Category Archives: TiLT News

America: Sick No More

Our Flag
America is sick. Every day brings more division, more violence, more hate, more danger to self-preservation and a government not of, by or for the people, in fact it has turned on Americans. The question is what are YOU going to do about it?

I see many trying to help but the multitudes are completely stuck in fear and oppression. (some just feel above it all) They have become stagnate largely due to the dumbing down of America via education, video games and television; with both parents working, the government, the schools and strangers are molding and teaching your children who will never learn their own traditions and history without parents there to teach them.

I see the remnants of a once great nation in the middle of yet another election, an election the likes of which none of us have seen, ever. I see Americans divided right down the middle, at least those who halfway care or have half a brain to see it for what it is – you’re either for America or you want to fundamentally change her OR bring her to her knees. There are a million reasons why and only one way out.

I also see this may be our last chance to save America, whether you believe it or not, whether you care or not, we all may wake up one day and it will all be gone because we did not take care of the gift we have been given. For those “Americans” who have done everything you can to bring down a good man called Donald Trump, or have done nothing to support him other than mock him personally, socially, and in the gutter with manufactured stories, you will not be forgotten. In fact, you will be reminded when America is Great Again that this is what you did NOT want. You did NOT want the only candidate who really does love and want to fix America, a sick America that you overtly refused to recognize as being exactly what she needed. In fact, you aren’t willing to save America because you aren’t willing to seek truth, to do the research, read your history or do your civic duty and/or you just don’t care about or love America. But you’ll easily buy into the lies and attacks either out of laziness or you perceive it to be more fun to be negative and tear things apart rather than make them better. Positive begets positive and negative begets negative. YOU have made a conscious decision to support the status quo of traitors and a treasonous corrupt (incorporated) government. YOU have CHOSEN to swallow lies, endanger this country even more via the corrupt politicians YOU vote in – all while your fellow patriots keep trying to tell you otherwise. YOU not only refuse to hear it but you fight it at every juncture as if in some kindergarten sandbox. The lack of common sense is breathtaking.

Our youth has had all morality stripped from their senses so forgive them, they have a lifetime to learn otherwise if they choose. That is the responsibility of the elders of this nation because we owe it to these kids, whether they want to hear it or not. The rest of you will hold the mark of turncoat because you should know better. I don’t know if naysayers care about being marked as a turncoat, but that is where we are headed because you clearly do not understand, accept or support America or its laws. You clearly do not see the crossroad before us. One road leads to prosperity, the other to despair. Perhaps you just decided to go against the grain at the wrong time in the wrong country. How’s that working for you?

We have always been allowed to speak our mind here in America because people lost their lives fighting for that right. However, I am pretty sure the forefathers didn’t expect the respect for life, the family unit, the law, and your manners to be all but gone here in this great nation on Turtle Island. Instead it’s been made a mockery and we should all bow our heads in shame for allowing it to get this far.

Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States because we don’t have a choice, he’s the right man for the job, he’s got the hand of God upon him and we have history on our side this time. It only took 4% of the population to write, support and enact the United States Constitution and we have far surpassed that critical mass to get a real American in the White House to take back America and purge it of those who have perverted her.

If you are not aware or refuse to acknowledge it there is a movement going on in this country. Do you hear it? That is the sound of Americans, true Americans, Patriots, Lovers of Freedom, Respecters of Life and the Pursuers of Happiness! The beast, your master, has awoken turncoats, (the army of lost souls) and the only way out is to turn back or step aside. Join the fight to save America or just get out of the way because there are enough of us in motion who still love and uphold America’s ways. We are here to clean house while finishing the job of making America great again! We have always stood ready and able because we do Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of these United States of America, and TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for ALL. America is sick no more.

the eagle rises
TiLT  ~


“We’re here to stand with law enforcement,” biker spokesman says

Adan Salazar – JULY 18, 2016 442 Comments

'Bikers for Trump' Assemble In Cleveland: Photos


Motorcyclists supportive of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump are arriving in Cleveland for the Republican National Convention.

“Bikers for Trump” organizer Chris Cox told MSNBC he expects anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 bikers riding around the convention in order to be a “calming factor” against agitators wishing to carry out violence.

“We feel like it’s open season on law enforcement, there’s an assault on decency, and we’re here to stand with law enforcement, and in the event that we’re needed we’ll step up,” Cox said.

“The bikers are citizen crusaders from all walks of life,” he added.

Tweets show numerous bikers rolling in and assembling, with some estimating 3,000 are already in town.

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RNC Protests @rncprotests

Bikers for Trump arriving to #RNCinCLE #gopconvention

8:22 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Martijn Bink @NOSBINK

Bikers for #Trump zijn aangekomen. #Cleveland

9:14 AM – 18 Jul 2016 · Cleveland, OH, United States

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Will Bunch


We’ve got bikers for Trump and we’ve got Christians for Trump

9:33 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Mathieu Magnaudeix @mathieu_m

Au meeting des pro-Trump:” Build that wall!” Les “Bikers for Trump” font la sécurité. #Cleveland #GOP #convention

9:47 AM – 18 Jul 2016


res7cue @res7cuefox5

RT @Breaking911: Bikers For Trump continue to arrive in Cleveland.

9:21 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Nicolas Bourcier @NicolasBourcier

Cleveland Jour d’ouverture #gopconvention, rassemblement pro Trump (2), oui qqs bikers… devant le Cuyahoga river

9:20 AM – 18 Jul 2016


RNC Protests @rncprotests

Bikers for Trump say they will call police (there are 3000+ in town), if they see trouble. #RNCinCLE …

9:46 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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jeff @JeffroJoiner

Bikers for Trump marching to the America a First rally.

