inclusive integration — a type of integration that listens to the demands of our societies.

Twenty-four years ago, NAFTA set a new benchmark for trade agreements back then.  Today, USMCA is the first trade agreement that incorporates elements that address the social impact of international trade.  It enables the participation of more sectors in the economy, including the participation of SMEs in regional trade.  It extends the protection of workers’ rights, strengthens the protection of the environment, and also includes a review clause that would make easier that the agreement is revamped more constantly.  And this is a true sign of the will we have put in this agreement — the decision to provide more and better opportunities to our peoples.

I would like to acknowledge the work done by the negotiators from the three countries.  Each team advocated for each country’s interests.  And by doing this, you reached a very positive result for the sake of all countries.

In the case of Mexico, this work bears testimony of the work of the business community who were present during the process, and specifically the new administration that will take office tomorrow.  Your support, and the alignment of visions in the last phase, contributed to the success of this renegotiation process.
I would like to say that I sincerely acknowledge President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau for their vision and the vision that they have put into the process.  Thanks to you, President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau, the agreement that we have signed today will allow each country to gain individually, but also North America will grow stronger and will grow to be more prosperous.

Ladies and gentlemen, currently in the world, each country’s future is firmly linked to what happens in other countries.  In North America, we understand this very clearly.  We understand that each society’s prosperity will be greater and will be deeply rooted if it’s based in the prosperity of the region as a whole.

This signing ceremony, it is a sign that Mexico, the United States, and Canada, being close — not only due to our geography but on values and our expectations — we’re ready to begin a new chapter in our shared history.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

(The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement is signed.)


9:43 A.M. AST