9:22 AM – 18 Jul 2016

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Arjen van der Horst


Bikers for Trump in da house. #Cleveland # RNC2016

9:13 AM – 18 Jul 2016

In an interview with Breibart, Cox reiterated that bikers were on hand to prevent violence from protest groups.

“We will be there to make sure that the delegates are allowed to exercise their right to peacefully assemble,” Cox said. “We’ve seen how these paid agitators have thrown eggs and gotten violent at other Trump events around the country and we’re not going to put up with it.”

“Veterans are the backbone of the biker community,” Cox told Breitbart. “We are patriots and unlike Black Lives Matter and the other leftist idiots, we love our cops. You won’t find one biker in Cleveland jumping on cars, lighting fires, or doing any of the other stupid things we’ve gotten used to seeing on TV the last few months.”

Bill Clinton and the Selling of US Security

Updated: 8:00 AM ET July 8, 2016

For the Clinton crime family, selling out US national security is a family business

This may be the greatest scandal in 50 years of American history.

It makes Watergate look like a jay walking charge. It makes the Iran Contra affair look like a small time operation. This is what House Republicans should have Impeached Bill Clinton for instead of lying about a White House Intern giving him head in the Oval Office. It’s called treason.


Bill Clinton is at the center of the greatest foreign policy deceit ever perpetrated on the American people. He used the power of his office to allow the selling and delivery of high tech missile defense components to governments of countries that are listed as threats to this country and the stability of the world. Russia was one of the benefactors of deals Clinton made without proper authorization from Congress. Ignoring CIA and Pentagon reports that showed how Russia was continuing a major and secretive modernization program for its strategic nuclear missile systems, Clinton allocated over $1 billion to “help” the Soviets “dismantle” their nuclear weapons. In 1995 the General Accounting Office (GAO) wrote that Moscow refuses to permit American audits of the $1.25 billion disarmament aid. This is an important issue because it allowed the Russians to use American taxpayer’s money to build new offensive nuclear weapons that directly threaten the United States.

Under U.S. law, no money could be spent in Russia until the Clinton administration certified that Moscow is not engaged in any military modernization program that exceeds legitimate defense requirements. The Clinton administration along with U.S. Air Force General Eugene Habiger, the commander of U.S. Nuclear forces signed off on the Russian aid package after returning from an exploratory trip to Russia to investigate construction of a huge secret underground base in the Ural mountains. True, the base is as big as the entire area of Washington D.C. and is defensive in purpose. In addition to the base, the Russians built two cities to house the more than 30,000 workers involved in the project. By 1996 authorities had barred defense attaches from going into the facility.

Known as Yamantau Mountain (translates to ‘evil mountain’), the facility is being constructed to offer a safe place to retaliate in the event of an American nuclear attack. To me, this represents a direct conflict of interest. Clinton gives the Russians over one billion dollars to help them take down their nuclear weapons but instead they use that money to build a huge bunker where they can wage nuclear war on the U.S.

Not only that, the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces issued a statement suggesting that nuclear missiles can be secretly deployed at the base as part of what is being called the “dead-hand doomsday system” where nuclear missiles can still be fired automatically by a command program. This means even after Russian leadership is destroyed, and no one is there to push the ‘button’, missiles will be fired automatically against the perpetrators allowing for complete destruction on a world wide scale. By April 1996, reports confirmed the automatic nuclear attack system listing it as being in the final stages of operation.

It’s more than a coincidence that 1996 saw a massive Russian military build up including major improvements to the Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic nuclear bombers as well as the long range cruise missiles they carry. Money had also made it possible to design and construct a new class of nuclear submarines called “the Borei-class strategic missile boat.” At least part of Russia’s miraculous financial bonanza is the direct result of United States money. As usual, all the public knows is that the U.S. is helping Russia to “dismantle” some of its nuclear programs.

Bill Clinton wants Americans to know that he has worked very hard to show that Russia and the United States are together in making the world a safer place. In a speech to Moscow University students, he said; “Look what our partnership has already produced. We reversed the dangerous build up of nuclear weapons. We’re two years ahead of schedule in cutting nuclear arsenals under START 1 ( Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty). START 2, which still awaits ratification in the Duma, will reduce our nuclear forces by two-thirds from Cold War levels. President Yeltsin and I already have agreed on a framework for START 3 to cut our nuclear arsenal even further.”

Clinton also announced that the two super powers agreed to share warning information on worldwide launches of ballistic missiles and space launchers. Clinton referred to an agreement by which Russia and America would no longer target each others missiles. Yet in a secret CIA report to Congress, “detargeting” is purely symbolic and does nothing to affect the targeting of strategic nuclear missiles. Placing nuclear missiles in a non target status is like putting your DVD player on pause. When you’re ready to launch, just hit the retarget button and bombs away. What’s more, there is no way of verifying if Russian missiles are in detargeted mode or not.

President Clinton went to great lengths to satisfy political debts. Of this there is no doubt. As Governor of Arkansas he saw to it that cash donors to his political campaign were given special consideration and awarded with lucrative contracts, and that same pattern stayed with him throughout his entire political career and beyond.

In 1998, CIA Director George Tenet testified that the radical Muslim regime in Iran was getting a great deal of technical assistance and materials from Russia. The year before he had testified that along with Russia, North Korea was providing technology to Iran and that it wouldn’t be more than a year before Iran would have their own medium range nuclear missiles. In 1999 Tenet once again told the Senate that the flow of missile technology had not stopped and in the last six months Russian expertise and material was flowing to Iran’s missile construction allowing them to develop more sophisticated weapons and longer range missiles. Before sanctions could be brought against various Russian companies, Iran conducted the first test flight of its new medium-range missile. This act of aggression clearly showed that Iran was now capable of destroying any threat in the Middle East as well as most of Central Europe with chemical and biological weapons.

In no uncertain terms, Clinton had helped Russia modernize her weapons systems to the tune of billions of dollars, while at the same time and behind our backs, Russia continued a secret campaign to weaponize Iran. Clinton, for all his attempts at marginalizing the seriousness of Russia’s nuclear weapons programs had failed to properly assess the Russian threat.

That Russia was involved in nuclear proliferation to our enemies was a national security failure of monstrous proportions. That a United States President would willfully and knowingly sell, trade, or supply nuclear weapons technology to our oldest adversary is one of the greatest crimes committed against the people he is sworn to protect. It gets worse. Clinton was aware that Russia had been supplying highly sensitive technology and materials to our enemy, the Iranians.

In a closed door meeting held at the Kremlin, in May of 1998, White House National Security Adviser Samuel Berger told Russian Security Council Secretary Andrei Kokoshin: “One and a half years after President Yeltsin told President Clinton that ballistic missile technology transfers to Iran would stop, it still continues… Now time is running out; the stakes are great… Unless this problem is solved we see a potential trainwreck in our relations.” Why was it up to Yeltsin to end the transfers? Why was Clinton allowing Russia to give defense secrets to Iran? Did Clinton have something to gain from allowing this? The answer can be found in a shocking conversation. On March 13, 1996, Clinton and Yeltsin met in Egypt. The minutes of this meeting were recorded in a classified document called “a memorandum of conversation.”

The document was obtained by Bill Gertz of the Washington Times and discloses President Yeltsin saying to Clinton that because of his global stature he should “support Russia and that means supporting Yeltsin.” Clinton responds by raising an issue: Russia’s refusal to allow imports of American chicken. At the time Russia was importing about 40% of America’s chickens. The major supplier of chickens in the U.S. comes from Tyson Foods of Arkansas. Owner Don Tyson, just so happens to be one of Bill Clinton’s biggest financial donors. The Russian ban on chicken imports was not without reason: the U.S. had been flooding Russia with poor quality chicken. With the ban in effect, Tyson’s profits were suffering and he needed Clinton to do something about it. Clinton, according to the classified document, assured Yeltsin that the situation was being handled. Yeltsin agreed to resume imports for continued support from Clinton. Within one week, the chicken dispute was settled and Tyson was back in business.

It was less than 50 years ago that two American citizens were tried, convicted and executed for passing information about the atomic bomb to the Russians. Their names were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. A co-conspirator, Harry Gold was sentenced to 15 years for being the courier. They were convicted under Section 2 of the Espionage Act of 1917, 50 U.S. Code 32 (now 18 U.S. Code 794) which prohibits transmitting or attempting to transmit to a foreign government information “relating to the national defense.” In my opinion, Bill Clinton violated the same statute and should suffer the same consequences.


In 1996 President Bill Clinton, at a fund raising dinner in New York City said this: “There are no more nuclear missiles pointed at any children in the United States. I’m proud of that.” But by 1998, the CIA’s National Intelligence Daily stated that “thirteen of China’s 18 long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles are targeted on the United States.” How could such a discrepancy occur? When did Clinton know and what did he do to prevent this dangerous situation? These are valid questions and in light of Clinton’s involvement in Russia’s nuclear weapons advancements, I shudder to think that this too was a result of Clinton’s business dealings.

CNN reported how China has been stealing our most sensitive nuclear secrets in an article dated May 25, 1999 and posted on their website. The article was called: China stole U.S. nuke secrets to ‘fulfill international agenda.’ The article reveals that China has been stealing the most sensitive nuclear secrets for several decades and despite high-level knowledge of the thefts, security at U.S. nuclear labs still “does not meet even minimal standards.” The CNN article goes on to state that President Clinton had known since 1995 and yet little was done about it. In April 1998 Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) disclosed detailed information that U.S. aerospace companies had helped China improve its strategic nuclear missiles as part of a major ICBM modernization effort. The named companies were listed as Loral Space & Communications Ltd., Hughes Electronics, and Motorola as supplying the Chinese with space launch technology which China used to improve its nuclear missiles.

Congressman Rohrabacher went on to say: “There is ample evidence that American technology was transferred to this hostile potential enemy of the United States… (providing) the Communist Chinese the guidance needed to upgrade and perfect highly sophisticated weapons systems, increasing the reliability and capability of Communist Chinese rockets… This has given, what anyone has to admit is at least a potential enemy of the United States, a better ability to deliver nuclear warheads to our country, to American cities, to incinerate millions of our people.” Was there a connection between Bill Clinton and any of the three corporations named as supplying China with materials that improved the lethality of their missiles? I’m glad I asked that question.

The chairman of Loral Space &Communications was a heavy financial donor to Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party in general. His name is Bernard Schwartz and in a six year period between 1992 and 1998 he donated over $1.1 million to Clinton and the party. To show his appreciation, President Clinton allowed Schwartz to travel to China with U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Clinton loosened export controls which enabled Schwartz to purchase Chinese booster rockets for use in launching Loral’s satellites. The relaxing of controls was a two way street and gave the Chinese an avenue with which to import hi tech materials from Loral and other U.S. corporations that dealt in sophisticated electronics.

Hughes Electronics was also named in Rohrabacher’s report. Its CEO, C. Michael Armstrong lobbied Clinton to relax the export controls of sensitive technology. An internal White House memo dated December 8, 1993 and originating from the National Security Council, detailed how Armstrong pressured the administration into easing the trade restrictions with China. Armstrong had threatened to launch a major publicity campaign against the administrations sanctions if the controls were not relaxed. In 1996, a Chinese rocket (missile) carrying a $200 million Loral satellite exploded on its launch pad. Loral and Hughes put together a team of scientists to investigate the problem. The problem(s) were identified and the information was given to the Chinese consortium Great Wall Industry, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Corporation. Armed with the information supplied by Hughes and Loral, the Chinese were able to upgrade their nuclear ICBM’s.

Why did President Clinton allow this? Well it was determined that the Chinese were secretly funneling large donations to the Clinton campaign. Federal investigators found that China Aerospace Corporation had given $300,000 to Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung for Clinton’s election. In 1993, it was discoverer that China was selling missile technology to Pakistan. Under tremendous pressure from Congress, Clinton banned U.S. space industry from using Chinese rockets to launch their satellites. The ban didn’t last long and in October 1994, Clinton lifted the ban. Despite reports that China had continued to sell nuclear technology to Pakistan and missiles to Iran, Clinton signed waivers for four U.S. satellites to be launched by Chinese rockets. Clinton did this over strong objections from the State and Defense Departments. Johnny Chung and Loral’s Schwartz donated another $100,000 each to Clinton. The fact that Clinton personally issued the waivers to allow shipments of U.S. technology that greatly improved the accuracy and reliability of Communist China’s missiles is grounds for impeachment, regardless of whether or not there was any quid pro quo for those decisions.

President Bill Clinton did more to damage U.S. national security than anyone else in American history. He is a traitor to our interests and he is guilty of espionage. He should have been arrested, impeached and convicted. The question is, how did this story escape mass media attention?

I would like to credit these sources from which I have acquired information.

Stone books



CLINTON CASH: AmazonBarnes &

– See more at:

In Defense of Humanity

June 24, 2011

By AL Whitney © copyround 2011 (revised January, 2015)
Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged.

Here are some of the reasons why humanity is amazing and wondrous and can never be replaced by The Corporation’s robots (machines) or any other bizarre ‘pseudo-form’ of Post-Human. [See Aaron Frantz’s documentary The Age of Transitions.]

1) Humans have an infinite capacity for love throughout their entire lives. The ‘love list’ can be quite long: parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends, pets, nature, music, poetry, and art et cetera et cetera. It is our unlimited ability to love that saves us and brings us back to life when we’ve suffered a severe loss. [See Love is Just a Series of Actions.] Since the globalists, like the Rockefellers and their corporations (who are funding Transhumanism) love money and power above all else, they have no clue what an infinite capacity for love is or even looks like.

2) Humans (who haven’t been severely damaged) can easily empathize with others, including plants and animals. This ability to empathize is the basis of The Golden Rule and has been recognized by nearly all religions.  Kindness grew out our ability to empathize and even the ‘rules of etiquette’ were written as a way to make people feel valued and respected.

3) Humans are amazingly creative. We are continually inventing music, art, literature, and even advanced technology. In fact, humans are so creative it is very difficult to hold us back. There are literally millions of websites, blogs and facebook pages on the internet today; each one representing human creativity. This was a problem for the robber barons at the beginning of the industrial revolution, as Scott Noble’s documentary Human Resources so brilliantly explains.  They have put a lot of time and money into transforming humans into ‘human resources’. But new ideas, including ones for free energy, are being invented all the time despite the fact the would-be global energy controllers keep suppressing them.

4) Humans can express extraordinary beauty with both their voices and their bodies. These qualities have been with us for millennia. Both song and dance ‘bubble’ out of so many humans from within their spirit (soul), it is obvious they are innate qualities in our species. They are many times a direct expression of joy that comes from deep within our hearts.  Have you ever watched a small child do a ‘happy dance’? It is obviously innate.

5) Humans are funny. Humor can just bubble up from our spirit (soul) and come out of our mouths in seconds. When humans gather together, laughter always accompanies us, even when it seems inappropriate. We can’t help it, it is a part of who we are.


6) Humans are both fascinating and dear due to our uniqueness, our inconsistencies, our idiosyncrasies, and our relative unpredictability. It fact, it is impossible to predict when human inconsistencies will surface. People can claim to dislike all things in a category, but there will almost always be an exception. And, how many times have we said: “I knew I shouldn’t have done it, but I did it anyway.” How many times have we all missed the forest for the trees? How many times have we changed our minds? No matter how hard the ‘controllers’ try to depict humanity as the ‘masses’, we are all unique, both spiritually and physically.

7) Humans are capable of self-sacrifice . . . in fact we do it all of the time. Mother’s give up sleep to tend to their children, fathers work at jobs they hate to put a roof over their family’s heads, people take in their elderly parents who can no longer care for themselves, firefighters risk their lives to save people in burning buildings, solders fight and risk death to protect their ‘countries’ [who, at the moment are not worth these soldier’s sacrifices], people with very little give money to aid others in need, and the list goes on and on.

8) Humans never stop learning, whether we want to or not. Each and every day we are exposed to new information and expand our knowledge, even if only in small ways. This process never stops as we all have an infinite ability to learn.

9) Humans have wisdom and common sense which grows exponentially over the course of our lives.  Here is some evidence of extraordinary wisdom by Nicholas Gordon, author of the Poems for Free website:

Wisdom is Based in Human Nature

  • The principles of wisdom are not only discernible by reason but engraved upon the heart. This is because wisdom is part of human nature, which has evolved over millennia and is in all people the same.
  • One may ask, then, why all are not wise. The answer is that all are wise to varying degrees, just as all are to varying degrees intelligent, dexterous, creative, curious, and so on.
  • Wisdom guides our behavior so as to enable the species to survive. It does this in two ways. First, since society is the principal means of human survival, wisdom enables us to live with one another in relative peace. Second, since reason and will offer us uniquely the alternative of suicide, wisdom enables us to attain happiness and survive despair.
  • If experience were food, wisdom would be taste, enabling us to distinguish good from bad. And although all are endowed with taste, the education of taste enables one to make subtler distinctions and finer judgments.
  • Similarly with wisdom: the principles are inborn, but their application is much enhanced by upbringing, schooling, reading, conversation, the cultivation of good habits, and the emulation of the wise.
  • We are born with a taste for beauty and goodness, finding in them our deepest and most lasting pleasure. This is our gift as humans, though because of varying endowment and education we enjoy this gift to varying degrees.

In 1970 a wise and intelligent Mom, Dorothy Law Nolte, created a relatively simple list of instructions for child rearing – which if followed would enhance the development of all of our children’s natural and innate qualities: Children Learn What They Live. Of course the global-controllers would hate for this to catch on; as Ms Nolte’s instructions would help return humankind to their natural state of creativity and empowerment.

10) Humans are capable of random acts of kindness and perform them daily. Many of these acts are done quite casually and get very little recognition. However, they can actually help transform someone’s ‘bad day’ into a good one. They are generally unpredictable and always welcome. In fact, random acts of kindness can actually undermine the controller’s game plans, which are built on computerized behavior models and their “game theory”. [See Part One of the BBC Documentary The Trap, title “F*** You Buddy”.] These models are built on human selfishness, which they can predict, not individual human generosity which they cannot.

11) Human DNA and genes are brilliantly designed to adapt to Earth’s environment. This info was discovered during recent genome studies. Our genetic adaptation is linked to our belief systems. Unlike other species the survival of the ‘fittest’ does not mean the physically strongest. Our beliefs are far more complex than other species and far more important for our survival. [See microbiologist Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief.]

12) Humans are a part of an amazing biocommunication network that links them to other life forms on Earth.This phenomena was discovered by Cleve Backster in 1967. While his discoveries got very little recognition from academia and the media, they were astounding and based on solid science. Humans have the ability to communicate across the universal network some call the aether without wires, or any type of machine assistance.  The hundred monkey syndrome applies to humans as well.

Quotes from Human DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies, by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, Russian DNA Discoveries

” . . . Human DNA is a biological internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.”

“Hypercommunication in the new millennium means something quite different: Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind. Fifty percent of today’s children will be problem children as soon as the go to school. The system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today’s children is so strong that that they refuse this adjustment and giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most diverse ways.”


Only the dimwitted or severely damaged cannot recognize that the  attributes, qualities and capabilities of homo sapiens with Free Will cannot be replaced or duplicated by machines (robots).  If the global-controllers (war mongers) had gotten out of our  way – and ceased with their ‘social engineering’, Psywars and exploitation – can you imagine the fabulous and peaceful world we would have created?

Since “Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! And humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind.” we need to accept and understand that we can create the future we all want. We can do it by collective positive imaging. Let’s image families and their progeny – in perpetuity – enjoying Earth’s healthy meadows, forests, ocean beaches and mountains!


Final comment

I intentionally left God out of this discussion because he/she/it (the universe)  is defined quite differently by humans across the globe.  And even those that don’t quite ‘get’ God, should be able to recognize how truly amazing and wondrous humans are capable of being! Sadly many religions still teach the idea of ‘original sin’ that was inserted into the bible by Emperor Constantine and his buddies of the Nicean Council. Original sin = toxic (unwarranted) guilt. It is much easier to manipulate humans who feel ashamed and inadequate than to manipulate those who know they are both biologically and spiritually amazing – truly wondrous!

UPDATE!!! NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | UPDATED: Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / Currency Revaluation In Progress


Neil told you there was a ‘Revolution’ happening in his last post.

Can’t you smell it? It is moving fast, folks!

Let the history books say that World War III ended at 8:59:59 PM on April 30, 2016!

For 20 years this silent battle has been ongoing and finally came to an end on the above mentioned date. This war may not seem over, seeing there are still many cabal members who do not wish to relinquish their weapons, but in essence, it is over with.

As a result, we should be much safer than before.

The information you’re about to receive is highly relevant and somewhat tested, as a major US player in brokering assets made the call that convinced Neil to put this notice out.

Sure, the information came from the Dragon Family, whom Neil really trusts, but it was his call that assured Neil that he must let you all in on the secret before there isn’t one any longer. In other words, he doesn’t want you to miss the boat on this! Neil has no interest in this, since he holds no notes whatsoever, so his motive is purely humanitarian.

For over 7 years Neil Keenan and the Dragon Family have been inseparable through many challenges. The Family has watched Neil go through “hell and high water” to get where he is today.

Despite the loss of the FRNs and Bonds stolen (which will still be reclaimed one way or another) by Daniel Del Bosco, Neil and the Family are now tighter today more than ever. Neil made his deal and lived with it despite the Family’s never-ending doubts that anyone could get through the tremendous roadblocks set up by the Globalists trying desperately to prevent Neil from doing such a task.

The Family applauds Neil now for this announcement being made while acknowledging his enormous contributions. In fact, they love his “Never Say Die” attitude!

Some might call it “the Luck of the Irish” that Neil is still with us, but many people, who have actually participated in this and who are aware of what really happened throughout, are still speechless as well. Neil made a sincere promise and has kept it despite the many cards stacked against him, and this is what the Family is in awe of.

Neil never sat down behind a desk receiving phone calls from third party informants who ended up singing lullabiy’s while putting us to sleep with insanity, but he and many of his team went throughout the sweaty jungles and the rough Asian terrain to get what they needed.

Next, the focus is on the following, amazing Intel that Neil wants to share with you, as it is something of an “anointment” and gift to him. The Family wanted to show their thanks to Neil and Group K by allowing him access to this “History Breaking News” which you will find incredibly hard to believe.

Actually, Neil has made it clear that he has seen so many twists and turns that even he is not always sure which end is up!

But this is the news of a lifetime!!

Please, if you are over 16, sit down before you fall down, and remember Neil never believed in the RV which is the second part of his announcement. He still holds reservations, but he also understands the quality and integrity of the people who brought this important Intel to him. Therefore, he feels it is only right that he brings it to you.

If anyone dares to question Mr. Keenan’s credibility, all one has to do is look at his timeline of accomplishments and then look at those making such critical comments, and you will know they have no leg to stand on whatsoever.

Not one of them!

Remember Neil does not expect to go unscathed because of this posting, but he does expect you to keep an eye on things. Even though you might not know minute by minute what is going on, you should keep your eye on the ball as this pans out. Neil has posted this for you.

Those screaming that this is not happening have never been part of any loop so just check out their history and ask yourself what gives the right to question anyone let alone Neil who has brought so much to mankind over the years. Consequently, Neil realizes the importance of bringing this information to you.

Message from Neil Keenan to the People:

“Here you go! Just as I stated, the family controlled the entire process and got it to me immediately as it was happening in the back room!

We’ve noticed that others are coming out with their information relating to what happened.

And, guess what? It is on the same page as Neil’s so let’s appreciate what Benjamin Fulford and Zap have done for mankind by putting their necks on the line for you the people. There are also others; all you have to do is look.

For those screaming, “impossible”, just look at their histories and what they have done for this world to date.

You will find they are legends in their own minds criticizing the very people who have kept this thing turning to the point where we get an answer.

Sorry, but the world does not need incessant talkers with lullabies and all. Watch how they act and you will immediately notice who is with us and who is not.”

(By the way, Neil made the earlier video while exhausted just to get it out to you as soon as possible.)

Message to Neil Keenan from the Dragon Family:

“Let the history books say WWW III ended on April 30, 20016.”

On the evening of April 30th in Washington, DC just before President Obama was scheduled to speak at his White House Correspondent’s Dinner (WHCD), there was a secret back room deal that took place. It was a deal which had Obama and the cabal cornered.

They were given an offer they could not refuse, so after much bickering, they realized they had no choice but to surrender and sign the agreements, as overseeing “President” Dunford would push Obama aside and publicly announce the changing of the guard and the New Republic in front of all the world’s press corps. Little choice did they have!

Citibank was therefore forced to default to AIIB / WF / HSBC and become Basel III compliant.

Security Forces which earlier had been pulled from holding back the Citibank redemption locations were returned by midnight as 800#s and sovereign rates authorized for the Sunday, May 1st release.

This sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But this news was given to Neil from reliable sources at the very top who are now making the changes that are taking place in silence.

As for those who don’t like the fact the Asians are saving our asses… tough! And, yes, they like General Dunford! Most of you did nothing at all but talk so someone had to come around to save you… while you are still endlessly talking.

What was even more strange was when Obama spoke at the April 30th White House dinner where it seems like he was stuck with the old script and didn’t have time to change it before his scheduled talk.

Obama starts by saying, “It is my honor to be at my last, and perhaps the last, White House Correspondent’s Dinner… hahaha”, and he next says, “The END of the Republic never looked better!”

Wow, what he just say? Well, at least he said, “I am just counting the days before my death panel!” Then in the final act, he said the well-fitting, “I have only 2 words to close with… Obama… Out!” ( We sure hope so from the Intel we heard!)

But wait… he continues and quickly raises two fingers to his lips (Masonic secret degree sign-his obligation that enjoins secrecy) and with his other hand picks up the portable mic, raises it over his head, and then intentionally drops the mic out of his hand to the ground.

This was a very significant closing statement or a sign-language message from Obama to his “fellow men’s club”!

It’s certain that “Two fingers Obama” will keep his obligation that enjoins secrecy, but to whom?

Obama’s  Speech


A transcription of the Obama speech can be found here at the Washington Post.

Wow! It’s one thing for Obama to come out and say, “The END of the Republic has never looked better”. But with the new Intel, it actually means it’s the end of Obama and his White House Cabal Corporate members!

It is also important to note that after the WHCD,  Obama did NOT go back to the White House, because the “Obamas” no longer live there! Didn’t you hear him say, “Obama Out” … again meaning he’s no longer living at the White House?

The Obama family has now occupied an apartment for several weeks inside the beltway in order to “keep up appearances” both during his remaining months as “President” and to act as though the Obama family is staying in DC so their 2 girls can finish their education.

Neil again thanks to Ben for his recent news post being “right on the money!”

Ben: “US Armed Forces and agencies will continue to be financed, as they are being asked to clean out the filth infesting Washington DC, New York, and also, Chicago.”

In fact, Pentagon sources tell us that the White House was under lock-down April 26 and 27th “as Special Forces led by (General Joseph) Dunford entered via tunnel to demand resignations.” We can confirm there was a lock-down on those days; “officially because of a fence-jumper”.

However, President Obama has been seen in public since then so we are not quite sure what resignations were demanded.

Update from the Dragon Family:

“The historical RV is now happening, because the AFIIB / WF / HSBC put a 10:00PM deadline on Citibank to get Basel III compliant or default.

The RV is scheduled to start worldwide in harmony with the Chinese market opening on Monday at 6:00AM CST (or 6:00 PM EST on Sunday in the US). International rates are scheduled to change on Forex without fanfare as well with sovereign rates showing concurrently on the off-sight redemption centers. Private transactions will take place first so do not be concerned with the date that applies to them.

The plan is to keep everything appearing “status quo” without bringing attention to the change-over in government, currency, banking, and, ultimately, control of the Republic. Let the history books say that WWIII ended on April 30, 2016. Though this was an invisible war to the world’s public, couldn’t you smell it coming!

US 800# bank notifications are now expected sometime May 1, 2016 Sunday after darkness falls on the East Coast. Internet private group redemptions are considered T4 and are to begin after midnight on Monday morning with liquidity beginning after 8:45AM EST.

It must be remembered that this is a one-time historical event that has no precedence in protocols and procedures, even though many procedures have been prematurely presented

The final official procedures are being put into place now that all of the international matters and accounting between nations are coming to resolution. I anticipate that I will be informed of how things will proceed by Monday, May 2, 2016.

“Aspiring flippers, brokers, government and private alike, are desperately trying to lure any bringer of Historical Bonds into a submission commitment, and are offering money that the Seller/Holder cannot spend or withdraw from his bank account, not one cent!

The reason is that these parties cannot be sauces that the bonds they accumulate will be accepted by redemption, and, therefore, most of these offers will include a disclaimer and the right to return the bonds to the current holder.”

China has now officially announced that the historical bonds will be redeemed. This has already been released to the Chinese media. These announcements made in the Chinese open media today and late yesterday confirm publicly that this operation is moving forward!

There are also other sources who are optimistically informing us that international agreements are nearly completed and official ceremonies are expected to take place over the next several days.

The fact is the funds are free now! About 25,000 transactions are approved and registered also with the other end buyer of the US Treasury. If an applicant doesn’t have patience in this business field, then he is lost.

Every applicant should be grateful if his boxes or bonds for these repatriations were registered.

The lines are not opened completely yet, as the private exchanges are going through first and then, the public ones.

Fr the RV the Dinar went gold-backed last night. Madame Wu just exchanged signatures with representatives of the Fed in Atlanta and has kicked off Tier 5. Also, the Zim has gone gold-backed with a value of 1 Zim @ .118 to the dollar, announced in Europe.

For those interested there were 4 fake Madame Wu’s a few years ago, as there were 5 Spiritual White Boys (all appointed by the CIA)… One of the fake Madame Wu’s almost met her demise by playing the imposter at the hands of the Chinese government. The Chinese and Asians will call their own shots and are not concerned about any of the “peanut gallery” making public comments. They can all sit in a corner and sulk if they wish… As if saving such people is not enough in itself!

To the “Johnny-Come Latelys” – for your knowledge – Neil gets his information from military sources, various agencies, from people on the street, from heads of families, and from the families themselves, meaning Italian families and so on; they’re all good people. Ask Michael Dunn, as he heard many a conversation between Neil and heads of state that most only read about.

So next time that you may doubt Neil, first of all, understand he says he knows very little about Dinars and Zimbabwe notes.

Your questioning of the remarks made by those who entered into an agreement with Obama, Citigroup, and others shows your ignorance! While they are out there completing what needs to be done in order to protect our safety, you on the other hand, do not have given facts or credible people to come forward.

You must have enough on your own that still needs to be finished which relates to many of your own people. Get to work on your own business and don’t worry about what Neil and Group K are doing. God bless the many good people with their patience and support; they are everywhere!

Again, the historical RV is happening, because the AIB / WF / HSBC put a 10:00PM deadline on Citibank to get Basil III compliant or default. This was signed in that backroom deal at 8:59:59 PM on May 1, 2016, which brought it all back into compliance.”

Neil Keenan’s Message to The Dragon Family:

The last time I thanked you really well I believe it was with the 250,000 tons of Gold in South Korea. Am I right?

Well, there’s a lot more of that right now in South Korea that President Park is putting on the table. I believe you’d better check on that gold, because they’re talking about completing this deal any day now. The original contract of this of the gold’s origin is Chinese and it belongs to the Family.

What they’re recently trying to do is reset the gold that was stolen from China by smelting the gold and changing its appearance as well as fraudulently changing all of the security papers (changing SKR’s from old ones to new ones while not mentioning the original owners). What they didn’t count on is DNA which is how they will be caught!

We’re talking many, many tons! Everyone thinks they know about how much gold there is in the world, but they have no clue! They don’t know! I’ve seen 2 football fields of gold, more than they could ever dream of! But you hear the naysayers mumbling to themselves, “This does not exist!”

Many of these commenters have most likely never left their home state to know anything at all, but they spread malicious lies and rumors throughout the Internet as though they are experts in these matters.

South Korea is the melting pot for holding WWII gold. We are talking more than 3,000,000 mt of gold! There is more than this, but this is what is being planned via transaction between President Park and numerous International Organizations from throughout the world.

Her plans are to buttress said Global Organizations in order to save whatever can be saved of the remains of the Globalist Movement. Remember South Korea is a Global Nation.

It’s in the interest of China and also the Dragon Family to deal with this immediately and straighten this out with President Park who last time was caught red-handed and is once again repeating the same serious situation. It’s very wise to pick up the telephone and promptly call her, give her fair warning, put your satellites in place, put your boats in the water, and don’t allow either the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, or any of the others, including the Federal Reserve, from coming in and taking what belongs to you.

If you need assistance, why don’t you call M2 and, for sure, it will be taken care of! At this moment M2 is recovering from the recent accident and actually wants to go scuba diving for some pirate treasure. You just can’t keep M2 down!

It’s very likely that M2 would gladly give you a hand and is expected to return any day now. What an amazing person to stand beside and assist Neil at this crucial time!

The information just keeps on coming in, and my Group K loves it! It keeps us going having such Intel from someone so close to the top seat. As stated before, “M2 is a powerhouse!”

I might stay over in China next to your buildings or in Jakarta seeing they are right in this as well along with Singapore, Borneo, Malaysia, and South Korea. I will decide shortly where I stay over there with my team, but it will be where the action is… Count on it!

Thank You and Take Care Everyone…

Neil Keenan and The Keenan Team.

As he says himself, he is out – and not a happy camper.

Also See: Executive Order – Facilitation of a Presidential Transition

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Copyright © 2016, GROUP K, Ltd.


The evil that resides in Washington does not only kill foreign leaders who try to do the right thing, but also its own.

Paul Craig Roberts | – MAY 8, 2016

When They Killed JFK They Killed America

In the JFK administration I was a White House Fellow. In those days it was a much larger program than the small insider program it later became. President Kennedy’s intention was to involve many young Americans in government in order to keep idealism alive as a counter to the material interests of lobby groups. I don’t know if the program still exists. If it does, the idealism that was its purpose is long gone.

President John F. Kennedy was a classy president. In my lifetime there has not been another like him. Indeed, today he would be impossible.

Conservatives and Republicans did not like him, because he was thoughtful. Their favorite weapon against him was their account of his love life, which according to them involved Mafia molls and Marilyn Monroe. They must have worked themselves into fits of envy over Marilyn Monroe, the hottest woman of her time.

Unlike most presidents, Kennedy was able to break with the conventional thinking of the time.
From his experience with the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Joint Chiefs’ “Operaton Northwoods,” Kennedy concluded that CIA Director Allen Dulles and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Lemnitzer were both crazed by anti-communism and were a danger to Americans and the world.

Kennedy removed Dulles as CIA director, and he removed Lemnitzer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, thus setting in motion his own assassination. The CIA, the Joint Chiefs, and the Secret Service concluded that JFK was “soft on communism.” So did the Bill Buckley conservatives.

JFK was assassinated because of anti-communist hysteria in the military and security agencies.

The Warren Commission was well aware of this. The coverup was necessary because America was locked into a Cold War with the Soviet Union. To put US military, CIA, and Secret Service personnel on trial for murdering the President of the United States would have shaken the confidence of the American people in their own government.

Oswald had nothing whatsoever to do with JFK’s assassination. That is why Oswald was himself assassinated inside the Dallas jail before he could be questioned.

For those of you too young to have experienced John Kennedy and those of you who have forgot his greatness, do yourselves a favor and listen to this 5 minute, 23 second speech. Try
to imagine anyone among the current dolts giving a speech like this. Look how much is said so well in less than 5 and one-half minutes.

Kennedy intended to pull the US out of Vietnam once he was reelected. He intended to break up the CIA “into one thousand pieces” and curtail the military-security complex that was exploiting the US budget.

And that is why he was murdered. The evil that resides in Washington does not only kill foreign leaders who try to do the right thing, but also its own.

Here is JFK’s speech:


Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.


Ceasefire failures and a return to war

Kurt Nimmo | – MARCH 14, 2016 56 Comments

Russia Begins Withdrawing from Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the “main part” of his military to begin withdrawing from Syria.

“I consider the mission set for the Defense Ministry and the armed forces on the whole has been accomplished,” he said during a meeting at the Kremlin. “I am therefore ordering the Defense Ministry to begin the withdrawal of the main part of our military force from the Syrian Arab Republic from tomorrow.”

Putin did not specify how many troops would leave. He said, however, Russia’s Hmeimim airbase and its Mediterranean port at Tartus will continue normal operations.

Ceasefire Violations

Numerous violations of a US and Russian brokered ceasefire have occurred since February 27.

On Monday the Russian Defense Ministry said the ceasefire was violated at least 14 times over the last 24 hours in Latakia, Daraa, Damascus and Hama.

The ministry blamed Ahrar al-Sham for a mortar attack on Klyaba Kinsiba and Jabal-Alakaya in the Latakia province.

Ahrar al-Sham is backed by Saudi Arabia. Its goal is to remove al-Assad and establish and Islamic government and impose sharia law in Syria.

The United States and France have warned the government of Bashar al-Assad about responding to attacks by groups that have not signed on to the ceasefire and Secretary of State John Kerry has warned the Syrian government and Russia against “testing boundaries.”

Plan B: A Return to War

The Russian withdrawal follows the start of a new round of peace talks in Geneva to resolve the conflict. The agenda includes UN Security Council resolution 2254 focusing on the formation of a new transitional government, issues of governance, a new constitution and UN-monitored presidential and parliamentary elections within 18 months.

The Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee (HNC) insists al-Assad will have no part in a new government. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallam said any talk of removing Assad during the transitional period was “a red line.”

Kerry characterized al-Moallam’s remark as “a spoiler” designed to derail peace talks.

Staffan de Mistura, a Swedish-Italian diplomat who is the UN special envoy to Syria, said the alternative to the US and Saudi deal is a return to war.

“As far as I know the only Plan B is a return to war, and a much worse war than before,” he said.


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